Apparently It Isn't Enough That The Little Mermaid Is Now Black

What’s particularly moronic and ridiculous about this is that the Little Mermaid is a made up character – it isn’t real – and rightwing racists are outraged because it’s the ‘wrong color.’
Hey we don’t try to make Aunt Jamima
a white.
I have a semi related question.

Is there any genetic evidence like DNA as to the skin color of mermaids?
As many Jews that played American Indian tribal members in western movies.

A troll would post ^^^^

He has a legitimate point. For years, we got white actors to play native Americans in "Redface".

We had white actors playing Asians in Yellowface all the way up until the 1970's.

The very first talkie was Al Jolson in blackface singing "Mammie"

But you guys are worked up because Disney cast Halle Berry as "The Little Mermaid".

My problem isn't so much that she's black, but that she's 56.

I mean, she looks great for 56! But she's 56!

The Little Mermaid is supposed to be a teenager. That's the whole point, she's naïve about love and people.

Here's the scene I always wanted see.

He has a legitimate point. For years, we got white actors to play native Americans in "Redface".

We had white actors playing Asians in Yellowface all the way up until the 1970's.

The very first talkie was Al Jolson in blackface singing "Mammie"

But you guys are worked up because Disney cast Halle Berry as "The Little Mermaid".

My problem isn't so much that she's black, but that she's 56.

I mean, she looks great for 56! But she's 56!

The Little Mermaid is supposed to be a teenager. That's the whole point, she's naïve about love and people.

Here's the scene I always wanted see.

The idea of inclusion was to end the questionable ways of the past. All that has happened is a flip. And a nasty one at that. Antagonizing and destroying the people who do the real work to keep the nation viable is the ultimate stupidity. In employment after employment circles, they are neutered and yet still do the important work to keep things going. sadly, some have gotten lazy over the decades. Today, equity shows a shiny front with diverse people all around. The work to keep the engine running though is still done by mostly white males. Equality is different than equity. Equity is death of a nation. We could have done this differently.
Let your dollars talk and let it go, I don’t watch this stuff because the story line is done over and over and is boring, no one forces anyone to watch it.
I guarantee "The Little Mermaid" is post Walt Disney's demise.

What about Uncle Remus? That was awesome! :funnyface:

Also a standard in American literature for over a century. How many Uncle Remus stories do you know?
Uncle Remus was directly based on stories from African American folklore. Of course Lefties hate it. They are racist.
Even the most politically incorrect Disney cartoons and movies (as judged by our modern standards and inflated sense of virtue) are quite simply:


(For the benefit of our liberals, it should be noted that The Little Rascals was not a Disney production.)

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