Apparently LeBron Is Critical Of Trump Because, He Admits, He Hates White People.

Nor did they make him do this-

“When Donald opened his club in Palm Beach called Mar-a-Lago, he insisted on accepting Jews and blacks even though other clubs in Palm Beach to this day discriminate against blacks and Jews. The old guard in Palm Beach was outraged that Donald would accept blacks and Jews so that’s the real Donald Trump that I know.”

That was author Ronald Kessler in a July 2015 interview with Newsmax, talking about Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s business practices when it came to building a golf course in the Deep South.

In the 1990s, Trump was running into a problem getting his golf course approved by the local town council in Palm Beach, which was imposing restrictions on his bid.

So Trump shot back with maximum effect. As reported by the Washington Post’s Mary Jordan and Rosalind Helderman on Nov. 14, 2015: “Trump undercut his adversaries with a searing attack, claiming that local officials seemed to accept the established private clubs in town that had excluded Jews and blacks while imposing tough rules on his inclusive one.”

The Washington Post report continues, “Trump’s lawyer sent every member of the town council copies of two classic movies about discrimination: ’A Gentleman’s Agreement,’ about a journalist who pretends to be Jewish to expose anti-Semitism, and ’Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner’ about a white couple’s reaction to their daughter bringing home a black fiancé.”

Sometimes, in judging the character of an individual, it pays to see what people actually do when nobody’s really paying attention. When it came to segregation in the South at private, all-white country clubs, it might have been in Trump’s business interests to simply look the other way. Instead, Trump did the right thing and insisted on desegregation at his golf resort.

And he won.

Soon thereafter, the local restrictions were lifted and, today, the golf course is open and remains inclusive.

Or this-

Donald J. Trump received an ovation when he announced that he would donate office space to Mr. Jackson's civil rights group, the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, in 40 Wall Street, a 72-story building he is renovating.

''He's out there pushing for a lot of good things,'' said Mr. Trump, who noted that he and Mr. Jackson had become good friends over the years.

Jesse Jackson Sets Up Office To Monitor Corporate Action

He brought out the fact the justice system and the city screwed up and should have to answer for their travesty.
He did not call for their punishments until there were confessions. Once again, you want to displace the blame from those that coerced the confessions from innocents.

From his letter-

One thing we know is that the amount of time, energy and money that has been spent on this case is unacceptable. The justice system has a lot to answer for, as does the City of New York regarding this very mishandled disaster. Information was being leaked to newspapers by someone on the case from the beginning, and the blunders were frequent and obvious.

The dna came years later. Has anyone even asked him?
Why should someone have to ask you to admit your were wrong after you were told you were wrong?
Weird how there is no apology anywhere in that statement you quoted. Has he admitted he was wrong like I pointed out?
Yeah but he never apologized for his actions. The justice system didnt make him do what he did. To date he has never admitted he was wrong. Thats because he is a racist.
Nor did they make him do this-

“When Donald opened his club in Palm Beach called Mar-a-Lago, he insisted on accepting Jews and blacks even though other clubs in Palm Beach to this day discriminate against blacks and Jews. The old guard in Palm Beach was outraged that Donald would accept blacks and Jews so that’s the real Donald Trump that I know.”

That was author Ronald Kessler in a July 2015 interview with Newsmax, talking about Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s business practices when it came to building a golf course in the Deep South.

In the 1990s, Trump was running into a problem getting his golf course approved by the local town council in Palm Beach, which was imposing restrictions on his bid.

So Trump shot back with maximum effect. As reported by the Washington Post’s Mary Jordan and Rosalind Helderman on Nov. 14, 2015: “Trump undercut his adversaries with a searing attack, claiming that local officials seemed to accept the established private clubs in town that had excluded Jews and blacks while imposing tough rules on his inclusive one.”

The Washington Post report continues, “Trump’s lawyer sent every member of the town council copies of two classic movies about discrimination: ’A Gentleman’s Agreement,’ about a journalist who pretends to be Jewish to expose anti-Semitism, and ’Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner’ about a white couple’s reaction to their daughter bringing home a black fiancé.”

Sometimes, in judging the character of an individual, it pays to see what people actually do when nobody’s really paying attention. When it came to segregation in the South at private, all-white country clubs, it might have been in Trump’s business interests to simply look the other way. Instead, Trump did the right thing and insisted on desegregation at his golf resort.

And he won.

Soon thereafter, the local restrictions were lifted and, today, the golf course is open and remains inclusive.

Or this-

Donald J. Trump received an ovation when he announced that he would donate office space to Mr. Jackson's civil rights group, the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, in 40 Wall Street, a 72-story building he is renovating.

''He's out there pushing for a lot of good things,'' said Mr. Trump, who noted that he and Mr. Jackson had become good friends over the years.

Jesse Jackson Sets Up Office To Monitor Corporate Action

He brought out the fact the justice system and the city screwed up and should have to answer for their travesty.
He did not call for their punishments until there were confessions. Once again, you want to displace the blame from those that coerced the confessions from innocents.

From his letter-

One thing we know is that the amount of time, energy and money that has been spent on this case is unacceptable. The justice system has a lot to answer for, as does the City of New York regarding this very mishandled disaster. Information was being leaked to newspapers by someone on the case from the beginning, and the blunders were frequent and obvious.

Why should someone have to ask you to admit your were wrong after you were told you were wrong?
Weird how there is no apology anywhere in that statement you quoted. Has he admitted he was wrong like I pointed out?
Yeah but he never apologized for his actions. The justice system didnt make him do what he did. To date he has never admitted he was wrong. Thats because he is a racist.
Nice deflection. I dont see anywhere in there that he apologized to the Central Park Five. You do realize that Lincoln emancipated the enslaved Black people and he was a racist too right?
He could have screamed it from the rooftops and you would still find fault with him.
You don’t care about his actions showing you to be incorrect about his being racist. You want to see what you want to see, and nothing else.
Having debated you for years here, I know you will never be swayed from your own racism.

Others might be interested, though. Here is more

Trump posthumously pardons Jack Johnson, boxing's first black heavyweight champion

Nor did they make him do this-

“When Donald opened his club in Palm Beach called Mar-a-Lago, he insisted on accepting Jews and blacks even though other clubs in Palm Beach to this day discriminate against blacks and Jews. The old guard in Palm Beach was outraged that Donald would accept blacks and Jews so that’s the real Donald Trump that I know.”

That was author Ronald Kessler in a July 2015 interview with Newsmax, talking about Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s business practices when it came to building a golf course in the Deep South.

In the 1990s, Trump was running into a problem getting his golf course approved by the local town council in Palm Beach, which was imposing restrictions on his bid.

So Trump shot back with maximum effect. As reported by the Washington Post’s Mary Jordan and Rosalind Helderman on Nov. 14, 2015: “Trump undercut his adversaries with a searing attack, claiming that local officials seemed to accept the established private clubs in town that had excluded Jews and blacks while imposing tough rules on his inclusive one.”

The Washington Post report continues, “Trump’s lawyer sent every member of the town council copies of two classic movies about discrimination: ’A Gentleman’s Agreement,’ about a journalist who pretends to be Jewish to expose anti-Semitism, and ’Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner’ about a white couple’s reaction to their daughter bringing home a black fiancé.”

Sometimes, in judging the character of an individual, it pays to see what people actually do when nobody’s really paying attention. When it came to segregation in the South at private, all-white country clubs, it might have been in Trump’s business interests to simply look the other way. Instead, Trump did the right thing and insisted on desegregation at his golf resort.

And he won.

Soon thereafter, the local restrictions were lifted and, today, the golf course is open and remains inclusive.

Or this-

Donald J. Trump received an ovation when he announced that he would donate office space to Mr. Jackson's civil rights group, the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, in 40 Wall Street, a 72-story building he is renovating.

''He's out there pushing for a lot of good things,'' said Mr. Trump, who noted that he and Mr. Jackson had become good friends over the years.

Jesse Jackson Sets Up Office To Monitor Corporate Action

He brought out the fact the justice system and the city screwed up and should have to answer for their travesty.
He did not call for their punishments until there were confessions. Once again, you want to displace the blame from those that coerced the confessions from innocents.

From his letter-

One thing we know is that the amount of time, energy and money that has been spent on this case is unacceptable. The justice system has a lot to answer for, as does the City of New York regarding this very mishandled disaster. Information was being leaked to newspapers by someone on the case from the beginning, and the blunders were frequent and obvious.
Weird how there is no apology anywhere in that statement you quoted. Has he admitted he was wrong like I pointed out?
Yeah but he never apologized for his actions. The justice system didnt make him do what he did. To date he has never admitted he was wrong. Thats because he is a racist.
I dont see anywhere in there that he apologized to the Central Park Five. You do realize that Lincoln emancipated the enslaved Black people and he was a racist too right?
Nothing in there about the Central Park Five either and no explanation about his shithole comments regarding African nations.
He called the govt of Haiti a shithouse, not a shithole, and if you deny that it is, then you have truly been brainwashed. The corruption that has been going on there for ever and a day has done nothing but inflict more misery to the citizens there. If you truly care for the people of Haiti you wouldn’t deny it.
Corruption is endemic in Haiti’s public institutions

Haiti earthquake: How donated billions have INCREASED poverty and corruption | Daily Mail Online
He could have screamed it from the rooftops and you would still find fault with him.
You don’t care about his actions showing you to be incorrect about his being racist. You want to see what you want to see, and nothing else.
Having debated you for years here, I know you will never be swayed from your own racism.

Others might be interested, though. Here is more

Trump posthumously pardons Jack Johnson, boxing's first black heavyweight champion

Nor did they make him do this-

“When Donald opened his club in Palm Beach called Mar-a-Lago, he insisted on accepting Jews and blacks even though other clubs in Palm Beach to this day discriminate against blacks and Jews. The old guard in Palm Beach was outraged that Donald would accept blacks and Jews so that’s the real Donald Trump that I know.”

That was author Ronald Kessler in a July 2015 interview with Newsmax, talking about Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s business practices when it came to building a golf course in the Deep South.

In the 1990s, Trump was running into a problem getting his golf course approved by the local town council in Palm Beach, which was imposing restrictions on his bid.

So Trump shot back with maximum effect. As reported by the Washington Post’s Mary Jordan and Rosalind Helderman on Nov. 14, 2015: “Trump undercut his adversaries with a searing attack, claiming that local officials seemed to accept the established private clubs in town that had excluded Jews and blacks while imposing tough rules on his inclusive one.”

The Washington Post report continues, “Trump’s lawyer sent every member of the town council copies of two classic movies about discrimination: ’A Gentleman’s Agreement,’ about a journalist who pretends to be Jewish to expose anti-Semitism, and ’Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner’ about a white couple’s reaction to their daughter bringing home a black fiancé.”

Sometimes, in judging the character of an individual, it pays to see what people actually do when nobody’s really paying attention. When it came to segregation in the South at private, all-white country clubs, it might have been in Trump’s business interests to simply look the other way. Instead, Trump did the right thing and insisted on desegregation at his golf resort.

And he won.

Soon thereafter, the local restrictions were lifted and, today, the golf course is open and remains inclusive.

Or this-

Donald J. Trump received an ovation when he announced that he would donate office space to Mr. Jackson's civil rights group, the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, in 40 Wall Street, a 72-story building he is renovating.

''He's out there pushing for a lot of good things,'' said Mr. Trump, who noted that he and Mr. Jackson had become good friends over the years.

Jesse Jackson Sets Up Office To Monitor Corporate Action

He brought out the fact the justice system and the city screwed up and should have to answer for their travesty.
Weird how there is no apology anywhere in that statement you quoted. Has he admitted he was wrong like I pointed out?
Yeah but he never apologized for his actions. The justice system didnt make him do what he did. To date he has never admitted he was wrong. Thats because he is a racist.
I dont see anywhere in there that he apologized to the Central Park Five. You do realize that Lincoln emancipated the enslaved Black people and he was a racist too right?
Couilda shoulda but he didnt. Thats the point and why I say he is a racist along with all the other stuff he has said and done.

Your job isnt to sway me. Your job is explain why he isnt a racist despite the mountain of evidence that shows he is.
Nothing in there about the Central Park Five either and no explanation about his shithole comments regarding African nations.
He called the govt of Haiti a shithouse, not a shithole, and if you deny that it is, then you have truly been brainwashed. The corruption that has been going on there for ever and a day has done nothing but inflict more misery to the citizens there. If you truly care for the people of Haiti you wouldn’t deny it.
Corruption is endemic in Haiti’s public institutions

Haiti earthquake: How donated billions have INCREASED poverty and corruption | Daily Mail Online
He called Haiti and African countries shithole countries. If you deny he did this then you have been truly brainwashed. Haiti is in the state it is in due to other white racists like Drumpf.. The US and France forced Haiti to pay billions to France for freeing themselves from slavery. To this day US policies promote a racist relationship with Haiti. You need to educate yourself.
No, I couldn’t sway you. You are set in your belief that whites are racist. Period. You have proven that over and over.

Oh, and I love how you constantly move the goal posts. I personally cannot stand racists. And feel pity for those that are.
He could have screamed it from the rooftops and you would still find fault with him.
You don’t care about his actions showing you to be incorrect about his being racist. You want to see what you want to see, and nothing else.
Having debated you for years here, I know you will never be swayed from your own racism.

Others might be interested, though. Here is more

Trump posthumously pardons Jack Johnson, boxing's first black heavyweight champion

Nor did they make him do this-

“When Donald opened his club in Palm Beach called Mar-a-Lago, he insisted on accepting Jews and blacks even though other clubs in Palm Beach to this day discriminate against blacks and Jews. The old guard in Palm Beach was outraged that Donald would accept blacks and Jews so that’s the real Donald Trump that I know.”

That was author Ronald Kessler in a July 2015 interview with Newsmax, talking about Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s business practices when it came to building a golf course in the Deep South.

In the 1990s, Trump was running into a problem getting his golf course approved by the local town council in Palm Beach, which was imposing restrictions on his bid.

So Trump shot back with maximum effect. As reported by the Washington Post’s Mary Jordan and Rosalind Helderman on Nov. 14, 2015: “Trump undercut his adversaries with a searing attack, claiming that local officials seemed to accept the established private clubs in town that had excluded Jews and blacks while imposing tough rules on his inclusive one.”

The Washington Post report continues, “Trump’s lawyer sent every member of the town council copies of two classic movies about discrimination: ’A Gentleman’s Agreement,’ about a journalist who pretends to be Jewish to expose anti-Semitism, and ’Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner’ about a white couple’s reaction to their daughter bringing home a black fiancé.”

Sometimes, in judging the character of an individual, it pays to see what people actually do when nobody’s really paying attention. When it came to segregation in the South at private, all-white country clubs, it might have been in Trump’s business interests to simply look the other way. Instead, Trump did the right thing and insisted on desegregation at his golf resort.

And he won.

Soon thereafter, the local restrictions were lifted and, today, the golf course is open and remains inclusive.

Or this-

Donald J. Trump received an ovation when he announced that he would donate office space to Mr. Jackson's civil rights group, the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, in 40 Wall Street, a 72-story building he is renovating.

''He's out there pushing for a lot of good things,'' said Mr. Trump, who noted that he and Mr. Jackson had become good friends over the years.

Jesse Jackson Sets Up Office To Monitor Corporate Action

He brought out the fact the justice system and the city screwed up and should have to answer for their travesty.
Yeah but he never apologized for his actions. The justice system didnt make him do what he did. To date he has never admitted he was wrong. Thats because he is a racist.
I dont see anywhere in there that he apologized to the Central Park Five. You do realize that Lincoln emancipated the enslaved Black people and he was a racist too right?
Couilda shoulda but he didnt. Thats the point and why I say he is a racist along with all the other stuff he has said and done.

Your job isnt to sway me. Your job is explain why he isnt a racist despite the mountain of evidence that shows he is.
No, I couldn’t sway you. You are set in your belief that whites are racist. Period. You have proven that over and over.

Oh, and I love how you constantly move the goal posts. I personally cannot stand racists. And feel pity for those that are.
He could have screamed it from the rooftops and you would still find fault with him.
You don’t care about his actions showing you to be incorrect about his being racist. You want to see what you want to see, and nothing else.
Having debated you for years here, I know you will never be swayed from your own racism.

Others might be interested, though. Here is more

Trump posthumously pardons Jack Johnson, boxing's first black heavyweight champion

Nor did they make him do this-

“When Donald opened his club in Palm Beach called Mar-a-Lago, he insisted on accepting Jews and blacks even though other clubs in Palm Beach to this day discriminate against blacks and Jews. The old guard in Palm Beach was outraged that Donald would accept blacks and Jews so that’s the real Donald Trump that I know.”

That was author Ronald Kessler in a July 2015 interview with Newsmax, talking about Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s business practices when it came to building a golf course in the Deep South.

In the 1990s, Trump was running into a problem getting his golf course approved by the local town council in Palm Beach, which was imposing restrictions on his bid.

So Trump shot back with maximum effect. As reported by the Washington Post’s Mary Jordan and Rosalind Helderman on Nov. 14, 2015: “Trump undercut his adversaries with a searing attack, claiming that local officials seemed to accept the established private clubs in town that had excluded Jews and blacks while imposing tough rules on his inclusive one.”

The Washington Post report continues, “Trump’s lawyer sent every member of the town council copies of two classic movies about discrimination: ’A Gentleman’s Agreement,’ about a journalist who pretends to be Jewish to expose anti-Semitism, and ’Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner’ about a white couple’s reaction to their daughter bringing home a black fiancé.”

Sometimes, in judging the character of an individual, it pays to see what people actually do when nobody’s really paying attention. When it came to segregation in the South at private, all-white country clubs, it might have been in Trump’s business interests to simply look the other way. Instead, Trump did the right thing and insisted on desegregation at his golf resort.

And he won.

Soon thereafter, the local restrictions were lifted and, today, the golf course is open and remains inclusive.

Or this-

Donald J. Trump received an ovation when he announced that he would donate office space to Mr. Jackson's civil rights group, the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, in 40 Wall Street, a 72-story building he is renovating.

''He's out there pushing for a lot of good things,'' said Mr. Trump, who noted that he and Mr. Jackson had become good friends over the years.

Jesse Jackson Sets Up Office To Monitor Corporate Action

Yeah but he never apologized for his actions. The justice system didnt make him do what he did. To date he has never admitted he was wrong. Thats because he is a racist.
I dont see anywhere in there that he apologized to the Central Park Five. You do realize that Lincoln emancipated the enslaved Black people and he was a racist too right?
Couilda shoulda but he didnt. Thats the point and why I say he is a racist along with all the other stuff he has said and done.

Your job isnt to sway me. Your job is explain why he isnt a racist despite the mountain of evidence that shows he is.
Glad to hear you understand that your attempts to sway me wont do much against my lifetime of experience.

What goal posts did I move? I said Drumpf was a racist. You never proved he wasnt.
I did. You just refuse to see it.

Where in the world do you live that so much blatant racism exists? If I were you I would get out of there and see what other parts of the country have to offer.
No, I couldn’t sway you. You are set in your belief that whites are racist. Period. You have proven that over and over.

Oh, and I love how you constantly move the goal posts. I personally cannot stand racists. And feel pity for those that are.
He could have screamed it from the rooftops and you would still find fault with him.
You don’t care about his actions showing you to be incorrect about his being racist. You want to see what you want to see, and nothing else.
Having debated you for years here, I know you will never be swayed from your own racism.

Others might be interested, though. Here is more

Trump posthumously pardons Jack Johnson, boxing's first black heavyweight champion

Nor did they make him do this-

“When Donald opened his club in Palm Beach called Mar-a-Lago, he insisted on accepting Jews and blacks even though other clubs in Palm Beach to this day discriminate against blacks and Jews. The old guard in Palm Beach was outraged that Donald would accept blacks and Jews so that’s the real Donald Trump that I know.”

That was author Ronald Kessler in a July 2015 interview with Newsmax, talking about Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump’s business practices when it came to building a golf course in the Deep South.

In the 1990s, Trump was running into a problem getting his golf course approved by the local town council in Palm Beach, which was imposing restrictions on his bid.

So Trump shot back with maximum effect. As reported by the Washington Post’s Mary Jordan and Rosalind Helderman on Nov. 14, 2015: “Trump undercut his adversaries with a searing attack, claiming that local officials seemed to accept the established private clubs in town that had excluded Jews and blacks while imposing tough rules on his inclusive one.”

The Washington Post report continues, “Trump’s lawyer sent every member of the town council copies of two classic movies about discrimination: ’A Gentleman’s Agreement,’ about a journalist who pretends to be Jewish to expose anti-Semitism, and ’Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner’ about a white couple’s reaction to their daughter bringing home a black fiancé.”

Sometimes, in judging the character of an individual, it pays to see what people actually do when nobody’s really paying attention. When it came to segregation in the South at private, all-white country clubs, it might have been in Trump’s business interests to simply look the other way. Instead, Trump did the right thing and insisted on desegregation at his golf resort.

And he won.

Soon thereafter, the local restrictions were lifted and, today, the golf course is open and remains inclusive.

Or this-

Donald J. Trump received an ovation when he announced that he would donate office space to Mr. Jackson's civil rights group, the Rainbow/PUSH Coalition, in 40 Wall Street, a 72-story building he is renovating.

''He's out there pushing for a lot of good things,'' said Mr. Trump, who noted that he and Mr. Jackson had become good friends over the years.

Jesse Jackson Sets Up Office To Monitor Corporate Action
I dont see anywhere in there that he apologized to the Central Park Five. You do realize that Lincoln emancipated the enslaved Black people and he was a racist too right?
Couilda shoulda but he didnt. Thats the point and why I say he is a racist along with all the other stuff he has said and done.

Your job isnt to sway me. Your job is explain why he isnt a racist despite the mountain of evidence that shows he is.
Glad to hear you understand that your attempts to sway me wont do much against my lifetime of experience.

What goal posts did I move? I said Drumpf was a racist. You never proved he wasnt.
I did. You just refuse to see it.

Where in the world do you live that so much racism exists?
No, I couldn’t sway you. You are set in your belief that whites are racist. Period. You have proven that over and over.

Oh, and I love how you constantly move the goal posts. I personally cannot stand racists. And feel pity for those that are.
He could have screamed it from the rooftops and you would still find fault with him.
You don’t care about his actions showing you to be incorrect about his being racist. You want to see what you want to see, and nothing else.
Having debated you for years here, I know you will never be swayed from your own racism.

Others might be interested, though. Here is more

Trump posthumously pardons Jack Johnson, boxing's first black heavyweight champion

I dont see anywhere in there that he apologized to the Central Park Five. You do realize that Lincoln emancipated the enslaved Black people and he was a racist too right?
Couilda shoulda but he didnt. Thats the point and why I say he is a racist along with all the other stuff he has said and done.

Your job isnt to sway me. Your job is explain why he isnt a racist despite the mountain of evidence that shows he is.
Glad to hear you understand that your attempts to sway me wont do much against my lifetime of experience.

What goal posts did I move? I said Drumpf was a racist. You never proved he wasnt.
I have anti bullshit shades on at all times.

I live in the US. The land of racism.
I feel pity for you, Asclepias.
The grass is obviously greener elsewhere in your eyes. Surely you can find it. Or do you feel it is the same throughout the world?
I did. You just refuse to see it.

Where in the world do you live that so much racism exists?
No, I couldn’t sway you. You are set in your belief that whites are racist. Period. You have proven that over and over.

Oh, and I love how you constantly move the goal posts. I personally cannot stand racists. And feel pity for those that are.
He could have screamed it from the rooftops and you would still find fault with him.
You don’t care about his actions showing you to be incorrect about his being racist. You want to see what you want to see, and nothing else.
Having debated you for years here, I know you will never be swayed from your own racism.

Others might be interested, though. Here is more

Trump posthumously pardons Jack Johnson, boxing's first black heavyweight champion
Couilda shoulda but he didnt. Thats the point and why I say he is a racist along with all the other stuff he has said and done.

Your job isnt to sway me. Your job is explain why he isnt a racist despite the mountain of evidence that shows he is.
Glad to hear you understand that your attempts to sway me wont do much against my lifetime of experience.

What goal posts did I move? I said Drumpf was a racist. You never proved he wasnt.
I have anti bullshit shades on at all times.

I live in the US. The land of racism.
I feel pity for you, Asclepias.
The grass is obviously greener elsewhere in your eyes. Surely you can find it. Or do you feel it is the same throughout the world?
I did. You just refuse to see it.

Where in the world do you live that so much racism exists?
No, I couldn’t sway you. You are set in your belief that whites are racist. Period. You have proven that over and over.

Oh, and I love how you constantly move the goal posts. I personally cannot stand racists. And feel pity for those that are.
Couilda shoulda but he didnt. Thats the point and why I say he is a racist along with all the other stuff he has said and done.

Your job isnt to sway me. Your job is explain why he isnt a racist despite the mountain of evidence that shows he is.
Glad to hear you understand that your attempts to sway me wont do much against my lifetime of experience.

What goal posts did I move? I said Drumpf was a racist. You never proved he wasnt.
I have anti bullshit shades on at all times.

I live in the US. The land of racism.
Dont feel pity for me. I live better than 85% of people in the US.

The proverbial grass is greener in Africa. Thats where I will be moving sometime in the next decade.
Why wait, if that is your dream home? Why continue to put yourself and others around you through such misery? Sounds like you could afford to now.
By the way, pity has nothing to do with wealth.
I feel pity for you, Asclepias.
The grass is obviously greener elsewhere in your eyes. Surely you can find it. Or do you feel it is the same throughout the world?
I did. You just refuse to see it.

Where in the world do you live that so much racism exists?
No, I couldn’t sway you. You are set in your belief that whites are racist. Period. You have proven that over and over.

Oh, and I love how you constantly move the goal posts. I personally cannot stand racists. And feel pity for those that are.
Glad to hear you understand that your attempts to sway me wont do much against my lifetime of experience.

What goal posts did I move? I said Drumpf was a racist. You never proved he wasnt.
I have anti bullshit shades on at all times.

I live in the US. The land of racism.
Dont feel pity for me. I live better than 85% of people in the US.

The proverbial grass is greener in Africa. Thats where I will be moving sometime in the next decade.
Wow, someone made a stupid statement in high school....and you guys have a melt down because of it.
Why wait, if that is your dream home? Why continue to put yourself and others around you through such misery? Sounds like you could afford to now.
By the way, pity has nothing to do with wealth.
I feel pity for you, Asclepias.
The grass is obviously greener elsewhere in your eyes. Surely you can find it. Or do you feel it is the same throughout the world?
I did. You just refuse to see it.

Where in the world do you live that so much racism exists?
Glad to hear you understand that your attempts to sway me wont do much against my lifetime of experience.

What goal posts did I move? I said Drumpf was a racist. You never proved he wasnt.
I have anti bullshit shades on at all times.

I live in the US. The land of racism.
Dont feel pity for me. I live better than 85% of people in the US.

The proverbial grass is greener in Africa. Thats where I will be moving sometime in the next decade.
Why wait? I have things left undone right now plus its fun giving white racists indigestion. I am not putting anyone around me through any misery.

No one said pity had anything to do with wealth.
You implied it.
Do remember, this “racist country” afforded you the opportunity to fulfill your dream.
Why wait, if that is your dream home? Why continue to put yourself and others around you through such misery? Sounds like you could afford to now.
By the way, pity has nothing to do with wealth.
I feel pity for you, Asclepias.
The grass is obviously greener elsewhere in your eyes. Surely you can find it. Or do you feel it is the same throughout the world?
I did. You just refuse to see it.

Where in the world do you live that so much racism exists?
I have anti bullshit shades on at all times.

I live in the US. The land of racism.
Dont feel pity for me. I live better than 85% of people in the US.

The proverbial grass is greener in Africa. Thats where I will be moving sometime in the next decade.
Why wait? I have things left undone right now plus its fun giving white racists indigestion. I am not putting anyone around me through any misery.

No one said pity had anything to do with wealth.
Wow, someone made a stupid statement in high school....and you guys have a melt down because of it.
Its not even a stupid statement. Its more like a naive statement. If you grow up in the conditions he did you see the worst of whites. I for one am not surprised he made that statement to himself I would actually be more surprised if he didnt think that way.
Wow, someone made a stupid statement in high school....and you guys have a melt down because of it.
Its not even a stupid statement. Its more like a naive statement. If you grow up in the conditions he did you see the worst of whites. I for one am not surprised he made that statement to himself I would actually be more surprised if he didnt think that way.

When you're in HS, you make statements that are considered stupid/naive/moronic etc... Having a website point it out 15-20 years later and trying to make hay out of it is pathetic; having someone take the lame-assed attempt (mudwhistle) and try to put it here to, of course, denigrate black people as he does daily is even more brazenly cowardly.

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