Apparently no one much cares if the president ‘acts presidential’, whatever that means

i think that that might hit Canada first 2020 . Already Canada is losing Free Speech if you ever had it , as an American i don't know for sure . But 'Canadian' Mark Stein' [sp] was put on trial for speaking freely a few years ago . I think that he wrote a Book and wrote about 'muslims' in that book and he was taken to Court because of his words about 'muslims' [if i recall] . And now , because of a shooting and murder carried out by a 'muslim' named 'faisel hussein' in Canada it looks like Canadian Gun Control is going after Canadian Gun owners . --- Islamic State claims Toronto shooting rampage; police not convinced --- i post the link for the purpose of numbers and descriptive name , 13 shot , 2 killed and done by a 'muslim' named 'faisel hussein' . So , bad things from my American point of view seem to be headed to Canada rather than the USA where we have President Trump and you guys got 'justine trudeau' :afro: . Yeah , just my opinion eh '2020' !!
Actually a lot of people care. It's my main problem with him. He acts like a fool.

But fellow fools, I presume, don't care.

Why should we "fools" care when he's doing such a bang up job?

It's the left that likes actors, not us on the right. We care more about moving the country forward than making it a Hollywood stage.

I'm not even really sure what he's done, actually. The economy was already on an upward trajectory. Maybe his promises have helped a little bit, though it's mostly benefiting people who were already rich. Other than that, what has he done? N.K is not denuclearized, despite all the fanfare. Our schools are still shit. Debt worse than ever. What is so great about this guy?

The real answer is, people like him because he smiles and winks and hints that he'll make America "the way it used to be", even though 1. that's impossible, and 2. it wasn't all that great for certain groups of people in the past.
Actually a lot of people care. It's my main problem with him. He acts like a fool.

But fellow fools, I presume, don't care.

Why should we "fools" care when he's doing such a bang up job?

It's the left that likes actors, not us on the right. We care more about moving the country forward than making it a Hollywood stage.

I'm not even really sure what he's done, actually. The economy was already on an upward trajectory. Maybe his promises have helped a little bit, though it's mostly benefiting people who were already rich. Other than that, what has he done? N.K is not denuclearized, despite all the fanfare. Our schools are still shit. Debt worse than ever. What is so great about this guy?

The real answer is, people like him because he smiles and winks and hints that he'll make America "the way it used to be", even though 1. that's impossible, and 2. it wasn't all that great for certain groups of people in the past.
-------------------------------------------------------- SCHOOLS are a local issue aren't they some of you money grubber would rather get paid rather than showing up at PTA and other functions that can fix the schools . Debt , i have always found that managing MY Debt was always my responsibility . As far as CERTAIN Groups of people , i generally ignore PAST struggles of Groups as we don't live in the past JShaw .
Actually a lot of people care. It's my main problem with him. He acts like a fool.

But fellow fools, I presume, don't care.

Why should we "fools" care when he's doing such a bang up job?

It's the left that likes actors, not us on the right. We care more about moving the country forward than making it a Hollywood stage.

I'm not even really sure what he's done, actually. The economy was already on an upward trajectory. Maybe his promises have helped a little bit, though it's mostly benefiting people who were already rich. Other than that, what has he done? N.K is not denuclearized, despite all the fanfare. Our schools are still shit. Debt worse than ever. What is so great about this guy?

The real answer is, people like him because he smiles and winks and hints that he'll make America "the way it used to be", even though 1. that's impossible, and 2. it wasn't all that great for certain groups of people in the past.
-------------------------------------------------------- SCHOOLS are a local issue aren't they some of you money grubber would rather get paid rather than showing up at PTA and other functions that can fix the schools . Debt , i have always found that managing MY Debt was always my responsibility . As far as CERTAIN Groups of people , i generally ignore PAST struggles of Groups as we don't live in the past JShaw .

I'm not talking your debt. Wtf are you talking about? I'm talking about the fed's debt. You know ... the debt we ALL HAVE TO PAY FOR.
Lol as to the author - A Pizza Guy Cain nutbar?

Dan Calabrese’s column is distributed by, which can be found at HermanCain Follow all of Dan's work, including his series of Christian spiritual warfare novels, by liking his page on Facebook.


At least 60 and more likely 75% of the of the folks would love it if he'd stop acting like a 9 year old embarrassing the fuck out of us on an international stage.

What an asshole :rolleyes-41:

and as far as the Economy , i'm not rich but i eat everyday , have some savings , a house , clothes , cars , shoes , vehicle toys and a few bucks in my pocket . What more is there eh ??
and as far as the Economy , i'm not rich but i eat everyday , have some savings , a house , clothes , cars , shoes , vehicle toys and a few bucks in my pocket . What more is there eh ??

Aren't you like 80 years old? Who the fuck cares about you. The rising debt is going to affect young people disproportionately, not old fucks who are already on their way out.
Actually a lot of people care. It's my main problem with him. He acts like a fool.

But fellow fools, I presume, don't care.

Why should we "fools" care when he's doing such a bang up job?

It's the left that likes actors, not us on the right. We care more about moving the country forward than making it a Hollywood stage.

I'm not even really sure what he's done, actually. The economy was already on an upward trajectory. Maybe his promises have helped a little bit, though it's mostly benefiting people who were already rich. Other than that, what has he done? N.K is not denuclearized, despite all the fanfare. Our schools are still shit. Debt worse than ever. What is so great about this guy?

The real answer is, people like him because he smiles and winks and hints that he'll make America "the way it used to be", even though 1. that's impossible, and 2. it wasn't all that great for certain groups of people in the past.
-------------------------------------------------------- SCHOOLS are a local issue aren't they some of you money grubber would rather get paid rather than showing up at PTA and other functions that can fix the schools . Debt , i have always found that managing MY Debt was always my responsibility . As far as CERTAIN Groups of people , i generally ignore PAST struggles of Groups as we don't live in the past JShaw .

I'm not talking your debt. Wtf are you talking about? I'm talking about the fed's debt. You know ... the debt we ALL HAVE TO PAY FOR.
and as far as the Economy , i'm not rich but i eat everyday , have some savings , a house , clothes , cars , shoes , WESCO Brand BOSS Boots , vehicle toys and a few bucks in my pocket . What more is there eh ??
----------------------------------------------------- i have NEVER sent a check in payment for the NEBULOUS but seemingly manageable Debt that you seem to be concerned with JShaw . See my post just above to see how good i am doing . As i already asked , what more could i want that i don't have JShaw . And for the sake of knowledge , how long have we had this Nebulous but seemingly manageable debt that you are concerned with JShaw eh ??
Actually a lot of people care. It's my main problem with him. He acts like a fool.

But fellow fools, I presume, don't care.

Why should we "fools" care when he's doing such a bang up job?

It's the left that likes actors, not us on the right. We care more about moving the country forward than making it a Hollywood stage.

I'm not even really sure what he's done, actually. The economy was already on an upward trajectory. Maybe his promises have helped a little bit, though it's mostly benefiting people who were already rich. Other than that, what has he done? N.K is not denuclearized, despite all the fanfare. Our schools are still shit. Debt worse than ever. What is so great about this guy?

The real answer is, people like him because he smiles and winks and hints that he'll make America "the way it used to be", even though 1. that's impossible, and 2. it wasn't all that great for certain groups of people in the past.
-------------------------------------------------------- SCHOOLS are a local issue aren't they some of you money grubber would rather get paid rather than showing up at PTA and other functions that can fix the schools . Debt , i have always found that managing MY Debt was always my responsibility . As far as CERTAIN Groups of people , i generally ignore PAST struggles of Groups as we don't live in the past JShaw .

I'm not talking your debt. Wtf are you talking about? I'm talking about the fed's debt. You know ... the debt we ALL HAVE TO PAY FOR.
and as far as the Economy , i'm not rich but i eat everyday , have some savings , a house , clothes , cars , shoes , vehicle toys and a few bucks in my pocket . What more is there eh ??
----------------------------------------------------- i have NEVER sent a check in payment for the NEBULOUS Debt that you seem to be concerned with JShaw . See my post just above to see how good i am doing . As i already asked , what more could i want that i don't have JS.

You ... you don't believe in federal debt?

You don't know that you are paying for it with your taxes?

Holy ...
and as far as the Economy , i'm not rich but i eat everyday , have some savings , a house , clothes , cars , shoes , vehicle toys and a few bucks in my pocket . What more is there eh ??

Aren't you like 80 years old? Who the fuck cares about you. The rising debt is going to affect young people disproportionately, not old fucks who are already on their way out.
------------------------------------- 69 years old , or maybe 68 but i'd have to ask the wife and she is busy cooking . Course , i'm the new and younger style 68 or 69 year old so i could be around for awhile voting for Trump again and THEN the Christian named Pence in a few years after The TRUMP. And that will annoy the feck outa you young 'whipper snappers' JShaw .
and as far as the Economy , i'm not rich but i eat everyday , have some savings , a house , clothes , cars , shoes , vehicle toys and a few bucks in my pocket . What more is there eh ??

Aren't you like 80 years old? Who the fuck cares about you. The rising debt is going to affect young people disproportionately, not old fucks who are already on their way out.
------------------------------------- 69 years old , or maybe 68 but i'd have to ask the wife and she is busy cooking . Course , i'm the new and younger style 68 or 69 year old so i could be around for awhile voting for Trump again and the Pence in a few years after The TRUMP and annoying the feck outa you young 'whipper snappers' JShaw .

Do what you want. It's a free country. Supposedly.
Actually a lot of people care. It's my main problem with him. He acts like a fool.

But fellow fools, I presume, don't care.

Why should we "fools" care when he's doing such a bang up job?

It's the left that likes actors, not us on the right. We care more about moving the country forward than making it a Hollywood stage.

I'm not even really sure what he's done, actually. The economy was already on an upward trajectory. Maybe his promises have helped a little bit, though it's mostly benefiting people who were already rich. Other than that, what has he done? N.K is not denuclearized, despite all the fanfare. Our schools are still shit. Debt worse than ever. What is so great about this guy?

The real answer is, people like him because he smiles and winks and hints that he'll make America "the way it used to be", even though 1. that's impossible, and 2. it wasn't all that great for certain groups of people in the past.

Actually Trump is very disliked on a personal basis, but his policies are working great. It's DumBama who got into office because of his acting abilities.

So what has Trump done? For one, he got rid of the Commie Care fines on businesses and individuals. Yes, he is IN THE PROCESS of denuclearizing NK. Nothing happens overnight. He has put a constitutionalist judge on the Supreme Court, he lowered taxes on working men and women in America, he got us out of the Paris Accord which would have cost us dearly and allowing other countries to control our economy, he got rid of DumBama's idiotic policy of forcing schools to allow weirdo's in dresses to enter girls restrooms and lockers, he has lowered corporate tax which will help keep jobs here, invest in their industry, provided pay increases, bonuses or both to working men and women, he has increased our border patrol, reduced the amount of people entering this country, and appointed dozens of new deportation judges, he got rid of the dreaded Iran agreement, he talked NK into returning the remains of our fallen solders from war time, he doubled child tax credits, he reduced taxable income for working people, consumer confidence at record levels, business confidence the same, and these are only some of the things he's done in just a little over a year and a half.
Why should we "fools" care when he's doing such a bang up job?

It's the left that likes actors, not us on the right. We care more about moving the country forward than making it a Hollywood stage.

I'm not even really sure what he's done, actually. The economy was already on an upward trajectory. Maybe his promises have helped a little bit, though it's mostly benefiting people who were already rich. Other than that, what has he done? N.K is not denuclearized, despite all the fanfare. Our schools are still shit. Debt worse than ever. What is so great about this guy?

The real answer is, people like him because he smiles and winks and hints that he'll make America "the way it used to be", even though 1. that's impossible, and 2. it wasn't all that great for certain groups of people in the past.
-------------------------------------------------------- SCHOOLS are a local issue aren't they some of you money grubber would rather get paid rather than showing up at PTA and other functions that can fix the schools . Debt , i have always found that managing MY Debt was always my responsibility . As far as CERTAIN Groups of people , i generally ignore PAST struggles of Groups as we don't live in the past JShaw .

I'm not talking your debt. Wtf are you talking about? I'm talking about the fed's debt. You know ... the debt we ALL HAVE TO PAY FOR.
and as far as the Economy , i'm not rich but i eat everyday , have some savings , a house , clothes , cars , shoes , vehicle toys and a few bucks in my pocket . What more is there eh ??
----------------------------------------------------- i have NEVER sent a check in payment for the NEBULOUS Debt that you seem to be concerned with JShaw . See my post just above to see how good i am doing . As i already asked , what more could i want that i don't have JS.

You ... you don't believe in federal debt?

You don't know that you are paying for it with your taxes?

Holy ...
--------------------------------------------------------------- yeah , big deal , debt needs to be serviced . I guess that i'd be living like a KING if i had that extra money that i pay through taxes for servicing Americas debt eh JShaw .
Average Americans are more like Trump that some prissy Harvard Law graduate pussy.

A better and cheaper education system can fix that.

Lib please, you people have used the education system and government backed loans to enslave young people to student loan debt so you can funnel money to Dem party campaign coffers. You people never say jack shit about how high the cost of a college education has become under your money laundering scam, shocker.
You also don't hear many liberals wanting to make changes in how that education is delivered. Modern technology has given us alternatives to having to have a physical presence in a classroom and as such we should require fewer teachers and physical infrastructure. We should also be able to provide those online classes for far fewer dollars.
and you know John Shaw but people talk about the debt as if its scary rather than manageable . ME , well i don't know but we have had huge debt for a long time and i don't see it hurting anyone . How many years have we had huge debt ?? As comparison , is the debt sorta like tariffs that we have not had since about 1920 . But TARIFFS built the USA and now when TRUMP does TARIFFS everyone says they are bad . Is Federal debt being bad just a 'mantra' that keeps being repeated like Tariffs are always said to be bad John Shaw ??
Average Americans are more like Trump that some prissy Harvard Law graduate pussy.

A better and cheaper education system can fix that.

Lib please, you people have used the education system and government backed loans to enslave young people to student loan debt so you can funnel money to Dem party campaign coffers. You people never say jack shit about how high the cost of a college education has become under your money laundering scam, shocker.
You also don't hear many liberals wanting to make changes in how that education is delivered. Modern technology has given us alternatives to having to have a physical presence in a classroom and as such we should require fewer teachers and physical infrastructure. We should also be able to provide those online classes for far fewer dollars.

I have that way of thinking too. Home schooling is getting to be more popular as schools get more insane. The only reason it's not a standard is because most families are two income and cutting that income in half is sometimes not possible.

What can we do about that? Well......if mom wants to stay home to school her children and still bring in money, why can't she take in other neighborhood children to teach?

I think the per capita cost for public education is around 12K a year. Why not give Mom about 10K of that for every neighborhood child she decides to teach with her own children?

So let's say she takes in 3 kids. She makes 30K per year that comes out of the public school budget, she gets to stay home and teach her kid, and her financial sacrifice is minimized by the income she gets from the city. The taxpayers save 2K per every student, and everybody wins.

Sure it would work, but the teachers union and Democrats would never stand for it.
and you know John Shaw but people talk about the debt as if its scary rather than manageable . ME , well i don't know but we have had huge debt for a long time and i don't see it hurting anyone . How many years have we had huge debt ?? As comparison , is the debt sorta like tariffs that we have not had since about 1920 . But TARIFFS built the USA and now when TRUMP does TARIFFS everyone says they are bad . Is Federal debt being bad just a 'mantra' that keeps being repeated like Tariffs are always said to be bad John Shaw ??
Hey dipshit. Everyone in the Whitehouse that knows a lot more than your pussygrabber strongly advised against the tariffs.
The ignoramus did it anyway.

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