Apparently Obama hasn't heard of the Freedom of Speech/Expression

You'd think if they're "Official White House Photos" they'd be property of the American people to do with what they want, after all we paid for them.

Oh, not with the Narcissist in Chief. The Presidency doesn't belong to the people, we belong to HIM.

We're his bitter clingers, er I mean "subjects" you know?


Check this one out. Obama's holding of the gun isn't great, but Kerry! It's really obvious, he doesn't know how to hold a gun.

Too Funny! Love the cartoon, about sums it up to a T!

What gets me is the Narcissist in Chief's administration thought if they just put out a proclamation, we wouldn't DARE make fun of Obama with photoshopping!

The guy really is arrogant!


Check this one out. Obama's holding of the gun isn't great, but Kerry! It's really obvious, he doesn't know how to hold a gun.


At least kerry knows how to step into the shot, now all he needs to do is learn how not to strangle the barrel.

Check this one out. Obama's holding of the gun isn't great, but Kerry! It's really obvious, he doesn't know how to hold a gun.


At least kerry knows how to step into the shot, now all he needs to do is learn how not to strangle the barrel.

Albeit that shotgun is kind of small (the one Kerry has) but if that gun has any kick, it looks like Kerry would break or at least really bruise up his arm, holding it that way.

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