Apparently there has never been a wildfire in CA, and Hurricanes are unheard of in Sept.

But nothing that is unprecedented & didn't happen before industrialization.
Going mental over natural weather cycles is something we will leave to the Chicken Little types that wet the bed over clouds/sun, rain/drought, storms/calm, heat/cold, etc...

Only fools believe that AGW is anything other than a globalist power grab towards neo-feudal collectivism
Cycles that accelerated after industrialization

Only fools ignore the man made implications of AGW. By the time you morons finally acknowledge it, you will then shift gears and say it is too late to do anything about it
The west is seeing droughts of historic proportions. Rivers and reservoirs are drying up. Water supplies are threatened.
Similar conditions are being seen around the world.

Much more severe than “It gets hot in the summer”

Don't you mean the desert SouthWest ... where rivers and lakes are supposed to be dry ... why do you think they built Edwards AFB in the middle of a lake bed? ...

Oregon and Washington will be draining their reservoirs this fall ... we still get too much water, the challenge is to channeling it all out to sea ... clean fresh sparklingly pure mountain spring water ... folks here need mineral supplements because our water is too soft ...

"Studies have shown temperatures have increased in CA
ever since January 6th."

"The passage of time, we must think about the passage of time.
Through the passage of time it has gotten hotter in CA. The passage of time the water levels are lower. And that is why I talk about the passage of time."
I was stuck in the shithole Mexifornia for 4 years back in the early 00's........and I can guarantee you it got fucking HOT there!!!
It would get up to 100 degrees during the day in the summers, and 40 degrees at night. But I guess thats normal for a coastal state.
20 years shows a trend
A trend that is disastrous for our country

Thankfully, our President is willing to do something about it

what? make us all drive EV's? if carbon is the thing driving global temperature rise, and Biden was truely concerned about it, he would be addressing where the problem really lies. Problem is he cant deal with China... they got him over a barrel for some reason. Here in the U.S. we are the one industrialized nation who has brought down carbon emissions in a big way. It's the rest of the world and mainly China that is the problem. Biden needs to get China to stop building more coal plants and worry less about fuel efficient gas cars.
CLIMATE CRISES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.................. says CNN.....
Good Lord... these idiots. Oh and it has never been hot in Petaluma, CA.
Where the temperature was this hot 20 years out of 100.

But but - CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!!!

Sacramento just barely broke the all-time high temperature record this week, which was previously set in 1925. That tells you everything you need to know.
It might be related... call me crazy...

Hoover Dam 1950s... population So CA - 6.9 million people

Hoover Dam 2022,,, population - 24 million people

CLIMATE CRISES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.................. says CNN.....
Good Lord... these idiots. Oh and it has never been hot in Petaluma, CA.
Where the temperature was this hot 20 years out of 100.

But but - CLIMATE CHANGE!!!!!!

Every time a dog poops on the lawn it is because of Climate Change.
What makes it worse is that this one can be directly correlated to the Industrial Revolution and man’s adding of contaminants to the atmosphere

We are unable to control nature, but we can control what we do

Man makes plans and God laughs. It's the ultimate arrogance to think we can control mother nature.

Cycles that accelerated after industrialization

Only fools ignore the man made implications of AGW. By the time you morons finally acknowledge it, you will then shift gears and say it is too late to do anything about it
Nothing can be done about the weather. We can however build infrastructure that is tough and more of it. I read somewhere that 80% of humans live within a hundred miles of water. We have 8 billion people now. The Western United States population is a lot more than a century ago. Politics is making life harsher for residents because of elites and elected feeling like they are gods. Men like Newsom are dangerous. They cause mass suffering of their people. New reservoirs, a few desalination plants, a couple of nuclear power plants, pipelines for water and proper forest management could improve things dramatically. That along with roads and bridges being upgraded. That is the manly man way. The way to a comfortable life working with what nature is.

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