Apple Era(?): Media/Trump/Capital [Deuteronomy]


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
This is a Media-Age Christian parable about TrumpUSA inspired by Virtuosity.

I posted it in General Discussion rather than the Writing section, since I'm retiring from posting and this post is obviously politically-oriented (and dedicated to President Trump!).

Cheers (signing off),


"The Sony Trinitron Vega was the first major offering in high-quality TV-tech in the new millennium, coming before the long line of Samsung, Hitachi, and Sharp LCD/LED/Plasma TVs. The Vega was a standard CRT-tube TV (not flat-screen) but was a huge advancement in viewing resolution and clarity and sound. This changed the way we American consumers thought about Christmastime shopping regarding tech-toys."


"The Information Age changed everything, and it even changed the way we thought about tech and toys. Technology started to resemble toys, since networking and data-distribution required user-friendly interfaces that made tech-use feel more 'human.' The Age of Media had begun, and Facebook-inventors and Apple/Microsoft-pioneers were the new 'captains of industry.' When capitalism-baron Donald Trump was elected U.S. President, Americans knew commerce highways were changing Western aesthetics."


"A vicious alien-robot named Cyclonus watched all these 21st Century American developments and decided to land on Earth and visit the White House and ask President Donald Trump about the ergonomics of capitalism in human civilization. Cyclonus was pleased to discover all the Apple Computer company brand-products such as the iPhone and iPad were reflective of 'evolving inventive-imagination' in America (and on Earth!). However, Cyclonus sought to use all these media factory-toys (e.g., Apple iMac) to make humans feel 'enslaved' to technology-use and consumerism-lifestyle (e.g., Facebook). Cyclonus was very sinister."


"Apple Computers executives showed Cyclonus an early 1980s 'concept-Apple phone' being potentially marketed by company-pioneer/founder Steve Jobs. This early Apple 'phone' boasted a rotary-dial and lots of memory and obviously a computer-user interface. This concept-phone came decades before the modern iPhone, and Cyclonus saw some clear aesthetics links between the 'Big '80s' (when consumerism first started taking off --- under Reaganomics!) and the new millennium (when smartphones/Facebook made tech-toys a part of everyday life). Cyclonus started scheming about corrupting human imagination."


"Fortunately (or unfortunately!), there were two other 'beings' on Earth engaged in consumerism-consciousness intrigue at this very same time. These two beings were Racer-X (a superior NASCAR driver and agent of the CIA paramilitary unit of anti-terrorism-operatives known as 'G.I. Joes') and Mad-Hatter (an Algerian-Frenchman and anti-capitalism terrorist operating out of his hidden computerized base somewhere in the American Southwest). Racer-X and Mad-Hatter wanted to use the factory of tech-toys to create social hysteria about Americans' obsession with Facebook-use (specifically). However, Racer-X wanted to address the problem in terms of psychiatry, while Mad-Hatter wanted to mischievously exploit the problem in terms of nihilistic sarcasm. This Racer-X/Mad-Hatter 'intrigue' would add some distraction to Cyclonus's 'tour' of human civilization."


"Cyclonus discovered that Racer-X and Mad-Hatter were estranged half-brothers and were married to the same woman at some point or another --- a female terrorist currently working for the super-terrorist organization Cobra named Baroness. Baroness first married Racer-X but divorced him when his CIA life was simply too time-consuming and then met and married his half-brother Mad-Hatter who introduced her to Cobra. Cyclonus wanted to use this bizarre love-triangle to plant thorns between Racer-X and Mad-Hatter and hijack their Facebook-mission and incorporate it into his own consumerism-brainwashing scheme. Cyclonus knew the key was to convince Baroness to seduce both of them and lead them to utter hatred of each other(!). Baroness was very sexy and a Satanist, incidentally."


"Many critics of Western civilization and TrumpUSA capitalism (such as ISIS) considered this modern age of media the 'Apple Era' (since Apple products resembled toys and infused consumerism with lifestyle-tech). The G.I. Joes (including Racer-X) wanted to make sure that terrorists were not trying to destroy Apple offices/headquarters and encouraged the NSA to establish a special cyber-securities division. Cyclonus began working with ISIS and planting messages in Racer-X's mind about Baroness being adulterous with Mad-Hatter while working with Cobra. Racer-X was suddenly torn (as a G.I. Joe!) between chasing ISIS and chasing Cobra. Baroness was to blame for all this..."


"Fortunately, this was the Biblical End of Days, and Jesus returned to Earth and visited President Trump at the Oval Office and comforted him regarding all this maddening intrigue regarding Cyclonus, Racer-X, Mad-Hatter, ISIS, Cobra, and terrorism. Jesus assured the President that Racer-X would not succumb to personal vanities and give up his special/valuable crusade to end anti-capitalism cynicism around the world. President Trump started weeping. Trump remembered lighter days growing up in America and enjoying capitalism-celebratory programs on TV such as Hotel, The Love Boat, and The $6 Million Man."


"Racer-X recruited a New Yorker political cartoonist named Ajay Satan to design Marvel Comics adapted child-like stick-figure doodles of the urban mutant menace/terrorist known as Gray Goblin. Racer-X told Ajay to create Gray Goblin TrumpUSA political cartoons about the allure of terrorism in the age of commercial labyrinths and tech-toy marketing. Ajay's Gray Goblin cartoons were light, silly, and provocative and demoralized Cyclonus's scheme to create apathy towards consumerism-imagination. Cyclonus departed Earth, and Baroness decided to leave Mad-Hatter and return to her ex-husband (Racer-X). Gray Goblin saved the day!"


The Lord your God hath multiplied you, and, behold, ye are this day as the stars of heaven for multitude (Deuteronomy 1:10 - KJV).



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