Apple fine $450 million for price gouging, airlines being investigated


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
Airlines being investigated for price fixing. So how come big oil gets away with keeping gas prices so high? In 2008 Oil went from a high of $140.00 a barrel, down to about what oil costs today. When oil was $140.00 a barrel, gas was $4.00 a gallon. Then when it went down to $50.00 a barrel, gas was only $1.68 a gallon. Now oil is $56.00 a barrel and we're still paying $3.00 a gallon. So oil prices are down over 60% for oil companies, but gas is only down 25% for us. That gives big oil more than a 35% bigger profit. They were already making $100 billion in profits every three months, even when oil was $140.00 a barrel. This is why everything costs so much these days. It costs more to ship, it costs more to make things, it costs more for anything that has anything to do with oil. ISIS loves what big oil is doing to this country.
Funny how these FINES are never recovered by the people that it was STOLEN from!
Funny how these FINES are never recovered by the people that it was STOLEN from!
BP fine was $18 billion, all tax deductible.

So we get $18 BILLION now, for TAX DEDUCTIBLE charges later.... where is that $18 BILLION going? To fishing fleets that were put out of business, to hotels and restaurants that went out of business because NO ONE came to OIL FILLED beaches, to sundry other affiliated business that was indirectly effected by the spill? So where is the money going?
OP, Link to Apple fine for price gouging please.

When I google "Apple price gouging fines", this post is the top result.

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