Applying todays societal norms to the past.....


Diamond Member
May 17, 2015
Why do people do this?

What is considered unacceptable behavior now in many cases was QUITE acceptable some time ago. So why do we vilify people from the past based on today's norms?
It seems to me it is an effort to denigrate the nation's history resulting in limiting nationalism...thus indirectly promoting globalism, which is nothing more than allowing the elites total control over the people.
The same reason they vilify actions in the present based on actions from the past. For example - ''Hey, nobody said anything the last time we infringed, so surely it must be okay to try to infringe this time."

Pretty sure it's why that slender gentleman got away with fondling my pecker at the airport.

Anyhoo. Yeah. Darned if you do and darned if you don't.
It seems to me it is an effort to denigrate the nation's history resulting in limiting nationalism...thus indirectly promoting globalism, which is nothing more than allowing the elites total control over the people.

It's funny and I see movies and think, wow, that's what Liberals want us to be. I saw one recently..... oh, Hunger Games.....
The same reason they vilify actions in the present based on actions from the past. For example - ''Hey, nobody said anything the last time we infringed, so surely it must be okay to try to infringe this time."

Pretty sure it's why that slender gentleman got away with fondling my pecker at the airport.

Anyhoo. Yeah. Darned if you do and darned if you don't.

I don't think it's EVER been "acceptable" or a "norm" for child molestation. People may have gotten away with it, but never societally acceptable
Why do people do this?

What is considered unacceptable behavior now in many cases was QUITE acceptable some time ago. So why do we vilify people from the past based on today's norms?
Give an example of what you are talking about.

Robert E Lee, or anyone from that time. Obviously, most people now in the US would agree owning slaves or viewing people of other color as lesser is "wrong", MOST -- but back then, totally normal and a way of life. Doesn't make it OK, but, even the northern Yankees felt this way about blacks...
The same reason they vilify actions in the present based on actions from the past. For example - ''Hey, nobody said anything the last time we infringed, so surely it must be okay to try to infringe this time."

Pretty sure it's why that slender gentleman got away with fondling my pecker at the airport.

Anyhoo. Yeah. Darned if you do and darned if you don't.

I don't think it's EVER been "acceptable" or a "norm" for child molestation. People may have gotten away with it, but never societally acceptable

Well, I didn't know you were talking about anything specifically. I was just generally speaking.

Things are vilified in the present based on what was accepted in the past equally as things were vilified in the past yet are rejected today.

At least hair metal is making a comeback.
Why do people do this?

What is considered unacceptable behavior now in many cases was QUITE acceptable some time ago. So why do we vilify people from the past based on today's norms?
Give an example of what you are talking about.

Robert E Lee, or anyone from that time. Obviously, most people now in the US would agree owning slaves or viewing people of other color as lesser is "wrong", MOST -- but back then, totally normal and a way of life. Doesn't make it OK, but, even the northern Yankees felt this way about blacks...
Because treason is treason. There is no historical evidence that we have treated those who have committed the worst crimes against mankind differently because it was in the past. Hitler is not revered because it was over 70 years ago. No one is ever going to erect statues to revere Ted Bundy or Charles Manson. No one is going to put up plaques to revere slave traders or the Roman soldiers who crucified Jesus. There are things that are universally wrong and treason against your country is one of them.
Why do people do this?

What is considered unacceptable behavior now in many cases was QUITE acceptable some time ago. So why do we vilify people from the past based on today's norms?

Because humans are a uniquely narcissistic animal. We believe what we see at the moment, doubt the rest.
Why do people do this?

What is considered unacceptable behavior now in many cases was QUITE acceptable some time ago. So why do we vilify people from the past based on today's norms?
Give an example of what you are talking about.

Robert E Lee, or anyone from that time. Obviously, most people now in the US would agree owning slaves or viewing people of other color as lesser is "wrong", MOST -- but back then, totally normal and a way of life. Doesn't make it OK, but, even the northern Yankees felt this way about blacks...
Only in the south did they think slavery was a normal way of life. In the North since the founding, the push for freedom for all, was in effect every year. But those wraskley ole Southern White Democrats, they didn't want to give up their property(even some Southern Black Democrats)..

Why do people do this?

What is considered unacceptable behavior now in many cases was QUITE acceptable some time ago. So why do we vilify people from the past based on today's norms?

Because for many it's the only way they can base an argument. It's a convenient MO to conflate opposing ideas into one that supports your position, a favorite among Democrats and Leftists because they know most people have no clue of history, and won't bother to check.
The same reason they vilify actions in the present based on actions from the past. For example - ''Hey, nobody said anything the last time we infringed, so surely it must be okay to try to infringe this time."

Pretty sure it's why that slender gentleman got away with fondling my pecker at the airport.

Anyhoo. Yeah. Darned if you do and darned if you don't.

I don't think it's EVER been "acceptable" or a "norm" for child molestation. People may have gotten away with it, but never societally acceptable

Well, no. Boys in training in Sparta were expected and encouraged to "service" their teachers/mentors.
The same reason they vilify actions in the present based on actions from the past. For example - ''Hey, nobody said anything the last time we infringed, so surely it must be okay to try to infringe this time."

Pretty sure it's why that slender gentleman got away with fondling my pecker at the airport.

Anyhoo. Yeah. Darned if you do and darned if you don't.

I don't think it's EVER been "acceptable" or a "norm" for child molestation. People may have gotten away with it, but never societally acceptable

That’s patently false. Child marriage used to be socially acceptable in many cultures.
I was thinking more US, but even then, girls married at 13, 14, no that long ago. I was also thinking more 9 and younger
Why do people do this?

What is considered unacceptable behavior now in many cases was QUITE acceptable some time ago. So why do we vilify people from the past based on today's norms?
Give an example of what you are talking about.

Robert E Lee, or anyone from that time. Obviously, most people now in the US would agree owning slaves or viewing people of other color as lesser is "wrong", MOST -- but back then, totally normal and a way of life. Doesn't make it OK, but, even the northern Yankees felt this way about blacks...
Because treason is treason. There is no historical evidence that we have treated those who have committed the worst crimes against mankind differently because it was in the past. Hitler is not revered because it was over 70 years ago. No one is ever going to erect statues to revere Ted Bundy or Charles Manson. No one is going to put up plaques to revere slave traders or the Roman soldiers who crucified Jesus. There are things that are universally wrong and treason against your country is one of them.
Would you REALLY equate Robt E Lee or Stonewall Jackson to these people?
Children were considered full adults at around age twelve throughout much of history. Civilization, particularly Western civilization, brought with it the current extended adolescence, which has gradually worked its way up to 18-21 as the age of majority.

The Mighty Barack Obama (grease be upon him) recently raised certain rules concerning adolescence in the U.S. by his own hand to age twenty-six.
So, ever man that married a female under age 18 back then is a pedophile?

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