Zone1 Approval of sex outside marriage: the reason the vast majority will be in Hell.

The Coptic Bible is the purest one of them all. The original Bible , all the rest were poor substitutes. Jefferson's Bible was quite good too. He had the smarts to leave the Old Testament and it's old gods out of Christianity.
Yeah, I'm all about the NT and its numerous condemnations of immoral acts.
Me? I'm just the messenger.

One that you're massively participating in. Thanks.
I just don't tolerate silliness in my serious thread, that's all.
The idea of the thread is silly. Never going to happen , pure fiction like " The Handmaiden's Tale.". A story about the same type of dystopia you want to establish. Extremists always end up taking things to far.
The Coptic Bible is the purest one of them all. The original Bible , all the rest were poor substitutes. Jefferson's Bible was quite good too. He had the smarts to leave the Old Testament and it's old gods out of Christianity.
Only the Latin vulgate remained of the NT when the protestants translated back to the Greek, lexicons-Many errors were in it.
The whole thing is erroneous.
Every translation on earth with Gods name removed by satans will is done to mislead. Only mislead religions use those altered translations=100% fact. They are giving support to satans will over Gods will. God put his name( YHVH(Jehovah) in his bible over 7000 places, because he wants it there.
Every translation on earth with Gods name removed by satans will is done to mislead. Only mislead religions use those altered translations=100% fact. They are giving support to satans will over Gods will. God put his name( YHVH(Jehovah) in his bible over 7000 places, because he wants it there.
GOD is a non-coporeal being , such entities are incapable of physically writing anything. Even if you want to try to say your God wrote the 10 Commandments on those stone tables , it just isn't possible. But it could have influenced the mind of Moses to carve them out himself. Being a skilled craftsman that would have been an arduous task for him but possible.
So, in addition to adhering to superstitious hokus-pokus, you're also a Satan Worshipper? That's a devilish combination. :dev3:
Can you understand English?
I wrote it. It is you who is having problems understanding it and its significance. You said, ”I was taught by Jesus' appointed ones”. Did you say that or didn't you? :45:
Me? I'm just the messenger.

One that you're massively participating in. Thanks.
I just don't tolerate silliness in my serious thread, that's all.
There's nothing serious about this sad idea of yours. It's a bad joke at best.
Every translation on earth with Gods name removed by satans will is done to mislead. Only mislead religions use those altered translations=100% fact. They are giving support to satans will over Gods will. God put his name( YHVH(Jehovah) in his bible over 7000 places, because he wants it there.
That is a lie :14:because the true creators communicated in clicks and groans and flutters ... no written language at all. Every transcript is a loose translation written by men with limited knowledge of the true creators' deeds, most of which were in parable form from celestial stations never visited by humans. :114:
GOD is a non-coporeal being , such entities are incapable of physically writing anything. Even if you want to try to say your God wrote the 10 Commandments on those stone tables , it just isn't possible. But it could have influenced the mind of Moses to carve them out himself. Being a skilled craftsman that would have been an arduous task for him but possible.
Gods will through holy spirit wrote his bible with his name in it over 7000 places. All who love and respect his will use a translation with his name put back. The darkness condemns the translation that put his name back. Why do you think that is?
I wrote it. It is you who is having problems understanding it and its significance. You said, ”I was taught by Jesus' appointed ones”. Did you say that or didn't you? :45:
And you gave a response that has 0 value..
That is a lie :14:because the true creators communicated in clicks and groans and flutters ... no written language at all. Every transcript is a loose translation written by men with limited knowledge of the true creators' deeds, most of which were in parable form from celestial stations never visited by humans. :114:
Where on Mars? Every bible scholar on earth knows God put his name in his bible over 7000 places. Only the wicked fear using Gods name, its why the false religions keep his name out.
Gods will through holy spirit wrote his bible with his name in it over 7000 places. All who love and respect his will use a translation with his name put back. The darkness condemns the translation that put his name back. Why do you think that is?

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