Zone1 Approval of sex outside marriage: the reason the vast majority will be in Hell.

Gods will through holy spirit wrote his bible with his name in it over 7000 places.
So, the bible was written by a single ghostwriter? Is that the same ghost who used to seep out of the floorboards after midnight at Macy's and try on all of the dresses and leave them in the dressing room? The Pope never did figure out if it's a female ghost or a cross-dresser.

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GOD didn't make up these laws.
Of course He did. One way you can tell is by their perseverance. God-things last. Immoral atheist things fall away. That's why hetero marriages last far better than shack ups. It's why the US is going strong while the USSR failed in 70 years. It's why the Catholic Church has thrived 2000 years with an unbroken line of Popes going back to St. Peter while many mainline Protestant denominations which have changed 'core values' and were founded by men are failing
The view accepting sex outside marriage will doom you, right off the top. The Marxist left has lured so many into this trap by their media and social influence. I don't know why people can't understand by now that sex outside marriage is responsible for 90% of the world's ills. Such a seemingly simple innocuous act has enormous consequences.

The figure is at least 69%, as reflected on people's view on sex outside marriage, and probably a whole lot more. A 1969 poll reported only 21% saying it was acceptable. How the world has fallen! The Marxists have been very successful in leading people to Hell.

For those who say eternal punishment is unfair, I'll remind you it is your choice.

“Enter through the narrow gate. The gate is wide and the road is wide that leads to hell, and many people enter through that gate. But the gate is small and the road is narrow that leads to true life. Only a few people find that road. - Matthew 7: 13-14.
It seems God has a positive opinion of King David. King David had 8 wives and an unknown number of concubines.

Of course He did. One way you can tell is by their perseverance. God-things last. Immoral atheist things fall away. That's why hetero marriages last far better than shack ups. It's why the US is going strong while the USSR failed in 70 years. It's why the Catholic Church has thrived 2000 years with an unbroken line of Popes going back to St. Peter while many mainline Protestant denominations which have changed 'core values' and were founded by men are failing
It's a religion. Wake up !
It's a religion. Wake up !
A religion? Well, yes, but more (or less?) than that! Christianity is an offshoot CULT of Judaism.

Judaism says, "The Messiah is coming!". >>> They should know because they invented it.

Christianity says, "F*ck that. I'm not waiting any more! I'm going to pretend Christ is the Messiah despite the fact that he/she/it does not fulfill any of the main criteria set out by the founders of the Monolithic Creator, plus ....... I'm gonna' call it THREE and still say it's Monolithic!"

:cow:The Christian defiance of logic is absolutely astounding. :cow:
A religion? Well, yes, but more (or less?) than that! Christianity is an offshoot CULT of Judaism.

Judaism says, "The Messiah is coming!". >>> They should know because they invented it.

Christianity says, "F*ck that. I'm not waiting any more! I'm going to pretend Christ is the Messiah despite the fact that he/she/it does not fulfill any of the main criteria set out by the founders of the Monolithic Creator, plus ....... I'm gonna' call it THREE and still say it's Monolithic!"

:cow:The Christian defiance of logic is absolutely astounding.:cow:
Like every other religion , it arose out of mankind's incomplete knowledge that he is more than just a physical being in this world. Thus the majority throughout history have turned to religion rather than turning inward to satisfy that answer. Religion is an easy fix , already prepared for you , already there in the family in most cases so it goes on and on seemingly without end until it does. They all have a begining and the all have endings like everything else in these physical worlds we visit.
God-things last.
You mean like unicorns and dinosaurs, and talking snakes, and trilobites, and facial impressions left on Turin-weaved swaddling clothes, and Noah's Ark that's collecting dust in an Armenian garage at the foot of Mt. Aragats?
You mean like unicorns and dinosaurs, and talking snakes, and trilobites, and facial impressions left on Turin-weaved swaddling clothes, and Noah's Ark that's collecting dust in an Armenian garage at the foot of Mt. Aragats?
Nah, more like love, truth, logic, goodness, etc.
Of course He did. One way you can tell is by their perseverance. God-things last. Immoral atheist things fall away. That's why hetero marriages last far better than shack ups. It's why the US is going strong while the USSR failed in 70 years. It's why the Catholic Church has thrived 2000 years with an unbroken line of Popes going back to St. Peter while many mainline Protestant denominations which have changed 'core values' and were founded by men are failing
The prior pope was forced to retire. his secretary( male) was his lover. They moved in together after he retired. Peter had 0 to do with Catholicism, Jesus had 0 to do with Catholicism. Their bloodguilt has amassed to the heavens.
The prior pope was forced to retire. his secretary( male) was his lover. They moved in together after he retired. Peter had 0 to do with Catholicism, Jesus had 0 to do with Catholicism. Their bloodguilt has amassed to the heavens.
That's just absolutely untrue about Pope Benedict.
Jesus founded the RCC. Peter was indeed the first pope as anointed by Jesus.
That's just absolutely untrue about Pope Benedict.
Jesus founded the RCC. Peter was indeed the first pope as anointed by Jesus.
No mention of a pope in Gods bible. God used a governing body-apostles= 12 men.
The rcc = 2Thess 2:3-0 doubt.
When Paul and Barnabas disagreed about those uncircumcised, they went to Jerusalem in front of the apostles and older men to resolve the situation. Both accepted the prayed on results given to them by that governing body.
The rcc outright tells Jesus where he can go concerning calling no man on earth Father( as a spiritual teacher) The pope by being called holy Father is elevating himself into Gods position, according to that teaching from Jesus. Thus they disobey Jesus on such simple bible milk. And Jesus clearly teaches-To remain his friend and in his love, they MUST obey him. otherwise they remain in Gods wrath,( John 15:10-14) and all who listen to their darkness.--RUN FROM THEM.
The prior pope ....
One day they say that it is a mortal sin to eat meat on a Friday, the next day they say it's OK. One day they say homosexuals will go to hell, the next day they say that homosexuals can be blessed. The fact that "the pope" states this and interprets that proves that Catholicism is a huge pile of crap. If there were such a god (as they claim), humanity wouldn't need an interpreter: ▶️not a pope, ▶️not a Jesus, ▶️and not a Johnny Shit-fer-brains coming here quoting them.
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One day they say that it is a mortal sin to eat meat on a Friday, the next day they say it's OK. One day they say homosexuals will go to hell, the next day they say that homosexuals can be blessed. The fact that "the pope" states this and interprets that proves that Catholicism is a huge pile of crap. If there were such a god (as they claim), humanity wouldn't need an interpreter: ▶️not a pope, ▶️not a Jesus, ▶️and not a Johnny Shit-fer-brains coming here quoting them.
The protestants didn't fix much of the errors brought in by Catholicism from the councils they held centuries ago.
Protestants really don't understand the concept of sacrifice. The Church now as then mandates sacrifice of some type. It used to be abstaining from meat on Fridays; then in 1966 leeway was granted that one could pick their own penance, but the requirement has never gone away. Luke 13:3 "Unless you do penance, you shall likewise perish".

As for homosexuality, nothing has changed. The homo sex act is and has always been deemed immoral and a sin by the RCC. Blessing gays means nothing extra. They are individuals and can be blessed. A ship can be blessed. Anything can be blessed. That just means calling upon God's goodness over something. The pope explicitly did not bless any kind of illicit union of gays.
The protestants didn't fix much of the errors brought in by Catholicism from the councils they held centuries ago.
Yes, I think you're right, and when I take a look at what the Evangelists are preaching I know you're right.

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