April Ryan and other black dem reporters run off the stage @ Politicon after question

I just watched the video exchange.. It is stunning that even blacks are seeing through the lefts bull shit and are now calling them out... The left are scared shitless.. Then they ran from the legitimate questions about their actions... Telling indeed..

The tide is turning and they are about to be washed out to sea. They are scared to death..
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Lol these black democrats who are embarrassing! Can handle a little question from Minority questioners,,
April Ryan who grandstands at these press conferences couldn’t handle return fire lol
1st a black democrat means you must be getting paid by democrats to sell out. Embarrassing

Minority Trump supporters challenge Politicon session
Two words will describe Ryan et al on the stage full of Trump haters: 'Bell Curve'.
A black democrat has a lot of questions to answer!

Funny all the black democrats on this forum have all blocked me ,, another way to run from answering questions
Blacks are so inferior......except Jesse Lee Peterson and Candace
Well when you look at policy in black neighborhoods that are created to destroy! We can only pray they reach out to trump for help.. we will save you again blacks for a 3 rd time
I think the transgender with the grey afro is a Fake News MSNBC employee! :p

black in the age of Trump."
their problem is they are so obsessed with race it warps their minds
that Trump and the "MAGA" hat allowed people to identify openly as bigots in a way that the Ku Klux Klan hood didn't.
right there! their problem is --LONG BEFORE TRUMP--they graduate at lower levels and commit crime at higher levels----they murder each other at FOUR times the rate of whites -----then they concentrate on bigots!!!!!

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