April was a Very Bad Month

No, Steady Mercury the news is that China was supposed to do a RIMPAC drill with the worlds largest fleet of ships - many nations participating - it was announced it would be in the South China Sea - partly - this is now where the Russians and Chinese announced a few days ago they would be doing their own drills. So will we be in the same waters at the same time - but doing drills separately? Sounds like a very unsettling development and yes, it was decided in APRIL.

This was to be China's first time joining in. Now they are joining the Russians instead. Bad news? You betcha! This is about Taiwan!

China to attend major U.S.-hosted naval exercises, but role limited | Reuters
Beijing's agreement to join the drills being held next year comes at a moment of heightened tensions between China and U.S. ally Japan over disputed East China Sea islets, and unease in the United States about China's rapid military buildup and its cyber capabilities.

The Rim of the Pacific exercise, known as RIMPAC, is billed as the world's largest international maritime exercise, with 22 nations and more than 40 ships and submarines participating the last time it was held off Hawaii in 2012.

that news report was from 2013. That was the plan then and as of April the plans have changed. China and Russia to do their own drills in same waters. South China Sea. Last years event was solely off Hawaii.
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I've seen worse

MUCH worse

In the mirror?

Historically speaking, April seems to be the worst of months. Horrible things every year. The people at Ruby Ridge, Waco, and Joplin could tell you as much and that is just getting started.

Well this year is no exception as you can see, RC. I had not heard of this before but back in the month of May I decided to look up some information about the month of April after reading the history of April 19 and 20th history in a news article. So while April was rolling along I was watching one disaster after another unfold and wondering if there was a connection.

April 2014 was also the month of the First Blood Moon in Israel which is a bad omen.

No significant Comets though, thank God. Is your dread Middle Ages based or just middle age angst?
No, Steady Mercury the news is that China was supposed to do a RIMPAC drill with the worlds largest fleet of ships - many nations participating - it was announced it would be in the South China Sea - partly - this is now where the Russians and Chinese announced a few days ago they would be doing their own drills. So will we be in the same waters at the same time - but doing drills separately? Sounds like a very unsettling development and yes, it was decided in APRIL.
Yes but surely you understand my point, the drills aren't until late May. If you had the same hardon for May that you have for April, you'd be calling this an event in May, which it is.

Same with Russia and Ukraine, the shit started in February, most action involving military on military was in March, yet you're calling it an April event. You've got your mind made up so April it is, regardless of whether that makes sense.

You want a worse month? Pick one, how about November 2013? Over 6,000 killed from that Typhoon in Philippines and wildfires sweeping across Australia, surely that is worse than things like press conferences you're chalking up for April.
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No, Steady Mercury the news is that China was supposed to do a RIMPAC drill with the worlds largest fleet of ships - many nations participating - it was announced it would be in the South China Sea - partly - this is now where the Russians and Chinese announced a few days ago they would be doing their own drills. So will we be in the same waters at the same time - but doing drills separately? Sounds like a very unsettling development and yes, it was decided in APRIL.
Yes but surely you understand my point, the drills aren't until late May. If you had the same hardon for May that you have for April, you'd be calling this an event in May, which it is.

Same with Russia and Ukraine, the shit started in February, most action involving military on military was in March, yet you're calling it an April event. You've got your mind made up so April it is, regardless of whether that makes sense.

You want a worse month? Pick one, how about November 2013? Over 6,000 killed from that Typhoon in Philippines and wildfires sweeping across Australia, surely that is worse than things like press conferences you're chalking up for April.

I understand your point and according to Wikipedia Putin was still claiming military exercises as late as first week of April. I would agree with you that it began in February and has been escalating ever since. You can see things really take a hard turn in April here...

A clip from wikipedia on it.

Beginning in April, protesters and armed militants began seizing government buildings including seats of local governance, police stations, and other security facilities.[267] Western officials claimed that the militants included Russian special forces.[267] US diplomats cited "tell-tale signs"[268] such as the protests' apparent "professional, coordinated" nature and similarity and the militants' use of Russian equipment.[3] US Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew spoke of additional sanctions against Russia for its alleged escalation of the situation in Ukraine and "apparent" support for the "concerted campaign".[269] Russian officials denied that any Russian agents were in Ukraine.[270] Vitaliy Yarema, the Ukrainan vice prime minister for law enforcement, reported that Russian Special Forces units, including the 45th Parachute Guards Regiment usually stationed near Moscow, are operating on Ukrainian territory in Donetsk Oblast cities of Kramatorsk and Sloviansk. On April 16 the reported number of Russian special forces troops was 450.[271][272] Some reports from eastern Ukraine alleged that Russian military personnel were present,[273] though the masked gunmen clearly also included locals.[273][274]

On 1 April, NATO officials declared there was no evidence of a Russian withdrawal from the border area.[275]
On 2 April, the Ukrainian State Border Service confirmed NATO reports claiming that Russian troops didn't withdraw from the common border with Ukraine.[276] Ukraine's Channel 5 reporter Oleg Khryshtopa and two other members of his crew were captured by Russian soldiers near the village of Senkovka, Chernigov Oblast, while attempting to record the presence of Russian tanks on the border. According to his fiancée, Khryshtopa had sent her a message before being arrested, notifying her that the Russians had declared him persona non-grata.[277][278] Khrystopa and his team were released five hours later after being interrogated.[279]
On 3 April, the Security Service of Ukraine arrested two Russian citizens accused of planning the kidnapping of a Presidential candidate and members of the local council in Lviv. They were caught with a cache of TNT blocks, small-arms ammunition, detonators, and sketchs depicting the daily movements of their intended victims.[280][281]
On 5 April, the Security Service of Ukraine confiscated another cache of weapons in Luhansk, consisting of 300 rifles, five pistols, a grenade-launcher, hand grenades, Molotov cocktails and a number of combat knifes. They arrested 15 Pro-Russian militants.[282]
On 10 April Western media published satellite images showing Russian forces mobilized near Ukraine, images which Russia claimed to be of an August 2013 military excersise.[63]

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Historically speaking, April seems to be the worst of months. Horrible things every year. The people at Ruby Ridge, Waco, and Joplin could tell you as much and that is just getting started.

Well this year is no exception as you can see, RC. I had not heard of this before but back in the month of May I decided to look up some information about the month of April after reading the history of April 19 and 20th history in a news article. So while April was rolling along I was watching one disaster after another unfold and wondering if there was a connection.

April 2014 was also the month of the First Blood Moon in Israel which is a bad omen.

No significant Comets though, thank God. Is your dread Middle Ages based or just middle age angst?

Neither although I find it interesting that some do not see April as having been a significantly bad month! Even historically! I happen to disagree. Carry on, Smedley!
So what about it Jeremiah?

Should a Christian be calling the month of April bad when in reality God is in control?

Wouldn't that be going against the will of God?

Inquiring minds want to know. ..
Waiting for an answer Jeremiah........ :cool:

Sunni, I am not going to be replying to your posts any longer. I find them bordering between problematic and harrassment. Please find someone elses posts to attach yourself to. Thanks. - Jeri
Russia invaded the Ukraine
Come on you have some serious confirmation bias going here.

The Russian intervention in Crimea started in February when unidentified soldiers first started appearing. Most of the major military takeovers of Ukrainian military facilities happened in March.

You're attributing it to April because you already decided April is when bad things happened.

I made a correction in the OP that the conflict of Ukraine / Russia began in Feb. Escalation dramatic - in April as seen on Wiki page link I provided above. Thanks for your feedback, Steady Mercury.
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I've seen worse

MUCH worse

Name a recent month like this past one. Post your evidence, Mr. I've seen much worse. :eusa_angel:


I thought Hurricane Sandy was pretty nasty
I was kinda bummed when that kid shot up Sandy Hook elementary
That Japanese Tsunami was a bitch

Those are events I will remember the rest of my life. I don't think I will remember a thing from this past April

You won't remember the Ft. Hood shooting? The tornadoes of April 2014? The Ferry sinking that took over 300 lives? Really? I will!
I understand your point and according to Wikipedia Putin was still claiming military exercises as late as first week of April. I would agree with you that it began in February and has been escalating ever since. You can see things really take a hard turn in April here...
Nope, the crisis had way more of the world's attention in February and March and I could list just as many events related to it from those months.

You are choosing to attribute it to April to match your preconception.

When talking about the woes of April you specifically said "Russia invaded Ukraine" which is false. I'm assuming "Russia which months earlier had already invaded Ukraine and forcefully annexed Crimea has some additional disturbing developments" didn't have quite the same ring?
It had more attention in February and March but the serious developments took place in April and are still unfolding and escalating. Read the news reports, Steady Mercury. The wiki page too.


Last week, pro-Russia forces took over the police headquarters in Sloviansk, a city in Eastern Ukraine, marking the latest expansion of the self-proclaimed "People's Republic of Donetsk." VICE News correspondent Simon Ostrovsky rushed to the scene to verify whether or not Russian Special Forces had taken over the building, as was rumored, but found that it appeared to be the work of locals. As the situation escalates in Eastern Ukraine, a pattern has emerged in which buildings are stormed and occupied at night, while crowds gather outside during the day to prevent anyone from getting through. The situation in Sloviansk is different because the whole city seems to be guarded by pro-Russia forces.

April 15, 2014 | 9:22 pm

Notice the date. April 15th, 2014? ( was still unfolding ) It's been escalating since then.... Thanks for playing. No cigar. - Jeri

p.s. when the world isn't watching? That is when Putin is making his moves. Putin had his own people inside overthrowing them - not "mere locals"... that is the level of deception the Russians are gaming here. All during the month of April.
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It takes only 2 muscles to smile. Conserve energy, R.C. The month of May will hopefully be a nice peaceful month and we can all "thaw out".
April 2014 - US job growth increased at its fastest pace in more than two years in April, suggesting a sharp rebound in economic activity early in the second quarter

April 2014 - US manufacturing growth accelerated for a third straight month in April, an industry report showed on Thursday, boosted by a pickup in employment growth

April 2014 - -British manufacturing surged last month and house prices rose at the fastest pace since the financial crisis began,

April, 2014 An Age-old mystery may have been answered. The question of just how an ancient civilization—without the help of modern technology—moved the 2.5 ton stones that made up their famed pyramids has long plagued Egyptologists and mechanical engineers alike. But now, a team from the University of Amsterdam believes they've figured it out, even though the solution was staring them in the face all along.

April 26, 2014 - It's been debated for years, but now the city of Minneapolis has decided to change from celebrating Columbus Day to observing "Indigenous People's Day" instead.

April 22, 2014 - Research Proves Dogs And Cats Can Love. The Same Hormone Released In People Is Released In Animals

April 18, 2014 = Scientists Discover A New Earth-Like World. This Is The First Validated Habitable Planet

April 2014 - San Diego International Airport became the first in the world to be awarded LEED Platinum — the highest environmental certification possible — for its new energy-efficient green terminal.Sustainable features of the new terminal include a 3.3-megawatt solar array, low-flow water fixtures, drought-tolerant landscaping, energy-efficient or natural lighting, reflective roofs, storm drainage management and non-toxic interior construction materials and paints.

And finally (Lots more out there but I don't have all day)

April 5, 2014 - British Professor Says He Has Proof Fairies Exist, Claims These Photos Are Not Altered


Cheer Up Jeremiah!
Thanks, Smedley! April is gone and May is a new month! I'm believing for sunnier days. Both figuratively and literally!
Hitler's b-day, Hitler's death, Hitler's marriage, the rape of Berlin by Soviet mongoloids, Columbine, OKC, Waco, Ruby Ridge. More to come!

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