AR-15 bullet "has so much energy that it can disintegrate 3 inches of leg bone. It would just turn it to dust” -Donald Jenkins, trauma surgeon @UTexas

I would like this expert to tell us which cartridge will not shatter bone?

This is why we KNOW you cocksuckers want a complete ban. There is very little difference in the destructive power of most weapons.

You're calling for a ban on EVERYTHING.
Ironically, some of the most powerful weapons, like elephant guns, would be the least likely to be banned. Even though the sporting purpose goes against preservation of an endangered species, they are really, only a danger to elephants, and not to people.
Ironically, some of the most powerful weapons, like elephant guns, would be the least likely to be banned. Even though the sporting purpose goes against preservation of an endangered species, they are really, only a danger to elephants, and not to people.
So, you agree that this is all window dressing? The AR is a boogieman, given the firearm facts?

By the way, an elephant gun is very much a danger to anything living.

This is why we believe the left wants a complete ban, not just the AR platform, and we must give them NOTHING.
.22LR will shatter bone.

Every single cartridge in the photo is lethal.

What is absolutely comical is that .44 magnum next to the .223 is more powerful.
You can kill somebody by giving them too much water, or you can kill someone by giving them ricin. The difference is the ease of administering one vs the other.
You can kill somebody by giving them too much water, or you can kill someone by giving them ricin. The difference is the ease of administering one vs the other.
I can kill you with a .22LR with one shot.

See why we think this is not just a limited effort?

They want a 100% ban, because after the AR platform is gone, the next weapon will be demonized and banned until the right is destroyed.
So, you agree that this is all window dressing? The AR is a boogieman, given the firearm facts?

Just the opposite. The AR-15 type weapon is uniquely deadly based on the way the cartridge acts on the human body. Even though it's a full metal jacket, its interior ballistics of tumbling and high speed, produce devastating wounds. Together with the large capacity magazines, and ability to carry hundreds of rounds, makes them uniquely dangerous. They are weapons of war, and have little other purpose than to kill human beings.
It's like the difference between an ordinary honey bee, and an Africanized honeybee.

Nobody wants to get rid of all bees.
until they do.

I don't believe that shit for one minute. I know goddamn well that the motherfuckers who go to the Supreme Court and try to get the right deemed collective only have every intention of banning all firearms.

It is absolutely foreseeable that when the AR ban does nothing, the next weapon will be banned, and so on and so forth.

One thing to understand that all firearms are lethal. If the intent is to prevent deadly use of firearms, the only way to do that is to ban all firearms.

You see the problem?
This thread demonstrates a serious lack of understanding.

ALL firearms are deadly. ALL firearms can be used to kill humans.

Saying all firearms are deadly is not an honest argument. If I accidently discharge a .22short, the danger from it is not much greater than from a high powered BB gun.
If I accidently discharge a Barrett .50 BMG, it's uniquely deadly to anybody within several miles. And like the line from "Johnny Dangerously", Danny Vermin described his gun as "It can shoot through schools."
Let's test that theory, shall we?

I will shoot a 22LR at your face and you hold a phone book to block it.


You can catch the video on YouTube. A .22LR can't go through a phonebook, except at point blank range. And after doing so, there isn't enough energy left to kill.
Saying all firearms are deadly is not an honest argument.
If I accidently discharge a .22short, the danger from it is not much greater than from a high powered BB gun.
Let's test that theory. Let me shoot you with a 22short.
If I accidently discharge a Barrett .50 BMG, it's uniquely deadly to anybody within several miles. And like the line from "Johnny Dangerously", Danny Vermin described his gun as "It can shoot through schools."
So, is the 50BMG next on your ban list?
Charles Whitman killed 11 and wounded 31 in 96 minutes from the tower at the University of Texas using a bolt action rifle. Stephen Paddock killed 60 and wounded 411 in 10 minutes in Vegas using an AR-15. Any questions about why they need to be banned?

Come get them, bed pisser.
Why don't you do a YouTube video of you holding a phone book and somebody shooting at your face? Post it here.
Do you have any firearm experience? You talk like someone who gets all his firearm knowledge from watching TV or the movies. Which frankly, don't rationally depict the different weapons.

The cop shows in the 60's showed when police came under fire, they would shield themselves behind their car door. And even for 1960's sheet metal, they couldn't stop a .22LR.

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