Arabs were burying alive their daughters


Senior Member
Nov 23, 2014
Before Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) was made a prophet by Allah Almighty (God Almighty), it was the custom among the Arabs to bury their children alive if they were girls.

"When the female (infant), buried alive, is questioned ; for what crime she was killed"
(The Holy Qur'an, The Overthrowing - Surah 81 - V 8-9)

Muhammad and all prophets are teachers and they are, in addition sent as teachers. A teacher is merciful to his students. You don't teach the essentials at the first lesson. In addition, teaching is of a great extent. Even Muhammad's coughing is a teaching.

Out of mercy for your students, you don't teach the essentials at the first lesson. First, you teach them to read and write. Muhammad could not come out of the blue and say:

"these women you marry, they are for you to take care of, until the day you die and after death."

Nevertheless, Muhammad did say:

"Three things are very dear to me: women, perfume and the comfort of my eye is in prayer."

"The best of you is the one who treats his wife the best."

I am pretty sure you don't find these kind of sayings in the New Testament.

Muhammad also did say:

"She is the daughter of Abu Bakr." (in praise of his wife Aisha)

"The one who has the longest hand among you" (in praise of the generosity of his wife Zaynab)

"Allah never gave me a wife better than Khadija" (in praise of his wife Khadija)

Aisha said:

"All his works are wonderful" (in praise of Muhammad, her husband)

In the beginning of revelation, Khadija told Muhammad:

"By Allah, Allah will never disgrace you, for by Allah, you keep good relations with your Kith and kin, speak the truth, help the poor and the destitute, entertain your guests generously and assist those who are stricken with calamities."

Noah asked God to help him against his people. So God drowned them. You don't call Noah cruel. But when Muhammad splits the moon in two with one gesture of the hand, you start to call Muslims liars. What a pity.
's legitimacy is a figment of your evil imagination.
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Your mind is in a pretty fucked up condition if in 2015 you think Islam can straighten you out.

The fact of the matter is that we are NOT Arab nomads living in the harsh desert environment butchering our rival Arab tribes with knives and swords.

Islam probably had a place when it first became a religion.

Now it is an ignorant choice for a modern man or woman.
Christianity is decidely anti-marriage. Paul infamously saying it's better not to marry, but if you must...That's a pretty strange religion when you consider without marriage and children you wont have any followers eventually. Judaism is entirely about marriage and children.

Not to withhold food, clothing or conjugal rights from a wife (Ex. 21:10)
That a bridegroom shall be exempt for a whole year from taking part in any public labor, such as military service, guarding the wall and similar duties (Deut. 24:5)
To take a wife by kiddushin, the sacrament of marriage (Deut. 24:1)
To be fruitful and multiply (Gen. 1:28)
Your mind is in a pretty fucked up condition if in 2015 you think Islam can straighten you out.

The fact of the matter is that we are NOT Arab nomads living in the harsh desert environment butchering our rival Arab tribes with knives and swords.

Islam probably had a place when it first became a religion.

Now it is an ignorant choice for a modern man or woman.

Brave men spoke out against men who buried their daughters alive. You are in no position whatsoever to demand that it be only a memory of the past.

God talked to these men in a Godly way, with full exchanging. He also talks to the men of today, but since He only talks once, it is for you to bring out the full exchanging. I hope this is clear.
It is well known that the West (Europe, North America) is a great advocator of violence against women. These men are keen on brutalizing their wives, or their girlfriends for that matter.

Whoso beats his wife has fallen below the level of an animal. This is, of course, taught by Islam; and nothing else.
I speak of the knowledge of the saints of Islam.

I did not watch these videos but from what it appears these people know absolutely nothing about Islam. A learned man in Islam is someone who can appear at 12 000 different places in the world, minimum, simultaneously.

The Holy Qur'an says:

"It is He Who created you from a single person, and made his mate of like nature, in order that he might dwell with her (in love)"
The Heights (Surah 7), V 189

"They are your garments and you are their garments"
The Cow (Surah 2), V 187

On his sermon on the Farewell Pilgrimage, one of the things Muhammad strongly insisted upon is that Muslims take very good care of women.
Farewell Pilgrimage - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Farewell Sermon - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

It is evident that the men Hobelim presents know nothing about Islam.
And now some Muslims strap bombs to their daughters. Or behead them for wanting an education
I speak of the knowledge of the saints of Islam.

I did not watch these videos but from what it appears these people know absolutely nothing about Islam. A learned man in Islam is someone who can appear at 12 000 different places in the world, minimum, simultaneously.

Apparently denying an education to their own people is one reason Islam exists wherever you are from and where children are given even the most basic education is why Islam will never be accepted by intelligent people of every other nation that values knowledge and truth..
Apparently denying an education to their own people is one reason Islam exists wherever you are from and where children are given even the most basic education is why Islam will never be accepted by intelligent people of every other nation that values knowledge and truth..

Islam is nothing but a matter of intelligence.

I did not say that we don't learn. On the contrary it is a strong obligation to learn. But that obligation is not carried out until you can appear at 12 000 places in the world at the same time. And before you learn this sublime knowledge, you must first learn the (pure) knowledge available in books and in schools, not its impure knowledge. Knowlegde that teaches how to make explosives to kill people is impure. Knowledge that teaches you that women can be beaten is impure.

If you bury them alive at birth, you can't strap bombs on them, or fuck them when they are nine.

What a humanitarian Mohammed was.

I said they buried their daughters alive. I did not say they buried their female babies alive. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) came against these evil men.
I said they buried their daughters alive. I did not say they buried their female babies alive. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) came against these evil men.

How common is RAPE in the "Muslim" world? I have a video. Would you care to discuss it?
Christianity is decidely anti-marriage. Paul infamously saying it's better not to marry, but if you must...That's a pretty strange religion when you consider without marriage and children you wont have any followers eventually. Judaism is entirely about marriage and children.

Not to withhold food, clothing or conjugal rights from a wife (Ex. 21:10)
That a bridegroom shall be exempt for a whole year from taking part in any public labor, such as military service, guarding the wall and similar duties (Deut. 24:5)
To take a wife by kiddushin, the sacrament of marriage (Deut. 24:1)
To be fruitful and multiply (Gen. 1:28)
Whoso beats his wife has fallen below the level of an animal. This is, of course, taught by Islam; and nothing else.

And now some Muslims strap bombs to their daughters. Or behead them for wanting an education
If you bury them alive at birth, you can't strap bombs on them, or fuck them when they are nine.

What a humanitarian Mohammed was.

they say Benjamin , son of Jacob got married at 10, how old was his wife, didn't say.
Christianity is decidely anti-marriage. Paul infamously saying it's better not to marry, but if you must...That's a pretty strange religion when you consider without marriage and children you wont have any followers eventually. Judaism is entirely about marriage and children.

Not to withhold food, clothing or conjugal rights from a wife (Ex. 21:10)
That a bridegroom shall be exempt for a whole year from taking part in any public labor, such as military service, guarding the wall and similar duties (Deut. 24:5)
To take a wife by kiddushin, the sacrament of marriage (Deut. 24:1)
To be fruitful and multiply (Gen. 1:28)
Whoso beats his wife has fallen below the level of an animal. This is, of course, taught by Islam; and nothing else.

And now some Muslims strap bombs to their daughters. Or behead them for wanting an education
If you bury them alive at birth, you can't strap bombs on them, or fuck them when they are nine.

What a humanitarian Mohammed was.

I said they buried their daughters alive. I did not say they buried their female babies alive. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) came against these evil men.

How common is RAPE in the "Muslim" world? I have a video. Would you care to discuss it?

Probably no more common than anywhere else and probably less so as they have stricker laws on it.
Apparently denying an education to their own people is one reason Islam exists wherever you are from and where children are given even the most basic education is why Islam will never be accepted by intelligent people of every other nation that values knowledge and truth..

Islam is nothing but a matter of intelligence.

I did not say that we don't learn. On the contrary it is a strong obligation to learn. But that obligation is not carried out until you can appear at 12 000 places in the world at the same time. And before you learn this sublime knowledge, you must first learn the (pure) knowledge available in books and in schools, not its impure knowledge. Knowlegde that teaches how to make explosives to kill people is impure. Knowledge that teaches you that women can be beaten is impure.

If you bury them alive at birth, you can't strap bombs on them, or fuck them when they are nine.

What a humanitarian Mohammed was.

I said they buried their daughters alive. I did not say they buried their female babies alive. Muhammad (peace be upon him and his family) came against these evil men.

"When the female (infant), buried alive, is questioned ; for what crime she was killed"
(The Holy Qur'an, The Overthrowing - Surah 81 - V 8-9)
Probably no more common than anywhere else and probably less so as they have stricker laws on it.

Peace & Blessings to you, Ma'am:):),

The Qur'an says that the Muslims are supposed to be the best nation, not the nation like anywhere else...I have heard that they treat their women atrociously. They are not behaving like the best nation.

Peace & brotherly love,
Just so we're clear, the corollary of "old enough to crawl is old enough to ball" is "old enough to bury is old enough to marry"?

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