Arctic ice thins dramatically

Of course..........the pink and purple cars pay homage to the limpwristed supporters of Obama!!!

Should have made them hybrids. Draw attention to two colossal failures with one image.

LMAO...........I drive by a hybrid about once per hour. People are confused.

So Wire bro.........which campaign symbol should I go with for beating up on the far let k00ks as we enter 2012??
Hey Polar...........Im gearing up for campaign mode on this board. Trying to decide which gay MS PAINT Photobucket Classic Im going to go with..............

Which do you think???

Of course..........the pink and purple cars pay homage to the limpwristed supporters of Obama!!!
My Opinion ?
Let`s get gay and get married, because my present wife NEVER wants my opinion.

About these idiotic cars, the IPCC and everything that goes with it, we put that behind us in Canada already...more or less...the "less" is that we still have some kooks here too.
See You guys should have left our Third Reich alone...we told You so..
We had what Jews call the "Selection Process"..:


You would`nt have these problems now would You ?

Anyways here is my opinion...:

But hey You have to look @ the bright side...look how cheap the spare tires will be, some of Michael Mann`s ideas are not all that bad...except that he should go back to grade school and let a kindergarten teacher explain it to him again what an average is and how to add up and divide a couple of numbers.

Suppose You had data set sequence of 10,10,8,10,8,10.5,8,8,10,8 which are nine numbers which add up to 82.5
so far there is no argument, that 82.5 divided by 9 = an average of 9.16

He has a real problem with his "math" when another 10 walks in...even though this new 10 is below the 10.5 we have in the above set he gets confused.

What do You do now...????
is the new 10 now part of a data set that should look like this..:

10,10,8,10,8,10.5,8,8,10,8,10 which add up to 92.5 and give You a new average of 92.5/10= 9.25

If You do that then the average increase was 9.25-9.166 =0.084
...and this gives then an average increase of only 0.908 %

Or should You do it like that...:
You use the data set of the first nine...hey even if it`s got a 10.5 in it, no sweat we have "Global Warming Math"......:


the new 10 is a massive increase of 10-9.166= 0.834 above the average (using the data set of the previous 9 numbers even with the 10.5)

And there was a massive increase of 0.834 * 100/9.166 = 9.098 % above average of whatever the fuck it was, temperature, the size of the Ozone "HOLE", a "rise in Ocean levels" or a drop in polar ice coverage

So which do you "report" to the IPCC and the morons like Old Rocks...???
0.908 % "above average" even though the world already survived a 10.5

Or will New York get flooded soon
because we just had an ALARMING INCREASE of 9.098 % above average

Here I piped the entire JAXA Data set through a little computer program and this is what came out...:


See what kind of games You could play with that...?
I could show MASSIVE average increases in % of the # of square kilometers of ice we had since 2007

or I could expand the top of the scale I used on this JAXA data graph which uses the ENTIRE DATA SET not just funny "averages" to have the 2008, 2009 and 2010 ice coverage TOWERING over 2007, the graph that Chris ( kept sticking in our faces here..) They expanded the scale so much that they have to use 8 million square kilometers as a "zero" on the Y-axis, eles the graph would be 10 feet tall instead of a few inches...just so You can see "how massive the ice loss" was in 2007...the data set they keep using everywhere on the internet

And here is a closeup how my program plots EVERY DATA Point of the ENTIRE SET, not just "averages"...:


The empty spaces are when the JAXA satellite transmits a -9999 code, meaning the bird was "parked" to safe guard it from solar flare ups.


And in every data set the maximum ice cover observed was less in every year with a lot of violent solar activity...
You`ld never spot this unless You let a computer program sort out the JAXA data which sifts -9999 Satellite codes the arctic ice cover "shrinking at an alarming rate"...?

I guess it all depends on a very tiny little change in a mathematical algorithm, rather than a tiny "Greenhouse Gas" fart if New York will flood or not..:.:

open "c:\JAXA\cleanplot.txt" for input as #i
if eof (#i) < 0 then [done]
input #i, item$:l=len(item$)
if item$="99/" then [average]
if instr(item$,"No",12)=12 then [readdata]
gosub [value]
if z>maxz then let maxz=z:maxd$=d$
if z<minz then let minz=z:mind$=d$
if dp<dmax then let f$="c:\JAXA\"+year$+"plot.bmp":gosub [average]:dmax=0:gosub [value]
goto [readdata]
beg$="01/01/"+ year$
if dp>dmax then let dmax=dp
print ""
year=year-1:if item$="99/" then let year=year+1
print "Year ";year
print "Average ";av
print "Number of Data Points ";nd
print"Max= ";maxz;" Date ";maxd$
print"Min= ";minz;" Date ";mind$
if item$="99/" then [quit]
close #i

Here is a message "Old Rocks" put in my Comment box
Old Rocks BiPolar, old wimp, it would take more that a few of the likes of you to handle this old boy.

"Old Boy" is that your new user name instead of "Old Rocks"...
well anytime "OldBoy"...I told You I`m a real genuine 100 % purebred Bavarian Nazi...
I wonder how many of us it would take to rip off these threads that hang out from your shirt...the ones You call "arms"..:


Each one of our girls could make spam in a can out of You..:


I know "Skookerasbil" is not looking at our beer...:


That`s called a "Dirndl" and has been the traditional dress for women in Bavaria ever since there was a Bavaria...see why Uncle Adolf liked it there too..this is where he wrote "Mein Kampf"...
When I go for a visit back home I always find it hard to control on what my eyes focus , never-mind my thoughts

See I had to come back here again because of the typos I stared making when I Googled Images for "Dirndl" and I had a screen full of that in my face

Fuck I actually wrote "stared making" instead of started making
Try that for a deadly combination, the size of the jugs, ...also the ones that have beer in them..= 2 liters and our weakest beer = 12%, + no speed limit and many of our cars can exceed 350 kmh ....


So Sookerasbil, be careful with that phrase "when in Rome do as the Romans do"...the phrase never mentioned "but they are used to it..!"
And if You do wanna visit where I was born & raised...I better tell You right now...
Every time they start singing "Oans Zwoa XSUFFA..." that means You have to down the entire content of You beer mug...
Could be the waitress just brought Yo a fresh one,....that would be 1/2 Gallon of 12 % beer...
If You can`t the fine is a round of beer for Your table...and our beer tent tables seat > 100...!!

So remember "practice makes perfect"....
Hey I gave You a good excuse now, You owe me one too...
Last edited:
LMAO...........I drive by a hybrid about once per hour. People are confused.

So Wire bro.........which campaign symbol should I go with for beating up on the far let k00ks as we enter 2012??

Either. They both convey the "over a cliff" message effectively.
Arctic sea ice declined slowly through most of April. Because of the slow decline in April, ice extent for the month as a whole did not approach record lows, as it did in March. However, ice extent began to decline more quickly towards the end of the month.

Central Russia saw an early retreat of snow cover, as a result of prevailing warm conditions during the past winter over the eastern Arctic and Siberia.

Mean ice extent for the month was 14.15 million square kilometers (5.46 million square miles). This is 850,000 square kilometers (328,000 square miles) below the average for the reference period of 1979 to 2000.

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis
The avg global temperature by 2025 better fucking be at least .2c warmer then today or I'm going to put my fucking fist through a fucking wall. Better NOT be lieing to us. :evil:

I went honest data that is NOT about money, but about science. I went these predictions for better or worst to have a fair chance of being right. Not that I went extictions, but there better fucking be a reason for 1/3rds of the people in the USA demanding and scaring the other 2/3rd of the population into making offical policy out of it.
Arctic sea ice declined slowly through most of April. Because of the slow decline in April, ice extent for the month as a whole did not approach record lows, as it did in March. However, ice extent began to decline more quickly towards the end of the month.

Central Russia saw an early retreat of snow cover, as a result of prevailing warm conditions during the past winter over the eastern Arctic and Siberia.

Mean ice extent for the month was 14.15 million square kilometers (5.46 million square miles). This is 850,000 square kilometers (328,000 square miles) below the average for the reference period of 1979 to 2000.

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis
It might surprise some of you mental midgets, but the thickness of ice caps seems to be a far trickier thing to measure than NASA lets on. Area is a little easier to measure, but for some reason they want to lie about the results.
It might surprise some of you mental midgets, but the thickness of ice caps seems to be a far trickier thing to measure than NASA lets on. Area is a little easier to measure, but for some reason they want to lie about the results.

Being fitted for a little tinfoil cap, old boy?
Geez........the posts by the k00ks are so stinkin' boring, are they not?

No wonder they're on the internet 16 hours a day.

They don't have jobs (other than sucking off the public tit in some form or other) so need to keep themselves occupied.
It might surprise some of you mental midgets, but the thickness of ice caps seems to be a far trickier thing to measure than NASA lets on. Area is a little easier to measure, but for some reason they want to lie about the results.

Being fitted for a little tinfoil cap, old boy?

What part of sea ice is more effected by ocean currents is giving you trouble? I know that is pretty tough for you to deal with, but I thought maybe you actually have learned something in the nearly three years this whole concept has befuddled you.
Arctic sea ice declined slowly through most of April. Because of the slow decline in April, ice extent for the month as a whole did not approach record lows, as it did in March. However, ice extent began to decline more quickly towards the end of the month.

Central Russia saw an early retreat of snow cover, as a result of prevailing warm conditions during the past winter over the eastern Arctic and Siberia.

Mean ice extent for the month was 14.15 million square kilometers (5.46 million square miles). This is 850,000 square kilometers (328,000 square miles) below the average for the reference period of 1979 to 2000.

Arctic Sea Ice News & Analysis


In a related story, green leaves appeared on trees up and down New York's Hudson Valley
I`don`t mean you Chris with the rat, I am talking about this phony graph. I know for sure the source Data is from the JAXA Satellite, because of the phrase "Area of ocean with at least 15 % sea ice". I have seen all kinds of graphs and each graph the author used "averages"..

The data source is the National Snow and Ice Data Center. There isn't really a JAXA Satellite. JAXA is a Japanese science body and the satellite they use is a NASA one. NSIDC is an American science body and they use a different satellite for their sea ice analysis.

"JAXA`s data stream has the figure -9999 embedded in the same data field where the ice surface area is. -9999 is when the satellite was "parked" every time there were solar flares endangering the JAXA-S. And You guessed right, the enviro wacko sites incorporated the 999 code as sea ice extent in their averaging.."

Rest assured there's no way the NSIDC use that JAXA file and besides we can see from the daily values on their site there are no -9999 values. There are too many users of this dataset for any obvious errors like this to exist.

But do you see now how these bastards cheated...where is their line for 2008, 2009 & 2010...?? See how much higher the peaks are than 2007..!!! They picked the lowest data set which was 2007 and an "average" average of what data???

The reason why 2007 is depicted is because it was the record summer minimum year. It's like putting up the world record time on a board during the 100 meter sprint. Everyone wants to compare the current race to see if a new record is beaten. The average line is the 1979 to 2000 average.
As government officials from eight Arctic nations - the United States, Russia, Canada, Sweden, Finland, Denmark, Norway and Iceland - prepare to meet in Greenland next week to discuss the challenges of climate change, a report released May 4, 2011 underscores the urgency of the Arctic Council meeting. The study finds the Arctic's polar ice is melting at a much faster rate than previously thought.

The report was released by the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Program, the scientific arm of the 8-nation Arctic Council. It finds that the past six years - between 2005 and 2010 - were the warmest years recorded in the Arctic since measurements began in 1880.

Arctic Ice Melting Faster Than Predicted | Environment | English
Now Chris, BiPolar will come back with a multi-page reply replete with cartoons, idiocies, and quotes from various whackos. See what you have done:lol:

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