Arctic ice thins dramatically

How can we learn the truth, if you're only willing to tell half the story? Yes, the hole existed before man. Yes, it gets larger and smaller naturally. Neither of those two facts perclude the man having an effect on its size by the emission of chemicals KNOWN to breakdown ozone.

I am willing to tell the whole story. Have you gloamed onto this "half the story" line in an effort to avoid discussing the topic?

Please, address THIS issue before going any further, including your contention that man has "nothing" to do with the size of the hole. Considering you're bashing others for having few facts to back them up, you've got a lot of nerve expecting us to believe something for which you have NO facts!!! Once again, intellectual dishonesty.

No. I won't address THAT before going any further. Before the discussion progresses, I would like to know what you believe you know about the ozone layer. Till I know that you at least have a grasp of the basics, there is no point in continuing.

Again. What do you believe the ozone layer is? How do you believe it got there? And what do you believe it does. Answer the questions and we can either proceed with the discussion or get you in touch with the basic facts.

As to your suggestion that I have no facts, once more you are just talking. To date, you don't know what I have because so far, you are afraid to begin the conversation. I am not going to suggest anyting to you that I can not prove with credible materials.

Now, are you up to the conversation or not?
how will they move the goalposts if you demand a snapshot before you start? totally unfair of youold chap.
But the size of it may. You can't dispute the effect of chlorine on ozone. That's straight chemistry, whether in a test tube or in the atmosphere. It's intellectual dishonesty to leave out half the story. :eusa_liar:

I am telling you that man has nothing to do with the ozone "hole". If you care to discuss the topic, I will be happy to lead you to the same unavoidable conclusion. If you are in posession of the facts, the hoax simply falls away.

Once more I ask...What do you believe the ozone layer to be, how do you believe it got there, and what do you believe it does. Answer the questions or admit your intellectual cowardice.

Care to learn the truth?

How can we learn the truth, if you're only willing to tell half the story? Yes, the hole existed before man. Yes, it gets larger and smaller naturally. Neither of those two facts perclude the man having an effect on its size by the emission of chemicals KNOWN to breakdown ozone. Please, address THIS issue before going any further, including your contention that man has "nothing" to do with the size of the hole. Considering you're bashing others for having few facts to back them up, you've got a lot of nerve expecting us to believe something for which you have NO facts!!! Once again, intellectual dishonesty.

What the fuck are you talking about...did you ever study chemistry...?
So how would you be qualified to make a judgement call, which part of the crap you dig up is legitimate and which is not.
Have you ever even looked into the wikipedia rules...?
1. "wiki wiki" means ANYBODY can write almost any crap they want, and for "references & sources" even a garbage web site is accepted.
I`m not saying there is only garbage on wikipedia or the rest of the internet, I am saying there is a lot of garbage
And if the subject is Ozone Chemistry how would you for example know which is legitimate data and which is the garbage..??
You are one of the countless stupid people who are instant "science experts" and all it takes is to yank the plug on your PC and you are an instant moron.
I wonder why Chemists or other Science Students attend years and years at Universities at great expense....who needs it...all it takes is go to a forum like this and and see what morons like you dig up on Ozone chemistry using the search word "THE OZONE HOLE" + "OH MY GOD!"
If You want to know about Ozone Chemistry but are too stupid + lazy to study Chemistry then look around in these enviro-wacko threads and You`l find that this Ozone "hole" + Ozone Chemistry has already been discussed @ length ...
First of all there is no such thing as an Ozone HOLE nor has there ever been an Ozone HOLE
If you would have to answer right now in some public place some surprise questions by some TV Reporter what You know about Dobson Units, what a free radical is, what governs a reaction speed or even what the molecular structure of Ozone looks like You sure a shit would saddle up and fuck off without saying a word..

By the way Westwall and the others had it right...

and you came back...:
But the size of it may. You can't dispute the effect of chlorine on ozone. That's straight chemistry, whether in a test tube or in the atmosphere. It's intellectual dishonesty to leave out half the story.

a typical "wikipedia chemistry" graduate "answer"...
So we Chemists had it all wrong all these years...?

The effect of concentration on rates of reaction
Collisions involving two particles
In order for any reaction to happen, those particles must first collide.
If the concentration is higher, the chances of collision are greater.
The same argument applies whether the reaction involves collision between two different particles or two of the same particle.

And Dobson Units are not Ozone concentration, but simply a unit taken from the "Umkehr Methode"`s a German word, that You would have to google first...don`t bother I`ll show You a NASA picture that your eenzy weenzy mind might understand..:


So from there You can see...(can you?) that the max concentration is not quite 8 ppm,
So only 8 parts in 1 Million parts are ozone the rest is not...
and You quote web page "science" that tell You that a Cl-radial can have more than 200 000 collisions in a row seeking and finding Ozone Molecules like a radar guided missile..

Do You know what a free radical is,,,doooh...?
It can be an atom or a complete Molecule as long as it has an electron in the outer layer that is not spin-coupled with another other one of the opposite spin...
This single Cl radical that your science has killing almost a million Ozone molecule un-docked just now from another radical that has this opposite spin electron in the outer layer...
so what do you think are the chances....will it first find these 8 in one million Ozone molecules and "destroy the Ozone Layer" or will it sooner than later find something right in it`s vicinity a radical with an opposite spin electron...?....and the "Ozone destructive Radical" is then annihilated

All us of here already know how you answered that one, so don`t bother.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> That's straight chemistry, whether in a test tube or in the atmosphere<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

You, Chris and the chief moron Old Rock that`s all You`ll ever "know" because you have no clue about anything, nor would any of you even be reading anything remotely intelligent..

As if You`l get useful information using the kinds of Google Queries You guys use ..
like "Ozone hole", "Record high temperature", "Thin arctic ice" and garbage like that...
So why not "cell phone radiation:...:

And then can back it up with "real science"...:

Cellphone Radiation May Alter Your Brain. Let’s Talk.

In a culture where people cradle their cellphones next to their heads with the same constancy and affection that toddlers hold their security blankets, it was unsettling last month when a study published in The Journal of the American Medical Association indicated that doing so could alter brain activity.

San Francisco Mandates Cell Phone Radiation Labels
San Francisco's law will be the first in the nation despite controversy and uncertainty if cell phone radiations do cause cancer.

And you would believe the entire crock of shit..!!!

The chief source of Ozone is UV sunlight impacting on Oxygen and that creates 2 Oxygen radicals which each react with an un-split Oxygen Molecule, but then spin couple their unpaired outer electrons with one of the 2 O=O bonds and then You have O(3)

You can even buy Ozone Generators today which are simply a high intensity UV lamp in a flow through tube...

So if You still haven`t figured out why the this Ozone "hole" only forms over the poles then shut the fuck up and accuse others..:

It's intellectual dishonesty to leave out half the story.


which are pitch dark 24/7 at each respective polar winter

Ozone Hole 2006 Largest on Record

Google will find what You want it to find..:


Can You figure out why the Ozone "Hole" might have been almost as big in 2006 as an asshole as You are

By the way, there is no Ozone hole, that is a figure of speech, because the "Umkehr Method" and the Dobson Units are not in ppm Ozone, but rather a virtual figure expressing how many molecules of Ozone it would take to for a 0.01 millimeter thick "Ozone Layer" around the globe, @ zero degrees Celsius and a pressure we have at ground level...
I hope you realize, that`s not how Ozone exists in fact around our planet...
so the Ozone HOLE is only a virtual mathematical concept, there is no such thing as a "real Ozone hole" nor was there ever,,,take my word for it !!!
The phrase with the scary word Hole in it was coined by "WODC" ~1960 which was then pretty much what the IPCC is

Ever since we had CFC propellant hair-spray for women we have an Ozone "HOLE"
Ever since we have cars "spewing CO2" we have "Global Warming"...
I don`t dispute that there is no correlation between the phrases we use since then...the correlation is perfect...
But these "scientific arguments"....which assert that the absence of all other explanations...which are not printed by the News papers "proves" that the Ozone "HOLE" and "Global waming" is man made.

Okay then prove that this was not the cause of this horrible calamity...:
It was admittedly colder when women dressed in the summer like that..:


That guy checking the hem line with a tape measure was the "Global Warming Police"...
and today he could say "I told You so"

And then they (thank God) started dressing like this...:


And wouldn`t You know it there is a way better correlation, between the shrinking women`s attire than the "shrinking Polar Ice" than there is between M.Manns tree rings and "man`s evil activities" or Hairspray and the Ozone "HOLE"

Looking at my choices if I had my pick I sure hope the ice and the girl`s cloths keep on shrinking...
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Good post. Lots of info. I don't think he will get it though because I don't think he understands the basics. I don't think he grasps that ozone is created by an interaction between high altitude O2 and incoming UV from the sun. Without that bit of information, I don't think he is able to make the leap to understanding that since the ozone "layer" is dependent on incoming UV from the sun for its very existence, that it stands to reason that the lowest atmospheric concentration of ozone at any given time will be at the point on earth where there is the least amount of UV from the sun hitting the atmosphere, ie. whichever pole is experiencing winter.

Further, I don't think that he has the slightest idea of how long an unstable molecule like ozone can actually last in the atmosphere. His wiki states that an O3 molecule in atmospheric conditions will last about half an hour. An instance where wiki is quite accurate for a change.

Ozone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent, far stronger than O2. It is also unstable at high concentrations, decaying to ordinary diatomic oxygen (with a half-life of about half an hour in atmospheric conditions)
2 O3 &#8594; 3 O2
This reaction proceeds more rapidly with increasing temperature and increased pressure. Deflagration of ozone can be triggered by a spark, and can occur in ozone concentrations of 10 wt% or higher

Because he doesn't grasp the basic science, I doubt that he can even begin to understand the implications of O3 being created by an interaction between incoming UV from the sun and high altitude O2 and O3 molecules having a half life of about half an hour in the "wild".

I doubt very seriously that he is capable of wondering what happens to the "ozone" layer on the dark side of the Earth a few hours or so after there is no more incoming UV from the sun to replentish the ozone "layer" and I doubt very very seriously that he is even close to wondering why the ozone layer is right back in place as soon as the atmosphere comes back around to daylight.

Back to the basics. Since he probably doesn't fully grasp that since UV energy is being absorbed to create O3, he has probably never wondered which energy he believes ozone is protecting us from. He can't grasp that the ozone "layer" is the result of UV from the sun being absorbed. He can't understand that the ozone "layer" is a result, not a cause.
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Good post. Lots of info. I don't think he will get it though because I don't think he understands the basics. I don't think he grasps that ozone is created by an interaction between high altitude O2 and incoming UV from the sun. Without that bit of information, I don't think he is able to make the leap to understanding that since the ozone "layer" is dependent on incoming UV from the sun for its very existence, that it stands to reason that the lowest atmospheric concentration of ozone at any given time will be at the point on earth where there is the least amount of UV from the sun hitting the atmosphere, ie. whichever pole is experiencing winter.

Further, I don't think that he has the slightest idea of how long an unstable molecule like ozone can actually last in the atmosphere. His wiki states that an O3 molecule in atmospheric conditions will last about half an hour. An instance where wiki is quite accurate for a change.

Ozone - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Ozone is a powerful oxidizing agent, far stronger than O2. It is also unstable at high concentrations, decaying to ordinary diatomic oxygen (with a half-life of about half an hour in atmospheric conditions)
2 O3 &#8594; 3 O2
This reaction proceeds more rapidly with increasing temperature and increased pressure. Deflagration of ozone can be triggered by a spark, and can occur in ozone concentrations of 10 wt% or higher

Because he doesn't grasp the basic science, I doubt that he can even begin to understand the implications of O3 being created by an interaction between incoming UV from the sun and high altitude O2 and O3 molecules having a half life of about half an hour in the "wild".

I doubt very seriously that he is capable of wondering what happens to the "ozone" layer on the dark side of the Earth a few hours or so after there is no more incoming UV from the sun to replentish the ozone "layer" and I doubt very very seriously that he is even close to wondering why the ozone layer is right back in place as soon as the atmosphere comes back around to daylight.
See this is what happens he quotes Wikipedia and does not understand that this is a Lab figure Chemists use for pure Ozone at - 50 degrees Celsius.

And in his "Wiki qucky" science course he has all the Ozone which is generated @ high altitude staying up there....
The same kind of people can`t figure out why air gets lighter as the moisture content goes up..because he never had anything to do with chemistry..
People like that have to be led by the hand through any of the hundreds of the principles which someone who studied Chemistry & Physics takes for granted...but were not in the same "wiki quicky" science lesson he just had from his Google results..

So with his "Wiki qucky" science course he concludes Ozone would be staying up there for 6 months unmolested by the evil Chemical and Oil Industries were it not for us and some spray cans with CFC propellent ....and everyone that took the trouble to attend chemistry lectures is wasting their money and their time...
Lecture 32
Lecture 32

Chemical Reactions in the Atmosphere

And in the OldRocks Science Courses a pound of Rocks is heavier than a pound of therefore Water (vapor) is heavier than air...????????
H2O 1 G-Mol = 18 grams
O2=32, N2=28, the R-constant @ standard Gas conditions we use for comparisons = 22.4 liters per G-mole, so You can see why moist air rises the more moisture (as in H2O) in becomes ever lighter and rises in violent torrents

Chemists do these calculations all the time, so we don`t even have to look up values from tables or the equations ... we know them like other people know phone numbers they call every day...and we don`t confuse the Pizza man`s phone number with the dentist like "Wiki science graduates"...

Anyway I think everybody knows how high a "towering cumulus" can rise...?
So for starters, there is a shit load of a violent air torrent rising from low altitude to >40 000 all the time all over the world...what is it again ~ 70 to 80 Lightning events per second world wide...
And no way will that leave the Ozone it comes in contact with at the Lab-table value and as pure Ozone alone for 6 months except what`s higher than 15 kilometers...
And the Ozone that is above that height...let me get that straight now...:
Wicki and Internet "scientists" have CFC`s going up there, forming radicals that streak around like missiles and colliding with ever Ozone Molecule there is...
but the Ozone Molecules hover perfectly still up there and don`t follow the laws of physics...?
Not even in 6 months a single Ozone molecule makes it down to the boundary layer where all kinds of natural chemical interactions are happening...?

Have this idiot check out the stability of Ozone when it`s no longer of analytical grade purity like his strange "climate model world" would have it...Ozone, 6 months half-life in the REAL WORLD...what a joke...

I don`t see why the fuck You & I should do all this work for him...
Assholes like that make the most retarded assertions and I`m supposed to spend the rest of the day scanning in Chemistry and Physics book pages and upload these to "photobucket" so he can read if he would...and as if he could understand one single statement made on any single page in any REAL Physics or Chemistry book...
if he would he`l never even be quoting ridiculous stuff like this "6 Months Half Life Time " for pure Ozone held at - 50 C and standard pressure

If he starts paying me say $ 40 per download, like most of the REAL SCIENCE publications cost on the internet if You want to download them, then I might reconsider...

As far as I am concerned I don`t care how stupid he is and how stupid he stays..
let him continue to "study science" the way he and Old Rocks do it....
And let him continue to post it here..
It would be a shame if they would stop...then we would not have any more whipping boys to have fun with

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As far as I am concerned I don`t care how stupid he is and how stupid he stays..
let him continue to "study science" the way he and Old Rocks do it....
And let him continue to post it here..
It would be a shame if they would stop...then we would not have any more whipping boys to have fun with

Good point, but personally, I believe that ozone reactions in the atmosphere are so basic, that even a bag of rocks could be taught without a great deal of effort and when they actually learn the basics and are able to use those principles to come to the conclusion themselves that the ozone "hole" was a hoax and that there never was anything to worry about, maybe, just maybe, they will wonder what other hoaxes and half truths they have been spoon fed.

And if they clap their hands over their ears and yell LA LA LA as loud as they can rather than even attempt to understand the basics when someone is willing to teach them, then they have said all that needs to be said about the quality of their intellect and their character.

As a side note, do you remember when Australia spent a dump truck full of money on an advertising campaign warning its citizens that the sun was shining through the ozone hole and giving them skin cancer? That was a prime example of what you get when you don't at least try to help them get a handle on the basics. Imagine, the leadership of an industrialized nation scaring the hell out of their citizens and a nation full of citizens who aren't able to build a model in their head and realize that the claims being made simply could not happen.

The sun is forever to the north of Australia. The ozone hole is forever to the south of Australia. By what twisted bit of logic to you believe a sun that is forever to your north is shining down on you through a "hole" that is forever to your south?

That dumptruck full of money they spent could have been used for a worthy cause rather than being flushed down the toilet on a hoax. The same is true for the anthropogenic climate change hoax; except instead of spending a dump truck full of money, they are talking about spending several fleets of dumptrucks full of money. Money that could be used to actually do some good but instead, is being used to line the pockets of people like the UN leadership and algore.

I am not particularly attached to any illusion that rocks et al will actually try to grasp the scientific basics and begin to question the stories they have bought into, but if I don't at least try to explain the elementaries to those who don't know them, then I am left thinking less of myself.
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I'm in the process of building an arc at this very moment because I am certain that the extra water from the melting ice is going to raise the sea level and we'll all be fucked. Get a life... Environmental wackos are out tonight... Beware.

The melting arctic ice won't raise the sea level.

The ice in Greenland and Antarctica will.

--the idea being arctic ice floats and melts to the same volume.

That could also apply for Greenland and Antarctica too because the weight of the ice pack has pushed land elevations there several thousand feet below sea level. Then the land levels would be pushed back up, the displacement would lower ocean floors that would go down further from the weight of more water.

Ocean levels are caused by factors other than ice packs. We had rising ocean levels back in the 70's during the 'global cooling' era.
As far as I am concerned I don`t care how stupid he is and how stupid he stays..
let him continue to "study science" the way he and Old Rocks do it....
And let him continue to post it here..
It would be a shame if they would stop...then we would not have any more whipping boys to have fun with

Good point, but personally, I believe that ozone reactions in the atmosphere are so basic, that even a bag of rocks could be taught without a great deal of effort and when they actually learn the basics and are able to use those principles to come to the conclusion themselves that the ozone "hole" was a hoax and that there never was anything to worry about, maybe, just maybe, they will wonder what other hoaxes and half truths they have been spoon fed.

And if they clap their hands over their ears and yell LA LA LA as loud as they can rather than even attempt to understand the basics when someone is willing to teach them, then they have said all that needs to be said about the quality of their intellect and their character.

As a side note, do you remember when Australia spent a dump truck full of money on an advertising campaign warning its citizens that the sun was shining through the ozone hole and giving them skin cancer? That was a prime example of what you get when you don't at least try to help them get a handle on the basics. Imagine, the leadership of an industrialized nation scaring the hell out of their citizens and a nation full of citizens who aren't able to build a model in their head and realize that the claims being made simply could not happen.

The sun is forever to the north of Australia. The ozone hole is forever to the south of Australia. By what twisted bit of logic to you believe a sun that is forever to your north is shining down on you through a "hole" that is forever to your south?

That dumptruck full of money they spent could have been used for a worthy cause rather than being flushed down the toilet on a hoax. The same is true for the anthropogenic climate change hoax; except instead of spending a dump truck full of money, they are talking about spending several fleets of dumptrucks full of money. Money that could be used to actually do some good but instead, is being used to line the pockets of people like the UN leadership and algore.

I am not particularly attached to any illusion that rocks et al will actually try to grasp the scientific basics and begin to question the stories they have bought into, but if I don't at least try to explain the elementaries to those who don't know them, then I am left thinking less of myself.

First @ Skookerasbil
The Question is...........where does your face go?? A question, by the way, unable to be answered by the k00ks.

Hey Polar........see DRUDGE this AM???

Greenhouse gases at a 15 year / US & Canada - US greenhouse gases drop to 15-year low

Captain Awesome, why did You change that Avatar You had...? You f-d up I don`t know how many posts in German Hi HI Hi HA HA HA ho ho ho lolo Co$$T web sites where I borrowed Your avatar. You know that Jewish "Eyewitnesses" could not make up their mind till ~ 1960 how us Germans killed them.. It was`nt always "Zyklon B Gaschambers"..
They said we made soap out of them and in Isreal there are actually "graves" with soap bars + head stones....(for real), they also said we used "superheated steam", explosives, "automatic neck shooting machines", even footballfield sized high voltage steel plates where they had to stand for "twitch and roll calls".... and all kinds of stuff before they settled on Zyklon-B after the Hollywood movies and Elie Wiesel,,,the Al Gore of the "holocaust science"...he wrote about 3 different versions in his books first in Yiddish we killed them with mass shootings and after Wiesel walked over a site where we buried dead Jews he said with every foot step "Fountains of blood" squirted up from the ground..the problem is that no dead bodies other than the Typhus louse Jews;
; were ever found...
So I showed with Your old avatar how we evil Germans really did it...we nailed a $100 bill on a hydro pole close to the H-V wires and positioned a garbage can below at the pole in every street in German cities.
Once a week the Sanitation Dep. Trucks came to empty out the garbage cans...and that was that...Now all my holocaust "science" posts are fucked up..because I`ve been using a direct [img/url]to Your old avatar..and each post now shows Captain Awesome

Greenhouse gases at a 15 year / US & Canada - US greenhouse gases drop to 15-year low
Yeah, right how wonderful
That`s how they "closed the Ozone hole" too CFC`s were banned, just the way Dupont liked it after their patent ran out and then the Ozone "hole" closed...
I guess I should write again how these "current CO2" levels are cheated together.

@ Expat- Panama

You are damned right!! Of course GW "scientists" will deny and ridicule Your argument but it is the very same argument "GW science" uses when You point out where the Roman Sea walls are today in relation to where the beech is now...
"The Bitish Isles rose up" = the first thing You`ll hear...
But if I were You I would not even worry about how much ice per time slides due to gravity down the slopes in Greenland and calves into icebergs..
It`s not any more than it always has been and icebergs have been monitored ever since the Titanic was sunk by that steady train of icebergs that calve off the steep slopes @ the Greenland coast...for a while after 1945 this count went up, because the detection with airborne RADAR was improved...
CO2 had nothing to do with that either.
GW "science" collects thier "data" @ and dramatic Youtube videos @ and Photos on these steep slopes...there are lots & lots of glaciers on Greenland & Ellesmere where the slope gradient is less and the glaciers do not "melt"..see pics below
This shows up even on the "Ducky" doctored NASA Radar altimeter Sat-pictures...even after the shades of color coding gray has been forged to suit the purpose
And for the icebergs and the ice sheets, ice was dissolved by warmer salt water long before there was homo C-OTwo-ius on this planet.
And tell `m again to put some cubes in a glass of water and let them "melt" if that would raise the water level...
I don`t know why everybody insists the ice is "melting"...
It`s DISSOLVED....why the fuck then don`t they say the Sugar cubes they put into their hot coffee are "being melted"

@ wirebender
The sun is forever to the north of Australia. The ozone hole is forever to the south of Australia. By what twisted bit of logic to you believe a sun that is forever to your north is shining down on you through a "hole" that is forever to your south?

That dumptruck full of money they spent could have been used for a worthy cause rather than being flushed down the toilet on a hoax. The same is true for the anthropogenic climate change hoax; except instead of spending a dump truck full of money, they are talking about spending several fleets of dumptrucks full of money. Money that could be used to actually do some good but instead, is being used to line the pockets of people like the UN leadership and algore.
This is all political science and the soviets were the first to have institutions that taught it, along with propaganda & agitation...
The West actually adopted a shitload of Soviet methods long before the DDR & the USSR imploded and this was one of them.
It was a nifty improvement over old style propaganda methods, which did not incorporate modern insights in human behavior.....

I`ll show You an example from my personal e-mail...I edited out my private e-mail of course...:
U.S. Navy Daily Digest Bulletin
Add star
U.S. Navy
<[email protected]> Tue, Apr 19, 2011 at 2:48 AM
To: I edited out my e-mail

Message: 1
From: U.S. Navy <navy@service>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2011 15:32:54 -0500 (CDT)
Subject: Navy News Service for Monday, April 18, 2011


NNS110417-04. State and Defense Lift Japan Departure and Stop Movement Orders

From Chief of Naval Personnel Affairs

WASHINGTON (NNS) -- Effective April 15, the State and Defense Departments' authorized departure
NNS110418-03. Perform -To-Serve Shared Responsibilities

By Mass Communication Specialist 1st Class (AW) LaTunya Howard, Navy Personnel Command Public Affairs

See what I mean, we all have "Mass communication Specialists" now, courtesy of the USSR & DDR...
They don`t just have a B.A. degree in English they are INDEED specially trained and very well trained, believe You me ....!!!

Some old graduates from these colleges now are in high office in the West, like Chancellor A. Merkel a.k.a the "Climate Chancellor of Germany" who`s every body orifice gets licked by the current U.S. President....of course that is only "sort of new speek" ....we don`t really know for sure if he has a Monika Lewinsky

The niftiest part of this "science" is to exploit involuntary mind associations with pictures and even just with single words that have a well imparted spin.
And You can manipulate popular believe without having to make a statement that science could shoot down..
all You have to do is say "radiation" and the next word that comes to mind in the general public is "cancer", then after the news papers and TV news kept mentioning "free radicals" the same association happens...Then "UV index" = "skin cancer" so Yeah in Australia they run away from the Ozone "HOLE" ,....
And "Climate science" exploits these associations to the fullest...
'"free radicals" now the "Wikipedia science" educated public knows these cause cancer..and then stick the word "free chlorine-radical" as often in Your face as they can in their Ozone "Hole" publications..on top of that the mind associates that with the UV index & skin the desired effects are easily achieved..and the whole crock of shit became "widely accepted and well known facts"...
The fact that one single free radical cancer @ first DNA is modified and all it takes is to do that in one single cell which then multiplies till the host drops dead is also common knowledge...and this association is then used to convince the "wikipedia" readers how one
single free Cl radical can wipe out 100`s of thousands of "healthy " Ozone molecules, rolling the dice against 8/ 1 million odds ~ half a million times in a row..
but since You can rely on that the simple mind manipulation has already kicked in @ the moment the word "free radical" registered You can avoid the entire chapter of REAL Chemistry, that a collision must first happen and what the odd are if 2 parts collide when each is only 2 or 3 times present in 1 million other parts that are inert..

None of these mind games would work with a Chemist or someone who studied Physics & Math...but the do work well with a buzz word conditioned public.

Sometimes when I read a publication or listen to the news I use one of the click counter we use in a Lab when we count cultures on a Petri dish..
I make a click for every adjective and for every Buzzword like that...
Astonishing....the difference say between CNN and the BBC...try it out some day

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>I uploaded these pics just now to "Imageshack"<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<



Sometimes You guys click on "quote" too soon...I got a shitload if pictures covering Greenland & Ellesmere Island, which I took over every time I did a tour of duty there. It takes me a while to find an example on the scratched up CD`s where I have kept them...and I upload them only as You guys might need them.
and of course these pictures were not taken @ winter time...else they would look like this picture taken @ 20:00 , where Old Rocks lives


And I don`t doctor up my pictures with "Ducky the Adobe" photo falsifier like GW "evidence collectors" do it...
For ex. that "NASA Scientist" I just mentioned a few posts ago again who stood on a Glacier & posed for TV and National Geographic Cameras showing "Diesel & industrial soot" on a Glacier..
and I know EXACTLY where he stood...
We have valleys where 150+ Kmh winds howl through and there are dust storms every bit as bad as in the Sahara desert, You have to wear a visor or You face gets sandblasted...and he actually sold his assertions successfully to this day on "NASA" web sites and many others...his crap is quoted all over the internet...
So where is our "Diesel soot" on all the other glaciers..must have just been covered with fresh snow eeey ? "melt water run-off"...You can go to the bottom of shallow slope glaciers and will be hard pressed to find water...
It`s gravity & the enormous pressure below a km thick ice layer that causes a water triple point`s got fuck all to do with "Global Warming"
We covered the Physics with all the legitimate science quotes already in another thread here...
These GW fuckheads spawn new Climate doomsday threads quicker than Salmonella Bacteria spawns new cultures, it`s hard to find anything useful here any more...but that`s the idea, isn`t it "Old Rocks"..!
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hey.....fixed that up for ya Polar. You're good to go..............

Found some old classic Photobuckt gems in my search too................

Feel free to use them..........alot were aimed at this idiot Old Rocks too................




Old Rocks idea for national defense...............


Old Rocks advocates for greener auto's ( actual pic he posted up!!)...............



Heres one for you Polar..........comes in handy any time you pwn a k00k.........


used all the time in the old days while debating the environmental mental cases...............


Polar..........the original attempt Chris made at building an ark as an emergency vessel in cse of floods........


Old Rocks prototype ark made in his backyard............asshole stole the idea from the movie about Kon Tikki


Hey.....found this by chance...........most people dont know her. Its Katarina Witt, the Olymic figure skater from the 1980's. What a babe.............


And Polar...........a mental case to address the mental cases..............

I'm in the process of building an arc at this very moment because I am certain that the extra water from the melting ice is going to raise the sea level and we'll all be fucked. Get a life... Environmental wackos are out tonight... Beware.

The melting arctic ice won't raise the sea level.

The ice in Greenland and Antarctica will.

hey.....fixed that up for ya Polar. You're good to go..............

Hey.....found this by chance...........most people dont know her. Its Katarina Witt, the Olymic figure skater from the 1980's. What a babe.............


Hey thanks, the Yad Vashem Hysterical History Experts will be happy again about my murder confession
No,I did not know Katarina Witt either, for sure not carnally how does that song go again "You cayaayaint always have what you woooooant.."?
Although once when I still lived in the Yukon, I had a friend a journalist from France...he had a girl friend Sophie Villeneuve from the french Olympic Giant Slalom team..
He wanted to dump her for his new girl friend...So he vanished in the Yukon for a Year to win a bet, that he could make it there for 1 Year starting out with nothing but a shotgun, an axe and a Swede my neighborhood.
Sophie showed up at my cabin, straight from an Air France Flight to Vancouver and then on commuter to Whitehorse...First thing she wanted was a hot bath, so I had to go outside and melt a pile of snow in an empty fuel drum...I came back in with the first 2 pails of hot water and she stood there stark naked in my bath tub waiting for the water...which dropped with my jaw to the floor..
And then she asked me if Germans have a bath with their cloths on...but hey I`ve been married a long time ago


...and I attend church regularly, besides my wife was on her way home from shopping in Whitehorse....and I`m pretty sure she wouldn`t have believed me had I told her. that I just came home from church and was only trying to make our guest from France feel right at home here..

Olaf by the way won his bet + he wrote a book...even little old me is in there and this book sold like hot cakes in Europe,...with the wager and the book sales Olaf bought a new house on the French Rivieara...(that`s how we spell it in German I`m not sure this is correct "en anglais")....
And while Olaf made a piss pot full of money and had girls like Sophie ( Woooohaw is the best word to describe her) chasing him, I was working with and for frozen Nipples and dimes in the arctic...
Yeah, but I should not complain because I do get fu|<ed a lot, like last night for example...we had freezing rain and the wires on my FM link on my roof got ripped out of the antenna box
So for now, till I get up there to fix it I gotta use a 56 k modem for the internet...
I can grow a beard before this web page loads
Is there a God..? If so I sure as shit want to know a few "whys" answered...
I know that the law has nothing to do with justice,...and religion I don`t care which even less

By the way are You or anyone else interested in some programs I wrote, say if You want to sort out something like a JAXA data stream and graph it yourself...
I can upload these to the "fileden" if You want them
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I smelled that aftershave twice before and each time it was a quote your hero James Bond
I`don`t mean you Chris with the rat, I am talking about this phony graph. I know for sure the source Data is from the JAXA Satellite, because of the phrase "Area of ocean with at least 15 % sea ice". I have seen all kinds of graphs and each graph the author used "averages"..
But what these bastards did brings a whole new dimension to cheating...
JAXA`s data stream has the figure -9999 embedded in the same data field where the ice surface area is. -9999 is when the satellite was "parked" every time there were solar flares endangering the JAXA-S
IJIS Web Site
Numeric data of sea ice extent in the Arctic Ocean (CSV file)

Data from June 2002 to the present are included.
The format is "month, day, year, extent (unit: square km)".
Number "-9999" represents that we couldn't conduct the observation during the period for the reason that the satellite went into constrained operation mode or stand-by mode to avoid harmful effects by meteor showers and solar flares.

And You guessed right, the enviro wacko sites incorporated the 999 code as sea ice extent in their averaging..and then type in about 2 dozen averages into a Windows XL spreadsheet instead of the ~3000 data points JAXA supplied from 06/01/2002 to date.

When I run the entire set through my program without picking out data that I like and graph it I get an entirely different picture than what these bastards show in their simpleton "average trend" graph...:

But do you see now how these bastards cheated...where is their line for 2008, 2009 & 2010...?? See how much higher the peaks are than 2007..!!!
They picked the lowest data set which was 2007 and an "average" average of what data???

and here is another "averaged" graph but it has every year on it and gives you a much more honest account.....;its from


And also in case You did not know...:

The sea-ice extent is calculated as the areal sum of sea ice covering the ocean where sea-ice concentration (SIC) exceeds 15%. SIC data of JAXA&#8217;s AMSR-E standard products are used for this purpose ( The algorithm for calculating SIC was developed and provided by Dr. Comiso of NASA GSFC through a cooperative relationship between NASA and JAXA.

The actual amount of sea ice is 15 % more than the JAXA data, which kind of makes crap out of your graph that "shows ice less than average" and "shrinking at an alarming rate" to begin with

If You figure I cheated I`ll publish the source code here for my program any time You want me to...:
It draws a point for EVERY SINGLE of the ~3000 data points

here is how the JAXA.cvs data stream looks like...
I wont dump it here a so instead I`ll just show a screenshot.:

there is a lot more than You can see, if You squint @ the screenshot you may notice that the horizontal scroll will go ~ 5 full screen pages to the right filled with numbers and not a single space is waisted

In general, sea-ice extent is defined as a temporal average of several days (e.g., five days) in order to eliminate calculation errors due to a lack of data (e.g., for traditional microwave sensors such as SMMR and SSM/I). However, we adopt the average of two days to achieve rapid data release. The wider spatial coverage of AMSR-E enables reducing the data-production period.

I did not use any averages but used every single data point and let the viewer "average it" way better...all You have to do is step back 1 foot and Your eyes do it like they do it with every thing they see every day ...
don`t know what I mean...? Motion picture cinematography would not work if the human eye would not visualize in "optic averaging" mode...

And instead of taking 10 day averages to avoid the missing -9999 data codes I simply wrote the program so It wont average "empty days" and plot these on a is the code...:
if mid$(clean$,1,1)="-9999" then let clean$="No Data from JAXA "
print #O,clean$
print #O,month$;"/";
open "c:\JAXA\cleanplot.txt" for input as #B
open "c:\JAXA\NoData.txt" for output as #ND
if eof (#B) < 0 then [quit]
input #B, text$
if instr(text$,"No")=12 then gosub [nodata]
if instr(text$,"No")<12 and ND=1 then print text$;" Data stream resumes ":print #ND,text$;" Data stream resumes "
if instr(text$,"No")<12 and ND=1 then print #ND," ":ND=0:Res=0:eek:ld$=""
goto [fetchnextclean]

so it "pre-cleans" it from all these -9999 "Satellite is parked" signal codes and even gives me a summary how often that happens. say fro 2003:

10/29/2003/No Data from JAXA
11/08/2003/9179688 Data stream resumes
11/13/2003/No Data from JAXA
11/16/2003/9703281 Data stream resumes
11/18/2003/No Data from JAXA
11/21/2003/9885313 Data stream resumes

and then on the graph it does not generate any wrong peaks either, here is a close up..:

The web sites you keep quoting here could not be bothered using the entire set and simply picked out a half dozen numbers that suited them...because either they have no clue how to "pipe" an entire data set like this into a graph or because they are total frauds...
If a stock broker or a banker does something like that the FBI gets interested...Or if this was money instead of sea ice and You`l report like this to the NRS, they sure as shit would not be dumb enough to let anyone get away with cheating of this magnitude...

But I know, that no matter who runs the entire data set, through any other program that DOES NOT AVERAGE or play crooked accounting they will get THE EXACT SAME RESULTS MILLIMETER FOR MILLIMETER as I did...and I`m willing to stake my life on`s an everyday thing for some of us to do that...
Try flying an airplane or being isolated high up fuck up can cost You Your life in a split second

And that`s how REAL SCIENCE works...
If You publish something in science then it`s not accepted, till others can duplicate THE EXACT SAME RESULTS.. not just approximately or"on average"
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Polar.......Katarina Witt actually did a Playboy issue about 10 years ago. Pretty hot but she lost too much weight. She was alwyas pretty much a full figured gal with spectacular her skating routines and you tell me bro...........
Does this mean I have to quit drinking my Dr. Pepper with ice. These is just so much to worry about. I think I will table this until some time next year and see how it goes.


I mean, does that not take the proverbial cake or what...???
Take a look at how they scaled their graph...
the bottom line starts @ 8 million to leave room on top for MAXIMAL SCALE EXPANSION..!!!
so that a measly few hundred thou`s difference appear as a huge change...
This is how You would "graph" if you wanted to show, that it made a difference to a multi millionaire if he dropped a few bucks...
had they graphed it the way graphs are properly shown, as in mine up top, the bottom line XY coordinates are zero, silch, null, 0.000
their tops would be popping out the top of your PC screen and go to the ceiling in the room where you are sitting trying to look at it, that`s how much they expanded the scale...
the proverbial mole-hill trick, works EVERY TIME
Fuck and none of these morons notice this EVER on ANY of these funny graphs they make, well... just for why the fuck did I even marvel at that..???

These bastards really know their customers..!!!
These stupid graphs are not to argue science with anyone who has common sense...
GW scientology an the IPISSY till the oceans overflow are well aware that this crap fools nothing but the fools
and it all makes sense from that sell tricycles to little kids, and not 10 speed mountain bikes...or Porsches to people who get smacked in the head by shopping mall doors because they can`t tell "in" from "out"...

The other day when I uploaded some pic to photo-bucket they had an I.Q. quiz popup there. The questions were childish and if I remember correctly ~ 300 000 people took it and scored an I.Q. on average only ~ that is scary...and they can all vote in elections...I think I should have stayed on Greenland or Ellesmere Island, it wasn`t all that bad there..:

Polar.......Katarina Witt actually did a Playboy issue about 10 years ago. Pretty hot but she lost too much weight. She was alwyas pretty much a full figured gal with spectacular her skating routines and you tell me bro...........

I don`t like`m too skinny,....skinny or whatever You wanna call it , the farther it goes into that direction the further it approaches some sex less creature where You`re not sure anymore what it is....
In Germany if we have say have 5 kids we l`d list them "Kraut, Kraut Kraut 3 with a Wiener and 2 without"...
And when I "eat out" I wanna be damn sure I know what I`m eating even when it`s dark like all winter in the arctic

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Hey Polar...........Im gearing up for campaign mode on this board. Trying to decide which gay MS PAINT Photobucket Classic Im going to go with..............

Which do you think???




Of course..........the pink and purple cars pay homage to the limpwristed supporters of Obama!!!
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