Arctic ice thins dramatically

You are asking him to accept observation in lieu of his religion, the models. That is a hell of a lot to ask a zealot to accept.

No, little cretin, walleyed is asking us to accept a couple of un-referenced pictures of some snow as evidence for or against anything. If you think those pictures 'prove' something about the scientifically measured ice loss in the Arctic, then I guess you're just as retarded and ignorant as walleyed. It seems like having an IQ below 80 is some kind of requirement for getting into your denier cult. Or maybe you just have to be that stupid to be gullible enough to fall for the anti-science bullcrap that is the foundation of your little cult of reality denial.

Unreferenced or not show us ANYPLACE ON THE PLANET WHERE 85 FEET OF ICE IS NO BIG DEAL! You fools are burning in a pit of gasoline and think the little bit of smoke is important! You guys are a hoot!:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Never mind this thundering asshole that appeared here on behest of "real science".
He seems to know his place in the food chain though, he is at the end where the excrement comes out, and as they say, "You are what You eat"..
He is a typical bottom feeder and it shows in the "literature & science" that he quoted
greenfyre.wordpress.comskeptics-contrarians-or-deniers/"Skeptics, Contrarians, or Deniers?
greenfyre.wordpress.comthat-denier-vs-septic-thing-again/#more-2959"]That “Denier vs Septic” thing again real skeptics detest global warming Deniers[/url]"]Denialism: Climate Change, Holocaust & Evolution"Climate Change Fundamentalism

Our latest forum addition and the URLs he quotes is a perfect example, ....I awarded "OldRocks" this "prize", now I realize I was mistaken and stand corrected...
even "OldRocks" URL-references are quite a few rungs higher up the chickenshit ladder than what`s being posted here since this latest moron showed up here.
Sadly not even the staunchest defenders of man made global warming read up on what the academics of man made GW have to say...
I waited and waited...but I guess the "science" behind the "Modtran" Computer model, that the entire GW "science" is based on is far too complicated for them to comprehend, nevermind the "explanation" how the academics which created "Modtran" are trying in vain to defend it...
So let`s go to the horses mouth...:
Here is an on line Calculator for Modtran...:
Modtran Infrared Atmospheric Radiation Code

And here is one of Modtran staunchest defenders has to say about it...
You can read the whole thing Yourself, I`ll just quote the parts here where Modtran TOTALLY BOMBED OUT..
Greenhouse effect revisited… | Climate Change

Every once in a while it is worth reviewing the basic physics behind the greenhouse effect and global warming. Sometimes all the debate about global warming in the media loses focus of the fact that the world really is governed by the laws of physics. Unfortunately, many internet explanations get dumbed down to the point of having an atmosphere that serves as a single “slab” between the ground and space, and has a bunch of colorful arrows coming out of it and bouncing off it, etc. This is a useless explanation, and gives no justice to understanding what is happening.

Well so far he is 100% ABSOLUTELY SPOT ON CORRECT...

And then he commits the first major error...:

This post is not meant to discuss why greenhouse gases are greenhouse gases. But it should be noted that the bulk of the atmosphere, including N2, O2, and Argon are not infrared active molecule

And inadvertently advertized that he has absolutely no clue about Infrared Absorption, lest has he ever performed any measurements himself...because the exact opposite is true..:


I have to point out again and again, that the CO2 absorption in these illustrations IS NOT AT THE ACTUAL CONCENTRATIONS WE HAVE IN OUR ATMOSPHERE, but are absorption curves in a concentration range where IR can actually DETECT CO2, at
~ 3% concentration[

But let`s cut this guy some slack here, because he is not committing any intentional and outrageous fraud here...and so far the the mistakes are not of a serious nature

But they soon will be, and again that`s not his fault, but Modtran is at fault here:

First huge mistake here, the equation is the right one , but the problem is that a wrong value has been fed into the modified Stefan Bolzman equation
He started out by saying that the "internet equations have been dumbed down" and then he does the exact same thing himself and this pesty little REAL WORLD detail already got lost on the way to this point...:


So even this good fellow is not only using the "dumbed down disc" but is also using the Planck`s equation in a totally wrong way...actually he is not...but "Modtran" does....

One could compute the temperature change for a perturbation in the OLR for just a change in CO2, leaving other climate variables constant.\l...0.27+K(W+m^{-2})^{-1}&bg=ffffff&fg=000000&s=0

which gives a ~1 C rise in temperature for a 4 W m-2 radiative forcing. This would be the temperature response to a CO2 doubling if only the Planck radiative feedback were important. Unfortunately, life is not that easy, and you need to figure in the feedbacks from water vapor, clouds, albedo, etc.

And this is were the Modtran error is really HUGE, because a TOTALLY WRONG VALUE was fed into the model at this is what should have been fed into Modtran...:


The integral of the area between 1900 to 2300 nanometers and not the values "GW science" fed in.
Even that value, the integral of 1900-2300 nm would be way too high, because it includes spectral bands where CO2 absorption is way way weaker than at the "analytical wavenumber" where CO2 absorption actually follows Beer Lambert`s law,...increasing absorption with an increase of CO2 concentration...and the very same Max Planck Institute in Germany, that is named after Max Planck has tried over and over again to point out this serious flaw "Modtran" is using...:
The Climate Catastrophe - A Spectroscopic Artifact

The radiative forcing for doubling can be calculated by using this figure. If we allocate an absorption of 32 W/m2 [14] over 180º steradiant to the total integral (area) of the n3 band as observed from satellite measurements (Hanel et al., 1971) and applied to a standard atmosphere, and take an increment of 0.17%, the absorption is 0.054 W/m2 - and not 4.3 W/m2.

This is roughly 80 times less than IPCC's radiative forcing.

If we allocate 7.2 degC as greenhouse effect for the present CO2 (as asserted by Kondratjew and Moskalenko in J.T. Houghton's book The Global Climate [14]), the doubling effect should be 0.17% which is 0.012 degC only. If we take 1/80 of the 1.2 degC that result from Stefan-Boltzmann's law with a radiative forcing of 4.3 W/m2, we get a similar value of 0.015 degC.

Kondratjew and Moskalenko are referring to their own work [15] - but when we checked their Russian book on that page, it turned out that this was nothing but an index of terms and nowhere else a deduction of this broadly referred 7.2 K figure [16] could be found. It should be mentioned that the radiative forcing for the present CO2 concentration varies considerably among references. K.P. Shine [17] specifies a value of 12 K whereas according to R. Lindzen CO2 only accounts for about 5% of the natural 33 degC greenhouse effect. This 1.65 degC is less than a quarter of the value used by IPCC and leads to a doubling sensitivity of 0.3 to 0.5 degC only [18].

What is really true? Is there anybody to present a scientific derivation or a reference where this figure is not copied or just stated from assumptions, but properly calculated?

And I wish to add, that REAL SCIENTISTS have been overly polite in their statements, ....

So far we have only discussed the data which is "pre-calculated" thus grossly exaggerated what "Modtran" is being fed...
But Modtran is really a total joke, as with the Clausius Clapeyron equation "Modtran" is using as if the real world were a closed system like a vacuum distillation apparatus or an enclosed autoclave reaction chamber, the way Modtran calculates the water vapor enthalpy effects...
Modtran does the same thing even way way worse with the Infrared Energy, after it has been absorbed...and the bulk of the absorption, by the way is by the surface, not the atmosphere....
Modtran goes on and uses thermodynamic coefficients for our N2, O2, H2O vapor and the whiff of CO2 that`s there the same stupid way as Modtran is using the Clausius Clapeyron equation...
it uses the specific caloric values AGAIN as if our REAL WORLD was a closed system, like the calorimeters we use to measure specific heat many joules energy it takes to raise a this case our atmosphere by 1 degree Celsius...:

In an isothermal atmosphere, you could not get a greenhouse effect.


In modern concentrations, every doubling of CO2 will reduce the OLR by about 4 W m-2. This doesn’t hold at very low concentrations as we’ve seen, but also at very high concentrations. The phenomena of band saturation also allows us to say something interesting when comparing two greenhouse gases side-by-side.

Water vapor, on the other hand, is controlled by temperature. I have a rather long post discussing the radiative feedbacks which are important for understanding the sensitivity of climate, which defines the temperature response per unit radiative forcing. The amount of water vapor in the atmosphere is not set by sources and sinks, but has an upper limit on its concentration until it precipitates out. Because of this, the non-condensable greenhouse gases act as the backbone upon which water vapor and clouds can really do their stuff. Without them, you would also get a near collapse of the terrestrial greenhouse effect as water vapor content declined nearly exponentially with a declining temperature.
the Modtran model......


Temperature does not equal heat. Ask a plasma physicist There is no understanding about how heat capacity of the surface gas is impacted. Second, there is no discussion of the conductive nature of gases when contacting a surface. Note that there is more O2 and N2 and these gases can absorb thermal energy from the earth just by contacting it’s surface. Don’t believe me…take your vacuum thermos, fill it with hot water, and pump in some N2 to eliminate the vacuum. No more hot water 1 hour later. Why?? A nitrogen molecule can absorb all manner of thermal kinetic energy. If a CO2 molecule happens to get exicited with a 15 um photon, rare though they are, it can give it up with the same photon or give it up thermally. The post fails in other areas, it’s a known fact that the sun emits at 15um and all other wavelengths that are of interest. If more CO2 is preventing that energy from reaching the ground then the earth is cooler to start. Net change…zero!! In fact, if that energy is absorbed higher up in the atmosphere the earth will be cooler. Lastly, 5th grade science students were given a mirror, a lamp without a shade, and a white piece of paper. The mirror was held at a distance away, perpendicular to the plane between the paper and lamp. The paper is viewed without the mirror and with the mirror in place. The purpose of the mirror was, you guessed it, to simulate radiative forcing. If radiative forcing were real, the reflected light from the paper would get re-reflected off the mirror and back on to the paper and make it look brighter. Guess what didn’t happen. Remember this folks, a concensus of scientists said a rocket wouldn’t work in a vacuum. There’s nothing to push against….

And there You have it....
Our Math Professor who by sheer coincidience was also my Physiscs (Herr Professor (Dr.Hallermayer.....Dr. in Pysics, Professor in Math) alwas said,
There are those few who comprehend Math and Physics, these don`t have to memorize anything...and all the others don`t comprehend it have to memorize everything, or copy other people`s work..
unfortunately both kinds will graduate....which is in effect a disgrace to science

And so right he was....

Because there are a lot of people out there who would understand REAL SCIENCE, but never had the good fortune to attend University...


and any one of them could have built a Modtran Model, far better than the "science memorizers" which have no understanding built....:

Because any of these guys could have told the Modtran creators, what happens in the real world. Even a house is a more closed system than our planet...but never the less this is what happens...:
and any Power Company, even You Yourself can verify this with the "Barlow wheel" on Your Hydro-meter...
clock the amount of energy it actually does take to change the temperature inside Your house by say 2 degree increments...
CMHC (Canada) has done that for You don`t bother...:

Starting at upping by +3 degrees in a modern well insulated building
raising by 3 deg C..........: needs + 3 % more Energy
by 5 needs + 15% more
by 7 21
by 11 deg C 33 % more Energy...

Anyone who UNDERSTANDS Calculus (versus the memorizers) can tell You right off the bat
that when an increment of delta x =2 and delta Y keeps doubling, albeit Y= 2 X, that the root function of the relationship will be Y= X squared...!

And so it is indeed...:

Heat Loss from Buildings


H = Ht + Hv + Hi (1)


H = overall heat loss (W)

Ht = heat loss due to transmission through walls, windows, doors, floors and more (W)

Hv = heat loss caused by ventilation (W)

Hi = heat loss caused by infiltration (W)

And this is where the memorizer science grads have a problem...they are unable to understand how to apply this principle...

Because in the REAL WORLD like our planet, there is such a thing as the "standard lapse rate"...any aviator knows about it(...right Westwall...?), and you don`t have to climb very high even over Florida in the summer and the temp is - 30 deg C in no time...

So in the real world the "engineering toolbox" equation applies...:
H2-H1= H1*H1

H2 is Your "inside temperature" in this case @ 0 a.g.l. and H1 is the temperature by which this "Modtran" model is supposed to be raised,.......and H1 squared would of course be the energy required in the REAL WORLD to do that...

And as You can see, Modtran uses only the simpleton linear equation, it were in a CLOSED SYSTEM....i.e. double the temperature increase requires only double the energy all the way up to when all the polar ice is melted and New York will be flooded.

Any one of the guys from "This Old House"


could have built a "Modtran model house" that would have been way more intelligent than this retarded piece of virtual reality computer model crap "GW Science" has come up with

Manitoba Hydro for ex. comes on request and lets You look at Your house with passive infrared to spot the very same "black body" radiation as in the Planck equation... you increase the thermostat setting during a winter day....
That has absolutely nothing to do with "warm air leaking out"....that looks entirely different on passive IR...
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If you think those pictures 'prove' something about the scientifically measured ice loss in the Arctic, then I guess you're just as retarded and ignorant as walleyed.

You say that as if ice loss in the Arctic were something new. Is that the impression you are living under?

Here, a US submarine surfacing in open water at the North Pole in 1987


Here is the USS Skate in open water at the North Pole in 1959.


The fact is that you engage in hand wringing hysterics and little else.

If you think those pictures 'prove' something about the scientifically measured ice loss in the Arctic, then I guess you're just as retarded and ignorant as walleyed.

You say that as if ice loss in the Arctic were something new. Is that the impression you are living under?

Here, a US submarine surfacing in open water at the North Pole in 1987


Here is the USS Skate in open water at the North Pole in 1959.


The fact is that you engage in hand wringing hysterics and little else.


No, 'denier' is a perfectly suitable term
industry propaganda
accurate scientific information
and what sources are obviously biased by their financial vested interests in selling fossil fuel.

A total retard calling others "retarded"...this imbecile thinks ice "melts" from the top down.
Perhaps he cares to explain why icebergs and even ice floes once they get smaller roll over once the mass UNDERNEATH is reduced by the dissolving action of salt water currents has on ice.


These movements are controlled by gravity, wind, and the rising and sinking of water in different parts of the world, due to varying temperature. Temperature has a great effect on the density of water. As water warms, it expands and becomes less dense, causing it to rise to the surface. In warm climates this water evaporates quickly, thereby increasing its salt concentration. The increased salt concentration increases the surface water's density, causing it to sink. This in turn causes the upwelling of cooler waters that are then warmed by the sun, and the cycle continues. Forces linked to the Earth's rotation also govern the direction of currents. These Coriolis forces cause ocean currents to move clockwise in the Northern Hemisphere, and counterclockwise in the Southern Hemisphere.

In large parts of the Arctic Ocean, the top layer (about 50 m) is of lower salinity and lower temperature than the rest. It remains relatively stable, because the salinity effect on density is bigger than the temperature effect. It is fed by the freshwater input of the big Siberian and Canadian streams (Ob, Yenissey, Lena, MacKenzie), the water of which quasi floats on the saltier, denser, deeper ocean water. Between this lower salinity layer and the bulk of the ocean lies the so called halocline, in which both salinity and temperature are rising with increasing depth. Any convection eddies caused by the temperature difference between the cold ocean surface and the warmer depth stop at this thermocline, leaving only heat conduction as upward heat transport mechanism, which is orders of magnitude smaller. Without this insulation effect, there would be much less Arctic sea ice. The salinity and temperature pattern of the Arctic Ocean can be quite complex, being dependent on the different flows into and out of the Arctic region

Just Yesterday on BBC...:

BBC News - New warning on Arctic sea ice melt

New warning on Arctic sea ice melt

The original prediction, made in 2007, gained Wieslaw Maslowski's team a deal of criticism from some of their peers.

Now they are working with a new computer model - compiled partly in response to those criticisms - that produces a "best guess" date of 2016.

The new model is designed to replicate real-world interactions, or "couplings",...

"In the past... we were just extrapolating into the future assuming that trends might persist

"Now we're trying to be more systematic, and we've developed a regional Arctic climate model

"We can run a fully coupled model for the past and present and see what our model will predict for the future

And one of the projections it comes out with is that the summer melt could lead to ice-free Arctic seas by 2016 - "plus or minus three years".

It does not make predictions about the Greenland ice cap.

Satellites are increasingly able to detect this, usually by measuring how far the ice sits above the sea surface - which also indicates how far the ice extends beneath.

Inclusion of this data into the team's modelling was one of the factors causing them to retrench on the 2013 date, which raised eyebrows - and subsequently some criticism - when it emerged at a US science meeting four years ago.

"Basically, we're trying to make policymakers and people.......

...... who need to know about climate change in the Arctic realise there is a chance that summer sea ice could be gone by the end of the decade.

"For the national interest, the defence interest, I think it's important to realise that 2040 is not a crystal ball prediction."

They just don`t give up "computer modelling" and showing virtual ice "melting at alarming rates", do they...


But ever since "Climatologists" have been caught inventing the hockey stick-Temp graph and the "CO2 positive feedback" ... it`s tough going...because since then a "peer review" is not just conducted amongst themselves any more...

like "97 % of climatologists agree...".......!!!

So now these quacks changed their tune and say no more that "the arctic will be ice free in 2013"....they say it might be partially ice free during the summer months...
as the flaws in this computer model that made this prediction became apparent...
Same cop out as with the hockey stick when they were pressed for the data they used...

Thanks for that picture Wirebender....great find, kudos to You...!!!... keep digging
and hi to You from Canada
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That all depends how our "Al Gore" version will fare in our upcoming May 2.nd federal election, here he is, Jack Layton NDP and what he stands for...:




Pretty well the same as Your democrats....
legalizing pot, gay weddings and fossil oil + gasoline is evil

This lunatic teams up with our "green party" is the leader of Canada`s "Green Party" who thinks we should transport our goods in Canada like they do in Vietnam...:



She came to us from south of our border, from the United States

And here is thee Liberal Party of Canada...
Liberal Party leader Michael Ignatieff...... our would be Obama version


his predecessor Chretien was our Prime Minister before he got ousted big time and we replaced him with Stephen Harper, Canada`s Conservative Party.

Chretien signed the Kyoto accord and then went on to legislate mandatory gun registration, gun confiscation, forced Canadians to pay world spot prices for our own oil etc, Canada spoke loud an clear and voted for Stephen Harper, from the heart of Canada`s Oil Province Alberta, every "man made GW" Occult member`s worst nightmare...:


You probably don`t know this in the U.S., but Canada does not have an elected Senate, it`s been appointed by the Prime Minister.
Stephen Harper wants an elected Senate, American style, he set out to scrap the restricted firearms (hand guns) confiscation laws and tried to fire the entire multi billion $ clusterfuck bureaucracy Chretien (the former liberal PM) created,..

Then these pigs Layton, Elizabeth May and the new Liberal leader Ignatieff tried a coup d`etat over the heads of Canadian voters and attempted to form a coalition Government...

To this day Canadians are totally pissed off and this is how the most recent polls have it for May 2.nd...:

The last poll taken by EKOS before the election call yesterday shows that Conservatives have the support of 35.3 per cent of voters. This would probably translate into another minority government.

The Liberals have 28.3 per cent, the NDP 14.2 per cent the Bloc 9.7 and the Greens 10.6 and Other 2.1. The Bloc runs only in Quebec and they will probably win the largest number of seats of any party there. The Green Party has not yet elected anyone. Their vote is soft and often leaks away during the actual vote.

So the "Greens" have sacked Elizabeth,...and "The Bloc" I should explain is a strictly Quebec Party, who is trying to separate Quebec, our 2.nd largest voter block (thus the name "Bloc Quebecois") from Canada.

The poll was taken from March 17-24. Some earlier polls put the Conservatives much further ahead. Things could very well change considerably during the campaign. If the Liberals do as badly as last time then Ignatieff will be out. Even Harper could be out if he does not get a majority or at least does not improve his standing. Layton may be out because of his health and also NDP poll numbers seem stagnant if not falling at times.

Canadians are so pissed off about this Kyoto crap, paying world spot prices for our own oil, the gun laws and an appointed Senate, that they have made it clear that the "PC`s" ...the Conservatives will have to choose a new leader that can win an absolute majority of Parliament seats to implement these changes the vast majority of Canadians want...

Should any of the other bastards succeed You won`t get the "toxic oil" from Canada...the slated pipeline from Alberta to the Texas refineries...
Canada by the way supplies 60 % of all the oil the Untited States needs so far, and this pipeline would further insulate the U.S. from the stranglehold Middle East Oil has on America.

Canada also has an abundance of fresh water. We also know about the water shortages in America`s southern regions.
A majority of Canadians are for fresh water pipelines to be built from British Columbia into the U.S. States that need this water.
We hold the view, that the border between Canada and the U.S. is the worlds largest undefended border and people from either side cross this border to go shopping on a daily basis, as if there was no border at why not share our water..
The PC, (Progressive Conservative Party) has been advocating sharing our water supply with our friends down south, but as You guessed it that was blocked so far by the "Greens", the "Liberals", and the "NDP"...the fag party

So I guess for the water shortages California and other States suffer You guys just will have to hope Stephen Harper comes out with a majority of Parliament seats on May the 3.rd

And God forbid any of the other ones should succeed, they will create jobs for welfare recipients to go up into our arctic with flamethrowers to prove Al Gore was right..


Just one footnote here about our Conservative Party, and Alberta..."The Red Neck Province" as fags call it, because the Liberals, the Greens etc don`t even get 1/2 % of the vote...
Ralf Klein Conservative, was the Premier Minister of Alberta almost for his entire political carrier....and the opposition in Ottawa has labelled him from day 1 as a "racist"...
One day Ralf Klein disappeared for an entire Year and his deputy ran the Province of Alberta. Of course rumors went rampant where he was, but Ralf kept his mouth shut, so did every Indian Reservation in Canada as they promised Ralf.
He decided in his first term that he wanted to learn about Canada`s First Nations himself and secretly arranged to live with a family in a Northern Alberta Reserve, eating what they ate, working as they did,...everything from babysitting to dish washing and skinning deer..but most importantly he wanted to learn about tribal Government
Then he re- emerged and the first thing he did was to divvy out the entire Oil revenues of Alberta amongst Albertan citizens as monthly Royalty checks and continued to remain silent where he was, enduring these "Racist" accusations by the Liberals.
After he retired several TV and Newspaper crews wanted an interview...they could not locate him...finally Ralf`s family felt sorry for the reporters and told them "Ralf went fishing up north"...they rushed to that location and thought they found more racist fodder, because the former Premier had the audacity to violate Native Land and fish on it.
Only then did one of the band members blow a fuse and told them to fuck off, Ralf Klein is a Band Member in full standing and has been since the time he vanished as he became premier of Alberta...
else this entire episode would have never come to light...
How many people think Al Gore or Obama would pull a stunt like that...?
By the way Stephen Harper also knew all the time were Ralf was, but also kept his mouth shut ,....enduring the same "racist" smear campaigns during his run for PM of Canada

In the United States "The Walking Eagle Award" is just another urban legend, however in Canada it`s been a very real and traditional thing...but nobody falls for it any more showing up to accept it.
It was given by natives to people likened to an eagle that is so full of shit, that he can`t fly any more.
Needless to list who kept winning it over and over again this side of the border,....practical jokes don`t work indefinitely, so now it`s only an urban legend

Funny though, how easy it is to be a "racist" if You don`t submit to the "liberal" pipe dream many times did "OldRocks" call me that...?
and Ive been married for 40 years to my Native American wife and live on Long Plains First Nations Tribal Territory as an honorary band member ever since I retired from professional life
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Thanks for that picture Wirebender....great find, kudos to You...!!!... keep digging
and hi to You from Canada

Don't know why the second didn't show. The US Navy has quite a few pictures of ships and subs in open water at the North Pole dating back to the early 1900's. Ditto for the navies of other nations. An ice free North Pole is nothing new. The fact is that when one considers the entire history of the earth, ice is the anomoly, not the norm.
Arctic may melt before U.S. ready for northern ocean defense
Arctic may melt before U.S. ready for northern ocean defense | Security Zone

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August 17, 2010 by Sonja Elmquist
Filed under Covering Conflicts, Terrorism & National Security

WASHINGTON–Arctic melting is leaving new coastline and waterways up to the north, but some Arctic strategy experts are concerned that polar ice is melting faster than U.S. military planners are gearing up for what an open-water arctic will mean for U.S. security.

The once-impenetrable Northwest Passage, along the Alaskan and Canadian coast, and the Northeast Passage, along the Russian coast, were both navigable in the summer of 2008.

“If you think strategy relates somehow to means and investment in means then we don’t have a strategy,” said Robert Laird, a security consultant based in Washington and Paris. “You have five stakeholders in the Arctic,” he said. The U.S., Russia, Denmark, Norway and Canada each have Arctic territory. “The only country that’s not strategic in this is us.”

At best, maritime forces will be stretched to cover more coast, patrolling, providing surveillance and rescuing those imperiled at sea over greater territory.

At worst, the U.S. may be drawn into a resource war in which the five Arctic countries hash out territorial claims to seafloor mining of minerals and energy stores, while an even greater number of states advances claims on fishing territory and transportation routes
Thanks for that picture Wirebender....great find, kudos to You...!!!... keep digging
and hi to You from Canada

Don't know why the second didn't show. The US Navy has quite a few pictures of ships and subs in open water at the North Pole dating back to the early 1900's. Ditto for the navies of other nations. An ice free North Pole is nothing new. The fact is that when one considers the entire history of the earth, ice is the anomoly, not the norm.

When one considers the whole of the history of the earth, having a breathable atmosphere is a recent event.

The first crossing of the Arctic Ocean, using an 84 ton herring boat was done in 1903 to 1906. Three years to cross that. 2008 two large freighters did the northeast passage in a matter of weeks. 2010, last summer, two sail boats navigated not only the northwest passage, but also the northeast passage, circumnavigating the north pole in one summers time.

At no time in recorded history has the amount of ice been less than in the last few years. And all signs point to a continued and accelerating decline.
Max Planck Institute.

Max-Planck-Institut für Meteorologie: Which future emission pathway is required to limit the global warming to no more than 2°C above pre-industrial levels?

Which future emission pathway is required to limit the global warming to no more than 2°C above pre-industrial levels?
This question is investigated by Erich Roeckner and co-authors at the Max Planck Institute for Meteorology (MPI-M) in a study entitled ”Historical and future anthropogenic emission pathways derived from coupled climate-carbon cycle simulations“, recently published in the scientific journal ”Climatic Change”.

The results are based on a pilot study performed within the EU-funded ENSEMBLES project. Using the MPI-M coupled climate-carbon cycle model the authors estimate the ”allowable” CO2 emissions in a greenhouse gas stabilization scenario aimed at limiting global warming below the EU target of 2°C above pre-industrial levels. To this end an inverse method is applied allowing to reconstruct the future CO2 emissions from a prescribed pathway of atmospheric CO2 concentrations.

Results: Significant and early policy actions are required in mitigating greenhouse gas emissions to limit global warming to no more than 2°C above pre-industrial levels. In the greenhouse gas stabilization scenario the allowable CO2 emissions increase from 7 GtC in year 2000 to a maximum of about 10 GtC in 2015. Thereafter, the emissions have to be steadily reduced resulting in a decrease of 56 % in year 2050 and almost 100 % in year 2100. The global annual mean surface air temperature increases unabatedly within the next decades, until about year 2040, but more moderately thereafter. At the end of this century the global warming remains below the 2°C target but warming beyond this target cannot be ruled out if the simulations were extended further into the 22nd century.
More from Max Planck Institute.

Max Planck Florida Institute - Press Room : Archived News, Events, & Press Releases : Managing Global Warming "A Herculean Effort" Warns Max Planck Scientist at Public Lecture

Managing Global Warming "A Herculean Effort" Warns Max Planck Scientist at Public Lecture
Palm Beach, Fla. February 25, 2011

It was another full house in the Royal Poinciana Chapel for the second lecture in a three-part series hosted by the Max Planck Florida Institute. More than 150 guests filled the Fellowship Hall on Feb. 23 for a discussion on climate change and global warming, presented by Dr. Martin Heimann, director of the Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry in Jena, Germany

Titled, “A Balancing Act: Linking the Global Carbon Cycle to the Mitigation of Climate Change,” Dr. Heimann’s talk explored the data that demonstrates scientifically that the Earth is warming and the amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere are increasing, measured by temperatures recorded at weather stations in key points on the globe, rising sea levels and the steady retreat of glaciers worldwide. He believes that it is very likely that human activities are primarily responsible for this trend, and that the most important climate change drivers are the increasing emissions of the greenhouse gas carbon dioxide (CO2) from the burning of fossil fuels (coal, oil and gas) and changes in land use (primarily deforestation) which currently exceeds 35 billion metric tons of CO2 per year. The U.S. now leads the world in CO2 emissions per capita. The link between these emissions and the climate is called the global carbon cycle.

“Managing the global carbon cycle will be a Herculean effort,” said Heimann, who served as the lead author in assessment reports of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 2007. “Finding a workable balance between the need for food and energy versus climate change mitigation poses one of the biggest and most important challenges for our society in the coming decades.”
Thanks for that picture Wirebender....great find, kudos to You...!!!... keep digging
and hi to You from Canada

Don't know why the second didn't show. The US Navy has quite a few pictures of ships and subs in open water at the North Pole dating back to the early 1900's. Ditto for the navies of other nations. An ice free North Pole is nothing new. The fact is that when one considers the entire history of the earth, ice is the anomoly, not the norm.

When one considers the whole of the history of the earth, having a breathable atmosphere is a recent event.
The first crossing of the Arctic Ocean, using an 84 ton herring boat was done in 1903 to 1906. Three years to cross that. 2008 two large freighters did the northeast passage in a matter of weeks. 2010, last summer, two sail boats navigated not only the northwest passage, but also the northeast passage, circumnavigating the north pole in one summers time.

At no time in recorded history has the amount of ice been less than in the last few years. And all signs point to a continued and accelerating decline.

Boy you're dense. The Earth had a breathable atmosphere at least one billion years ago and it is likely the atmosphere was breatheable 1.5 billion years ago so roughly one third of Earths history witnessed a breathable atmosphere. The temperature of the Earth for 90% of its existence has been 10 to 20 degrees warmer than the current day.

Your last sentence is likewise false. Try again bucko.
When one considers the whole of the history of the earth, having a breathable atmosphere is a recent event.

Sorry guy, but that statement is patently untrue. The fact is that an event that has been named the Steptoean Positive Carbon Isotope Excursion resulted in a breathable atmosphere about 500 million years ago between the Cambrian and the Ordovician periods. Do you ever bother to actually research anything or do you just make up whatever you can't find on a wacko site?

The first crossing of the Arctic Ocean, using an 84 ton herring boat was done in 1903 to 1906. Three years to cross that. 2008 two large freighters did the northeast passage in a matter of weeks. 2010, last summer, two sail boats navigated not only the northwest passage, but also the northeast passage, circumnavigating the north pole in one summers time.

Do you grasp the difference between the northwest passage and the north pole?

At no time in recorded history has the amount of ice been less than in the last few years. And all signs point to a continued and accelerating decline.

Again, you couldn't possibly be more wrong. Here is a simple graph (I know you have problems reading graphs but this one is about as simple as they get) showing the temperature history of the earth. Note that for most of earth history, the global temperature has been above 20 degrees C. At such a mean temperature, no ice would exist at one or both poles. While you are at it, note the black line which represents atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Note that the present atmosphere is positively starved for CO2 when compared to the rest of history.

I repeat, when one considers the history of the earth, ice is the anomoly, not the norm. The fact is that there has been very little time in history when there was as much ice at the poles as at the present. When you look at the graph note how much of earth history had temperatures at least 2 degrees above the current norm and you might come to understand the truth. You might also note that one of the longest, deepest ice ages in history began with CO0 concentrations that were higher than present and the ice age in which we presently reside began with CO2 concentrations of almost 1000ppm. Clearly, CO2 is not a driver of the climate.

You really are operating under a set of gross misconceptions.

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Boy you're dense. The Earth had a breathable atmosphere at least one billion years ago and it is likely the atmosphere was breatheable 1.5 billion years ago so roughly one third of Earths history witnessed a breathable atmosphere. The temperature of the Earth for 90% of its existence has been 10 to 20 degrees warmer than the current day.

Your last sentence is likewise false. Try again bucko.

He has to be just making it up as he goes. I searched even the wacko sites looking for something that even approached a credible reference suggesting that a breathable atmosphere was something relatively new on earth and couldn't find it. I posted a breathable atmosphere of 500 million years because during the cambrian there was a period where oxygen was pretty scarce which led to a global extinction. Since that time, the atmosphere has been breathable without a break.

As to his claim that there has never been less ice, clearly he just doesn't have a clue. Even the wacko sites make a concentrated effort to never mention earth history prior to the ice age we are still in the process of coming out of. They know perfectly well that if one goes back before the beginning of the present ice age, one finds global temps so warm that ice was not to be found on earth...anywhere.
Don't know why the second didn't show. The US Navy has quite a few pictures of ships and subs in open water at the North Pole dating back to the early 1900's. Ditto for the navies of other nations. An ice free North Pole is nothing new. The fact is that when one considers the entire history of the earth, ice is the anomoly, not the norm.

When one considers the whole of the history of the earth, having a breathable atmosphere is a recent event.
The first crossing of the Arctic Ocean, using an 84 ton herring boat was done in 1903 to 1906. Three years to cross that. 2008 two large freighters did the northeast passage in a matter of weeks. 2010, last summer, two sail boats navigated not only the northwest passage, but also the northeast passage, circumnavigating the north pole in one summers time.

At no time in recorded history has the amount of ice been less than in the last few years. And all signs point to a continued and accelerating decline.

Boy you're dense. The Earth had a breathable atmosphere at least one billion years ago and it is likely the atmosphere was breatheable 1.5 billion years ago so roughly one third of Earths history witnessed a breathable atmosphere. The temperature of the Earth for 90% of its existence has been 10 to 20 degrees warmer than the current day.

Your last sentence is likewise false. Try again bucko.

The Earth is about 4.5 billion years old. So, for two thirds of the Earth's history, it did not have a breathable atmosphere for oxygen breathers. In fact, the atmosphere may not have been breathable for modern mammals at the beginning of the Cambrian, and even into the late Cambrian.

Today, atmospheric oxygen plays a crucial role in shaping
the surface of our planet. However, during most of Earth’s history,
molecular oxygen was only sparsely available and probably
accumulated in two broad steps: during the Great
Oxygenation (or Oxidation) Event (GOE) at 2.4 Ga (e.g., Holland,
2002) and then during the Neoproterozoic Oxygenation
Event (or NOE) almost two billion years later. Both events were
accompanied by tectonic upheaval, climatic extremes, and biological
innovations, implying a close interaction between the
biotic and abiotic realms of system Earth.
The most commonly proposed environmental trigger for early
animal evolution is oxygen (Nursall, 1959; Canfield and Teske,
1996). Most animals require molecular oxygen in order to produce
their energy, and this has led to the widespread presumption
that a rise in atmospheric oxygen was the essential precursor
to the evolution of animals (Runnegar, 1991; Catling et al.,
2005). Geochemical evidence for an oxygenation event during
the late Precambrian has accumulated over the past quarter
century, but it is still hard to distinguish atmospheric from
ocean and global from local (or even porewater) redox changes.
Evidence has emerged recently that the Neoproterozoic oceans
were characterized by the spread of sulphidic and ferruginous
anoxic environments, which is apparently at odds with the
emergence of modern animal groups for which free sulphide is
lethal and anoxia unfavorable.
Here we focus attention on the NOE, exploring geochemical
evidence for its existence and examining the case for a causal
relationship between oxygen and early animal evolution. Considering
recent evidence for widespread ocean anoxia during
the NOE, we speculate that metabolic versatility during the
nascent stages of animal evolution may have been a key factor
in the emergence and diversification of metazoan life on our
planet, while later oxygenation allowed metazoans to increase
their size and mobility.
Boy you're dense. The Earth had a breathable atmosphere at least one billion years ago and it is likely the atmosphere was breatheable 1.5 billion years ago so roughly one third of Earths history witnessed a breathable atmosphere. The temperature of the Earth for 90% of its existence has been 10 to 20 degrees warmer than the current day.

Your last sentence is likewise false. Try again bucko.

He has to be just making it up as he goes. I searched even the wacko sites looking for something that even approached a credible reference suggesting that a breathable atmosphere was something relatively new on earth and couldn't find it. I posted a breathable atmosphere of 500 million years because during the cambrian there was a period where oxygen was pretty scarce which led to a global extinction. Since that time, the atmosphere has been breathable without a break.

As to his claim that there has never been less ice, clearly he just doesn't have a clue. Even the wacko sites make a concentrated effort to never mention earth history prior to the ice age we are still in the process of coming out of. They know perfectly well that if one goes back before the beginning of the present ice age, one finds global temps so warm that ice was not to be found on earth...anywhere.

In the written record, there has never been less ice than there is today in the Arctic.

As for the temperature and CO2 over geological time, here is a much more recent and accurate assessment, from the AGU 2009 Convention;


And here is a lecture on what is presently happening in the Arctic. Of coures, I don't expect you to listen or look at them, Bender, but someone lurking with a reasonable level of intelligiance might wish to see what real scientists are stating.
Boy you're dense. The Earth had a breathable atmosphere at least one billion years ago and it is likely the atmosphere was breatheable 1.5 billion years ago so roughly one third of Earths history witnessed a breathable atmosphere. The temperature of the Earth for 90% of its existence has been 10 to 20 degrees warmer than the current day.

Your last sentence is likewise false. Try again bucko.

He has to be just making it up as he goes. I searched even the wacko sites looking for something that even approached a credible reference suggesting that a breathable atmosphere was something relatively new on earth and couldn't find it. I posted a breathable atmosphere of 500 million years because during the cambrian there was a period where oxygen was pretty scarce which led to a global extinction. Since that time, the atmosphere has been breathable without a break.

As to his claim that there has never been less ice, clearly he just doesn't have a clue. Even the wacko sites make a concentrated effort to never mention earth history prior to the ice age we are still in the process of coming out of. They know perfectly well that if one goes back before the beginning of the present ice age, one finds global temps so warm that ice was not to be found on earth...anywhere.

In the written record, there has never been less ice than there is today in the Arctic.

As for the temperature and CO2 over geological time, here is a much more recent and accurate assessment, from the AGU 2009 Convention;


And here is a lecture on what is presently happening in the Arctic. Of coures, I don't expect you to listen or look at them, Bender, but someone lurking with a reasonable level of intelligiance might wish to see what real scientists are stating.


Written record? I guess that depends on who wrote the record eh?
He has to be just making it up as he goes. I searched even the wacko sites looking for something that even approached a credible reference
As to his claim that there has never been less ice, clearly he just doesn't have a clue. Even the wacko sites make a concentrated effort to never mention earth history prior to the ice age we are still in the process of coming out of. They know perfectly well that if one goes back before the beginning of the present ice age, one finds global temps so warm that ice was not to be found on earth...anywhere.

By the way that 2.nd picture You thought did not show up, it did show and I got it, thanks again!

As for what info is posted on the internet about the arctic north of 80 deg Latt. is totally garbaged over by "climatology" that even Google can`t find the needle in the hay stack any more. Try for example "fossil trees + Greenland" or "fossil trees + Ellesmere" You won`t find a thing..and sure as hell someone who scavenges for "global warming evidence" will never find anything.

Yet the trees are there, ....:


And not a single picture or reference to it on the entire internet...except for some private pictures of Military personnel which was stationed @ Thule and CFS Alert.

I assure You all, we did not take these pictures in California.
No matter which search word combination You try with any search engine, You come up empty handed. You have to know where these trees are and then type in the search word...: Fort Conger.
And that`s where these trees are. What the fuck is the matter with these GW assholes here, I posted these pictures on my very first posts when I registered for this forum..

Here is what CAN BE found about Fort Conger on the Internet:
81° 43' 0" North, 64° 43' 0" West, so it is on the North western tip of Ellesmere Island just across from NORTHERN I have said at least 100 times here already.
90- 81 43 = 8 deg + 17 minutes of arc from the North Pole, so that`s 8 x 60 +17 miles=
ONLY 497 miles from the North Pole and that`s where these trees are and no way are these millions of years old.

Would these climate change assholes read up a little bit about the history of Fort Conger then they would know that...:
Nunatsiaq News
FORT CONGER, Ellesmere Island — On a sunny day, as icebergs float lazily in the bay and heat rises in waves from the warming earth, it’s hard to imagine just how far north this place really is, or that anyone ever knew any hardship here.
It’s an isolated spot, across the strait from Greenland
But more than one hundred years ago, this remote location on Discovery Bay was an important staging point for polar explorers.
Here, in 1881, A.W. Greeley and 24 men were dropped off to spend a winter working on research projects. But after two full years passed, with no resupply ships calling, the expedition members ended up abandoning their scientific collections to head towards a more accessible point.


So how many times did I write here already that they did not have Icebreakers in 1881..????
Peary, nonetheless, used Fort Conger as a base from 1901 on, until he finally reached — or came close to — the North Pole in 1909.

I also posted pictures showing the inside of these shacks and all around these shacks, which were built on bare ground, NOT ON ICE OR SNOW...

Here is more info,

Parks Canada - Quttinirpaaq National Park - Cultural Heritage

See how retarded all these GW claims are...."ever since recorded history...blah blah blah"
I don`t care how long You search up and down the internet, You will not find a single comment about this or what is REALLY in the high arctic by anyone of the fuckhead GW arctic experts"...
They rather have you looking at computer model "Satellite pictures" which are`nt even the real a quick look with any hex editor at the picture headings would show...the first series of bytes are the date when the picture had been created or altered, and after that you will find with almost ANY of these alarmist "Satellite pictures" the signature how it was done..."Ducky, Adobe"....with Adobe photo shop...
That`s not what NASA uses and genuine NASA Sat pictures do not have a heading like that...
But who cares, even on authentic NASA Sat pics, You`l never ever find out, that this entire region has always been ice free during the summer month, not just lately and the evidence is in RECORDED HISTORY BOOKS and the evidence is STILL ON THE GROUND....all You have to do is go there and look for Yourself...
As if this fuckhead who pretends to be interested in tree growth and "man made global warming" would do that,...

I`d rather suspect he would try and destroy the evidence rather than explaining how that fits into his hockey stick

Look at how ignorant the world is being kept about "wood + Fort Conger" if You Google for it...:

Fort Conger, Robert Peary, Matthew Henson, Arctic exploration
Research on the microbes attacking the historic woods at Fort Conger and the Peary huts on Ellesmere Island

Decay fungi, wind erosion and other forms of deterioration are destroying the structures. Research is underway to help conserve these historic huts but funds are needed to complete this work.

So the "woods of Fort Conger" are becoming "evidence of Global warming" because of fungi attacks...
And as far as Wikipedia, the rest of the Internet and the world "knows" the only wood around Fort Conger is the wood from these shacks

I guess the trees and the stumps are some sort of weed up the ass for the entire U.N. and the IPCC

But not a single picture of any of the tree stumps that pepper the ENTIRE AREA THERE...YOU CANT MISS THEM WHEN YOU ARE THERE....

Fuck if it this retarded Modtran Computer model were the other way around predicting that CO2 causes global cooling and that the New York region will be once again plowed level by advancing ice...and "deniers" like us would dispute that, these trees would have been on every TV station and in every newspaper around the globe,,,and Al Gore would be posing next to them.



Try a Google picture only search with the term "fort conger"...:
fort conger - Google Search

About 32,900 results (0.14 seconds)

and not ONE SINGLE PICTURE OF WHAT IS ALL AROUND THIS AREA...fuck you trip over tree stumps there when you walk around there...

Yet there are people who rather bury their heads in the virtual "reality" of Michael Mann and wannabee policy makers...
Well that`s up to them, but no way do any of them have the right to demand from us to pay $$$$ for their stupidity

If they want to keep going while their dip sticks are not touching any oil and encounter a major seizure sooner or later that is not our problem
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Un petit divertissement (as the French would have it) - "There are only 2 types of people in the world that understand computers: Those who understand binary, and those who don't are at the mercy of computers."
It`s all too easy to fake and doctor up "genuine NASA" Satellite pictures and the "Global Warming Scientists" do nothing but faking and doctoring up dramatic images of "melting arctic ice".
That`s easy and with a decent HP printer and the right paper you can also make some convincing looking money and go shopping with it.

But it`s not so easy to wipe out the evidence when You cheat and alter digital the digital fingerprints You leave behind.

NASA does not use "Adobe Photoshop" to color enhance or alter their pictures and the file headers of authentic NASA Satellite pictures are entirely different from anything You do on a Home Computer with a Windows or a Linux Operating System.

An authentic file header for raw down-link Satellite (NASA + all GEOSATS) data looks like this :

The symbols You see are how an ordinary Home use PC would like to show You Hexadecimal Data as an ASCII Keyboard character..
And the down-linked data is organized in this Sequence...:


If You have a 10 foot dish and the right feedhorn on it (as I do...You did see it in my Manitoba weather videos in my backyard) You can capture this data easily Yourself.

I write my own programs, but if You don`t NASA is not stingy and will give You the decoders + the program which makes JFIF images out of this data...:

And this is where You can request it...:

FITS Support Office

This is how REAL SCIENTISTS do it like for example Andreas Muenchow whom I have quoted in this forum many times..:

Anyway no matter by which method You decode genuine NASA data to an image which Your Home PC can display or so that You can post it on the internet all the file headers of picture files that have not been cheated together, altered or otherwise falsified they all have these unmistakable digital fingerprints in the file headers...:


This is a legitimate GEOSAT picture, that has not been tampered with,...
Its in JFIF format and there is no other digital fingerprint...

Even if You take a screenshot of this, as I did just now and check it then the fingerprint looks like this...:

FF D8 FF E0 00 10 4A 46 ÿØÿà JF
49 46 00 01 01 01 00 60 IF `
00 60 00 00 FF DB 00 43 ` ÿÛ C
00 01 01 01 01 01 01 01

Because I did not falsify any of the pixels of the image..

Here is another 'LANDSAT" picture that has been through many stages of re-sizing and reproductions, BUT NONE OF THE PIXELS IN THE IMAGE had been falsified...:


Even if it comes from any digital Camera or if its a "still frame" taken from a video the fingerprint remains intact...:


I have re-sized, flipped, rotated and clipped this image several times but I have not tampered with the pixel elements of the picture itself...
In case You wonder who that is, that`s one of my friends in Germany taking his granddaughter for a walk, she is 2 years old and knows already her alphabet and her numbers from 1 to 10

Okay, now let`s take a look what "Global Warming genuine NASA Satellite pictures" all have in common

Here is a typical fake, it`s from one of these links 'OldRocks" keeps quoting...:


This one is a rare exception, because the forgery was done with "Adobe Photoshop version 3.0" instead of the typical "Ducky"
Forgers of course use the best "printing press" money can buy, say for faking prints You would of course settle for nothing less than a "Heidelberg" printing press...
and the best money can buy in the digital imagery world is Adobe Photo shop....
To alter pixel elements, enhance, expand, re-paint...shit in short anything You want to, including putting donkey ears so seamless on Obama`s head that they look as if he actually grew these...
This Adobe photoshop program that can alter pictures to this extent is nicknamed 'Ducky" by the guys who wrote it...
And every picture that has been falsified with "Ducky" has the unmistakable "rubber ducky" fingerprint on it...You just can`t get rid of it, unless of course You know how to implant hexadecimal data without destroying the entire source file...

Here is another "rubber ducky"...stuck in my face also by "OldRocks"...:
I discussed this picture already and also showed You how the "GW scientists" rubber ducked this into a whole series of color coded "genuine NASA" pictures of shrinkinng polar ice...:


This once was a NASA Sat picture, a RADAR image picture with which NASA attempted to distinguish "wet (melting) snow" from dry (cold) snow...

Then the "Climatologists" Rubber Duckied it with Adobe Photoshop, increased the contrast by a factor of > 5, expanded the regions and from that they made this other "genuine NASA Satellite picture" of the "dramatically shrinking ice cap" over Greenland.

And by the way, "OldRocks"...I exclude Chris, because Chris is not really stupid, he is only acting in good faith as many others that are simply concerned about the environment and there is nothing wrong with that...but You are of a different category!
This picture above there, that "GW scientists" published as a "NASA Sat-picture of shrinking ice"...guess what shows up if You leaf froward in the hex data...:

50 68 6F 74 6F 73 68 6F Photosho
70 20 33 2E 30 00 38 42 p 3.0 8B
49 4D 03 ED 0A 52 65 73 IMí Res
6F 6C 75 74 69 6F 6E 00 olution
00 00 00 10 00 4B 00 00 K
00 01 00 01 00 4B 00 00 K
00 01 00 01 38 42 49 4D 8BIM
04 0D 18 46 58 20 47 6C FX Gl
6F 62 61 6C 20 4C 69 67 obal Lig
68 74 69 6E 67 20 41 6E hting An
67 6C 65 00 00 00 00 04 gle
00 00 00 1E 38 42 49 4D 8BIM
04 19 12 46 58 20 47 6C FX Gl
6F 62 61 6C 20 41 6C 74 obal Alt
69 74 75 64 65 00 00 00 itude
00 04 00 00 00 1E 38 42 8B
49 4D 03 F3 0B 50 72 69 IMó
6E 74 20 46 6C 61 67 73 nt Flags
00 00 00 09 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 00 01 00 38 42 8B
49 4D 04 0A 0E 43 6F 70 IM Cop
79 72 69 67 68 74 20 46 yright F
6C 61 67 00 00 00 00 01 lag
00 00 38 42 49 4D 27 10 8BIM'
14 4A 61 70 61 6E 65 73 Japanes
65 20 50 72 69 6E 74 20 e Print
46 6C 61 67 73 00 00 00 Flags
00 0A 00 01 00 00 00 00
00 00 00 02 38 42 49 4D 8BIM
03 F5 17 43 6F 6C 6F 72 õColor
20 48 61 6C 66 74 6F 6E Halfton
65 20 53 65 74 74 69 6E e Settin
67 73 00 00 00 48 00 2F gs H /
66 66 00 01 00 6C 66 66 ff lff
00 06 00 00 00 00 00 01
00 2F 66 66 00 01 00 A1 /ff ¡
99 9A 00 06 00 00 00 00 ™š
00 01 00 32 00 00 00 01 2
00 5A 00 00 00 06 00 00 Z
00 00 00 01 00 35 00 00 5
00 01 00 2D 00 00 00 06 -
00 00 00 00 00 01 38 42 8B
49 4D 03 F8 17 43 6F 6C IMøCol
6F 72 20 54 72 61 6E 73 or Trans
66 65 72 20 53 65 74 74 fer Sett
69 6E 67 73 00 00 00 70 ings p
00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF ÿÿÿÿÿÿ

See, the Adobe digital fingerprint did not overwrite the ORIGINAL TITLE this picture had,
It was "Global Lighting Angle" which has fuck all to do with how thick or thin the ice is up in the arctic
...and 'Your CO2 Global Warming science" changed it to "NASA evidence of shrinking ice" in the filename You get to see on You Walmart Computer

NASA and anybody else who is using REAL SCIENCE is NOT USING ADOBE PHOTOSHOP "Ducky" to generate color scale encoded Satellite images for the Internet,....
they all use MATHEMATICAL algorithms to do that...

But the fakers and forgers use the Rubber Duck from Adobe Photo Shop and dither their own pixels in with the mouse, like a child would do it drawing a picture with MSPAINT.exe

And that leaves that pesty "Ducky" digital fingerprint, they have not yet learned how to conceal

So the cheating did not stop after they got caught with the hockey stick...they just changed their method

This post is intended for You guys who are interested in the facts and how to sort out fakes from THE REAL DEAL...
I guess that excludes "OldRocks" and his alter ego "Rollingthunder"...
I should try diverting the user(s?) behind that name to my "askbernhard" web site again...

this time I`ll embed a bit of Java script and capture their guess is they both not only have the same IP, but even the same "MAC" address.
My guess is based on my estimate that the chances that more than one person of this level of stupidity exists in North America are extremely remote...but I may be mistaken

There is Hexadecimal Data Reading Software available on the Internet,...but many of these "free downloads" are either just free trial programs and others, once you install them write a shitload of .dll`s into Your OP system32 folder, which You can`t get rid off anymore later..also a whole lot of crap is written into the W reg32 registry without Your consent.
You can download the "hexfile" viewer program I wrote from here: - Free hosting for ALL your files -S

I put it into a simple .zip file, download it and unpack it into any file folder that You wish to create for it...even in "My Documents" will long as You don`t separate the dll`s and the .tkn file from the "hexfile.exe" file.

You don`t have to install anything with this program. Just unzip the downloaded file and double click on "hexfile.exe", then click on the "choose file button" and browse Your PC for the file you want to examine.
I tell You I have yet to find one single authentic NASA picture what these GW bastards publish on the internet as Satellite evidence of blah blah blah...
But there is no substitute for seeing this with your own eyes...!!!!!!

You can have a shitload of fun with it nailing these bastards and their forgeries with that simple program, but You can also use it to examine any file You download from the Internet if it`s a virus or a trojan posing as a picture, a video or a pdf file ...which is the latest trick mal-ware designers came up with...

Trust me I don`t get my jollies out of infecting PC`s with here is my source code that will be executed ..:

dim s$(16)
dim h$(16)
WindowWidth = 500
WindowHeight = 380
UpperLeftX = 200
UpperLeftY = 150
statictext #hexView.fname, "File Name: ", 5, 10, 350, 14
button, "Choose File", [CFClicked], UL, 370, 7, 100, 25
button #hexView.nxt, "Next", [NextClicked], Ul, 370, 45, 0, 0
button #hexView.prv, "Previous", [PrevClicked], UL, 370, 75, 0, 0
statictext #hexView.alabel, "Hexadecimal address:", 370, 125, 150, 15
textbox #hexView.addr, 370, 145, 50, 25
button #hexView.go, "Go", [GoClicked], UL, 430, 145, 0, 0
textbox #hexView.field, 50, 45, 300, 270
statictext #hexView.hexlabel, "Hexadecimal View", 53, 32, 130, 14
statictext #hexView.textlabel, "Text View", 270, 32, 50, 14
statictext #hexView.addrlabel1, "000000:", 5, 50, 45, 14
statictext #hexView.addrlabel2, "000020:", 5, 114, 45, 14
statictext #hexView.addrlabel3, "000040:", 5, 178, 45, 14
statictext #hexView.addrlabel4, "000060:", 5, 242, 45, 14
open "Polarbear`s Hexadecimal Fileheader view" for window as #hexView
print #hexView, "trapclose [quit]"
print #hexView.field, "!font Courier_New 10";

close #hexView

print #hexView.addr, "!contents? hexAddr$";
startLoc = hexdec(hexAddr$)
if startLoc < 0 then startLoc = 0
if currentFile$="" then wait
goto [ShowData]

startLoc = startLoc - 128
if startLoc < 0 then startLoc = 0
if currentFile$="" then wait
goto [ShowData]

startLoc = startLoc + 128
if currentFile$="" then wait
goto [ShowData]

filedialog "Open file to view", "*.*", fileName$

if fileName$="" then wait
startLoc = 0
print #hexView.nxt, "!locate 370, 45, 100, 25"
print #hexView.go, "!locate 430, 145, 40, 25"
currentFile$ = fileName$

open currentFile$ for input as #f
print #hexView.fname, "File Name: " + currentFile$
if startLoc > 5000 then print #hexView.field, "One moment please ..."
if startLoc > 0 then
for x = 1 to startLoc
if eof(#f)=0 then x$ = input$(#f,1)
next x
print #hexView.prv, "!locate 370, 75, 100, 25"
print #hexView.prv, "!locate 370, 75, 0, 0"
end if
hexaddr1$ = pad$(dechex$(startLoc))
hexaddr2$ = pad$(dechex$(startLoc + 32))
hexaddr3$ = pad$(dechex$(startLoc + 64))
hexaddr4$ = pad$(dechex$(startLoc + 96))
print #hexView.addrlabel1, hexaddr1$; ":"
print #hexView.addrlabel2, hexaddr2$; ":"
print #hexView.addrlabel3, hexaddr3$; ":"
print #hexView.addrlabel4, hexaddr4$; ":"
disp$ = ""
for index1 = 0 to 15
s$(index1) = ""
h$(index1) = ""
for index2 = 0 to 7
if eof(#f)=0 then
val = asc(input$(#f,1))
if val = 10 or val = 13 or val = 0 or val = 9 then
s$(index1) = s$(index1) + " "
s$(index1) = s$(index1) + chr$(val)
end if
hexval$ = dechex$(val)
if len(hexval$)<2 then hexval$ = "0" + hexval$
h$(index1) = h$(index1) + hexval$ + " "
s$(index1) = s$(index1) + " "
h$(index1) = h$(index1) + ".. "
end if
if index2=3 then h$(index1) = h$(index1) + " "
next index2
disp$ = disp$ + h$(index1) + " " + s$(index1) + chr$(13) + chr$(10)
next index1
print #hexView.field, disp$
close #f
print #hexView, "refresh"

function pad$(h$)
while len(h$) < 6
h$ = "0" + h$
pad$ = h$
end function
'end of program

That`s all for today
God bless & Good Night from Canada
please cross Your thumbs for our
upcoming federal election on May 2.nd
Last edited:

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