Arctic ice thins dramatically

7-13 update...Watching the paint dry to some is something interesting for us weather, geology, ect watchers of the earth. :cool: Thank god for this data!!!

The northeastern passage will open within 2 weeks and the northwest within 3 weeks.:tongue:


  • $N_daily_extent_hires 7-13.jpg
    $N_daily_extent_hires 7-13.jpg
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7-13 update...Watching the paint dry to some is something interesting for us weather, geology, ect watchers of the earth. :cool: Thank god for this data!!!

The northeastern passage will open within 2 weeks and the northwest within 3 weeks.:tongue:

You can even purchase a ride on the icebreaker that accompanies the merchant ships to maintain the "opening". You see there's open, and then there's open...with help.

Kapitan Khlebnikov is a conventional icebreaker built to escort merchant ships through the Northeast Passage. The ship was converted to a passenger vessel in 1991. Quark's flagship is retiring as an expedition cruise ship in March 2012. The July 10 to August 6, 2011 transit of the Northeast Passage will be the ship's End of an Era voyage.

Quark Expeditions declares April 11-15, 2011 Northeast Passage Week | Clusterstock Stock Pages

Close to -110,000km a day

If we can keep this up for another 10 fucking days we WILL likely beat 2007. The main fire power of 2007 happened between the second week of July and the first of August.

3,900,000 sq km is what I'm forecasting for minimum to 2007 4.20 million square kilometers. I think unless August is a complete cluster fuck we got it!!! WAHOOOO!!!
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Mark Twain has some excellent quotes that pertain to the AGW cult.

Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are more pliable.

Get your facts first, and then you can distort them as much as you please.

Climate is what we expect, weather is what we get.

In the Spring, I have counted 136 different kinds of weather inside of 24 hours.

The main difference between a cat and a lie is that a cat only has nine lives.

There are lies, damned lies and statistics.

Mark Twain
So far this summer, Arctic sea ice has been melting at a record pace. Satellite data, which go back to 1979, show that ice extent is currently lower than it was at the same time in 2007, the year that went on to shatter all previous records for low ice extent in September, the end of the melt season (Figure 1). It is not yet clear if the ice will hit a new record low this September. But whether or not the ice extent sets another record, Arctic sea ice is continuing its long-term decline, a trend that researchers say is related to warming temperatures in the Arctic.

Icelights: Your Burning Questions About Ice & Climate
Hey, how's the discovery of several ACTIVE volcanoes under the Antarctic coast fitting in to your ice cap melting theories? lol
Sea ice is not doing anything 'dramatic'. This is not a Broadway play, it is the normal course of planetary change dictated by the physics of the solar system.
" And on the 8th day, the Goracle created climate science and told his people of a great flood from the Polar Icecaps, wiping away all the sin from the earth..." The Tao of Algorianism, Book of Inconveniences, Chapter 5, Verse 2.
Sea ice is not doing anything 'dramatic'. This is not a Broadway play, it is the normal course of planetary change dictated by the physics of the solar system.

Hey. Watching ice melt in the summer is at least as dramatic as grass growing or paint drying. One must wonder though, why watching it freeze back in the winter doesn't seem to be nearly as interesting to those who watch.
arctic ice thins dramatically- hmmmmm

back in the twenties there were newspaper articles describing drastic reduction of arctic ice yet the 'official' records dont reflect any of it. much like the medieval records that describe conditions that many 'official' reconstructions denounce. why do we believe proxies over records of first hand experience? especially when those records had no idea that they would be involved many years in the future? and when the proxies (especially treerings) would show recent cooling if instrumental measurements werent spliced on at convenient times?

I wish climate scientists would act more like scientists and less like lawyers trying to put their client in the best possible light.
arctic ice thins dramatically- hmmmmm

back in the twenties there were newspaper articles describing drastic reduction of arctic ice yet the 'official' records dont reflect any of it. much like the medieval records that describe conditions that many 'official' reconstructions denounce. why do we believe proxies over records of first hand experience? especially when those records had no idea that they would be involved many years in the future? and when the proxies (especially treerings) would show recent cooling if instrumental measurements werent spliced on at convenient times?

I wish climate scientists would act more like scientists and less like lawyers trying to put their client in the best possible light.


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