Arctic ice thins dramatically

Things are looking rather grim for the stability of the Arctic regions. The ice is melting and the dark ocean is absorbing far more of the sun's energy than the reflective ice cover ever could so a feedback cycle of increased warming is gaining speed. This year may well see minimum ice cover reach record levels, either rivaling or possibly exceeding the previous record low 2007 levels.

Arctic sea ice at lowest extent on record for early July

According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, Arctic sea ice it as its lowest extent for this time of early July. The melting season for Arctic ice continues until the end of August.

July 9, 2011

The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) says sea ice in the Arctic ocean is retreating at a record pace. It's currently at it's lowest extent for early July. Previous, July 2007 was the lowest extent before this year. Back in 2007 by the end of the melting season, the melting of the Arctic sea ice was the most in recorded history. That year lost more ice in one year than in the past 28 years combined according to the NSIDC.

Yes, yes... And things are looking rather grim for your stability as well it would seem.. According to anyone who reads your posts your grey matter is reducing its cell count leading to more hot air coming from you on global warming...:tongue:

Unable to deal with the reality of the situation, the slackjawedidiot retreats into spewing more meaningless noise, as usual. Almost all of this silly troll's posts are just as empty of any real content as his latest response here to the facts about Arctic ice loss.
Things are looking rather grim for the stability of the Arctic regions. The ice is melting and the dark ocean is absorbing far more of the sun's energy than the reflective ice cover ever could so a feedback cycle of increased warming is gaining speed. This year may well see minimum ice cover reach record levels, either rivaling or possibly exceeding the previous record low 2007 levels.

Arctic sea ice at lowest extent on record for early July

According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, Arctic sea ice it as its lowest extent for this time of early July. The melting season for Arctic ice continues until the end of August.

July 9, 2011

The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) says sea ice in the Arctic ocean is retreating at a record pace. It's currently at it's lowest extent for early July. Previous, July 2007 was the lowest extent before this year. Back in 2007 by the end of the melting season, the melting of the Arctic sea ice was the most in recorded history. That year lost more ice in one year than in the past 28 years combined according to the NSIDC.

Yes, yes... And things are looking rather grim for your stability as well it would seem.. According to anyone who reads your posts your grey matter is reducing its cell count leading to more hot air coming from you on global warming...:tongue:

Unable to deal with the reality of the situation, the slackjawedidiot retreats into spewing more meaningless noise, as usual. Almost all of this silly troll's posts are just as empty of any real content as his latest response here to the facts about Arctic ice loss.

No not at a loss, just know who I am dealing with. You and olsocks are both algorian faithful, so no point in arguing or debating with you. olsocks has proven time and again he has no problem lying or using any tactic he can to keep the illusion of his brilliance alive if even only for himself. And you are nearly his twin. Why bother debating false science with either of you.

We all know its BS and so do the both of you. You quote the same tired old scare tactics from the same biased and known exaggerators of the science and their findings. You know they exaggerate the findings, many of them admit it. That is their standard summer melt season scare tactic they do all summer long. At the end of the season they will quietly post their corrections with no headlines. Which in the winter they will do the same regarding the lack of ice forming, which again they will correct the errors later on quietly. They do this religiously because if there is no climate threat they lose funding and no more press. You know it, I know it and more and more people realize it everyday.

You keep posting the BS and they keep making more of it and soon everyone will grow tired of it and they will run out of excuses and ways to twist whatever happens into evidence of AGW, and you and your pals are helping it along faster with every ignorant, asinine post. So please continue on your crusade and I and others will continue to entertain ourselves with it..

Tell me when the last time you had a thought that was your own on this subject. I mean a complete and coherent thought or idea that you didn't get from one of those exaggerated charts, graphs or scary headlines? Neither of you have done anything but post links to scientists and their suspect findings. Suspect is putting it mildly, because they have no interest in anything BUT finding evidence of AGW. Everything is proof of it just look at it. Its warming its evidence, if it gets colder its still evidence, if it stays the same its evidence. LOL seriously even their mistakes are evidence. Gimme a break man no sincere man with any bit of common sense in his head could be so obtuse on this still. So I think most of you know its BS but either too afraid to stop, or have a vested interest in it somehow. Either way you two are about as sincere about this as I am, you just play along with it for some reason.
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Things are looking rather grim for the stability of the Arctic regions. The ice is melting and the dark ocean is absorbing far more of the sun's energy than the reflective ice cover ever could so a feedback cycle of increased warming is gaining speed. This year may well see minimum ice cover reach record levels, either rivaling or possibly exceeding the previous record low 2007 levels.

Arctic sea ice at lowest extent on record for early July

According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, Arctic sea ice it as its lowest extent for this time of early July. The melting season for Arctic ice continues until the end of August.

July 9, 2011

The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) says sea ice in the Arctic ocean is retreating at a record pace. It's currently at it's lowest extent for early July. Previous, July 2007 was the lowest extent before this year. Back in 2007 by the end of the melting season, the melting of the Arctic sea ice was the most in recorded history. That year lost more ice in one year than in the past 28 years combined according to the NSIDC.

Yes, yes... And things are looking rather grim for your stability as well it would seem.. According to anyone who reads your posts your grey matter is reducing its cell count leading to more hot air coming from you on global warming...:lol:

The Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years, yet the earth continues to heat up and the polar ice cap continues to melt?

2011 starts with a record La Nina. A very inactive solar flux with a low TSI. Yet here we are with record heat all over the planet. And especially record heat in the Arctic. Right where the major potential for destabalizing the climate with a vast outpouring of CO2 and CH4 in the Permafrost and Arctic Ocean Clathrates is located.

And still the dumb ass deniers flap yap, and denigrate the scientists that have warned us for over a hundred years about the potential of destabalizing the climate.
The annual Arctic slush cup has begun to sizzle in earnest, with the worst July coverage yet reported by satellite monitoring.

Damaged by the early start to the melt season and then basked in much warmer air than normal, Arctic sea ice has shrunk so fast during the past few weeks that it’s now dipped into record minimum territory for the time of year, according to the National Snow and Ice Data Center.

“Arctic sea ice extent declined at a rapid pace through the first half of July, and is now tracking below the year 2007, which saw the record minimum September extent,” the NSIDC reported in its latest sea ice update.

As of July 17, the area of the Arctic Ocean covered by ice had shrunk to 2.92 million square miles -- the smallest extent ever seen for mid-July since satellite monitoring began in the 1970s. It’s 865,000 square miles below the average cover for that date seen between 1979 and 2000. A frozen polar bear-and-seal habitat larger than Alaska and California combined has been transformed into mostly open water.

Arctic sea ice melting fast | Alaska Dispatch
Go on and stroke one anothers egos if you must boys I won't look...:cuckoo:
stroke... stroke....stroke... oh look kittens typical.....on the one hand there are the realists who post actual scientific information from reputable sources...Chris, Old Rocks, Matthew and myself, among others....and on the other hand there are the cult like deniers of reality who only post empty drivel and half-witted propaganda they scraped off of some denier cult blog....and they wonder why we laugh at them and their moronic nonsense....these last two braindead responses from a couple of denier cult cretins to to some previous posts citing hard data from the National Snow and Ice Data Center about dwindling Arctic ice this season are very typical of the mindless nonsense denier cultists spew when confronted with the facts....very funny watching these clowns try to keep their heads in the sand...LOL...their obvious and poorly repressed homosexuality is pretty funny too....keep "stroking", guys....LOL...
Go on and stroke one anothers egos if you must boys I won't look...:cuckoo:
stroke... stroke....stroke... oh look kittens typical.....on the one hand there are the realists who post actual scientific information from reputable sources...Chris, Old Rocks, Matthew and myself, among others....and on the other hand there are the cult like deniers of reality who only post empty drivel and half-witted propaganda they scraped off of some denier cult blog....and they wonder why we laugh at them and their moronic nonsense....these last two braindead responses from a couple of denier cult cretins to to some previous posts citing hard data from the National Snow and Ice Data Center about dwindling Arctic ice this season are very typical of the mindless nonsense denier cultists spew when confronted with the facts....very funny watching these clowns try to keep their heads in the sand...LOL...their obvious and poorly repressed homosexuality is pretty funny too....keep "stroking", guys....LOL...

Looks like its that time again.................

Things are looking rather grim for the stability of the Arctic regions. The ice is melting and the dark ocean is absorbing far more of the sun's energy than the reflective ice cover ever could so a feedback cycle of increased warming is gaining speed. This year may well see minimum ice cover reach record levels, either rivaling or possibly exceeding the previous record low 2007 levels.

Arctic sea ice at lowest extent on record for early July

According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, Arctic sea ice it as its lowest extent for this time of early July. The melting season for Arctic ice continues until the end of August.

July 9, 2011

The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) says sea ice in the Arctic ocean is retreating at a record pace. It's currently at it's lowest extent for early July. Previous, July 2007 was the lowest extent before this year. Back in 2007 by the end of the melting season, the melting of the Arctic sea ice was the most in recorded history. That year lost more ice in one year than in the past 28 years combined according to the NSIDC.

Yes, yes... And things are looking rather grim for your stability as well it would seem.. According to anyone who reads your posts your grey matter is reducing its cell count leading to more hot air coming from you on global warming...:lol:

The Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years, yet the earth continues to heat up and the polar ice cap continues to melt?


I got a far better "why" question?

If your science is so sound, why is the alarmist side losing so badly?:dunno: If the evidence is so profound that we are about to fall off a cliff...............why is the prevailling conventional wisdom so counter to that view? In fact, its a rout.:D
Yes, yes... And things are looking rather grim for your stability as well it would seem.. According to anyone who reads your posts your grey matter is reducing its cell count leading to more hot air coming from you on global warming...:cuckoo:

The Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years, yet the earth continues to heat up and the polar ice cap continues to melt?

I got a far better "why" question?
If your science is so sound, why is the alarmist side losing so badly?:cuckoo: If the evidence is so profound that we are about to fall off a cliff...............why is the prevailling(sic) conventional wisdom so counter to that view? In fact, its a rout.:cuckoo:

LOLOLOLOLOL.....what you imagine is "the prevailling(sic) conventional wisdom" is a hallucination created by the fact that you have your head jammed so deep into the rightwingnut denier cult echo chamber, where you ignorant morons reinforce one another's insanity (or 'so deep up your ass', which amounts to the same thing).

Rasmussen Reports
Wednesday, July 06, 2011
But most voters (59%) say global warming it at least a somewhat serious problem. Just 37% do not think climate change is a serious issue. These figures include 33% who say global warming is Very Serious and 16% who believe it is Not At All Serious. A majority of voters have acknowledged climate change as a serious problem for several years now.
Slowing down to 60-70 thousand km a day melt. What you need to understand is 2007 was utterly the 1998 of sea ice melt. The pattern was perfect from late June through August. In fact there was a period that got to near or over -200 thousands a day in 2007. Strong ridging, plus tons of sun light over that sea ice.

You people don't went to think about what caused 2007 much like 1998 to stick out. The global warming as fast it is occurring within the arctic is climate and the long term trend.

Imagine for a second you have the same pattern in 1980, but you would only get down to 7.8 million km^2 or maybe 7.5. Today you can get down to 4.5 or maybe 4.2 million km^2 with the same. Global warming is the avg "climate" and not weather. Climate is over the year...Weather is 2007 for sea ice and enso for 1998 out of this world temperature anomalies.

It is NOT such a anomaly to get to number one or two in global temperature right now. We did twice already...One of those times under .05-.075c of negative solar forcing and half of the year was nina.

What global warming is maybe above the complexity of the normal joe on the street. This is why they simplified it, but by doing so they hurt there own cause. But they took a risk.


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    $arctic.seaice.color.000 7-19.jpg
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Things are looking rather grim for the stability of the Arctic regions. The ice is melting and the dark ocean is absorbing far more of the sun's energy than the reflective ice cover ever could so a feedback cycle of increased warming is gaining speed. This year may well see minimum ice cover reach record levels, either rivaling or possibly exceeding the previous record low 2007 levels.

Arctic sea ice at lowest extent on record for early July

According to the National Snow and Ice Data Center, Arctic sea ice it as its lowest extent for this time of early July. The melting season for Arctic ice continues until the end of August.

July 9, 2011

The National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC) says sea ice in the Arctic ocean is retreating at a record pace. It's currently at it's lowest extent for early July. Previous, July 2007 was the lowest extent before this year. Back in 2007 by the end of the melting season, the melting of the Arctic sea ice was the most in recorded history. That year lost more ice in one year than in the past 28 years combined according to the NSIDC.

Yes, yes... And things are looking rather grim for your stability as well it would seem.. According to anyone who reads your posts your grey matter is reducing its cell count leading to more hot air coming from you on global warming...:lol:

The Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years, yet the earth continues to heat up and the polar ice cap continues to melt?


We went over this already chris... Sunspots are not the only factor in solar radiation or the heat it provides to this planet. Here is what NASA says on it.

NASA/Marshall Solar Physics
Sunspot Cycle Predictions

MSFC Solar Physics Branch members Wilson, Hathaway, and Reichmann have studied the sunspot record for characteristic behavior that might help in predicting future sunspot activity. Our current predictions of solar activity for the next few years can be found at this link. Although sunspots themselves produce only minor effects on solar emissions, the magnetic activity that accompanies the sunspots can produce dramatic changes in the ultraviolet and soft x-ray emission levels. These changes over the solar cycle have important consequences for the Earth's upper atmosphere.

Lets try and keep up shall we?
Yes, yes... And things are looking rather grim for your stability as well it would seem.. According to anyone who reads your posts your grey matter is reducing its cell count leading to more hot air coming from you on global warming...:lol:

The Sun is at its lowest level of activity in 80 years, yet the earth continues to heat up and the polar ice cap continues to melt?


We went over this already chris... Sunspots are not the only factor in solar radiation or the heat it provides to this planet. Here is what NASA says on it.

NASA/Marshall Solar Physics
Sunspot Cycle Predictions

MSFC Solar Physics Branch members Wilson, Hathaway, and Reichmann have studied the sunspot record for characteristic behavior that might help in predicting future sunspot activity. Our current predictions of solar activity for the next few years can be found at this link. Although sunspots themselves produce only minor effects on solar emissions, the magnetic activity that accompanies the sunspots can produce dramatic changes in the ultraviolet and soft x-ray emission levels. These changes over the solar cycle have important consequences for the Earth's upper atmosphere.

Lets try and keep up shall we?

gslack, Your right about what you're saying as sun spots "only a minimum effect" on the earth's climate, but normally when the number of sun spots are low=low solar flux(solar winds), iradiance, ect. Those do have a impact on global climate. High solar flux normally equal a solar max, which is also going to have a lot of sun spots, but a minimum is going to mean less sun spots and lower solar winds. So christ has a point in that sun spots=solar flux, irradiance on the norm. So it is safe to use sun spots to=those.


This shows that all factors since 1975 have slowly been decreasing. NOT increasing, which you would think it would if it was the driver behind temperature. The past 5-6 years has blown away the minimums from 21, 22, 23 to.

This shows Irradiance even better for a longer period of time and with the global temperature. This is why I say 1955 time frame had the peak and a downward slope in watts/meter^2 from the sun.
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To the skeptics this is going to come off as alarmism, but I'm going to be honest.

The ice sheets north of greenland are breaking!!! The northern coast green land is now opening up. This is some of the heaviest and oldest sea ice. Some of it to the north is the 5 year stuff of 5-10 meters.:eek:



In case you think I'm a chicken little and some how this occurs a lot. Here is the min in 2007. You don't see any open waters north of greenland.

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Slowing down to 60-70 thousand km a day melt. What you need to understand is 2007 was utterly the 1998 of sea ice melt. The pattern was perfect from late June through August. In fact there was a period that got to near or over -200 thousands a day in 2007. Strong ridging, plus tons of sun light over that sea ice.

You people don't went to think about what caused 2007 much like 1998 to stick out. The global warming as fast it is occurring within the arctic is climate and the long term trend.

Imagine for a second you have the same pattern in 1980, but you would only get down to 7.8 million km^2 or maybe 7.5. Today you can get down to 4.5 or maybe 4.2 million km^2 with the same. Global warming is the avg "climate" and not weather. Climate is over the year...Weather is 2007 for sea ice and enso for 1998 out of this world temperature anomalies.

It is NOT such a anomaly to get to number one or two in global temperature right now. We did twice already...One of those times under .05-.075c of negative solar forcing and half of the year was nina.

What global warming is maybe above the complexity of the normal joe on the street. This is why they simplified it, but by doing so they hurt there own cause. But they took a risk.

Matthew, this is the philosophy of the alarmists. They didn't take a risk, they simply lied because they wanted control. And your money.

In the 1970's he was also one of the loudest proponents of the coming ice age. We have seen how accurate that particular scenario was. This is the new scenario and it too is playing out. The new scenario is the supposed 6th "extinction event" and lack of biodiversity. Do you get it yet? It has zero to do with science and everything to do with politics. It is about control and seperating your money from you.

The rate of change is so fast that I don't hesitate to call it potentially catastrophic for ecosystems." TV interview in 1990 to Britain's Channel 4

“On the one hand we are ethically bound to the scientific method, in effect promising to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but…which means that we must include all the doubts, caveats, ifs and buts.

On the other hand, we are not just scientists, but human beings as well. And like most people we’d like to see the world a better place, which in this context translates into our working to reduce the risk of potentially disastrous climate change. To do that we have to get some broad-based support, to capture the public’s imagination. That, of course, entails getting loads of media coverage. So we have to offer up scary scenarios, make simplified, dramatic statements, and make little mention of any doubts we might have. This “double ethical bind” which we frequently find ourselves in cannot be solved by any formula. Each of us has to decide what the right balance is between being effective and being honest. I hope that means being both.” Discovery Magazine (October, 1989, p. 45-48).

Professor Stephen Schneider
To the skeptics this is going to come off as alarmism, but I'm going to be honest.

The ice sheets north of greenland are breaking!!! The northern coast green land is now opening up. This is some of the heaviest and oldest sea ice. Some of it to the north is the 5 year stuff of 5-10 meters.:eek:



In case you think I'm a chicken little and some how this occurs a lot. Here is the min in 2007. You don't see any open waters north of greenland.


Yeah it's dramatic, and yet there is still no opening at the North Pole which has occured in the recent past. Remember those pictures of the submarines in open water at the North Pole? In the 1960's? Remember that. This is nothing new or exceptional.
Was always sorta curious................

If the alarmist brigades are so confident that their shit is right, why then are they always having these mental meltdown's on this forum? Ever see Rolling Thunders posts? This guy throws a hideous rant filled temper tantrum every time somebody offers up a view counter to the alarmist view. Check out the tone of EVERY post. Whats up with that anger? Why the pronounced level of being apoised if the level of certainty of your own view is 100%? it a caffeine thing? Backbone of a hershey bar? Small gorgan syndrome? Simple cheesedickishness? Dismay at the precipitous fall of liberal ideology?

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I'm hoping your right westwall. I really do...I have my pride to lose as one of my friends is a lot like Old rocks and has been on me for years to admit that global warming is occurring and is going to screw us all.

The bad thing is the more I look at the decreasing of the sea ice over the past 50 years and look at the increasing difference between the tsi and the global temperature. I'm starting to be seriously soften to the point where I may have to say that I was partly wrong. He is going to laugh and dance around and front of everyone. :(

Partly wrong because we're in a natural cycle and much of the warming during the 1880-1940s was because of it. What can't be explained is 1980-2010.

Believe me I have my pride as a person that supposed to understand these things and is looked up to for there weather and science within my group of friends and house hold.:(
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To the skeptics this is going to come off as alarmism, but I'm going to be honest.

The ice sheets north of greenland are breaking!!! The northern coast green land is now opening up. This is some of the heaviest and oldest sea ice. Some of it to the north is the 5 year stuff of 5-10 meters.:eek:



In case you think I'm a chicken little and some how this occurs a lot. Here is the min in 2007. You don't see any open waters north of greenland.


Yeah it's dramatic, and yet there is still no opening at the North Pole which has occured(sic) in the recent past. Remember those pictures of the submarines in open water at the North Pole? In the 1960's? Remember that. This is nothing new or exceptional.

Your delusions must be hardwired into you, walledyedretard, 'cause you sure do hold onto them like grim death no matter how many times they are debunked by the facts. Contrary to your fantasies, this Arctic melting that is opening the polar Northeast and Northwest Passages is both new and very exceptional.

For the first time in human history, the North Pole can be circumnavigated
Melting ice opens up North-west and North-east passages simultaneously. Scientists warn Arctic icecap is entering a 'death spiral'

By Geoffrey Lean, Environment Editor
The Independent
Sunday, 31 August 2008

Open water now stretches all the way round the Arctic, making it possible for the first time in human history to circumnavigate the North Pole, The Independent on Sunday can reveal. New satellite images, taken only two days ago, show that melting ice last week opened up both the fabled North-west and North-east passages, in the most important geographical landmark to date to signal the unexpectedly rapid progress of global warming.

But it is the simultaneous opening – for the first time in at least 125,000 years – of the North-west passage around Canada and the North-east passage around Russia that promises to deliver much the greatest shock. Until recently both had been blocked by ice since the beginning of the last Ice Age.

...But scientists say that such disputes will soon become irrelevant if the ice continues to melt at present rates, making it possible to sail right across the North Pole. They have long regarded the disappearance of the icecap as inevitable as global warming takes hold, though until recently it was not expected until around 2070.

Many scientists now predict that the Arctic ocean will be ice-free in summer by 2030 – and a landmark study this year by Professor Wieslaw Maslowski at the Naval Postgraduate School in Monterey, California, concluded that there will be no ice between mid-July and mid-September as early as 2013. The tipping point, experts believe, was the record loss of ice last year, reaching a level not expected to occur until 2050. Sceptics then dismissed the unprecedented melting as a freak event, and it was indeed made worse by wind currents and other natural weather patterns.

Moreover, walleyedretard, your whole "submarines in open water at the pole in the 60's" argument is once again based entirely on your bottomless ignorance and gullibility. Spots of open water in the mostly ice covered Arctic ocean have always been a common occurrence in the summer months as the winds move and shift the ice.

Arctic Science Journeys
Arctic Ice Cap

According to University of Washington oceanographer Dr. Drew Rothrock and other scientists who study the Arctic, open water at the pole is a common occurrence.

ROTHROCK: "There's a lot of open water, a lot of cracks of this size they describe in the sea ice in the summer."

In fact, at any given time during the summer, 10 to 15 percent of the Arctic Ocean is not covered by ice, says Dr. Mark Johnson, a physical oceanographer at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. Johnson spends a great deal of time modeling the ever-changing dynamics of the ice cap. He says the six-mile-long opening in the ice—called a lead—that tourists saw, sounds about right for this time of year.

The reason there is open water at the North Pole is because the ice cap is not, as some people might think, a stable, unchanging sheet of ice. Far from it, says Rothrock.

ROTHROCK: "It's a big ocean up there at the North Pole. It has floating sea ice covering it, which is typically about ten feet thick. It's not like an ice sheet or glacier on land, which is the situation at the South Pole. Sea ice is pretty mobile stuff. It moves around. It cracks. It breaks. It piles up. It's always on the go."

...That seems to fit with records from about 1930 to 1960 that show sea ice in the high Arctic was thick and widespread. It also seems to mesh with data from 1960 to 1990, which shows that sea ice became 40 percent thinner overall, according to Rothrock's research.

ROTHROCK: "We've published results from submarine cruises, where they have upward-looking sonar and they are able to determine ice thickness. We took data taken from cruises in the 1990s that we had been party to and compared it to older data from the '50s, '60s and '70s and found quite a large difference."

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