Arctic ice thins dramatically


October 2009 U.S. temperatures according to NOAA were the third coldest in 115 years of record keeping, 4 degrees below the average temperature for this month. October 2009 also had the most snow in the U.S. than has ever been recorded for that month.

Germany recorded in 2009 its lowest October temperature in history. New Zealand had record low October temperatures and record late snows link China had the worst October snowstorms in recorded history, 40 people died and over 9,000 buildings collapsed.

Siberia may have had its coldest winter in history in 2009-2010. European and Asian temperatures in the winter 2009-2010 were well below normal.

October 2008 to January 2009 temps were well below normal According to the NCDC U.S. temperatures in October 2009 was on average the third coldest in 116 years, November was the 4th coldest, and February 2010 was the 29th coldest. U.S. temperatures December '09 - February '10 were well below normal. UK experiences coldest May temps in 15 years U.S. temps Nov '09 to May '10 remain mostly below normal, October '09 through March '10 was the snowiest on record in the northern hemisphere.

In February 2010, the Northern Hemisphere had the second largest area of snow coverage ever recorded link and North America had the most snow cover ever recorded. Snow coverage in the Northern hemisphere has been growing since 1998 link. Snow in areas where it usually does not snow can only be because temperatures are colder, and not from global warming/ The additional snow was not because of higher levels of humidity, according to NCDC February '10 was the 47th driest in 116 years.

July 2010, South America experiences historic cold weather. Argentina experienced its coldest winter in 40 years.

In spite of all the hot weather of late, according to NOAA 62% of the continental U.S. had below normal temperatures January-July 2010.


Now Oldrocks you want to address me the way you did in the previous post just because we disagree, you can go to hell. It is certainly easy to tell that you are from Portland, some of the rudest and dumbest sons-of-bitches I have ever known are from the Eugene and Portland areas.

**Links to all of the above "cooling data" are available and there are many more proven temperature readings from around the world I can also document. If you want the links you can apologize for your immaturity and I will cheerfully provide them for you. If not you can just keep on being a shit.

Russian heatwave 'worst in 1000 years', killing 700 people a day

THE heatwave which has caused a sanitary and agricultural crisis in Russia is the most severe in the country's history, a top meteorological official says.

The head of weather forecaster Rosgidromet said that nothing similar had been observed in the millennium history of the Russian state, which dates back to the acceptance of Christianity by ancient Russia in the late 10th Century.

"From the moment of the foundation of our country, we can say, in the last period of 1000 years, no similar heatwave has been observed neither by ourselves nor by our ancestors," Alexander Frolov said.

Russian heatwave 'worst in 1000 years', killing 700 people a day |
NOAA: 2010 Tied For Warmest Year on Record
January 12, 2011

According to NOAA scientists, 2010 tied with 2005 as the warmest year of the global surface temperature record, beginning in 1880. This was the 34th consecutive year with global temperatures above the 20th century average. For the contiguous United States alone, the 2010 average annual temperature was above normal, resulting in the 23rd warmest year on record.

NOAA: 2010 Tied For Warmest Year on Record
Russian heatwave 'worst in 1000 years', killing 700 people a day

THE heatwave which has caused a sanitary and agricultural crisis in Russia is the most severe in the country's history, a top meteorological official says.

The head of weather forecaster Rosgidromet said that nothing similar had been observed in the millennium history of the Russian state, which dates back to the acceptance of Christianity by ancient Russia in the late 10th Century.

"From the moment of the foundation of our country, we can say, in the last period of 1000 years, no similar heatwave has been observed neither by ourselves nor by our ancestors," Alexander Frolov said.

Russian heatwave 'worst in 1000 years', killing 700 people a day |
In a new blow to the climate change lobby, Russia's top weatherman today announced that the winter now drawing to a close in Siberia may turn out to be the coldest on record.

'The winter of 2009-10 was one of the most severe in European part of Russia for more than 30 years, and in Siberia it was perhaps the record breaking coldest ever,' said Dr Alexander Frolov, head of state meteorological service Rosgidromet.

Statistics are still being analysed in detail, but it is known that in western Siberia the mean temperature was minus 23.2C, with more colder days than in previous years.

Some 63 days were colder than minus 25C and 39 days below minus 30C.

For this part of Siberia, this represents the coldest conditions in 40 years and the second harshest winter in 110 years.

Equivalent statistics for colder eastern Siberia have not been issued yet.

The coldest recorded temperature in the recent winter is believed to have been minus 57.4C degrees in Oymyakon on 20 January.

Russian weatherman strikes blow for climate change lobby by announcing winter in Siberia may be coldest on record | Mail Online
Worlds oceans warmest on record this summer
September 16, 2009

(AP) -- The world's in hot water. Sea-surface temperatures worldwide have been the hottest on record over the last three months, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Wednesday.

Ocean temperatures averaged 62.5 degrees Fahrenheit in the June-August period, 1.04 degree higher than normal for the period.

And for August the world sea-surface average was 62.4 degrees, 1.03 higher than usual, also the warmest for August on record, NOAA's National Climatic Data Center said.

The report is based on data back to 1880.
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Shitty ice melting pattern over the past few days and for about a week. 2007 was still able to score some home runs this week before dropping to around 40-60 thousand a day. We may cross 2007 within the next 3-4 days...It is all up to the pattern.

WEATHER PATTERN. A strong ridge is going to have sun light melting the ice and warming the ocean that is open, but low pressure is going to decrease this. I'd say we have 50 percent chance at beating 2007, which is pretty good.

October 2009 U.S. temperatures according to NOAA were the third coldest in 115 years of record keeping, 4 degrees below the average temperature for this month. October 2009 also had the most snow in the U.S. than has ever been recorded for that month.

Germany recorded in 2009 its lowest October temperature in history. New Zealand had record low October temperatures and record late snows link China had the worst October snowstorms in recorded history, 40 people died and over 9,000 buildings collapsed.

Siberia may have had its coldest winter in history in 2009-2010. European and Asian temperatures in the winter 2009-2010 were well below normal.

October 2008 to January 2009 temps were well below normal According to the NCDC U.S. temperatures in October 2009 was on average the third coldest in 116 years, November was the 4th coldest, and February 2010 was the 29th coldest. U.S. temperatures December '09 - February '10 were well below normal. UK experiences coldest May temps in 15 years U.S. temps Nov '09 to May '10 remain mostly below normal, October '09 through March '10 was the snowiest on record in the northern hemisphere.

In February 2010, the Northern Hemisphere had the second largest area of snow coverage ever recorded link and North America had the most snow cover ever recorded. Snow coverage in the Northern hemisphere has been growing since 1998 link. Snow in areas where it usually does not snow can only be because temperatures are colder, and not from global warming/ The additional snow was not because of higher levels of humidity, according to NCDC February '10 was the 47th driest in 116 years.

July 2010, South America experiences historic cold weather. Argentina experienced its coldest winter in 40 years.

In spite of all the hot weather of late, according to NOAA 62% of the continental U.S. had below normal temperatures January-July 2010.


Now Oldrocks you want to address me the way you did in the previous post just because we disagree, you can go to hell. It is certainly easy to tell that you are from Portland, some of the rudest and dumbest sons-of-bitches I have ever known are from the Eugene and Portland areas.

**Links to all of the above "cooling data" are available and there are many more proven temperature readings from around the world I can also document. If you want the links you can apologize for your immaturity and I will cheerfully provide them for you. If not you can just keep on being a shit.

LOL!!!! You just cannot post the links, right? Lordy, do you think that you are in grade school?

NSIDC/NASA AMSR-E also shows that the overall trend of ocean temperatures since 2002 is one of cooling in spite of a recent short lived El Nino warming event.


The oceans have been cooling which is contrary to climate model predictions:


NSIDC/NASA AMSR-E also shows that the overall trend of ocean temperatures since 2002 is one of cooling in spite of a recent short lived El Nino warming event.


The oceans have been cooling which is contrary to climate model predictions:


.(AP) -- The world's in hot water. Sea-surface temperatures worldwide have been the hottest on record over the last three months, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said Wednesday.

Ocean temperatures averaged 62.5 degrees Fahrenheit in the June-August period, 1.04 degree higher than normal for the period.

And for August the world sea-surface average was 62.4 degrees, 1.03 higher than usual, also the warmest for August on record, NOAA's National Climatic Data Center said.

The report is based on data back to 1880.

Worlds oceans warmest on record this summer
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Or you can go with the guys who have over 3,000 buoys in the oceans worldwide that are designed specifically for measuring ocean temperatures:

Some 3,000 scientific robots that are plying the ocean have sent home a puzzling message. These diving instruments suggest that the oceans have not warmed up at all over the past four or five years. That could mean global warming has taken a breather. Or it could mean scientists aren't quite understanding what their robots are telling them.

The Mystery of Global Warming's Missing Heat : NPR

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Thanks for proving my point, Bigfoot, you are the best!


Since 2009 the temperatures are really going up!
Chris, if you would do the reading you would find that the spike in 2009 was due to El Nino and since the temperatures have been steadily dropping.

Anyway your post leads me to believe that discussion isn't the goal. Do you think we are having some type of contest? If so you can win all of the Forum self-superiority you want, heck, you deserve it my man. From the looks of the board here there are plenty of folks to interact with without the game.

Goodnight, again :)












Anyways on yesterdays map it shows that the area north of Alaska more or less is about 2-3 weeks from melting totally. A narrow path away through the northwest passage could open up within the next week or so and the same is occurring with the northeast.

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