Arctic sea ice melting toward record

I challenge that wikkipedia article..... LOL, I think its full of shit and tells a bullshit story about science and religion back then.... The church controlled Spain, and all of Europe was under the same yoke at the time.

And as I said in my post....

Yeah you embarrassed yet? you should be.. once again you took a few lines and jumped the gun without READING what I wrote or said......

HAHAHAHHAHAHA! let's review that again shall we.... I said the following ....

WOW, so I said they would never say it in public because the church would not accept it, but in private they knew better.... yeah you fucking idiotic, non-reading, little douchebag POS...... HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Once again, totally and completely made fool of yourself....

I guess it must be typical of retards that they imagine that they can "challenge" evidence and scholarship with their own unsupported statements.:cuckoo: The g'tard is, as usual, almost incomprehensible in his unhinged ravings and is once again in denial of a reality that is obvious to everyone else, except possibly his fellow retard and butt-buddy, Doodles.

Debunking the Myth
Wikipedia - From 'Myth of the Flat Earth'

Since the early 20th century, a number of books and articles have been devoted to debunking this myth, with varying effect.

Louise Bishop wrote:

* Virtually every thinker and writer of the thousand-year medieval period affirmed the spherical shape of the earth.[21]

21 - Louise M. Bishop - The Myth of the Flat Earth - citing chapter 11 of Misconceptions about the Middle Ages By Stephen J. Harris, Bryon Lee Grigsby

What did I say tool???

Come on punk don't be a wuss man up now and tell me what I said in my post... I will do it for you again...

So no scientists or educated people at the time would even consider it in public... in private however they knew better and even helped and traded knowledge with the navigators and map makers...."[/SIZE][/B]

Come on punk what DID I say????

What you said, g'tard, is just more of your retarded nonsense. You got shown up again as a clueless fool talking about things you have no knowledge of and so now you're denying the reality of what just happened, as usual for you.
I guess it must be typical of retards that they imagine that they can "challenge" evidence and scholarship with their own unsupported statements.:cuckoo: The g'tard is, as usual, almost incomprehensible in his unhinged ravings and is once again in denial of a reality that is obvious to everyone else, except possibly his fellow retard and butt-buddy, Doodles.

Debunking the Myth
Wikipedia - From 'Myth of the Flat Earth'

Since the early 20th century, a number of books and articles have been devoted to debunking this myth, with varying effect.

Louise Bishop wrote:

* Virtually every thinker and writer of the thousand-year medieval period affirmed the spherical shape of the earth.[21]

21 - Louise M. Bishop - The Myth of the Flat Earth - citing chapter 11 of Misconceptions about the Middle Ages By Stephen J. Harris, Bryon Lee Grigsby

What did I say tool???

Come on punk don't be a wuss man up now and tell me what I said in my post... I will do it for you again...

So no scientists or educated people at the time would even consider it in public... in private however they knew better and even helped and traded knowledge with the navigators and map makers...."[/SIZE][/B]

Come on punk what DID I say????

What you said, g'tard, is just more of your retarded nonsense. You got shown up again as a clueless fool talking about things you have no knowledge of and so now you're denying the reality of what just happened, as usual for you.

yeah thats a QUIT... Thank you tool.... No kiss my ass you hack....:lol:
Of course it makes no sense...Cultists aren't interested in making sense.
Well yeah, doodles, I knew that but it is good of you to admit it. It might the first step on your recovery from moral bankruptcy and severe cultic retardation.

The troll has still not apologised has it? Why is anyone engaging it in conversation?
Of course it makes no sense...Cultists aren't interested in making sense.
Well yeah, doodles, I knew that but it is good of you to admit it. It might the first step on your recovery from moral bankruptcy and severe cultic retardation.

The troll has still not apologised has it? Why is anyone engaging it in conversation?

Hmmm...good point... it has lost its flair since the break down he has suffered.. kind of pathetic like oldsocks these days... I suppose their hearts just not in it anymore....

I believe I may take your advice and ignore the twerp now.. its pointless anyway.. but I just wonder how many times we speak to him incognito anyway...:lol:
What do either of those screeds have to lose if they're wrong?

If we're going to play the appeal to authority game, I'll side with the guy who stands to lose a billion dollar piece of hardware and scores of lives if he's wrong.
What do either of those screeds have to lose if they're wrong?

If we're going to play the appeal to authority game, I'll side with the guy who stands to lose a billion dollar piece of hardware and scores of lives if he's wrong.

Me too!
What do either of those screeds have to lose if they're wrong?

If we're going to play the appeal to authority game, I'll side with the guy who stands to lose a billion dollar piece of hardware and scores of lives if he's wrong.

Amen to that. You look at Al Gore, by nobody's definition anything close to a scientist, hawking his AGW religion and making gazillions of dollars doing it even as he pretends his 10,000 foot mansion in Tennessee is okay because he'll trade some carbon credits later on. He'll probably defend his brand new $9 million dollar mansion he just bought in California in the same way. And his personal jet that he flies all over the world. And his business enterprises he is setting up to sell carbon credits.

See any solar panels here?


Would Al Gore be an AGW religionist if he wasn't able to accumulate an obscene fortune doing that? He sure isn't walking the walk is he.

Add to that scientists who are living quite comfortably by raking in massive government and foundation grants to study anthropological global warming. So long as they support it. As we have all seen, scientists who don't buy into the AGW kool-ade drinking cult aren't anywhere near as successful attracting the money.

I'll go with the guy who doesn't have a dog in the fight as being more honest about the whole picture than those who stand to lose major money if they should join the skeptic crowd.
Al Gore is a businessman. A rather successful one, at that. Took a modestly wealthy inheritance, and, by investing in the hi-tech market when it was on a downer, made that into a large fortune.

He purchased a California mansion for a bargain price. That is good business.

He did not make money off of his film, but he did win the gratitude of most of the citizens of the world that have seen it.
He never had two failed wars to his name. Nor did he take a government in very good financial shape, and bankrupt it in eight years. Not only that, his business ventures make money, he does not need the Bin Laden family to bail him out, as Bush repeatedly did.
He never had two failed wars to his name. Nor did he take a government in very good financial shape, and bankrupt it in eight years. Not only that, his business ventures make money, he does not need the Bin Laden family to bail him out, as Bush repeatedly did.
I would like to hear your definition of "Failed" as well as your definintion of "Successful" in regards to war. Are we talking Vietnam, Korea or what?

You are coming off as an absolute lunatic in all sectors of thought and society jumping at conspiracies of your own making behind every cloud.

As an antidote to your obvious descent into madness, may I suggest you tune in to the Jason Lewis show out there? May give you a life line to sanity again. He's on in the Portland area on KXL 750am 9-midnite.
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George Bush was not perfect, but his economy had unemployment of 4-6.5 percent instead of Obongo's 9-10.2 percent. Obongo's economy overall is far worst then any presidents since the depression. Also Obama has failed at most everything and doubled our national debt at a rate that would make George Bush blush! So if your going to blame George Bush please to be honest blame Barack Hussein Obama for doing far worst. I'm sick of the double standard.
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