Arctic Sea Ice Sets Record-Low Peak for Third Year

Oh noooooooooooo!!!!

We are all going to die unless we allow a very small criminal elite, total control of the save the planet.

Is this you Mattieboy?

We know you hate science and civilization....

When are moving into the forest or the mountains to get away from it?

Actually, the forrest and mountains are all about science. Out in the wild there is nobody to lie to you about what is going on.

Unlike those on both sides who worship certain people who cough up all kinds of bullcrap.
Now there is a certain truth to that. On the ground observations are definately hard to argue with. So, why don't you check what the Scientific Societies representing the Geologists and Biologists are saying?


And, of course, many, many other scientific societies

Statements on Climate Change from Major Scientific Academies, Societies, and Associations (January 2017 update)

Any society, or academy making statements suggesting that climate change is due to man and that the science is anywhere near settled are nothing more than political whores, prostituting themselves for money, political influence, and the media limelight...and anyone who takes such organizations seriously, is just a f'ing stupid dupe.

Of course it is, animals do not mine and burn coal and light up the earth, or cut down trees or drive autos.
So we are supposed to take the word of someone that believes in smart photons over all the Phd's and working scientists in the world. LOL

Still waiting for the first bit of measured, observed evidence supporting the claim...oh..that's right...there is is just the output of an unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable mathematical model...
Of course it is, animals do not mine and burn coal and light up the earth, or cut down trees or drive autos.

Your "of course" is based on nothing more than an assumption...I have been asking for decades for one single shred of observed, measured, quantified, empirical data supporting the claim that our so called greenhouse gas emissions are altering the global climate over natural date, no one has stepped up to slap me down with even one small shred of such evidence...maybe you can provide it, although I am quite sure you can't...since none exists...not even one small shred...
Of course it is, animals do not mine and burn coal and light up the earth, or cut down trees or drive autos.

Your "of course" is based on nothing more than an assumption...I have been asking for decades for one single shred of observed, measured, quantified, empirical data supporting the claim that our so called greenhouse gas emissions are altering the global climate over natural date, no one has stepped up to slap me down with even one small shred of such evidence...maybe you can provide it, although I am quite sure you can't...since none exists...not even one small shred...

No all the scientific evidence. Its so obvious.
Oh noooooooooooo!!!!

We are all going to die unless we allow a very small criminal elite, total control of the save the planet.

Is this you Mattieboy?

We know you hate science and civilization....

When are moving into the forest or the mountains to get away from it?

Actually, the forrest and mountains are all about science. Out in the wild there is nobody to lie to you about what is going on.

Unlike those on both sides who worship certain people who cough up all kinds of bullcrap.
Now there is a certain truth to that. On the ground observations are definately hard to argue with. So, why don't you check what the Scientific Societies representing the Geologists and Biologists are saying?


And, of course, many, many other scientific societies

Statements on Climate Change from Major Scientific Academies, Societies, and Associations (January 2017 update)

Any society, or academy making statements suggesting that climate change is due to man and that the science is anywhere near settled are nothing more than political whores, prostituting themselves for money, political influence, and the media limelight...and anyone who takes such organizations seriously, is just a f'ing stupid dupe.
Just goes to prove how easily some people can be fooled by the ruling class.
So we are supposed to take the word of someone that believes in smart photons over all the Phd's and working scientists in the world. LOL

Still waiting for the first bit of measured, observed evidence supporting the claim...oh..that's right...there is is just the output of an unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable mathematical model...
Repeating your moronic denier cult myths over and over won't make them magically come true, SSoooDDumb.

Both the myth/lie that you are "still waiting" for someone to show you "evidence", when, in fact, you have been shown such evidence a hundred times or so, and retardedly rejected every time because you are too stupid to understand it.

And the myth/lie that the reality of human caused global warming isn't fully supported by enormous amounts of hard physical evidence and the laws of physics, which it is.
Just goes to prove how easily some people can be fooled by the ruling class.

LOLOŁOLOL.......yeah gimper, like the way you and the other denier cult morons are still duped, fooled and bamboozled into denying observed reality by the fossil fuel industry billionaires. You poor deluded retards are so gullible!
Oh noooooooooooo!!!!

We are all going to die unless we allow a very small criminal elite, total control of the save the planet.

Is this you Mattieboy?

We know you hate science and civilization....

When are moving into the forest or the mountains to get away from it?

Actually, the forrest and mountains are all about science. Out in the wild there is nobody to lie to you about what is going on.

Unlike those on both sides who worship certain people who cough up all kinds of bullcrap.
Now there is a certain truth to that. On the ground observations are definately hard to argue with. So, why don't you check what the Scientific Societies representing the Geologists and Biologists are saying?


And, of course, many, many other scientific societies

Statements on Climate Change from Major Scientific Academies, Societies, and Associations (January 2017 update)

Any society, or academy making statements suggesting that climate change is due to man and that the science is anywhere near settled are nothing more than political whores, prostituting themselves for money, political influence, and the media limelight...and anyone who takes such organizations seriously, is just a f'ing stupid dupe.
Just goes to prove how easily some people can be fooled by the ruling class.
Gipper just proves how shallow the arguments against the evidence presented by the scientists is. All he does if flap yap presenting nothing at all but vacuous arguments about some 'ruling elite'. Damned stupid.
Of course it is, animals do not mine and burn coal and light up the earth, or cut down trees or drive autos.

Your "of course" is based on nothing more than an assumption...I have been asking for decades for one single shred of observed, measured, quantified, empirical data supporting the claim that our so called greenhouse gas emissions are altering the global climate over natural date, no one has stepped up to slap me down with even one small shred of such evidence...maybe you can provide it, although I am quite sure you can't...since none exists...not even one small shred...

No all the scientific evidence. Its so obvious.

Didn't think you would have anything....not surprising....and nothing is obvious without actual evidence which doesn't exist in support of the claims of climate pseudoscience.
So we are supposed to take the word of someone that believes in smart photons over all the Phd's and working scientists in the world. LOL

Still waiting for the first bit of measured, observed evidence supporting the claim...oh..that's right...there is is just the output of an unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable mathematical model...
Repeating your moronic denier cult myths over and over won't make them magically come true, SSoooDDumb.

Both the myth/lie that you are "still waiting" for someone to show you "evidence", when, in fact, you have been shown such evidence a hundred times or so, and retardedly rejected every time because you are too stupid to understand it.

And the myth/lie that the reality of human caused global warming isn't fully supported by enormous amounts of hard physical evidence and the laws of physics, which it is.

No thunder...all I have been shown so far is what poor dupes accept as evidence...what I have been shown is that you people are easily fooled...what I have been shown is that you people fall into one of two groups political whores who will push a lie in order to further a political goal...or you are f'ing stupid...Don't worry....I don't think you are a political whore.
So we are supposed to take the word of someone that believes in smart photons over all the Phd's and working scientists in the world. LOL

Still waiting for the first bit of measured, observed evidence supporting the claim...oh..that's right...there is is just the output of an unobservable, unmeasurable, untestable mathematical model...
Repeating your moronic denier cult myths over and over won't make them magically come true, SSoooDDumb.

Both the myth/lie that you are "still waiting" for someone to show you "evidence", when, in fact, you have been shown such evidence a hundred times or so, and retardedly rejected every time because you are too stupid to understand it.

And the myth/lie that the reality of human caused global warming isn't fully supported by enormous amounts of hard physical evidence and the laws of physics, which it is.

No thunder...all I have been shown so far is what poor dupes [i.e. - virtually the entire world scientific community] accept as evidence...what I have been shown is....
....the enormous amounts of hard physical evidence that convincingly demonstrated the reality of human caused global warming to the world scientific community and almost all of the intelligent sane people on the planet.

All you have shown this forum is what a gullible and clueless little retard you are.

In the real world....

The American Geophysical Union (AGU) adopted a statement on Climate Change and Greenhouse Gases in 1998.[60] A new statement, adopted by the society in 2003, revised in 2007,[61] and revised and expanded in 2013,[62] affirms that rising levels of greenhouse gases have caused and will continue to cause the global surface temperature to be warmer:

"Human activities are changing Earth's climate. At the global level, atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping greenhouse gases have increased sharply since the Industrial Revolution. Fossil fuel burning dominates this increase. Human-caused increases in greenhouse gases are responsible for most of the observed global average surface warming of roughly 0.8 °C (1.5 °F) over the past 140 years. Because natural processes cannot quickly remove some of these gases (notably carbon dioxide) from the atmosphere, our past, present, and future emissions will influence the climate system for millennia.

While important scientific uncertainties remain as to which particular impacts will be experienced where, no uncertainties are known that could make the impacts of climate change inconsequential. Furthermore, surprise outcomes, such as the unexpectedly rapid loss of Arctic summer sea ice, may entail even more dramatic changes than anticipated."

In 2006, the Geological Society of America adopted a position statement on global climate change. It amended this position on April 20, 2010 with more explicit comments on need for CO2 reduction.

"Decades of scientific research have shown that climate can change from both natural and anthropogenic causes. The Geological Society of America (GSA) concurs with assessments by the National Academies of Science (2005), the National Research Council (2006), and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007) that global climate has warmed and that human activities (mainly greenhouse‐gas emissions) account for most of the warming since the middle 1900s. If current trends continue, the projected increase in global temperature by the end of the twenty first century will result in large impacts on humans and other species. Addressing the challenges posed by climate change will require a combination of adaptation to the changes that are likely to occur and global reductions of CO2 emissions from anthropogenic sources.[68]"

The American Meteorological Society (AMS) statement adopted by their council in 2012 concluded:

"There is unequivocal evidence that Earth's lower atmosphere, ocean, and land surface are warming; sea level is rising; and snow cover, mountain glaciers, and Arctic sea ice are shrinking. The dominant cause of the warming since the 1950s is human activities. This scientific finding is based on a large and persuasive body of research. The observed warming will be irreversible for many years into the future, and even larger temperature increases will occur as greenhouse gases continue to accumulate in the atmosphere. Avoiding this future warming will require a large and rapid reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions. The ongoing warming will increase risks and stresses to human societies, economies, ecosystems, and wildlife through the 21st century and beyond, making it imperative that society respond to a changing climate. To inform decisions on adaptation and mitigation, it is critical that we improve our understanding of the global climate system and our ability to project future climate through continued and improved monitoring and research. This is especially true for smaller (seasonal and regional) scales and weather and climate extremes, and for important hydroclimatic variables such as precipitation and water availability.

Technological, economic, and policy choices in the near future will determine the extent of future impacts of climate change. Science-based decisions are seldom made in a context of absolute certainty. National and international policy discussions should include consideration of the best ways to both adapt to and mitigate climate change. Mitigation will reduce the amount of future climate change and the risk of impacts that are potentially large and dangerous. At the same time, some continued climate change is inevitable, and policy responses should include adaptation to climate change. Prudence dictates extreme care in accounting for our relationship with the only planet known to be capable of sustaining human life.[73]"

Of course it is, animals do not mine and burn coal and light up the earth, or cut down trees or drive autos.

Your "of course" is based on nothing more than an assumption...I have been asking for decades for one single shred of observed, measured, quantified, empirical data supporting the claim that our so called greenhouse gas emissions are altering the global climate over natural date, no one has stepped up to slap me down with even one small shred of such evidence...maybe you can provide it, although I am quite sure you can't...since none exists...not even one small shred...

Gee it must be the cows and their expelled gas. There is all kinds of proof that you would rather ignore, just like most of the republicans pretend its not happening, even though they know better. They sprout their nonsense and you believe them.
Same Shit Different Day (SSDD) has been denying the mountains of empirical and theoretical evidence since day 1. When pointed out to the nearly two thousand pages of it to be found in "The Physical Science Basis" by Working Group I of the IPCC, he will first try to tell us there is nothing there because we choose not to spoon feed it to him, then will claim it is not empirical and is all based on flawed models, then will claim all the temperature data is falsified.

He is useless.
....the enormous amounts of hard physical evidence that convincingly demonstrated the reality of human caused global warming to the world scientific community and almost all of the intelligent sane people on the planet.

Interesting..."enormous amounts of hard physical evidence"...evidence of what? That the climate argument there...evidence that man is causing the change...sorry charlie...not the first shred that supports the claims of AGW over natural variability...and I can't help but notice that all you ever manage to post is don't seem to be able to find any of that actual evidence...but don't one else has either...and why?...because it doesn't exist.
Of course it is, animals do not mine and burn coal and light up the earth, or cut down trees or drive autos.

Your "of course" is based on nothing more than an assumption...I have been asking for decades for one single shred of observed, measured, quantified, empirical data supporting the claim that our so called greenhouse gas emissions are altering the global climate over natural date, no one has stepped up to slap me down with even one small shred of such evidence...maybe you can provide it, although I am quite sure you can't...since none exists...not even one small shred...

Gee it must be the cows and their expelled gas. There is all kinds of proof that you would rather ignore, just like most of the republicans pretend its not happening, even though they know better. They sprout their nonsense and you believe them.

Still waiting...and not the first shred...not the smallest bit of observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence supporting AGW over natural people all talk the same talk......lots of evidence supporting the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...and I predict the trend will continue...
Same Shit Different Day (SSDD) has been denying the mountains of empirical and theoretical evidence since day 1. When pointed out to the nearly two thousand pages of it to be found in "The Physical Science Basis" by Working Group I of the IPCC, he will first try to tell us there is nothing there because we choose not to spoon feed it to him, then will claim it is not empirical and is all based on flawed models, then will claim all the temperature data is falsified.

He is useless.

What you have proven that you are unable to differentiate between evidence showing that the climate changes...and evidence showing a cause for the provide evidence of a changing climate and assume that man must be the cause...I have asked for observed, measured, quantified, empirical evidence supporting the AGW hypothesis over natural variability...and neither you, nor any of your fellow glassy eyed cultist buds here...nor all of climate science can provide the first bit...

And your response is to A) lie your ass off because you know there is no such evidence in existence or B) prove beyond any doubt how f'ing stupid you are by providing post after post of material that may prove change, but doesn't even take the first step in proving cause.

I lean towards you being a f'ing stupid liar.
LOL Nobody leans toward an opinion on SSo DDumb. We all know he lives in some alternative reality with his smart photons. LOL

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