Are ALL Obamacare supporters truly unable to do simple math??


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I've posted this several times BUT NO ONE seems capable much less the simpleton Obamcare supporters able to do this simple math!

Obamacare passed by 6 votes. Some of the "YES" votes like MOST people thought they were helping 50 million people have health insurance! YES 50 million!
Do you think some of those "YES" votes would have been "NO" if they did the simple math that shows there are less then 8 million truly uninsured people that needed health insurance???

1) Nearly 10 million counted as "uninsured" are NOT citizens:
The Census Bureau: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Table C. People Without Health Insurance Coverage in 2009 Not a citizen 9,936,000
Subtract 10 million from 50 million "supposedly uninsured" leaves 40 million!

2) 14 million people counted as part of the phony 50 million "UNINSURED" are actually covered by Medicaid!
Page 4 of the Blue Cross Report at this web page:
14 million subtracted from 40 million leaves 26 million supposedly "UNINSURED"!

3) Finally 18 million when needed to pass the bill were counted as "uninsured" : then when passed Pelosi NOW call them "free-loaders"!!!
-- Nearly 18 million of the uninsured lived in households with annual incomes above $50,000 --
-- over half of them (9.7 million) in households with incomes that exceed $75,000 annually.
As a result of the FACT that these "uninsured" under 34 generally pay $1,448 in OUT of pocket health expenses per year!
SO WHY would then spend money on health insurance???
Source for the 18 million figure: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009
AGE the annual per capita expenditure
20 $ 1,448 (So why should they pay a $2,000 penalty for not having insurance when they pay out less in real expenses???
40 $ 2,601
65 $10,245

So for you math challenged Obamacare supporters.. subtract 18 million from 26 million!

That leaves 8 million people that truly need health insurance!! NOT 50 million, 47 million but 8 million!
NOW folks HOW in the f...k can you trust 1/6th of the economy to be managed by idiots who can't even subtract 32 million from 50 million?
MORE importantly the biggest chunk the 18 million Pelosi call them free loaders because they aren't buying insurance!
The reason they aren't it is more costly to buy something they don't need i.e. under 34, make over $50k, and spend an average of less then
$2,000 a year!

Now to top off this total Obamacare IDIOCY!!!

Obama told us "I prefer to destroy the 1,300 health insurance companies that pay $100 billion a YEAR in Federal/State/Local taxes AND local property taxes on their office buildings! I prefer to put out of work the 400,000 people that work in the health insurance companies!"

That's what he meant when he said:""I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program."

HEY dip head Obamacare supporters... WHERE WILL the $100 billion A YEAR in tax revenue come from?
Who will be paying the unemployment checks for the 400,000 people?

NOW some of you truly economic challenged IDIOTS will say "HEY that's a good thing" Bankrupt those 1,300 insurance companies and their profits!
They don't need no stinking profits!!!!

AGAIN YOU IDiOTS!!! WHERE will the $100 billion come from to replace it?

I am absolutely positive that some if not all of you Obamacare idiots have NO IDEA that every one of those 400,000 people also pay SS/Medicare right?
BUT YOU also don't seem to realize THE EMPLOYERS MATCH the SAME amounts!
SO IDIOTS where will the money paid in by the 400,000 and the matching amount to SS/Medicare come from???
Let me explain something.

If you go to the "Emergency Room", the cost is anywhere from 10 to hundreds of times the cost of going to a clinic or a doctor. That cost is passed on to the tax payers.

People using the Emergency Room as their primary source of health care were bankrupting Massachusetts. This was why Mitt Romney started Romneycare.

Normally, Romney would be able to run on this creation which has helped the state avoid financial disaster, but the right wing is too fucking stupid because of their blind hatred for this president. They even think health care is a "bad" thing because of their undying loyalty to bigotry and hatred and their worship of "dumbfuck". We can't change them. But they are getting old. Too bad we have to give them "health care".
Are ALL Obamacare supporters truly unable to do simple math??

This is a good post. What has always fascinated me is how the government can cause a problem like skyrocketing healthcare costs and later swoop in with a big-government solution to save the day. How can they fool so many people??? My guess is that it has a lot to do with the dumbing-down of America and the promise of a free lunch.
Are ALL Obamacare supporters truly unable to do simple math??

This is a good post. What has always fascinated me is how the government can cause a problem like skyrocketing healthcare costs and later swoop in with a big-government solution to save the day. How can they fool so many people??? My guess is that it has a lot to do with the dumbing-down of America and the promise of a free lunch.

How did the government cause skyrocketing healthcare costs?
Let me explain something.

If you go to the "Emergency Room", the cost is anywhere from 10 to hundreds of times the cost of going to a clinic or a doctor. That cost is passed on to the tax payers.

People using the Emergency Room as their primary source of health care were bankrupting Massachusetts. This was why Mitt Romney started Romneycare.

Normally, Romney would be able to run on this creation which has helped the state avoid financial disaster, but the right wing is too fucking stupid because of their blind hatred for this president. They even think health care is a "bad" thing because of their undying loyalty to bigotry and hatred and their worship of "dumbfuck". We can't change them. But they are getting old. Too bad we have to give them "health care".

AND YOU are even MORE f...k stupid!
IDIOT I work daily with Medicare and I can tell you what YOUR local hospital EARNS,
what they overCharge Medicare (sometimes 6,000%!!) doing what you said..
"padding and passing" on these Uninsured costs!

And you. dumbf...k.. YOU NEVER heard of EMTALA have you? Passed in 1986 much like Obamacare supposedly to do something compassionate for exactly what you said!

BUT you.dumbf...K YOU never mentioned the number one reason which a recent 18 month study by the Institute of Medicine.. AGAIN you never substantiate you idiocies)
CHECK THIS OUT idiot before you make more stupid comments!
ALSO I DARE you .. tell me what city you live in and I'll tell you what the largest hospital overcharges Medicare.. sometimes 6,000% MARKUP all due to EMTALA!

Report: US health care system wastes $750,000,000,000 a year
Report: US health care system wastes $750B a year - Fort Lauderdale Business |

But dumb f..ks like you FEEL not think cause you don't we NEED more government!
Well you idiot... THAT's WHAT got us here in the first place!

A) Gross exaggeration of 50 million uninsured.. THERE ARE less then 8 million!
B) Obama wants to destroy private health insurance companies.. in turn REDUCING $100 billion a year in tax revenue!!!
Are ALL Obamacare supporters truly unable to do simple math??

This is a good post. What has always fascinated me is how the government can cause a problem like skyrocketing healthcare costs and later swoop in with a big-government solution to save the day. How can they fool so many people??? My guess is that it has a lot to do with the dumbing-down of America and the promise of a free lunch.

YOU are 100% right!
I mean this board is a good example of the devil is in the details!
You and I evidently KNOW when a misspelled word has little red dotted underline..hmm is that word spelled wrong? We check it out and correct it!
But many idiots here especially the hysterical,hyperbolic, Obama supporters don't care!
And that's the first indication... they don't care to understand the simple facts!

In the case of the skyrocketing health care .. ALL due to
A) EMTALA look it up... 1986 "feel good legislation" has snowballed and as a result
padded and passed on to Medicare/private insurance by hospitals who take Medicare!
B) "Defensive Medicine" $600 billion a year according to a study of 1,200 physicians who
stated they run duplicate tests, refer specialists ALL out of fear of LAWSUITS!

These two areas WASTE as the Institute of Medicine 18 month study shows.. nearly
$750 billion a year! Report: US health care system wastes $750B a year - Fort Lauderdale Business |

YET NOT ONE word of TAXING Lawyers like Obamacare taxed Tanning Salons!
A simple 10% tax on the $100 billion lawyers make a year would generate revenue to pay the health insurance premiums for the truly 8 million means tested "uninsured"!
Then these hospitals seeing "uninsured" patients would have to attest that they are not padding and passing on to Medicare/private insurance the services because they are being paid out of the premiums paid by the Lawyers!
It's called Uninsured Health Insurance © funded by the tax on lawyers administered by a for profit health insurance company low bid and hospitals audited for compliance to NOT padding and passing on!

If you'd like to see WHAT your local largest hospital is OVERCHARGING Medicare give me a city as I have a database of 6,000 hospitals that bill Medicare and what they overcharge!

It will piss you off to see for example a hospital in Tampa FL overcharging by 6,000% Medicare for CAT scans!
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Are ALL Obamacare supporters truly unable to do simple math??

This is a good post. What has always fascinated me is how the government can cause a problem like skyrocketing healthcare costs and later swoop in with a big-government solution to save the day. How can they fool so many people??? My guess is that it has a lot to do with the dumbing-down of America and the promise of a free lunch.

How did the government cause skyrocketing healthcare costs?

Blah blah blah regulations.

Don't expect anything more than that.

They don't know.
I've posted this several times BUT NO ONE seems capable much less the simpleton Obamcare supporters able to do this simple math!

Obamacare passed by 6 votes. Some of the "YES" votes like MOST people thought they were helping 50 million people have health insurance! YES 50 million!
Do you think some of those "YES" votes would have been "NO" if they did the simple math that shows there are less then 8 million truly uninsured people that needed health insurance???

1) Nearly 10 million counted as "uninsured" are NOT citizens:
The Census Bureau: Income, Poverty and Health Insurance Coverage in the United States: 2009 - Income & Wealth - Newsroom - U.S. Census Bureau
Table C. People Without Health Insurance Coverage in 2009 Not a citizen 9,936,000
Subtract 10 million from 50 million "supposedly uninsured" leaves 40 million!

2) 14 million people counted as part of the phony 50 million "UNINSURED" are actually covered by Medicaid!
Page 4 of the Blue Cross Report at this web page:
14 million subtracted from 40 million leaves 26 million supposedly "UNINSURED"!

3) Finally 18 million when needed to pass the bill were counted as "uninsured" : then when passed Pelosi NOW call them "free-loaders"!!!
-- Nearly 18 million of the uninsured lived in households with annual incomes above $50,000 --
-- over half of them (9.7 million) in households with incomes that exceed $75,000 annually.
As a result of the FACT that these "uninsured" under 34 generally pay $1,448 in OUT of pocket health expenses per year!
SO WHY would then spend money on health insurance???
Source for the 18 million figure: CRISIS OF THE UNINSURED: 2009
AGE the annual per capita expenditure
20 $ 1,448 (So why should they pay a $2,000 penalty for not having insurance when they pay out less in real expenses???
40 $ 2,601
65 $10,245

So for you math challenged Obamacare supporters.. subtract 18 million from 26 million!

That leaves 8 million people that truly need health insurance!! NOT 50 million, 47 million but 8 million!
NOW folks HOW in the f...k can you trust 1/6th of the economy to be managed by idiots who can't even subtract 32 million from 50 million?
MORE importantly the biggest chunk the 18 million Pelosi call them free loaders because they aren't buying insurance!
The reason they aren't it is more costly to buy something they don't need i.e. under 34, make over $50k, and spend an average of less then
$2,000 a year!

Now to top off this total Obamacare IDIOCY!!!

Obama told us "I prefer to destroy the 1,300 health insurance companies that pay $100 billion a YEAR in Federal/State/Local taxes AND local property taxes on their office buildings! I prefer to put out of work the 400,000 people that work in the health insurance companies!"

That's what he meant when he said:""I happen to be a proponent of a single payer universal health care program."

HEY dip head Obamacare supporters... WHERE WILL the $100 billion A YEAR in tax revenue come from?
Who will be paying the unemployment checks for the 400,000 people?

NOW some of you truly economic challenged IDIOTS will say "HEY that's a good thing" Bankrupt those 1,300 insurance companies and their profits!
They don't need no stinking profits!!!!

AGAIN YOU IDiOTS!!! WHERE will the $100 billion come from to replace it?

I am absolutely positive that some if not all of you Obamacare idiots have NO IDEA that every one of those 400,000 people also pay SS/Medicare right?
BUT YOU also don't seem to realize THE EMPLOYERS MATCH the SAME amounts!
SO IDIOTS where will the money paid in by the 400,000 and the matching amount to SS/Medicare come from???

You're totally right, people not being able to afford healthcare and record numbers of people going bankrupt because of health care expenses is a myth. It's barely even an issue. :eusa_eh:
Taken from your own link.

"Nearly 15 million uninsured residents live in households with incomes of $25,000 to $50,000 per year; this group does not qualify for Medicaid and (arguably) earns too little to easily afford expensive family plans costing more than $12,000 per year. "

15 million is almost double the number your creative math reached. Even though all of the articles you linked to say that there is indeed a problem with uninsured people, you managed to pull out the pieces you need to build a rather creative narrative. Well done psycho!
You've been proven wrong every time you've put up this same thread.

Please stop. No one likes trolls who flood boards with nonsense. No one.
These two areas WASTE as the Institute of Medicine 18 month study shows.. nearly
$750 billion a year! Report: US health care system wastes $750B a year - Fort Lauderdale Business |

Obamacare is about more than coverage.

You cite the recent IOM report but ignore its recommendations:

  1. The digital infrastructure. Improve the capacity to capture clinical, care delivery process, and financial data for better care, system improvement, and the generation of knowledge.
  2. The data utility. Streamline and revise research regulations to improve care, promote the capture of clinical data, and generate knowledge.
  3. Clinical decision support. Accelerate integration of the best clinical knowledge into care decisions.
  4. Patient-centered care. Involve patients and families in decisions regarding health and health care, tailored to fit their preferences.
  5. Community links. Promote community-clinical partnerships and services aimed at managed and improving health at the community level.
  6. Care continuity. Improve the care coordination and community within and across organizations.
  7. Optimized operations. Continuously improve health care operations to reduce waste, streamline care delivery, and focus on activities that improve patient health.
  8. Financial incentives. Structure payment to reward continuous learning and improvement in the provision of best care at lower cost.
  9. Performance transparency. Increase transparency on health care system performance.
  10. Broad leadership. Expand commitment to the goals of a continuously learning health system.

The same philosophy that animates the IOM is what underpins the Affordable Care Act, which is the first big piece of legislation to pursue these goals in a cohesive, comprehensive way.

Getting millions of people coverage in 15 months or so is good. But the items in that IOM list--that's where the really exciting pieces of the ACA are focused.
Are ALL Obamacare supporters truly unable to do simple math??

This is a good post. What has always fascinated me is how the government can cause a problem like skyrocketing healthcare costs and later swoop in with a big-government solution to save the day. How can they fool so many people??? My guess is that it has a lot to do with the dumbing-down of America and the promise of a free lunch.

How did the government cause skyrocketing healthcare costs?

There are several reasons, but the biggest is in the overuse of medical resources by patients which occurs when consumers do not have to pay the entire cost of the medical services they use. The causes of those excess costs are Medicaid, Medicare, and tax laws that provide incentives for individuals to have their employers purchase their medical care in the form of private health insurance. If patients had been given incentives to make their own choices about medical care, this wouldn't have happened.
FIRST I deal with reality and with FACTS... evidently you deal in opinion, subjective observations... you are therefore not credible!
Give me facts as to HOW MANY people not afford.. you never mentioned?

50 million??


If Obamacare can't find out from the Census bureau that 10 million are not citizens or that 14 million are already covered AND they want 18 million who DO pay their health care costs.. THAT leaves 8 million..NOT 50 million how are they going to manage 1/6th of the economy???

Now 8 million who want coverage but can't afford it is because of two reasons:
A) They don't qualify for Medicaid/Medicare but they can't afford insurance premiums or can't get standard insurance!
B) AND why can't they afford health insurance?
In most cases it's because of EMTALA which you've obviously NEVER heard of!
But when hospitals that take Medicare patients are FORCED to take under EMTALA uninsured patients.. guess what they do??
The Pad and pass on sometimes with 6,000% markups to Medicare/private insurance these "uninsured services' costs"!

Solution is first admit there ARE NOT 50 million which was the bogus number to pass Obamacare!

2nd Admit that you and millions look at lawyers as lottery facilitators i.e. if you didn't get the outcome health wise YOU sue!
These lawyers make $100 billion are year primarily from these actions which to prevent, physicians run duplicate tests,etc.
all adding claims to insurance companies that most physicians say are over $600 billion a year in defensive medicine!

And state people can't afford insurance??

Well again part of the problem People are totally ignorant about health insurance finances..
80% of every dollar in premium goes back out in claims!
Yet it appears YOU and other Obamacare supporters don't believe that!
Here look at 6 public companies and what THEY under penalty of law attest as what they pay out in claims from premiums!

The real financial facts are insurance companies annually, every year pay out 80% to the providers
of the premiums they receive and this comes from their financial reports that if they lie they go to jail!
76.9% - Aetna
82.3% - Cigna
83.9% - Health Net
83.2% - Humana
78.6% - UnitedHealth Group

HEALTH REFORM: Medical Loss Ratio or Just Medical Loss? | New America Blogs

I truly don't understand people like you that spout statements without ANY substantiation.. just what you've heard from others....
The above average of 80% paid from premiums is a FACT do you understand? The people that generate these financial statements would be put in jail for submitting false data under SEC/Public disclosure laws.. so they are the facts!
YET stupid Obamacare is ordering 85% as if that is the solution when almost all of the insurance companies are already within 6% of the requirement!
There's nothin remotely simply about health care math.

Unless you're a simpleton, of course, then all solutions to complex problems seem simple.

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