Are Americans' best interests politically speaking served by the following?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
I hope that people ALL people understand that the above statement refers to how the MSM bias affects all Americans in that decisions made by politicians are influenced by Americans OPINIONS that are formed based on biased MSM!
For example: Study: The Liberal Media’s Summer of Pummeling Trump
So please tell me that President Trump's actions deserve this BIASED opinion making MSM bashing?
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And remember... THE MSM is telling you the viewers that Trump's views are NOT their views therefore they won't be honest purveyors of "NEWS" but opinion makers!
The networks’ aggression in covering Trump contrasts with their docile, often adoring coverage of President Obama.
Both Presidents are, of course, highly controversial — the key difference is that Obama’s policies matched the liberal media’s preferences, while Trump’s agenda clearly clashes with the establishment media’s world view.

On Friday’s Morning Joe, MSNBC analyst Mark Halperin gave the game away when he admitted that Trump “will get good coverage, if he works with Democrats, for as far as the eye can see. It will produce more liberal policies, which a lot of people in the media like.” All Presidents deserve critical news coverage from time to time, but the relentlessly hostile coverage Trump has seen thus far is as much a reflection of the media’s ideological bias as anything else.

Study: The Liberal Media’s Summer of Pummeling Trump
The truly SAD state of knowledge by many Americans as to how their opinions are formed BASED on biased information is disheartening.

What is the problem with having a logical rational dialogue between liberals and conservatives?
The problem is fundamentally liberals depend on the biased MSM for information that as these studies show are not honest!

I keep bringing up the totally gross misperception that people like me, millions of people like me and President Trump are "anti-immigrant"!
I just did another Google search on "Trump anti-immigrant" and here are the results:
Look at 86,800 results and these top headlines:"everything wrong Trump's anti-immigrant" or Trump's anti-immigrant rhetoric" or Trump's anti-immigrant hotline"
ALL total LIES! GEEZ folks... Trump's wife is a "LEGAL" immigrant! I have "legal immigrant" relatives! Over 40 million "LEGAL immigrants" like us are grossly
offended and angry that idiots declare us "anti-immigrant! WE ARE NOT.
But where is the MSM in presenting the statement "Trump is anti-ILLEGAL Immigrants"? Missing! WE 40+million are against "ILLEGAL" immigrants!
Screen Shot 2017-09-12 at 10.51.56 AM.png
Sure, but whose fault is it if reporting nothing more or less than what Trump actually said turns out to be bad press?
Sure, but whose fault is it if reporting nothing more or less than what Trump actually said turns out to be bad press?
But prove to me where Trump EVER EVER said "I'm anti-immigrant"? Or ever ever said "I'm a "Neo-Nazi"? Where has he ever said those things?
Yeah I can't understand why those sick people in the press, who don't like our country and probably are not patriotic Americans, who are trying to take away our heritage and history would say anything bad about President Grab-ass?

I can't understand after all the times the Grabby One pointed to the Press covering his rallies causing the crowds to hurl obscenities and vile taunts at members of Press, why the press doesn't give him favorable, adoring coverage like Faux News does?

Incitement to violence on members of the press will do that I guess.

Poor Donnie Dangerously and his followers can dish it out but they just can't take it.


Trump, Calling Journalists ‘Sick People,’ Puts Media on Edge
AND???? So the "professional" journalists are suppose to be like snowflakes hurt by big old Nasty TRUMP?
So I guess then when Obama was deigned a God by an editor of NewsWeek that is to be a professional, hardened journalistic reporting?
Sure, but whose fault is it if reporting nothing more or less than what Trump actually said turns out to be bad press?
But prove to me where Trump EVER EVER said "I'm anti-immigrant"? Or ever ever said "I'm a "Neo-Nazi"? Where has he ever said those things?

Don't me so niave . As if you need magic words to know what people are saying .
Should the press report the news or spin the news by reporting twisted half truths and lies?
AND???? So the "professional" journalists are suppose to be like snowflakes hurt by big old Nasty TRUMP?
So I guess then when Obama was deigned a God by an editor of NewsWeek that is to be a professional, hardened journalistic reporting?

I love it when cupcakes cry an moan, and then call people snowflakes. What goes around, comes around.

I'll bet President Grabby whines like a baby when he gets Perp-Walked out of the White House. The press will cheer!

That orange jumpsuit will look just fine on him.
I hope that people ALL people understand that the above statement refers to how the MSM bias affects all Americans in that decisions made by politicians are influenced by Americans OPINIONS that are formed based on biased MSM!
For example: Study: The Liberal Media’s Summer of Pummeling Trump
So please tell me that President Trump's actions deserve this BIASED opinion making MSM bashing?
View attachment 148834

91% of the time Trump says and/or does idiotic things.
9% of the time Trump says and/or does intelligent things.

It's Trump that's in control. The media is just reporting on what he says & does.
Should the press report the news or spin the news by reporting twisted half truths and lies?

What does the US Constitution say about that? Faux News and the alt right (formally known as the echo-chamber) has been distorting the truth for years. You never saw President Obama lead the crowd to taunt and hurl obscenities at them did you?
AND???? So the "professional" journalists are suppose to be like snowflakes hurt by big old Nasty TRUMP?
So I guess then when Obama was deigned a God by an editor of NewsWeek that is to be a professional, hardened journalistic reporting?

I love it when cupcakes cry an moan, and then call people snowflakes. What goes around, comes around.

I'll bet President Grabby whines like a baby when he gets Perp-Walked out of the White House. The press will cheer!

That orange jumpsuit will look just fine on him.
jfc, an orange jump suit will make him look like one of those 90's Batman movie villians
I hope that people ALL people understand that the above statement refers to how the MSM bias affects all Americans in that decisions made by politicians are influenced by Americans OPINIONS that are formed based on biased MSM!
For example: Study: The Liberal Media’s Summer of Pummeling Trump
So please tell me that President Trump's actions deserve this BIASED opinion making MSM bashing?
View attachment 148834

How many things has Trump done that are deserving of good press?
Its been a bad summer for Trump as he continually shoots himself in the foot
The tards get mad when the media reports what Trump says.

"You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful... I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything."
What action has Trump taken that logically would poll well with a majority? He claims successes on growth and jobs, but those continuing trend lines, and while I'd say politically the potus can take the credit for that .... a rising dow and jobs that don't seem to effect the rust belt aren't much use to him politically. Nobody outside of McConnell and the chamber of commerce gives a rats ass that Gorsuch got confirmed.

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