Are Americans Waking Up?

Yes they are, you should see the GOP's approval ratings, it's the lowest they've been in history. Obama is dominating them :lol:

Like monkeys in a cage, all you can do is throw your own shit at people.

We'll have to wait until November of next year to see if your party gets voted into oblivion.

I think it does because the worst part of obamacare hasn't even hit yet.

Wait until people start getting their Identity stolen.

We know the website is TOTALLY unsafe. We have been told that anybody with the skill of a 12 year old can hack the website.

Sign up and see.

Then wait for the employer mandate to start having its effects.

Wait and see when people start getting layed-off and fired. Wait and see.

Wait until word gets around about the sweetheart deals the SCUMBAG dimocraps made for Unions.

Wait until small group plans just go away and people have to fend for themselves by enrolling in an abortion of a website for individual coverage.

Just wait.

If this thing goes the way I think it does, the dimocrap party could lose as many as 16 of the Senate Seats they're defending and an additional 35-40 Congressional seats.

Don't be surprised if that happens.

And if it does, don't be surprised to see a SERIOUS effort to remove obama from office.

And this time, I think it flies because dimocrap Congressmen and Senators are PISSED off at obama.

Big time. If they don't go along with it, if they don't remove obama, the party will lose even more seats in the 2016 General and seriously could be in danger of becoming a non-viable political entity.

They could become the dimocrap party of the post Civil War era..... And they know it.

I grant you, some of that is wishful thinking but I think it's more likely than not.

Experts are saying it has already been hacked....
Are Americans Waking Up?

I hope so. Americans have figured out already the TeaPs are creeps, and now we have to defeat the Dems as well.

Incumbents must be voted against in the primaries.
Are Americans Waking Up?

I hope so. Americans have figured out already the TeaPs are creeps, and now we have to defeat the Dems as well.

Incumbents must be voted against in the primaries.

Whatever Jakey Fakey.... you'll be voting the straight dem ticket, just like you always do. You're such a creepy fuck.
Think about it, Bush was at this point after Iraq and a hostile press that beat him up 24/7. Obama is here after the press basically giving him a hand-job and a pass on everything him for 5 years.

He got there all by himself... which tells me it's probably far worse than they're reporting.

[ame=]Fox News' Ed Henry Grills President Obama Over Government Response To Benghazi Attacks - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Must See 911 Bush 2004 News Conference. Credits: CNN - YouTube[/ame]

Look at how CNN is much more respectful with their softball question to Bush.
Are Americans Waking Up?

I hope so. Americans have figured out already the TeaPs are creeps, and now we have to defeat the Dems as well.

Incumbents must be voted against in the primaries.

Whatever Jakey Fakey.... you'll be voting the straight dem ticket, just like you always do. You're such a creepy fuck.

Yeah, remember the butthurt that Hitlery's backers experienced in '08? Remember that one?

Many, many of them swore to Gott In Himmel that they would never vote for obama.

I'm serious. Remember that?

I laughed. And I laughed some more.

Because I KNOW dimocraps. They have no courage, no moral fiber, no determination, no guts, no balls, no pride.... IOW, they're dimocraps.

Think about it. Look it up if you need to.

Angry Clinton Supporters Start Rallying for McCain Online | Threat Level |

Furious over Hillary-bashing, women vow to sink Barack -

Why Clinton voters say they won?t support Obama -

Hillary?s supporters to Obama: ?Continued scorn will not get my vote? - Politics Blog

Oh..... Yeah, they ended up voting for obama en masse.

They always do. They're dimocraps. They need their cult leaders or they can't function
Think about it, Bush was at this point after Iraq and a hostile press that beat him up 24/7. Obama is here after the press basically giving him a hand-job and a pass on everything him for 5 years.

He got there all by himself... which tells me it's probably far worse than they're reporting.

[ame=]Fox News' Ed Henry Grills President Obama Over Government Response To Benghazi Attacks - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=]Must See 911 Bush 2004 News Conference. Credits: CNN - YouTube[/ame]

Look at how CNN is much more respectful with their softball question to Bush.

Could you be more off-topic? And seriously, is it your claim that the press has been rough on Obama?
Think about it, Bush was at this point after Iraq and a hostile press that beat him up 24/7. Obama is here after the press basically giving him a hand-job and a pass on everything him for 5 years.

He got there all by himself... which tells me it's probably far worse than they're reporting.

[ame=""]Fox News' Ed Henry Grills President Obama Over Government Response To Benghazi Attacks - YouTube[/ame]

[ame=""]Must See 911 Bush 2004 News Conference. Credits: CNN - YouTube[/ame]

Look at how CNN is much more respectful with their softball question to Bush.

Could you be more off-topic? And seriously, is it your claim that the press has been rough on Obama?
They are getting that way now...because they know the wheels have been off the Obama train for awhile, and the mask is gone.
Think about it, Bush was at this point after Iraq and a hostile press that beat him up 24/7. Obama is here after the press basically giving him a hand-job and a pass on everything him for 5 years.

He got there all by himself... which tells me it's probably far worse than they're reporting.

Bush lied to the nation about WMD's costing the nation trillions of dollars and thousands of US troops lives over a false war.

Obama is having issues with a website and the right wing propaganda machine is throwing a complete shitfit like the apocalypse is happening.
And seriously, is it your claim that the press has been rough on Obama?

Seriously, only a 'tard thinks the press didn't slurp Bush's rectum with unbridled fervor. Why are you rewriting history so brazenly and claiming Bush had a hostile press, instead of a gaggle of asslickers that gleefully parroted all of his Iraq lies?

Obviously, the press has been rougher on Obama. It's not possible for a press to be more compliant and favorable than the press was with Bush.
Republicans are such strange people. Nothing they do is wrong everything is someone elses fault or they are just misunderstood but never wrong

Americans don't vote GOP = They are stupid or asleep

Americans vote GOP = They are smart

Here's the thing. Repubs still have to nominate someone who can get elected. Currently no one fits the bill. Who's fault is that?

If you ask Repubs...Its not their fault...its someone elses.
Republicans are such strange people. Nothing they do is wrong everything is someone elses fault or they are just misunderstood but never wrong

Americans don't vote GOP = They are stupid or asleep

Americans vote GOP = They are smart

Here's the thing. Repubs still have to nominate someone who can get elected. Currently no one fits the bill. Who's fault is that?

If you ask Repubs...Its not their fault...its someone elses.

But of course.. the GOP just needs to run a John Kerry type... oh, wait, how's that been working out for the GOP?

Republicans are such strange people. Nothing they do is wrong everything is someone elses fault or they are just misunderstood but never wrong

Americans don't vote GOP = They are stupid or asleep

Americans vote GOP = They are smart

Here's the thing. Repubs still have to nominate someone who can get elected. Currently no one fits the bill. Who's fault is that?

If you ask Repubs...Its not their fault...its someone elses.

But of course.. the GOP just needs to run a John Kerry type... oh, wait, how's that been working out for the GOP?


Even when you choose your own canidates you blame someone else for how poorly they do. YOUR CHOICE and you still complain that no one understands you.

So whos stopping your from nominating and running a "true conservative"? Not the GOP of course...Someone elses fault.
Maybe. If this new poll from CBS is any indication, Americans are finally wakening from their self-induced coma

CBS Poll: Obama’s Approval Rating Craters To All-Time Low, 37%…


Love it!

Via CBS News:

President Obama’s job approval rating has plunged to the lowest of his presidency, according to a new CBS News poll released Wednesday, and Americans’ approval of the Affordable Care Act has dropped it’s lowest since CBS News started polling on the law.

Thirty-seven percent now approve of the job Mr. Obama is doing as president, down from 46 percent in October – a nine point drop in just a month. Mr. Obama’s disapproval rating is 57 percent — the highest level for this president in CBS News Polls.

- See more at: Weasel Zippers | Scouring the bowels of the internet | Weasel Zippers


I'll believe it when I see it. Right now, it might just be people throwing a temper tantrum

The American Dream Film-Full Length

The Money Masters.

[ame=]The Money Masters - Full-Length (3hrs 19m) - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=]EndGame HQ full length version - YouTube[/ame]

Almost but not quite there yet !!!
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Republicans are such strange people. Nothing they do is wrong everything is someone elses fault or they are just misunderstood but never wrong

Americans don't vote GOP = They are stupid or asleep

Americans vote GOP = They are smart

Here's the thing. Repubs still have to nominate someone who can get elected. Currently no one fits the bill. Who's fault is that?

If you ask Repubs...Its not their fault...its someone elses.

Polling data is soooo low on Obama--right now you could run your local dog catcher and they would beat a democrat. 2014--is going to be much worse than the spanking Democrats got across this nation than in 2010. And these poll numbers are only going to get worse from here. Americans were lied to over 40 times by Obama--and what's even worse than losing their insurance is looking at their new premiums that have doubled and tripled to what Obama just had canceled. Funny how that works, but when you get into Americans POCKETS--they actually start to pay attention.

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Karen Hudes: "Confessions of a Former World Banker"

[ame=]Veritas Radio - Karen Hudes. J.D. - Confessions of a Former World Bank Insider - Part 1 of 2 - YouTube[/ame]

John Perkins "Confessions of an Economic Hitman"

[ame=]John Perkins "Confessions of an Economic Hitman"Extended Interview 2008 - YouTube[/ame]

One good thing about the internet is that people can't stay ignorant long and stay respected. being dumb is actually bad now, which is the way it should be.

The internet is the great intellectual equalizer.

How much smarter are people now about the Globalists and central banking since internet forums have opened up ?

Quite a lot.
Republicans are such strange people. Nothing they do is wrong everything is someone elses fault or they are just misunderstood but never wrong

Americans don't vote GOP = They are stupid or asleep

Americans vote GOP = They are smart

Here's the thing. Repubs still have to nominate someone who can get elected. Currently no one fits the bill. Who's fault is that?

If you ask Repubs...Its not their fault...its someone elses.

But of course.. the GOP just needs to run a John Kerry type... oh, wait, how's that been working out for the GOP?


Even when you choose your own canidates you blame someone else for how poorly they do. YOUR CHOICE and you still complain that no one understands you.

So whos stopping your from nominating and running a "true conservative"? Not the GOP of course...Someone elses fault.

Of course it's the GOP's fault... what the fuck are you babbling about?

Geeze... are you high 24/7?
But of course.. the GOP just needs to run a John Kerry type... oh, wait, how's that been working out for the GOP?


Even when you choose your own canidates you blame someone else for how poorly they do. YOUR CHOICE and you still complain that no one understands you.

So whos stopping your from nominating and running a "true conservative"? Not the GOP of course...Someone elses fault.

Of course it's the GOP's fault... what the fuck are you babbling about?

Geeze... are you high 24/7?

They why complain about stupid voters when its the GOP fault for not running viable canidates?
Republicans are such strange people. Nothing they do is wrong everything is someone elses fault or they are just misunderstood but never wrong

Americans don't vote GOP = They are stupid or asleep

Americans vote GOP = They are smart

Here's the thing. Repubs still have to nominate someone who can get elected. Currently no one fits the bill. Who's fault is that?

If you ask Repubs...Its not their fault...its someone elses.
Projecting for Obama? Son? Your answer lies in the nearest mirror. Partisans are indeed ugly beasts.

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