Zone1 Are Anglo-Saxon White Protestants the "real native americans"?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Are Anglo Saxon White Protestants the real native Americans

No, Anglo-Saxon White Protestants are not the real native Americans. The native Americans, also known as Indigenous peoples, are the original inhabitants of North and South America, and have a distinct culture, history, and identity that is separate from those of European colonizers and their descendants.

The idea that Anglo-Saxon White Protestants are the real native Americans is a myth that is rooted in colonialism, racism, and a distorted view of history. It ignores the fact that Indigenous peoples have lived in the Americas for thousands of years and have diverse cultures, languages, and traditions that are still present today. Additionally, it overlooks the violence, exploitation, and displacement that Indigenous peoples have experienced at the hands of European colonizers and their descendants.

It is important to recognize and respect the cultural and historical contributions of Indigenous peoples, and to work towards healing and reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples.
How stupid do you have to be not to know the answer already and have to resort to this AI gimmick technology to get the answer that should be known by every adult claiming to have had even a basic education ?
This is just Google 2.0 presented as real chat but actually nothing of the sort .

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