Zone1 Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?

Why are so many Jews that love Marxism and support the UN, WEF globalists, and admire communist leaders/nations? You need to talk to American Jews. 90% of them are communists.
How can 90% be communists when 30% are Republicans? That’s just your antisemitic sentiment talking.
Thanks for sharing.

I won’t address it much further since I happen to not be very religious. My one 6 (caveat) is just this:

Time frame.

But as far as time frame, it’s been 2000 years.

But as far as time frame, it’s been 2000 years.
Roughly. Since the time of Jesus.

But that doesn’t mean that all He was here to accomplish necessarily has to fit within those temporal confines. Do the referenced prophecies demand compliance with any particular time frame?

Again, to be clear, I don’t have a dog in this fight so to speak. I’m just trying to ask logical questions relative to the issue.
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Roughly. Since the time of Jesus.

But that doesn’t mean that all He was here to accomplish necessarily has to fit within those temporal confines. Do the references prophecies demand compliance with any particular time frame?

Again, to be clear, I don’t have a dog in this fight so to speak. I’m just trying to ask logical questions relative to the issue.
No, but it’s seems to me that it’s a stretch saying that when the Messiah arrives, he will herald in world peace and the building of the new temple - and then when thousands of years go by, say….well, it didn’t say how long until it happens.
Thank you for your interest. The short answer is that Jesus did not meet the description of what the Messiah would be, nor did he bring in the world of peace that will come when the Messiah arrives, nor was the third Temple built.

This one-page article lists the six reasons Jesus was not the Messiah (according to the Jewish belief).
If you want to interpret all of those passages literally, then you will have to believe Jonah got swallowed up by a fish, and a talking snake tempted Eve. You would have to interpret the two Genesis creation accounts literally, which completely contradict everything we know about the age of the planet Earth and of the universe. The Bible is a spiritual, mystical book, to be understood spiritually, not literally.

Joshua/Yehoshua/Jesus led a mixed multitude into the promised land and that mixed community and land of milk and honey is a symbol of paradise. Eternal life with God, in Messiah, the second Adam. The Jews have nothing else to offer humanity as far as spiritual redemption and a relationship with God, other than Jesus, the Jew who split time. The Jew who all of the nations recognize and will gladly serve, because he saved us all, as the second Adam. One Adam consigns all of humanity to corruption and death, the second Adam redeems us all. Your Hebrew Bible is incomplete without Yehoshua Ha'Mashiach.

Your rabbinic religion is Jew-centric, not human-centered. It all revolves around Jews (around you you). It's all about Jews for being Jews. The Jewish messiah is just a mundane, flesh and blood, non-miraculous, Jew, who is somehow going to convince all of the nations of the world that Jews are the chosen ones and worthy of being served, forever, as masters of the universe.

It's all about Jews, being Jews, for Jews, and seeing the nations follow and grovel at the feet of the Jews. A third temple will have animal blood sacrifices, and that will last forever. The nations will come to worship the Jewish version of God, and will seek the Jews, and the JEWS, JEWS infinitum...JEWS JEWS JEWS...

The ancient Israelites had a mission and that was to create a holy place, free of idolatry and child sacrifice, where the second Adam could incarnate. The incarnation of the Sar Gadol, or Michael the Archangel. He becomes the Messiah, or Joshua/Yehoshua (The Salvation Of YHWH), the one who leads the mixed multitude into the promised land. We are saved through Him, inheriting eternal life. Without him, we are dead in our sins. He is the Jew that we will fall prostrate before, not you Jesus-hating rabbinic Jews, with your xenophobic, narcissistic, dry desert, ethnocentric claptrap religion. You have nothing to offer or to teach humanity spiritually, other than the Jew who split time and saved humanity from destruction.

If you must take pride in your Jewishness, take pride in the fact that the savior of the world, who defeated death with His martyrdom and resurrection, was a Jewish man from Nazareth. He is the Second Adam, whose victory saves us all from eternal death. One Adam doomed us to die, the other destines us to live.
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If you want to interpret all of those passages literally, then you will have to believe Jonah got swallowed up by a fish, and a talking snake tempted Eve. You would have to interpret the Genesis creation accounts literally, which completely contradict everything we know about the age of the planet Earth and of the universe. The Bible is a spiritual, mystical book, to be understood spiritually, not literally.

Joshua/Yehoshua/Jesus led a mixed multitude into the promised land and that mixed community and land of milk and honey is a symbol of paradise. Eternal life with God, in Messiah, the second Adam. The Jews have nothing else to offer humanity as far as spiritual redemption and a relationship with God, other than Jesus, the Jew who split time. The Jew who all of the nations recognize and will gladly serve, because he saved us all, as the second Adam. One Adam consigns all of humanity to corruption and death, the second Adam redeems us all. Your Hebrew Bible is incomplete without Yehoshua Ha'Mashiach.

Your rabbinic religion is Jew-centric, not human-centered. It all revolves around Jews (around you you). It's all about Jews for being Jews. The Jewish messiah is just a mundane, flesh and blood, non-miraculous, Jew, who is somehow going to convince all of the nations of the world that Jews are the chosen ones and worthy of being served, forever, as masters of the universe.

It's all about Jews, being Jews, for Jews, and seeing the nations follow and grovel at the feet of the Jews. A third temple will have more animal blood sacrifices, and that will last forever. The nations will come to worship the Jewish version of God, and will seek the Jews, and the JEWS, JEWS infinitum...JEWS JEWS JEWS...

The ancient Israelites had a mission and that was to create a holy place, free of idolatry and child sacrifice, where the second Adam could incarnate. The incarnation of the Sar Gadol, or Michael the Archangel. He becomes the Messiah, or Joshua/Yehoshua (The Salvation Of YHWH), the one who leads the mixed multitude into the promised land. We are saved through Him, inheriting eternal life. Without him, we are dead in our sins. He is the Jew that we will fall prostrate before, not you Jesus-hating rabbinic Jews, with your xenophobic, narcissistic, dry desert, ethnocentric claptrap kabbalistic religion. You have nothing to offer or to teach humanity spiritually, other than the Jew who split time and saved humanity from destruction.

If you must take pride in your Jewishness, take pride in the fact that the savior of the world, who defeated death with His martyrdom and resurrection, was a Jewish man from Nazareth. He is the Second Adam, whose victory saves us all from eternal death. One Adam doomed us to die, the other destines us to live.
TL:DR. Why waste my time with an antisemite who enjoys insulting Jews?
Why are so many Jews that love Marxism and support the UN, WEF globalists, and admire communist leaders/nations? You need to talk to American Jews. 90% of them are communists.
Speaking as an American Jew, I can say "you are wrong." While many Jews endorse certain liberal social agenda items your generalizations are just plain wrong. I bet I have spoken to more American Jews about this than you have.
No, but it’s seems to me that it’s a stretch saying that when the Messiah arrives, he will herald in world peace and the building of the new temple - and then when thousands of years go by, say….well, it didn’t say how long until it happens.
Maybe. Don’t know.
Everything is an insult to Jews. Any criticism, any negative words against your beliefs or practices, is considered a heinous crime, while you poop on Christianity and on the goyim.
You still have a chance to change your ways and earn a spot in the World To Come.
You still have a chance to change your ways and earn a spot in the World To Come.
Oh great I can earn my spot and role in the Jewish heaven, as what the Ramchal describes as a t-shirt for the Jews. The goyim in the Jewish heaven are like an article of clothing for the Jews, according to rabbi Chaim Luzzatto, the founder of the Musar movement. Many Jewish rabbis of old have this idea, and many today as well, that everything revolves around the Jews. A Jewish fingernail is worth more than a million goyim. The goyim aren't truly Adam. They were created in their present bodies, for the sole purpose of serving Jews. I've read it all.
Oh great I can earn my spot and role in the Jewish heaven, as what the Ramchal describes as a t-shirt for the Jews. The goyim in the Jewish heaven are like an article of clothing for the Jews, according to rabbi Chaim Luzzatto, the founder of the Musar movement. Many Jewish rabbis of old have this idea, and many today as well, that everything revolves around the Jews. A Jewish fingernail is worth more than a million goyim. The goyim aren't truly Adam. They were created in their present bodies, for the sole purpose of serving Jews. I've read it all.
Luzzatto was not the founder of the Musar movement. One of his works was used by the new movement as a core text, along with two others. His works were also used by Chassidism and followers of Haskalah.
Luzzatto was not the founder of the Musar movement. One of his works was used by the new movement as a core text, along with two others. His works were also used by Chassidism and followers of Haskalah.
He had an important role, in its founding as you just pointed out. You can continue with your pedantry, you're good at that.
Oh great I can earn my spot and role in the Jewish heaven, as what the Ramchal describes as a t-shirt for the Jews. The goyim in the Jewish heaven are like an article of clothing for the Jews, according to rabbi Chaim Luzzatto, the founder of the Musar movement. Many Jewish rabbis of old have this idea, and many today as well, that everything revolves around the Jews. A Jewish fingernail is worth more than a million goyim. The goyim aren't truly Adam. They were created in their present bodies, for the sole purpose of serving Jews. I've read it all.
Blah, blah, blah…..back on ignore, you Jew-hater.
Oh great I can earn my spot and role in the Jewish heaven, as what the Ramchal describes as a t-shirt for the Jews. The goyim in the Jewish heaven are like an article of clothing for the Jews, according to rabbi Chaim Luzzatto, the founder of the Musar movement. Many Jewish rabbis of old have this idea, and many today as well, that everything revolves around the Jews. A Jewish fingernail is worth more than a million goyim. The goyim aren't truly Adam. They were created in their present bodies, for the sole purpose of serving Jews. I've read it all.
^^^ This is the problem with the idea that someone else “takes on” your sins for you, and then you get to Heaven. Obnoxious antisemites think that can slap around a Jew with insult after insult, and still get to Heaven because “Jesus saves.”
a Semite is one who is of the lineage of Shem who was one of the sons of Noah. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all the 12 tribes of Israel are of the lineage of Shem. This includes Judah from whom the Jews come. An anti-Semite is one who hates those who are of the house of Israel (Jacob's posterity). Though it is true that many languages have come from the lineage of Shem, an anti-Semite is not one who is against language. Today many think of anti-Semitism as having a hatred primarily toward the Jews.

It also meant hatred of Arabs long before Muhammad.
^^^ This is the problem with the idea that someone else “takes on” your sins for you, and then you get to Heaven. Obnoxious antisemites think that can slap around a Jew with insult after insult, and still get to Heaven because “Jesus saves.”
Like Azazzel?

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