Zone1 Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?

The word "Anti-semitism" was specifically coined to mean a hatred (or thoughts against) Jews.

it is not a generic term but an intentional coinage with an intended meaning and use.
And purpose, most important.
Nope, that’s not it. It wasn’t about “vanquishing enemies of Jews,” a comment that makes Jews look selfish. The Messiah will bring peace to everyone, and there will be no more wars. But that’s just one point.

Rather than have a Christian answer as to why Jews are still waiting for the true Messiah, anyone interested in hearing from a Jew about it?

Before I make the effort, I would like to know that at least one Christian would be open-minded to hear what Jews think.
Candidly, I’m interested in learning the “why” of it from the Judaic perspective — even though I don’t necessarily give it much thought, ordinarily.
It sure used to. The Jewish claim it belongs to them alone.
The word means what the word means. The historical point is that it was created specifically to refer to animosity towards Jews. That's baked into the word. That people want to use it to mean something else doesn't change whatt he word was intended to mean from the outset.
Yes, it’s a disgusting to be an antisemite. Not only are you a Jew-hater, you want “approval” for making blanket hateful remarks against an entire people.
I like Arabs, they're Semites too. So I'm not an "anti-semite". As far as me "hating" Jews, I would say hate is an inaccurate, exaggerated description of my sentiments towards Jews. I dislike Jews and their religion and culture. But if you want to insist that I hate Jews or I'm a "Jew-hater", that's fine. Whatever toots your shofar, believe that.
a Semite is one who is of the lineage of Shem who was one of the sons of Noah. Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and all the 12 tribes of Israel are of the lineage of Shem. This includes Judah from whom the Jews come. An anti-Semite is one who hates those who are of the house of Israel (Jacob's posterity). Though it is true that many languages have come from the lineage of Shem, an anti-Semite is not one who is against language. Today many think of anti-Semitism as having a hatred primarily toward the Jews.
I like Arabs, they're Semites too. So I'm not an "anti-semite". As far as me "hating" Jews, I would say hate is an inaccurate, exaggerated description of my sentiments towards Jews. I dislike Jews and their religion and culture. But if you want to insist that I hate Jews or I'm a "Jew-hater", that's fine. Whatever toots your shofar, believe that.
"anti-semite" has to do with a feeling towards Jews, not just some generic notion of "semite." The word is a specific and technical term related to Judaism.
Candidly, I’m interested in learning the “why” of it from the Judaic perspective — even though I don’t necessarily give it much thought, ordinarily.
Thank you for your interest. The short answer is that Jesus did not meet the description of what the Messiah would be, nor did he bring in the world of peace that will come when the Messiah arrives, nor was the third Temple built.

This one-page article lists the six reasons Jesus was not the Messiah (according to the Jewish belief).
"anti-semite" has to do with a feeling towards Jews, not just some generic notion of "semite." The word is a specific and technical term related to Judaism.
Jews might insist that that phrase exclusively refers to them, but I'm not drinking your Jew-Kool-Aid. Arabs are Semites too, and I like them.
Jesus' message fulfills what was intended by the history of Israel. It is the progression from the material and legalism to the spiritual and direct revelation.
Unfortunately, materialism is incredibly strong in humans. Few seek or find what is of transcendent value.
Jews might insist that that phrase exclusively refers to them, but I'm not drinking your Jew-Kool-Aid.
It isn't about Jews insisting anything. It is about the origin of the word. If you aren't interested in precise language and respecting that words mean specific things, that's on you.
1) As Surada said, Jesus did not fulfill the Messianic prophesis:

a) All Jews will be gathered in Israel - hasn’t happened yet
b) The Messiah will build (or accomplish) the 3rd Temple - nope, still waiting
c) There will be worldwide peace: “Nation shall not lift up sword against nation; neither shall man learn war anymore.” (From Isiah)

2) Jesus did not fulfill the personal attributes of the Messiah:

As Jews do not believe in Demi-gods or any Supreme Being other than the one and only G-d, the Messiah will be born of human parents - with a father descended from David. Since Christians say Jesus’ father was G-d, a concept foreign to Judaism, he of course does not fulfill this.

3) The Messiah will obey the Law, and lead the people to full Torah observance - as all commandments are binding forever. Jesus did not do this, and changed the law. He told Jews that kashrut was no longer necessary, and he violated the Sabbath.

4) Christians have mistranslated the “Suffering Servant” alluded to in the OT as Jesus, when it refers to Israel.

There’s more, but this is a start.

NOTE: I would like to have a respectful debate, and remind posters that this is Zone 1. Thank you.
This must be why so many Jews want a one world communist government, lead by a Jew of course, to rule as a dictator to bring about “peace”. That is the only way a regular man could accomplish these things.
This must be why so many Jews want a one world communist government,
we do? That's strange. Here I am, surrounded by a thousand Jews every day at work, then back home to a community of thousands of Jews and I have never heard a single one who espouses this wish. Where do you get your info from?
Thank you for your interest. The short answer is that Jesus did not meet the description of what the Messiah would be, nor did he bring in the world of peace that will come when the Messiah arrives, nor was the third Temple built.

This one-page article lists the six reasons Jesus was not the Messiah (according to the Jewish belief).
Thanks for sharing.

I won’t address it much further since I happen to not be very religious. My one 6 (caveat) is just this:

Time frame.
we do? That's strange. Here I am, surrounded by a thousand Jews every day at work, then back home to a community of thousands of Jews and I have never heard a single one who espouses this wish. Where do you get your info from?
Why are so many Jews that love Marxism and support the UN, WEF globalists, and admire communist leaders/nations? You need to talk to American Jews. 90% of them are communists.
This must be why so many Jews want a one world communist government, lead by a Jew of course, to rule as a dictator to bring about “peace”. That is the only way a regular man could accomplish these things.
The only Jew I know who wants a one world order is George Soros, and I don’t know that he says it’s got to be led by a Jew.

Other than a small number of far left radical Jews, Jews do not want communism. And don’t forget that one-third of Jews vote Republican.

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