Zone1 Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?

Wouldn't mean anything to me. Mormonisn, Islam, etc, are false.
So all religions are “false” but yours? Gee, what a guy.

You have more in common with leftists than you think: my way or the highway!
So you believe in many regions. You're kinda confused, huh.
No, I believe in my religion. But I am not so stubborn and arrogant so as to try to tell other people that Gd doesn’t accept their atonement.

And that’s because Jews believe people of all religions can earn a place in Heaven.
No, I believe in my religion. But I am not so stubborn and arrogant so as to try to tell other people that Gd doesn’t accept their atonement.

And that’s because Jews believe people of all religions can earn a place in Heaven.
Then you don't believe your own ten commandments.
Leviticus 17:11 is not talking about eating blood. International version.
For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one’s life.
17:11 is the continuation of 17:10. 17:11 begins with the Hebrew word "Ki" which often means "because" or "for" in the explanatory sense.

And if anyone of the house of Israel or of the strangers who reside among them partakes of any blood, I will set My face against the person who partakes of the blood; I will cut that person off from among kin.

For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have assigned it to you for making expiation for your lives upon the altar; it is the blood, as life, that effects expiation.
Wrong. The first Christians were Jews. Jews wrote the New Testament. Hebrews was written specifically to Jews.
Why does the claim that some Jews abandoned Judaism and wrote books (that is one theory of the creation of the gospels...I know others) mean that those people spoke for the Judaism that they abandoned? Why does it make their words somehow right even when they clearly are full of errors and misstatements about Judaism?

The writer of the book of Mormon was a Christian. Does that mean that his text represents Christianity?

Simply put, Jews don't see the book of Hebrews as scripture.
Wrong. They were Jews who believed Jesus is their Messiah and God in the flesh.
Nope. No longer practicing Jews.

Thankfully, most Jews of the time - and until today - did not buy into it, and that’s why 98% of Jews don’t believe in Jesus.
17:11 is the continuation of 17:10. 17:11 begins with the Hebrew word "Ki" which often means "because" or "for" in the explanatory sense.

And if anyone of the house of Israel or of the strangers who reside among them partakes of any blood, I will set My face against the person who partakes of the blood; I will cut that person off from among kin.

For the life of the flesh is in the blood, and I have assigned it to you for making expiation for your lives upon the altar; it is the blood, as life, that effects expiation.
Yes, I understand, but it's speaking of atonement for sins.
Yes, I understand, but it's speaking of atonement for sins.
You really shouldn’t be telling Jews how to atone for their sins. It’s not your place to go around telling people of a different religion how to repent.
Yes, I understand, but it's speaking of atonement for sins.
Not directly. It is speaking about why blood cannot be eaten and the reason is because in another context, the blood component is what brings about the atonement when a sacrifice is possible and called for.
Which is, in a nutshell, the essence of abandoning their Judaism.
Nope, the fulfillment. When you enter high school you don't abandon all you learned through grade school. Christians are grafted into the vine.
Nope, the fulfillment. When you enter high school you don't abandon all you learned through grade school. Christians are grafted into the vine.
So Mormons are the fulfillment of Christianity and Muslims are grafted on to Christianity.
Not directly. It is speaking about why blood cannot be eaten and the reason is because in another context, the blood component is what brings about the atonement when a sacrifice is possible and called for.
Agree. Without shedding of blood there is no remission of sin. We agree.

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