Zone1 Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?

The NT is full of lies to make Jews look bad. We’re the children of Satan, dontya know, and go to the synagogue like hypocrites.
That speaking of Pharisees. You aren't a Pharisee, are you?
Oh, stop it. Why do you enjoy telling Jews how Gd doesn’t forgive them when they atone for their sins? Maybe Gd doesn’t forgive YOU for refusing to atone for YOUR sins.
I believe Scripture.
That speaking of Pharisees. You aren't a Pharisee, are you?

I believe Scripture.
Yeah, I know. It’s where you get your negative attitude toward Jews from.

To me, there’s no such thing as Scripture. There’s simply the Hebrew Bible.
Without the shedding of blood there is no remission of sin.
Pretty clear.
What does blood represent, both in Leviticus and the New Testament? The covering of blood represents purification. Do you know what blood represents?
More quotes from the antisemitic Gospel of John. Now I see where you people get your hatred for Jews.

Gd doesn’t like your type of attitude.

Strange that Matthew agrees with John.

Of course, this is more than enough evidence to prove that your eyes are still blinded by PRIDE. Lineage means nothing to God under the new covenant of Grace. "Don't just say, "We're safe, for we are the descendants of Abraham". This means nothing, for I tell you (the Jew), God can create children of Abraham from these stones." -- Matthew 3:9

I prefer the writings of Paul.........he makes it so easy to understand the evidence because he was the most educated person during this time period in relation to knowing Jewish Law and Tradition..............Paul drafted the majority of the N.T. and uses the O.T. text to confirm the gospel truth of Jesus Christ.

Paul studied under the most high Jewish instructor of Law during his day......GAMALIEL (Acts 22:3). I prefer to believe a knowledgeable person such as Paul over a part time Jew.
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What does blood represent, both in Leviticus and the New Testament? The covering of blood represents purification. Do you know what blood represents?
The New Testament says our sin is washed away by the blood of Jesus and we are cleansed by the blood of Jesus. This isn't ordinary blood.
Do you believe Leviticus? The atonement for sin was blood.
For a specific group of sins, when sacrifices could be used they could atone for sins, but even in some of those cases, some sacrifice included no blood. Other sins could NOT be atoned for through sacrifices, even in biblical days. Therefore the bible outlines other paths.
Strange that Matthew aggress with John.

Of course, this is more than enough evidence to prove that your eyes are still blinded by PRIDE. Lineage means nothing to God under the new covenant of Grace. "Don't just say, "We're safe, for we are the descendants of Abraham". This means nothing, for I tell you (the Jew), God can create children of Abraham from these stones." -- Matthew 3:9
So? Another Gospel telling Jews they’re wrong - and apparently prideful.

And we don’t feel we’re “safe” because we are descendants of Abraham. (I never heard of such a thing, but then again, who knows what falsities about Jews are in the NT.) Atonement requires ACTION, and repentance. Interesting how conservatives are all about personality responsibility, unless it concerns their own wrongdoing. Then they say “I’m safe because I believe in Jesus.”
For a specific group of sins, when sacrifices could be used they could atone for sins, but even in some of those cases, some sacrifice included no blood. Other sins could NOT be atoned for through sacrifices, even in biblical days. Therefore the bible outlines other paths.
The law and ordinances handed out punishments.
Trying to convince a Jew that blood is required for atonement because it says so in a text that holds no value or authority to that Jew is pretty funny.
Oh, stop it. Why do you enjoy telling Jews how Gd doesn’t forgive them when they atone for their sins? Maybe Gd doesn’t forgive YOU for refusing to atone for YOUR sins.
If I may...

It is my understanding that in the Hebrew Bible, blood is seen as powerful and dynamic--the sign of life.

Therefore it is life that purifies, blood being the symbol of life. We worship God with our lives, how we live our lives. This life is powerful enough, dynamic enough to make amends for any wrong-doing before we kneel or bow before God in worship and adoration. Christians (at least Catholics and Orthodox) believe that Jesus' blood (i.e. his life) opened the way of redemption, the way for all to approach God in pure worship at any time, in any place.

Just as animal blood was used by priests yearly as a sign of purification, Christians believe Jesus' blood is our sign of mankind's purification in our worship. We are all now welcome to approach God in worship, but I believe the "leave your gifts at the altar and make amends) still applies to each of us.
Trying to convince a Jew that blood is required for atonement because it says so in a text that holds no value or authority to that Jew is pretty funny.
Leviticus surely holds value and authority. That's where the Scripture Hebrews is quoting is found.
Trying to convince a Jew that blood is required for atonement because it says so in a text that holds no value or authority to that Jew is pretty funny.
I know, right? They always start quoting the New Testament as “proof” of what is required of Jews.
Leviticus surely holds value and authority. That's where the Scripture Hebrews is quoting is found.
But the text of Leviticus doesn't say what the text of Hebrews says. Leviticus 4:11 says that if one cannot afford a bird, one can achieve atonement through offering fine flour. No blood.
But the text of Leviticus doesn't say what the text of Hebrews says. Leviticus 4:11 says that if one cannot afford a bird, one can achieve atonement through offering fine flour. No blood.
Hebrews isn't quoting Leviticus 4:11. Duh!
No it isn't. There are many Jews who believe the New Testament.
Yes, they are called "Christians." Sometimes Jews choose to follow the Christian religion. That doesn't make them representatives of Judaism or their approval a reflection of Jewish values. It means they have abandoned core elements of Judaism and have embraced Christianity. If they try to claim membership in both, they are liars. While they might be Jewish for certain obligations under Jewish law, they are not part of the community and their position on theological matters is outside of what Judaism is.

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