Zone1 Are any Christians here interested to know WHY Jews don’t believe Jesus was the Messiah?

Th verse that is endlessly debated about Noah is that "Noah was righteous in his generation". It either mean he was just plain righteous, or as you said, he was better than the rest.

the parable of noah ... when the last of either good or evil perishes those remaining will be judged, they or the last to die will be remitted to paradise.

noah would have been the last good person to perish leaving the heavens no choice in what they would be forced to do.

they chose to acted beforehand to give humanity a second chance as the reiteration of the religion of antiquity which will be the conclusion of the parable of noah, uninterrupted since that climatic event to the end and final judgement.
I love how you cut off the rest of my post in your quote to make it sound like my position is the EXACT opposite of what I just finished saying.

OBVIOUSLY the focus should be on the spiritual, not the physical! That is precisely what I just finished telling you, in the part of my post you failed to quote.

You were the one who immediately considered animals just a "diet", related to the "stomach." NO. Let me repeat what I said before.... it's not about diet or anything physical like that. It's about being LOVING, merciful, kind, gentle and at PEACE with others, not just humans but all creation, the way God intended.

Living the way God intended us to live in the pre-fall world is absolutely a spiritual thing, not merely a physical thing, because I'm talking about the fruit of the SPIRIT. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, gentleness and self-control. (Galatians 5:22-23) All of those things are in line with honoring God's intent in how we should relate to animals, not the current status quo (as if they were put here just for our selfish carnal desires.) You are the one who made it physical, when what I was talking about was the opposite. And then you accuse me of focusing on the physical? lol. You got it backwards.

In the future, please don't cut off 95% of my post and focus on one sentence if your reply is a big strawman and misrepresents my position.
I love how you say "there were no slaughterhouses in Eden."

Pithy and to the point.

"Food" for thought for someone who acknowledges that Christians SHOULD live their lives as citizens of Eden (or heaven, or the Kingdom of God)
If it was about free will, why was the way back to the Garden of Eden blocked? One act of free will, with changing one's mind not allowed? If choosing knowledge meant leaving the garden, they why not go voluntarily and why guard it against returning? (Just curious about how this ties in, and how it relates to the part where God did tell them not to eat of the Tree of Knowledge. Was this solely an act of free will? Wasn't it also an act of disobedience?)
The disobedience was the exercise of free will. Having chosen, Man needed to make its own way into the world.
Wow, what you said in the first sentence ^ was EXACTLY what immediately came to my mind for me too, particularly when I read this line in her post "wouldn't it be nice to try life before expulsion from the Garden."

lol THANK YOU!!! :clap::clap::clap:

And the second thing I thought is: anyone who has truly put thought into what life was like before expulsion from the Garden, and who is sincere about getting back to that ideal and perfect bond with God would go plantbased... of course among other things, like you mentioned, having a personal relationship with God that is about love, trust and actually obeying God, since the scriptures are clear that those who love God will obey His commandments.

And to state that in the reverse:

"He who says, “I know Him,” and does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him."​
- 1 John 2:4​
so sorry-----EDEN is---right now----virtually, in the hands of Iran. There is constant,
sporadic violence and all sorts of disputes related to transport
EDEN is---right now----virtually, in the hands of Iran.

eden is no more ...


paradise forever lost.

* than for those who triumph - - and will find somewhere better than a desert to live.
Aden is hebrew for EDEN -----LEGEND has it that Cain and Abel did their thing in ADEN.
My hubby was born in ADEN but to your regret his parents and he escaped before the
1947 pogrom
What regret are you talking about? Are you paranoid as well?
I have----do you enjoy throwing meaningless words around. For those interested
in reality----Iran seeks to control transport by sea in the Persian gulf and the Red Sea---
as suradie KNOWS
Yes. That's true. Invading Iran would just make the situation worse.
What regret are you talking about? Are you paranoid as well?
try not to use words that you do not understand. Paranoia is a
technical term used by persons in the field of neuropsychiatry. It
describes a THOUGHT DISORDER found in various forms---both
organic and functional---of psychosis
Yes. That's true. Invading Iran would just make the situation worse.
"INVADING IRAN" ? did someone mention INVADING IRAN? Perhaps you have
not noticed that which many YEMENIS have been noticing for YEARS----to wit, IRAN
HAS, FUNCTIONALLY, INVADED YEMEN---via its proxies---both the HOUTHI YEMENIS and
elements of Hezbollah
"INVADING IRAN" ? did someone mention INVADING IRAN? Perhaps you have
not noticed that which many YEMENIS have been noticing for YEARS----to wit, IRAN
HAS, FUNCTIONALLY, INVADED YEMEN---via its proxies---both the HOUTHI YEMENIS and
elements of Hezbollah
Everyone knows that Iran supports the al Houthis.
try not to use words that you do not understand. Paranoia is a
technical term used by persons in the field of neuropsychiatry. It
describes a THOUGHT DISORDER found in various forms---both
organic and functional---of psychosis
Projecting your beliefs on me is sick, but maybe it's your justification for being so bitter and vulgar.

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