Are any of you ready to dump the Trump yet?

Gee. Where did you get your crystal ball.

The election is a year away and you already know who's going to win.

Hope you took some bets.
Who would you like to see run instead? I feel Trump has the best chance up against Hillary.. Cruz has 0 chance his votes will come from the Tea Party which will not win in the election.
Gee. Where did you get your crystal ball.

The election is a year away and you already know who's going to win.

Hope you took some bets.
My crystal ball is Trump's mouth & it's working overtime dropping hints about the future.
Who would you like to see run instead? I feel Trump has the best chance up against Hillary.. Cruz has 0 chance his votes will come from the Tea Party which will not win in the election.
I don't really know at this point. But Trump is doing his best to alienate every possible segment he can.
Well GM,Trump is leading in the polls because he's talking about things those polled want to hear about.

He can't be bought and he doesn't have a PC bone in his body. He also will tell you what he really thinks whether you like it or not.

I suppose if he lied and just spewed the party line you'd like him and think he'd make a great POTUS.

Unfortunately for your sensibilities that ain't Trump. LOL
Trump spends an abnormal about of time bragging about himself & his lead in every single appearance he makes. That in and of itself is very telling.
Nope, they value his dream selling no matter how outlandish it is...If he says it, they believe it.

And since being an outsider matters more to them than making sense or having ideas all he has to is say he's not like "those guys" and that gives him a pass on things like blatent racism, anti constitutional ideas like closing mosques or having Muslims carry special ID's.

Now of course those ideas when applied to "others" seem reasonable if you let fear move you from the constitution...the problem is when he finds a new "reason" to expand those ideas to other people. Which you know will happen because why wouldnt it?
"General Custer, aren't those a hellova a lot of Indians?"

"No number of Indians can defeat the 7th Cavalry. CHARGE!"
Well GM,Trump is leading in the polls because he's talking about things those polled want to hear about.

He can't be bought and he doesn't have a PC bone in his body. He also will tell you what he really thinks whether you like it or not.

I suppose if he lied and just spewed the party line you'd like him and think he'd make a great POTUS.

Unfortunately for your sensibilities that ain't Trump. LOL
That's ridiculous. My sensibilities? Really? I'm one of the rudest posters on this board. My sensibilities have nothing to do with it. And the part line is not what I want to hear. What I want to hear is a plan. Trump doesn't offer plans when he speaks he offers red meat, and nothing more.
Nope, they value his dream selling no matter how outlandish it is...If he says it, they believe it.

And since being an outsider matters more to them than making sense or having ideas all he has to is say he's not like "those guys" and that gives him a pass on things like blatent racism, anti constitutional ideas like closing mosques or having Muslims carry special ID's.

Now of course those ideas when applied to "others" seem reasonable if you let fear move you from the constitution...the problem is when he finds a new "reason" to expand those ideas to other people. Which you know will happen because why wouldnt it?
Yes, but I disagree a little. 54% of gopers think Obama is a Muslim. Trump's merely telling them what they believe and want to hear.
Well GM,Trump is leading in the polls because he's talking about things those polled want to hear about.

He can't be bought and he doesn't have a PC bone in his body. He also will tell you what he really thinks whether you like it or not.

I suppose if he lied and just spewed the party line you'd like him and think he'd make a great POTUS.

Unfortunately for your sensibilities that ain't Trump. LOL
That's ridiculous. My sensibilities? Really? I'm one of the rudest posters on this board. My sensibilities have nothing to do with it. And the part line is not what I want to hear. What I want to hear is a plan. Trump doesn't offer plans when he speaks he offers red meat, and nothing more.

Seems to me I've read that he does have plans.

You don't like Trump. Don't vote for him if he gets the nod. Easy Peasy.
Nope, they value his dream selling no matter how outlandish it is...If he says it, they believe it.

And since being an outsider matters more to them than making sense or having ideas all he has to is say he's not like "those guys" and that gives him a pass on things like blatent racism, anti constitutional ideas like closing mosques or having Muslims carry special ID's.

Now of course those ideas when applied to "others" seem reasonable if you let fear move you from the constitution...the problem is when he finds a new "reason" to expand those ideas to other people. Which you know will happen because why wouldnt it?
Yes, but I disagree a little. 54% of gopers think Obama is a Muslim. Trump's merely telling them what they believe and want to hear.

Trump is a master at selling the dream no matter how silly. Oh, you want a wall across the entire southern border. I WILL BUILD NOT JUST A WALL, A BEAUTIFUL WALL!

Oh you want jobs? I'll have so many jobs you'll be tired of money!

Terrorist? You Scared? Dont worry, I'll personally smash them for you!

How will he do those things? Shhhh, dreams are being sold, dont interrupt.
Well GM,Trump is leading in the polls because he's talking about things those polled want to hear about.

He can't be bought and he doesn't have a PC bone in his body. He also will tell you what he really thinks whether you like it or not.

I suppose if he lied and just spewed the party line you'd like him and think he'd make a great POTUS.

Unfortunately for your sensibilities that ain't Trump. LOL
That's ridiculous. My sensibilities? Really? I'm one of the rudest posters on this board. My sensibilities have nothing to do with it. And the part line is not what I want to hear. What I want to hear is a plan. Trump doesn't offer plans when he speaks he offers red meat, and nothing more.

Seems to me I've read that he does have plans.

You don't like Trump. Don't vote for him if he gets the nod. Easy Peasy.
Fine, but imagine Hillary with supermajorities in congress.
Trump's rhetoric makes sense to lots of Americans feed up with, among other things, professional politicians of all persuasions, the mass media, and the absurdity of Political Correctness meant to obfuscate, distort, etc. realities that are as clear as the noses on the faces of the folks being misled.

If dimocrats think Trump's supporters are only Republicans they're making a big mistake. This morning I heard a radio report - think it was CBS - that claimed polls of independent voters favoring Trump are tracking very similar to those of Republicans. Yep, still a long way to go but if that report is correct the folks at the DNC can't be happy. LOL...especially when their candidate routinely polls as a liar, untrustworthy, etc.
A perfect example of the sheer stupidity that Trump speaks is his answer when pressed on his plan to block Muslims from entering our country. He said that the boarder agents will be required to inquire if they are Muslims.
Do you really believe a terrorist trying to gain entry into this nation hell bent on killing Americans is going to be honest when questioned by customs?

And what about the fact that our country is FOUNDED ON RELIGIOUS FREEDOM???
Besides Fiorina, who could beat Hillary? Rubio? Kasich? Establishment hacks. Fuck both of them. Republican establishment is no better than democrats

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