Are any of you ready to dump the Trump yet?

If he becomes president and he wants a wall built. He will get it built. Trump is a leader, something we haven't seen in seven years.

What simpleton logic. If he wants it, it'll happen.

How? STFU!!!
Leaders get things done, that's how.

Oh, well, THAT'S a clear plan. Thanks for being so specific.
I don't know how Trump is going to do it. Since liberals are stating the economy is doing so good. We could take millions off welfare. That could be a start.

If you have no idea what Trump's plans are or how he intends to accomplish his campaign promises, what precisely are you supporting about him? His ability to shoot off his mouth and gasbag?

Oh I'm sure his plans are out there on Google. Just pull him up on Google and I'm sure anyone could find out what his plans are.

I didn't say I was supporting him. What I did say is that I like some of the things he, Cruz and Rubio and even Bush have to say.

Not being a Rep my support doesn't matter in the primaries at all. However come election time I will vote for anyone other than HC.
Kinda like the hope and change bullshit?

Thats a slogan

Trump is selling dreams that cant be done. You can always hope and change which is easier than building a beautiful wall across the entire southern border.
You really want to go over all of Obama's campaign promises? Almost all of them he lied about.

But you know the difference here? You KNOW Trump is lying because he cannot build a big beautiful wall. So in response to his lies you say "Oh yeah, well Obama lied too!"

You're not even defending him to say he's not a liar KNOW he's lying and dont care because the dreams he's selling is more important than his ability to do so.

OK I'll bite. Why can't he build a wall?

It will have to go through congress. They hold the purse strings.

How will it be paid? Don't give me the lie about Mexico paying for it because that's never going to happen.

Taxes will have to be raised to pay for it and no republican in congress is going to vote to raise taxes. They put grover norquist before our nation and swore to obey his demand of never raising taxes or imposing new taxes.

We don't even have the money to pay our bills but you seem to think we have the money to waste on a wall.

Get your head out of the clouds. We already have a wall separating America from Mexico. It's not stopping anyone from coming here and no wall ever will.

You mean to tell me that Trump won't have "a pen and a telephone" like Obama?

Oh Hillary will land the nomination but she's got lots of baggage.

Lots of baggage that a good Rep will be asking pointed questions about during the debates.


Honestly, I would have more fun watching Cruz and Hillary than Trump and Hillary. Trump wastes too much energy on pointless sound and fury, rather than focusing it to the purpose. Plus, he'd be entirely too likely to give her one of those "Poor little picked-on girly" moments she pulls. Cruz, on the other hand, is more than capable of utterly savaging her without ever sounding less than polite and respectful, completely denying her and her supporters any chance to play the victim card.
Oh I'm sure his plans are out there on Google. Just pull him up on Google and I'm sure anyone could find out what his plans are.

They're not, which is crazy that you believe his plan will work and even you dont know what that plan is....and neither does Google
Nope, they value his dream selling no matter how outlandish it is...If he says it, they believe it.

And since being an outsider matters more to them than making sense or having ideas all he has to is say he's not like "those guys" and that gives him a pass on things like blatent racism, anti constitutional ideas like closing mosques or having Muslims carry special ID's.

Now of course those ideas when applied to "others" seem reasonable if you let fear move you from the constitution...the problem is when he finds a new "reason" to expand those ideas to other people. Which you know will happen because why wouldnt it?
Yes, but I disagree a little. 54% of gopers think Obama is a Muslim. Trump's merely telling them what they believe and want to hear.

Trump is a master at selling the dream no matter how silly. Oh, you want a wall across the entire southern border. I WILL BUILD NOT JUST A WALL, A BEAUTIFUL WALL!

Oh you want jobs? I'll have so many jobs you'll be tired of money!

Terrorist? You Scared? Dont worry, I'll personally smash them for you!

How will he do those things? Shhhh, dreams are being sold, dont interrupt.

He'll hire "good managers" of course.

Well, then, what the fuck do we need HIM for? We can just go straight to hiring those managers ourselves.
What simpleton logic. If he wants it, it'll happen.

How? STFU!!!
Leaders get things done, that's how.

Oh, well, THAT'S a clear plan. Thanks for being so specific.
I don't know how Trump is going to do it. Since liberals are stating the economy is doing so good. We could take millions off welfare. That could be a start.

If you have no idea what Trump's plans are or how he intends to accomplish his campaign promises, what precisely are you supporting about him? His ability to shoot off his mouth and gasbag?

Oh I'm sure his plans are out there on Google. Just pull him up on Google and I'm sure anyone could find out what his plans are.

I didn't say I was supporting him. What I did say is that I like some of the things he, Cruz and Rubio and even Bush have to say.

Not being a Rep my support doesn't matter in the primaries at all. However come election time I will vote for anyone other than HC.

Trust me, they aren't, unless you consider, "I will make it happen by just being ME!" a plan.

Personally, I'm finished with the "anyone but" votes. I'm at the "give me a decent candidate, or a pox on all of you" stage.
Or should we just continue on and hand Hillary a presidency?

I'd prefer door #2. No attack ads necessary, just quote him. Like that cnn article I posted yesterday where he said Bush should have been impeached. Since his first news conference in N.H. (march I think) that really piqued my interest he's been smashing the republican party talking points like a wrecking ball. I'm still predicting though that the republican establishment will eventually say "That's enough" and carve him up like Roman senators stabbing Caesar in the back.
Oh, good God, be a little more simplistic,
would you?

That's a simple as it gets.

I didn't say "simple", Mensa Girl. I said "simplistic". And "He's wonderful and says rude things and if you don't think that's great, then you MUST just be an establishment drone, because there is no other possibility!" is simplistic, childish crap.

Unfortunately for your sensibilities, that ain't real life.

Your a laugh and my sensibilities are just fine.

Just like those of everyone who manages to not fap to the idea of Donald Trump without being "party line".

The real laugh here is your mistaking Trump for a serious candidate and potential President.

Who says I mistake Trump for a serious candidate and potential President?? I do like some what he has to say. I also like Cruz.

I doubt Trump will make it to the primaries. It will be fun to watch though.

I'm an registered Independent so I will have no input into who makes it to the election of either party.

Its fun to fuck with the lefties on this board though.
Patently stupid post. The ONLY people you are "fucking with" in this thread is myself & Cecil. I'm quite sure neither of us are "lefties"
That's a simple as it gets.

I didn't say "simple", Mensa Girl. I said "simplistic". And "He's wonderful and says rude things and if you don't think that's great, then you MUST just be an establishment drone, because there is no other possibility!" is simplistic, childish crap.

Unfortunately for your sensibilities, that ain't real life.

Your a laugh and my sensibilities are just fine.

Just like those of everyone who manages to not fap to the idea of Donald Trump without being "party line".

The real laugh here is your mistaking Trump for a serious candidate and potential President.

Who says I mistake Trump for a serious candidate and potential President?? I do like some what he has to say. I also like Cruz.

I doubt Trump will make it to the primaries. It will be fun to watch though.

I'm an registered Independent so I will have no input into who makes it to the election of either party.

Its fun to fuck with the lefties on this board though.
Patently stupid post. The ONLY people you are "fucking with" in this thread is myself & Cecil. I'm quite sure neither of us are "lefties"

Fuck off Grandpa. None of us are lefties.
I didn't say "simple", Mensa Girl. I said "simplistic". And "He's wonderful and says rude things and if you don't think that's great, then you MUST just be an establishment drone, because there is no other possibility!" is simplistic, childish crap.

Unfortunately for your sensibilities, that ain't real life.

Your a laugh and my sensibilities are just fine.

Just like those of everyone who manages to not fap to the idea of Donald Trump without being "party line".

The real laugh here is your mistaking Trump for a serious candidate and potential President.

Who says I mistake Trump for a serious candidate and potential President?? I do like some what he has to say. I also like Cruz.

I doubt Trump will make it to the primaries. It will be fun to watch though.

I'm an registered Independent so I will have no input into who makes it to the election of either party.

Its fun to fuck with the lefties on this board though.
Patently stupid post. The ONLY people you are "fucking with" in this thread is myself & Cecil. I'm quite sure neither of us are "lefties"

Fuck off Grandpa. None of us are lefties.
Bend over
Your a laugh and my sensibilities are just fine.

Just like those of everyone who manages to not fap to the idea of Donald Trump without being "party line".

The real laugh here is your mistaking Trump for a serious candidate and potential President.

Who says I mistake Trump for a serious candidate and potential President?? I do like some what he has to say. I also like Cruz.

I doubt Trump will make it to the primaries. It will be fun to watch though.

I'm an registered Independent so I will have no input into who makes it to the election of either party.

Its fun to fuck with the lefties on this board though.
Patently stupid post. The ONLY people you are "fucking with" in this thread is myself & Cecil. I'm quite sure neither of us are "lefties"

Fuck off Grandpa. None of us are lefties.
Bend over

Naah. You bend over.
If he becomes president and he wants a wall built. He will get it built. Trump is a leader, something we haven't seen in seven years.

What simpleton logic. If he wants it, it'll happen.

How? STFU!!!
Leaders get things done, that's how.

Oh, well, THAT'S a clear plan. Thanks for being so specific.
I don't know how Trump is going to do it. Since liberals are stating the economy is doing so good. We could take millions off welfare. That could be a start.

If you have no idea what Trump's plans are or how he intends to accomplish his campaign promises, what precisely are you supporting about him? His ability to shoot off his mouth and gasbag?
My guy is Carson, why do you support hillary? She is nothing but a gas bag.
Leaders get things done, that's how.

Oh, well, THAT'S a clear plan. Thanks for being so specific.
I don't know how Trump is going to do it. Since liberals are stating the economy is doing so good. We could take millions off welfare. That could be a start.

If you have no idea what Trump's plans are or how he intends to accomplish his campaign promises, what precisely are you supporting about him? His ability to shoot off his mouth and gasbag?

Oh I'm sure his plans are out there on Google. Just pull him up on Google and I'm sure anyone could find out what his plans are.

I didn't say I was supporting him. What I did say is that I like some of the things he, Cruz and Rubio and even Bush have to say.

Not being a Rep my support doesn't matter in the primaries at all. However come election time I will vote for anyone other than HC.

Trust me, they aren't, unless you consider, "I will make it happen by just being ME!" a plan.

Personally, I'm finished with the "anyone but" votes. I'm at the "give me a decent candidate, or a pox on all of you" stage.
Kinda like Obama with Obama care saying he would listen to everyone's ideas, put the debate on cspan so everyone can see? The plan Obama had, but secretly got it passed with no republican idea's. Had to pass it to find out what's in it. You support that failure, and obamacare is a failure. You have no credibility to critize anyone.
Or should we just continue on and hand Hillary a presidency?

I'd prefer door #2. No attack ads necessary, just quote him. Like that cnn article I posted yesterday where he said Bush should have been impeached. Since his first news conference in N.H. (march I think) that really piqued my interest he's been smashing the republican party talking points like a wrecking ball. I'm still predicting though that the republican establishment will eventually say "That's enough" and carve him up like Roman senators stabbing Caesar in the back.

I still doubt that the establishment needs to do anything about him at all. I think they can just let him go on his merry way, and the voters themselves will shut him down.

Of course, I am occasionally an optimist.
That's a simple as it gets.

I didn't say "simple", Mensa Girl. I said "simplistic". And "He's wonderful and says rude things and if you don't think that's great, then you MUST just be an establishment drone, because there is no other possibility!" is simplistic, childish crap.

Unfortunately for your sensibilities, that ain't real life.

Your a laugh and my sensibilities are just fine.

Just like those of everyone who manages to not fap to the idea of Donald Trump without being "party line".

The real laugh here is your mistaking Trump for a serious candidate and potential President.

Who says I mistake Trump for a serious candidate and potential President?? I do like some what he has to say. I also like Cruz.

I doubt Trump will make it to the primaries. It will be fun to watch though.

I'm an registered Independent so I will have no input into who makes it to the election of either party.

Its fun to fuck with the lefties on this board though.
Patently stupid post. The ONLY people you are "fucking with" in this thread is myself & Cecil. I'm quite sure neither of us are "lefties"

I don't think there are any people on this board LESS left than we are, although there are several who are about the same.
Oh, well, THAT'S a clear plan. Thanks for being so specific.
I don't know how Trump is going to do it. Since liberals are stating the economy is doing so good. We could take millions off welfare. That could be a start.

If you have no idea what Trump's plans are or how he intends to accomplish his campaign promises, what precisely are you supporting about him? His ability to shoot off his mouth and gasbag?

Oh I'm sure his plans are out there on Google. Just pull him up on Google and I'm sure anyone could find out what his plans are.

I didn't say I was supporting him. What I did say is that I like some of the things he, Cruz and Rubio and even Bush have to say.

Not being a Rep my support doesn't matter in the primaries at all. However come election time I will vote for anyone other than HC.

Trust me, they aren't, unless you consider, "I will make it happen by just being ME!" a plan.

Personally, I'm finished with the "anyone but" votes. I'm at the "give me a decent candidate, or a pox on all of you" stage.
Kinda like Obama with Obama care saying he would listen to everyone's ideas, put the debate on cspan so everyone can see? The plan Obama had, but secretly got it passed with no republican idea's. Had to pass it to find out what's in it. You support that failure, and obamacare is a failure. You have no credibility to critize anyone.

I think that's this weeks biggest non sequitur. Impressive.
What simpleton logic. If he wants it, it'll happen.

How? STFU!!!
Leaders get things done, that's how.

Oh, well, THAT'S a clear plan. Thanks for being so specific.
I don't know how Trump is going to do it. Since liberals are stating the economy is doing so good. We could take millions off welfare. That could be a start.

If you have no idea what Trump's plans are or how he intends to accomplish his campaign promises, what precisely are you supporting about him? His ability to shoot off his mouth and gasbag?
My guy is Carson, why do you support hillary? She is nothing but a gas bag.

Have you had a doctor look at that kneejerk for you? Might be nerve damage.
I don't know how Trump is going to do it. Since liberals are stating the economy is doing so good. We could take millions off welfare. That could be a start.

If you have no idea what Trump's plans are or how he intends to accomplish his campaign promises, what precisely are you supporting about him? His ability to shoot off his mouth and gasbag?

Oh I'm sure his plans are out there on Google. Just pull him up on Google and I'm sure anyone could find out what his plans are.

I didn't say I was supporting him. What I did say is that I like some of the things he, Cruz and Rubio and even Bush have to say.

Not being a Rep my support doesn't matter in the primaries at all. However come election time I will vote for anyone other than HC.

Trust me, they aren't, unless you consider, "I will make it happen by just being ME!" a plan.

Personally, I'm finished with the "anyone but" votes. I'm at the "give me a decent candidate, or a pox on all of you" stage.
Kinda like Obama with Obama care saying he would listen to everyone's ideas, put the debate on cspan so everyone can see? The plan Obama had, but secretly got it passed with no republican idea's. Had to pass it to find out what's in it. You support that failure, and obamacare is a failure. You have no credibility to critize anyone.

I think that's this weeks biggest non sequitur. Impressive.
Oh the truth hurts, but you don't care that Obama is a failure.
Leaders get things done, that's how.

Oh, well, THAT'S a clear plan. Thanks for being so specific.
I don't know how Trump is going to do it. Since liberals are stating the economy is doing so good. We could take millions off welfare. That could be a start.

If you have no idea what Trump's plans are or how he intends to accomplish his campaign promises, what precisely are you supporting about him? His ability to shoot off his mouth and gasbag?
My guy is Carson, why do you support hillary? She is nothing but a gas bag.

Have you had a doctor look at that kneejerk for you? Might be nerve damage.
What are you a liberal who doesn't support Hillary?

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