Zone1 Are Asian-Americans “The New Jews”?

I agree, and a tribal mentality can be cultural even if they aren’t literally tribes.
And when will Negro tribes finally start to advance "more cultured", from their existing neolithic culture and behavior?
More or less every single Negro country gained independence in the past 60 years.

And there are NO social&economic CHAOS, nor GENOCIDAL ACTIONS, nor MASSIVE Homicide rates in e.g. MALAYSIA.

Those in Rhodesia and South-Africa even had the significant advantage of inheriting a former flourishing economy and a cultured society.
And now 30/60 years after Negro self-rule? TOTAL social and economic CHAOS, GENOCIDAL ACTIONS and MASSIVE Homicide rates.
I agree, and a tribal mentality can be cultural even if they aren’t literally tribes.
And when will Negro tribes finally start to advance "more cultured", from their existing neolithic culture and behavior?
More or less every single Negro country gained independence in the past 60 years. They need another 3000 years?

And there are NO social&economic CHAOS, nor GENOCIDAL ACTIONS, nor MASSIVE Homicide rates in e.g. independent MALAYSIA.

Those in Rhodesia and South-Africa even had the significant advantage of inheriting a former flourishing economy and a cultured European society. And now 30/60 years after Negro self-rule? TOTAL social and economic CHAOS, GENOCIDAL ACTIONS and MASSIVE Homicide rates.

But please do continue with your errant, false and ignorant statements. - Since its absolutely obvious that you and your pals can't do anything else.

A traditional village in today's Zimbabwe - what insects and animals is that "fence" supposed to keep away? Also no fruit-trees nor vegetables fields grown within the compound, nor any provision for an inside toilet or bathroom - simply a neolithic settlement - without any social environmental culture nor appeal.


A village (traditional Kampong house) in today's Malaysia. Build just like that already 500 years and more ago

In order to keep insects and animals away - traditionally built on stilts for a 1000 years and more (proof of intelligence and culture) Copying, implementing the idea of a European porch. With a toilet and bathroom inside. And creating a homely and appealing surrounding. (civilization and social environmental aspects).

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The New Deal Programs that excluded blacks, further increased white wealth and help white accumulate what they have now was a trillion-dollar program in today's money. There has been nothing like these programs for any other race. So to be white and talk like you do about spending money on social programs shows that you're a completely clueless idiot and no one should be wasting time in discussions with you.
If there was nothing in the New Deal Programs for any other race, why have Orientals achieved so much? They tend to be more prosperous than white Gentiles.

President Roosevelt wisely kept civil rights off of the New Deal agenda. He knew that Southern whites and working class whites supported him, but that they would never accept Negroes as equals.

And they never have. When President Johnson signed civil rights laws Southern whites and working class whites left the Democrat Party and began to vote Republican.

If black behavior improved after the civil rights legislation was passed, there would not have been a white backlash. When black behavior got worse segregationists concluded that they had been right all along.
I learned that by meeting and competing against white South African rugby players. Rugby is such a game that when someone says something like that, you don't get into a fight, you bust their ass each time they come near you with the ball, and you don't avoid contact with them when you have the ball. Inevitably their body breaks down and they leave the game.
:auiqs.jpg: :cuckoo::auiqs.jpg:

My ass that you ever played rugby, especially not against a South-African team, that during Apartheid wasn't even allowed to play against teams beholding Negros. Which YOU claim to be. Only exception SA - national team Springboks - that played against the USA only in 1981
trashing the Eastern "Colonials" aka ERU AilStars 41:0. From 1984 - 1992 they were internationally banned from competing - and only came cross the US team aka Eagles from 1994/5 onward.

And in e.g. 2015 the USA got trashed 64:0 by the Springboks.

You trying to tell me that you played in that game in 1981?? or 2015??

Again you only proof to be a liar par excellence.

The Springboks are still one of the worlds best 4 teams - why?? Look at the composition of the team and trainer - and keep in mind that Whites represent less then 7% of South-Africa's population. you nitwit

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I am getting that impression by the way Kruska used it. I was only aware of it in the Muslim context before.
The Muslim word Kafir has nothing to do with the Bantu ethnicity present in Southern-Africa called the "Kaffern" by other Negro tribes when the first Europeans arrived.
Check out what Kafir means, before you support IM2, false assertions and statements once again.

The terms Kafir and Kafiri come from Arabic kāfir, meaning "infidel," and was also applied towards the Xhosa tribe.
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If there was nothing in the New Deal Programs for any other race, why have Orientals achieved so much? They tend to be more prosperous than white Gentiles.

We've been over this. Asians who came here were the ones affluent enough to get here. There weren't many of them here at the TIME of the New Deal. Most of them came here after the Civil Rights Act was signed. Heck, I know very few Asians whose families haven't come here in my lifetime.

On the other hand, blacks were brought over here in chains and experienced 400 years of institutionalized racism.

President Roosevelt wisely kept civil rights off of the New Deal agenda. He knew that Southern whites and working class whites supported him, but that they would never accept Negroes as equals.

Shame on him, then. The biggest flaw of FDR was that he tried to balance between the Democrats' new friends and their old friends... when their old friends were in the wrong. He did do SOME things to advance civil rights, but he should have done a lot more.

The biggest problem is we've been molly-coddling white racists since the Civil War Ended.

What we should have done after the Civil War is what we did after WWII. Take all the enemy leaders out, put them on trial, and hang every last one of them for treason. Then make damned sure that the history books reflect that THEY WERE IN THE WRONG. Make sure that every school kid knows what a horror show is. You know kind like of like we do with the Holocust, where we get that the Germans did a nasty shoved down our throats from Grammar School on.*

So that way, some Southern inbred looks back at his great grandfather, who served in the Confederate Army, the way I look at my Uncle, who joined the NSDAP to keep his cushy government job... with a certain level of embarrassment. (After the war, he was ruled to be a "miflaufer" and allowed to keep his government job. But his son got buried somewhere in Russia, so there's that.)

And they never have. When President Johnson signed civil rights laws Southern whites and working class whites left the Democrat Party and began to vote Republican.

And again, shame on them. Because the Republicans have done nothing but screw them, from Nixon to Trump. But the dumb racist idiots keep voting for more of that.

If black behavior improved after the civil rights legislation was passed, there would not have been a white backlash. When black behavior got worse segregationists concluded that they had been right all along.
Then they are racist idiots.

(*- Amusing aside, a kid in my grammar school drew a Swastika in one of his books, probably because he saw it on a sticker that Frank Colin's boys were putting on the street signs. Sister Mary Butch dragged this kid up in front of the whole class and humiliated him. Later, when I got to college, I learned how the Catholic Church collaborated with the Nazis and even helped people like Eichman escape after the war. Reason #248 I'm not a Catholic anymore.)
A Moderator doesn't take sides via stating nonsense and false accusations and statements.
He/She is supposed to stay NEUTRAL - by e.g. stating proven facts as much a he/she want's to and if necessary to handle those who forward plain and clear LIES e.g. IM2, or use inappropriate language towards others - see your pal JoeB131.

IM2 clearly stated a Lie - by stating that I called an Irish men to be a French man (such as if I would have called a Kenyan a Zambian) which I NEVER did - and you clearly support him - aka his lie.
By ignorantly posting "African".

A Moderators foremost task is to GUIDE discussions, that pertain towards a thread or it's Headline - and NOT to promote political agendas.
Since you obviously aren't taking notice - let me help you:

Let me help you. On this messageboard, a moderator is also a member.

There is no requirement that we be neutral in our opinions in a discussion.

There is no requirement that we monitor or correct “lies” or that we promote your lies “truths”. If if had to police all the posts some considers a “lie”, we’d have maybe one post a day (something along the lines of “the sky is blue”) get through.

You do not get to to tell us what opinions we are allowed or not allowed to post. Are we clear?

In terms of inappropriate language, I’m no fan of vulgarity, but our rules state it is loosely tolerated.

If any other issues contact a mod. End of discussion.

The Muslim word Kafir has nothing to do with the Bantu ethnicity present in Southern-Africa called the "Kaffern" by other Negro tribes when the first Europeans arrived.
Check out what Kafir means, before you support IM2, false assertions and statements once again.

The terms Kafir and Kafiri come from Arabic kāfir, meaning "infidel," and was also applied towards the Xhosa tribe.


kaffer m (plural kaffers, diminutive kaffertje n)

  1. (originally derogatory) A non-believer or an infidel from the Muslim viewpoint.
  2. (offensive) A black person, notably a (Southern African) Bantu. synonyms ▲Synonyms: neger, zwarte, (ethnic slur, offensive) nikker

Derived terms​


  • Afrikaans: kaffer
  • Sranan Tongo: kafri
    • → Caribbean Hindustani: kafri
  • → English: kaffir (or from another European language)
We've been over this. Asians who came here were the ones affluent enough to get here.
Total nonsense - even the wording "affluent" is a joke.

Railroad companies considered Chinese migrants a source of cheap, unskilled labor. In America in the 1800s, Chinese workers were seen as racially inferior to white workers. Employers used this prejudice to justify paying Chinese workers less than other workers and to relegate Chinese workers to the most undesirable jobs.

Chinese migrants confronted prejudice and racism immediately upon their arrival in America. Local governments passed discriminatory laws to restrict immigration and to exclude Chinese workers from employment in certain industries. As hostility grew, Chinese migrants encountered physical violence from vigilantes, mobs, and organized labor. The growing anti-Chinese movement at the local level culminated in the passage of the 1882 Exclusion Act, the first federal law to restrict the immigration of a group of workers by the criteria of race and class, and made Chinese migrants “illegal aliens.”

And millions of Chinese were treated in exact the same derogatory and racist manner in Colonies and "Concessions" that were owned by Europeans right down into their own country.

But look at them today - and look at Negros - especially those living in the USA and Africa. Unlike Negro countries - China never received any substantial foreign aid - and certainly not stretching over 6 decades.


kaffer m (plural kaffers, diminutive kaffertje n)

I don't care what someone personally writes into an open public article website - like Wiki.

And I don't care about what laws some maniacal - genocidal Negro governments decides upon, purely enacted as a racial instrument via falsifying historically known terms and their original use - are we clear?

Russia states that there is no Ukraine and that they have no right to exist - and that there is no war, I am dead sure that you and your lefty&Lib pals are in full support - after-all its a LAW, issued by the Russian government. And if one doesn't follow it, one is severely punished.
otal nonsense - even the wording "affluent" is a joke.

Railroad companies considered Chinese migrants a source of cheap, unskilled labor. In America in the 1800s, Chinese workers were seen as racially inferior to white workers. Employers used this prejudice to justify paying Chinese workers less than other workers and to relegate Chinese workers to the most undesirable jobs.

Uh, wow, really, buddy? You are going back THAT far. So we can't talk about the Belgian Congo, but we are still going to whine about railway workers?

Tell you what, I'm engaged to a Chinese Immigrant. All of her friends, family, etc., are fresh off the boat.

But even then, the Chinese laborers who built the railroads weren't slaves. They were brought over because they were willing to work cheap.
Name me a SINGLE one existing today or any ethnic European group being referred to as a tribe and acting as such.
And I won't let you pass on that ignorant, ridiculous and absolute false claim, that as usual is supported by a specific Moderator.

Typical IM2 - bringing in an issue that dates 1000 years back and more - to deflect from today's existing Negro tribal issues.
And based on the same ignorance stated by Coyote, that tribes and ethnicity would be the same.

I said ethnic and tribal can overlap.

The best part is that you are even to simplistic to understand that the existence of tribes or a tribe was NEVER the issue - but the neolithic culture and behavior of Negro tribes. You are what you are - a moronic racist

Which of the 3000 African ethnic groups are you referencing under “neolithic negro tribes”

Which is the generic “African” who intrudes on your space?

As to the ludicrous claim in the OP…are Asian-Americans the new Jews, no. Asian Americans are being used as a proxy to attack Blacks. It’s an age old rightist strategy, that allowed a White minority to conquer and hold territory: pit minorities against other minorities, favor one minority to control another, disenfranchise a majority group by shifting favor and coveted positions to a particular minority…identity politics on steroids.
Asians can't be the new Jews because they are not into ritualistic circumcision.
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Actually, about half the Mods engage in debates here... so, no, not really.
Engaging into debates - and taking sides with people who post errant, false and intentional misleading statements, is TWO very different things.
Which of the 3000 African ethnic groups are you referencing under “neolithic negro tribes”
Name me a SINGLE European tribe existing today or any ethnic European group being referred to as a tribe and acting as such.
On a global scale, there are no folks more mistreated, reviled, and hated than white folks. You don't see third-worlders invading Asian lands or Hispanic lands, etc.. Only Germanic, Scandinavian, and English lands (including Canada, America, & Australia) being invaded by millions of young, male, third-worlders who proceed to turn their host nations into crime-ridden hellholes.

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