Are Atheists Delusional?

An oversimplification to say the least . . . but in the end, so-called atheists from every walk of life and scientific discipline simply cannot accept the authority of a supreme father, and thus must rebel accordingly so they can justify staying out late at night or sneaking out of their bedrooms after lights out. I think it's that simple.
The real reason people reject Christ is because they love their sin more than their Creator. It really is that simple.
But God created sin.
Don't be an idiot.

Taz and BreezeWood can't help themselves. They make up their own "truths" and assert them as such.
Taz and BreezeWood can't help themselves. They make up their own "truths" and assert them as such.

give an example bond - something from your book ... how about your signature, who's telling the truth.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

the above is a 4th century forgery, your book is a political narrative of the worst kind used throughout history to persecute and victimize the innocent. is the truth.

when did the christians bring the crucifiers to justice - that's because they are the crucifiers.

You always end up in the same place. IOW, your arguments never go anywhere. One of the warnings God gives against is that of a stubborn mind, i.e. one who cannot repent. Or one who cannot blame themselves or see their own faults.
First, they have taken over secular science and systematically eliminated God as creator and origin of the universe and everything in it. They claim that all of it happened naturally when space and time cannot start by itself. They believe in false science and are delusional, but have convinced others to follow their thinking and path. Yet, they cannot explain how spacetime, the universe, Earth and life started without contradictions. They think DNA popped up by itself. They think the universe popped up from invisible particles. They can't explain Earth's habitability, so think multiverses exist so Earth is mediocre and not special. They claim "mountains of evidence" and their science is fact when we can't see it, test it nor falsify it. You might know some people on this board that fits this description. They want evidence of the truth and when they get it, they deny it or do not believe it. They end believing in false teachers like Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye. How far should their delusions be allowed?

How far should their delusions be allowed? What do you propose to do? Ban science? Require religious beliefs?
Reevaluate science and openly discus the influence of GOD when the subject arises in school. Also get the parents involved and not keep them out of the loop...
First, they have taken over secular science and systematically eliminated God as creator and origin of the universe and everything in it. They claim that all of it happened naturally when space and time cannot start by itself. They believe in false science and are delusional, but have convinced others to follow their thinking and path. Yet, they cannot explain how spacetime, the universe, Earth and life started without contradictions. They think DNA popped up by itself. They think the universe popped up from invisible particles. They can't explain Earth's habitability, so think multiverses exist so Earth is mediocre and not special. They claim "mountains of evidence" and their science is fact when we can't see it, test it nor falsify it. You might know some people on this board that fits this description. They want evidence of the truth and when they get it, they deny it or do not believe it. They end believing in false teachers like Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye. How far should their delusions be allowed?

Everybody is entitled to their beliefs. Your rights end where my nose begins.

Maybe in this life due to free will, but not for Judgment Day and the real and second life.

And you have experienced this?

There are people who have died and come back. Would you like to volunteer to be a guinea pig?

If you have not, how do you know? You can believe it, just don't expect any one else to.
The real reason people reject Christ is because they love their sin more than their Creator. It really is that simple.
But God created sin.
Don't be an idiot.

Taz and BreezeWood can't help themselves. They make up their own "truths" and assert them as such.
Taz and BreezeWood can't help themselves. They make up their own "truths" and assert them as such.

give an example bond - something from your book ... how about your signature, who's telling the truth.

Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.

the above is a 4th century forgery, your book is a political narrative of the worst kind used throughout history to persecute and victimize the innocent. is the truth.

when did the christians bring the crucifiers to justice - that's because they are the crucifiers.

You always end up in the same place. IOW, your arguments never go anywhere. One of the warnings God gives against is that of a stubborn mind, i.e. one who cannot repent. Or one who cannot blame themselves or see their own faults.
You always end up in the same place. IOW, your arguments never go anywhere. One of the warnings God gives against is that of a stubborn mind, i.e. one who cannot repent. Or one who cannot blame themselves or see their own faults.

give an example bond - something from your book ... how about your signature, who's telling the truth.

your history is not responding when an example is provided. -

howabout a response; having to read a book for your religion ... about a messiah. without physical evidence or mentioned anywhere else on the planet. that was written in the 4th century.
a book that has a history of persecution and victimization of the innocent.

what would it say without the forgeries christians have used through the centuries rather than the good it is meant to represent. the actual religion of antiquity as prescribed by the Almighty.
First, they have taken over secular science and systematically eliminated God as creator and origin of the universe and everything in it. They claim that all of it happened naturally when space and time cannot start by itself. They believe in false science and are delusional, but have convinced others to follow their thinking and path. Yet, they cannot explain how spacetime, the universe, Earth and life started without contradictions. They think DNA popped up by itself. They think the universe popped up from invisible particles. They can't explain Earth's habitability, so think multiverses exist so Earth is mediocre and not special. They claim "mountains of evidence" and their science is fact when we can't see it, test it nor falsify it. You might know some people on this board that fits this description. They want evidence of the truth and when they get it, they deny it or do not believe it. They end believing in false teachers like Neil DeGrasse Tyson or Bill Nye. How far should their delusions be allowed?

Everybody is entitled to their beliefs. Your rights end where my nose begins.

Maybe in this life due to free will, but not for Judgment Day and the real and second life.

And you have experienced this?

There are people who have died and come back. Would you like to volunteer to be a guinea pig?

If you have not, how do you know? You can believe it, just don't expect any one else to.

So ignorant. That's how eyewitness testimony works.
Did God create the universe and everything in it?

Did God create the Ten Commandments to tell between sin and not sin?
Actually, no, what's in the bible is all hearsay, written several generations after the facts.

More ignorance. You should look up what hearsay means. The Bible is God's word as witness. It is a historical and non-fictional document and science backs it up even though it isn't a science document. Like I said, you keep making false assertions. Terribly boring.
about a messiah. without physical evidence or mentioned anywhere else on the planet. that was written in the 4th century.

You are wrong just like I claimed that atheists are usually wrong. You need to accept that you are stubborn, boring, and provide the same wrong arguments over and over. Then you will be able to move on.

All one has to read is about Pontius Pilate who condemned Jesus -- Pontius Pilate | Biography, Facts, & Death.

a book that has a history of persecution and victimization of the innocent.

what would it say without the forgeries christians have used through the centuries rather than the good it is meant to represent. the actual religion of antiquity as prescribed by the Almighty.

You also should read and verify the prophecies. There are many that have come true already.

The whole world was destroyed by a flood because they were tainted by sin and became completely evil to God's objective moral values. This is happening again and this time the prophecies discuss the Armageddon.

I can accept Sir Isaac Newton's swag for 2060.
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Did God create the universe and everything in it?

Did God create the Ten Commandments to tell between sin and not sin?
Actually, no, what's in the bible is all hearsay, written several generations after the facts.

More ignorance. You should look up what hearsay means. The Bible is God's word as witness. It is a historical and non-fictional document and science backs it up even though it isn't a science document. Like I said, you keep making false assertions. Terribly boring.
You’re delusional. But you already knew that.

How does science prove the flood?
Did God create the universe and everything in it?

Did God create the Ten Commandments to tell between sin and not sin?
Actually, no, what's in the bible is all hearsay, written several generations after the facts.

More ignorance. You should look up what hearsay means. The Bible is God's word as witness. It is a historical and non-fictional document and science backs it up even though it isn't a science document. Like I said, you keep making false assertions. Terribly boring.
It's a book of fiction.
about a messiah. without physical evidence or mentioned anywhere else on the planet. that was written in the 4th century.

You are wrong just like I claimed that atheists are usually wrong. You need to accept that you are stubborn, boring, and provide the same wrong arguments over and over. Then you will be able to move on.

All one has to read is about Pontius Pilate who condemned Jesus -- Pontius Pilate | Biography, Facts, & Death.

a book that has a history of persecution and victimization of the innocent.

what would it say without the forgeries christians have used through the centuries rather than the good it is meant to represent. the actual religion of antiquity as prescribed by the Almighty.

You also should read and verify the prophecies. There are many that have come true already.

The whole world was destroyed by a flood because they were tainted by sin and became completely evil to God's objective moral values. This is happening again and this time the prophecies discuss the Armageddon.

I can accept Sir Isaac Newton's swag for 2060.
This is happening again and this time the prophecies discuss the Armageddon.

too bad for you bond, the religion as prescribed by the Almighty and verified by the travails during the time of noah - the triumph of good vs evil - is ignored in your book, the possibility for the triumph of good -

the prophecies discuss the Armageddon ...

that inadvertently condemns you for being a believer in the books error of judgement, your personal failure to triumph properly and the lack of understanding for the religion as prescribed.

* hollywood values by the way are best represented by mary magdalene, another example of the 4th century obscuring the true message of the 1st and its true intent ...

Did God create the universe and everything in it?

Did God create the Ten Commandments to tell between sin and not sin?
Actually, no, what's in the bible is all hearsay, written several generations after the facts.

More ignorance. You should look up what hearsay means. The Bible is God's word as witness. It is a historical and non-fictional document and science backs it up even though it isn't a science document. Like I said, you keep making false assertions. Terribly boring.
You’re delusional. But you already knew that.

How does science prove the flood?

I assume you looked up what hearsay meant and found out you were WRONG once again. Atheists/agnostics are usually wrong.

In the above vid, fake scientist Bill Nye, inadvertently ends up backing Noah's Flood.

We know the flood happened because the Earth's geology is shaped by catastrophism and not little changes over millions of years.
Did God create the universe and everything in it?

Did God create the Ten Commandments to tell between sin and not sin?
Actually, no, what's in the bible is all hearsay, written several generations after the facts.

More ignorance. You should look up what hearsay means. The Bible is God's word as witness. It is a historical and non-fictional document and science backs it up even though it isn't a science document. Like I said, you keep making false assertions. Terribly boring.
It's a book of fiction.

WRONG AGAIN!!! Like I said, atheists and their scientists are usually WRONG. The Bible is the best selling book in the world year-after-year. It is listed as non-fiction and historical in Guinness World Records and in the library, too.
about a messiah. without physical evidence or mentioned anywhere else on the planet. that was written in the 4th century.

You are wrong just like I claimed that atheists are usually wrong. You need to accept that you are stubborn, boring, and provide the same wrong arguments over and over. Then you will be able to move on.

All one has to read is about Pontius Pilate who condemned Jesus -- Pontius Pilate | Biography, Facts, & Death.

a book that has a history of persecution and victimization of the innocent.

what would it say without the forgeries christians have used through the centuries rather than the good it is meant to represent. the actual religion of antiquity as prescribed by the Almighty.

You also should read and verify the prophecies. There are many that have come true already.

The whole world was destroyed by a flood because they were tainted by sin and became completely evil to God's objective moral values. This is happening again and this time the prophecies discuss the Armageddon.

I can accept Sir Isaac Newton's swag for 2060.
This is happening again and this time the prophecies discuss the Armageddon.

too bad for you bond, the religion as prescribed by the Almighty and verified by the travails during the time of noah - the triumph of good vs evil - is ignored in your book, the possibility for the triumph of good -

the prophecies discuss the Armageddon ...

that inadvertently condemns you for being a believer in the books error of judgement, your personal failure to triumph properly and the lack of understanding for the religion as prescribed.

* hollywood values by the way are best represented by mary magdalene, another example of the 4th century obscuring the true message of the 1st and its true intent ...


The purpose of Noah's Flood is in Genesis 6. “The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.” Genesis 6:5 It goes to show that the prophecy came true and good triumphed over evil.

I already gave you the links to Ark Encounter and creation museum many times, but I love to do so, so here it is once more this time as a youtube with fake scientist Bill Nye and real scientist Ken Ham. You have to decide if it was a triumph of good vs evil back then and in the coming end of days. It means all of humankind won't die of AGW, giant asteroids, and supervolcanoes. Instead, the whole Earth will be engulfed in flames from God's gamma ray explosion
Did God create the universe and everything in it?

Did God create the Ten Commandments to tell between sin and not sin?
Actually, no, what's in the bible is all hearsay, written several generations after the facts.

More ignorance. You should look up what hearsay means. The Bible is God's word as witness. It is a historical and non-fictional document and science backs it up even though it isn't a science document. Like I said, you keep making false assertions. Terribly boring.
You’re delusional. But you already knew that.

How does science prove the flood?

I assume you looked up what hearsay meant and found out you were WRONG once again. Atheists/agnostics are usually wrong.

In the above vid, fake scientist Bill Nye, inadvertently ends up backing Noah's Flood.

We know the flood happened because the Earth's geology is shaped by catastrophism and not little changes over millions of years.

about a messiah. without physical evidence or mentioned anywhere else on the planet. that was written in the 4th century.

You are wrong just like I claimed that atheists are usually wrong. You need to accept that you are stubborn, boring, and provide the same wrong arguments over and over. Then you will be able to move on.

All one has to read is about Pontius Pilate who condemned Jesus -- Pontius Pilate | Biography, Facts, & Death.

a book that has a history of persecution and victimization of the innocent.

what would it say without the forgeries christians have used through the centuries rather than the good it is meant to represent. the actual religion of antiquity as prescribed by the Almighty.

You also should read and verify the prophecies. There are many that have come true already.

The whole world was destroyed by a flood because they were tainted by sin and became completely evil to God's objective moral values. This is happening again and this time the prophecies discuss the Armageddon.

I can accept Sir Isaac Newton's swag for 2060.
This is happening again and this time the prophecies discuss the Armageddon.

too bad for you bond, the religion as prescribed by the Almighty and verified by the travails during the time of noah - the triumph of good vs evil - is ignored in your book, the possibility for the triumph of good -

the prophecies discuss the Armageddon ...

that inadvertently condemns you for being a believer in the books error of judgement, your personal failure to triumph properly and the lack of understanding for the religion as prescribed.

* hollywood values by the way are best represented by mary magdalene, another example of the 4th century obscuring the true message of the 1st and its true intent ...


The purpose of Noah's Flood is in Genesis 6. “The LORD saw how great the wickedness of the human race had become on the earth, and that every inclination of the thoughts of the human heart was only evil all the time.” Genesis 6:5 It goes to show that the prophecy came true and good triumphed over evil.

I already gave you the links to Ark Encounter and creation museum many times, but I love to do so, so here it is once more this time as a youtube with fake scientist Bill Nye and real scientist Ken Ham. You have to decide if it was a triumph of good vs evil back then and in the coming end of days. It means all of humankind won't die of AGW, giant asteroids, and supervolcanoes. Instead, the whole Earth will be engulfed in flames from God's gamma ray explosion

Ken Ham is not a scientist.

Really remarkable how dishonest the hyper-religious are.

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