Are Atheists Free Thinkers?

Naw, they just blindly follow the herd, believing in magic sky fairies, virgin birth, a father who killed his son, magic water, magic smoke, invisible creatures who commit the most cruel acts and threaten them with eternal damnation if they dare ask any questions.

Really. You've got to be kidding.

The definition of "faith" is just what I wrote - blind obedience to a vengeful, spoiled, foul-tempered little despot who tortures the most innocent among us while rewarding the most vile, and NO thinking allowed.

But, tell yourselves whatever it takes to get you through the night. Just do the rest of the favor of keeping your nasty fairy tales in your tax-free temples.
"You don't start out declaring God might have done it, so you're not a free thinker!"

That is, a dumb video. I don't assume gods, santa, or aliens from Klendathoo might be affecting the world either. Adding more possible complications is silly.

In the end, naturalism ... works. It gets practical results. Invoking magic fails. It gets you nothing. If some people want to cling to what has failed over all of human history, so be it. The rest of us will be doing something useful, even if it's not politically correct according to a certain crowd.
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simple reply to atheists


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in my experience, atheists are not thinkers.....

They're thinkers but only to a very shallow degree. Belief in God opens the door to His infinite presence, power, and knowledge (science). He actually brings folks to a greater understanding of life and the Universe than they could ever understand based on their own, limited resources (finite mind).
"You don't start out declaring God might have done it, so you're not a free thinker!"

That is, a dumb video. I don't assume gods, santa, or aliens from Klendathoo might be affecting the world either. Adding more possible complications is silly.

In the end, naturalism ... works. It gets practical results. Invoking magic fails. It gets you nothing. If some people want to cling to what has failed over all of human history, so be it. The rest of us will be doing something useful, even if it's not politically correct according to a certain crowd.

If it is a dumb video then maybe you can answer the questions and my questions.
Most atheists can only parrot some party line about God making a rock He can't lift, etc.
Naw, they just blindly follow the herd, believing in magic sky fairies, virgin birth, a father who killed his son, magic water, magic smoke, invisible creatures who commit the most cruel acts and threaten them with eternal damnation if they dare ask any questions.

Really. You've got to be kidding.

The definition of "faith" is just what I wrote - blind obedience to a vengeful, spoiled, foul-tempered little despot who tortures the most innocent among us while rewarding the most vile, and NO thinking allowed.

But, tell yourselves whatever it takes to get you through the night. Just do the rest of the favor of keeping your nasty fairy tales in your tax-free temples.

The belief that a cosmic Jewish zombie who was his own father can make you live forever if you symbolically eat his flesh and telepathically tell him you accept him as your master, so he can remove an evil force from your soul that is present in humanity because a rib-woman was convinced by a talking snake to eat from a magical tree...
Yeah, Christianity makes perfect logical sense. :lmao::lmao:
in my experience, atheists are not thinkers.....

They're thinkers but only to a very shallow degree. Belief in God opens the door to His infinite presence, power, and knowledge (science). He actually brings folks to a greater understanding of life and the Universe than they could ever understand based on their own, limited resources (finite mind).

yes shallow thinkers!! LOL Get out of the gene pool !!
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"You don't start out declaring God might have done it, so you're not a free thinker!"

That is, a dumb video. I don't assume gods, santa, or aliens from Klendathoo might be affecting the world either. Adding more possible complications is silly.

In the end, naturalism ... works. It gets practical results. Invoking magic fails. It gets you nothing. If some people want to cling to what has failed over all of human history, so be it. The rest of us will be doing something useful, even if it's not politically correct according to a certain crowd.

If it is a dumb video then maybe you can answer the questions and my questions.

I'll be happy to answer any questions you have, Chuckt.
in my experience, atheists are not thinkers.....

They're thinkers but only to a very shallow degree. Belief in God opens the door to His infinite presence, power, and knowledge (science). He actually brings folks to a greater understanding of life and the Universe than they could ever understand based on their own, limited resources (finite mind).

Wow, I didn't realize there were so many benefits.

So what should I do: choose to believe in God or convince myself there is one despite the lack of conclusive evidence?
Being a free thinker would not include believing everything an ancient book says but questioning every word of it and applying objective critical analysis to all of your own presuppositions.

This guy is a blithering idiot. He TOTALLY missrepresents and butchers the "cause=effect" relationship.

He claims "atheists are stuck and pre programed with a cause..cause relationship".. not the cause....effect relationship.. two very different things. He gets it wrong from the start and still doesn't correct himself..just goes off down this erroneous tangent that makes no sense what so ever. I have never heard any atheist proclaim the logic of a "cause..cause" relationship. That is the whole point of being an atheist. This dude is are any that find his argument has any logic or history.

Chuckyteehee.. you are a moron.
The gunos and the true believers of the world have trouble with 'faith' in the first case and skepticism in the second.

Work toward each others in kindness and humility.
simple reply to atheists

And up to the point that I think what you're trying to communicate is that Christians should live and act as Christ taught and let that be the answer to atheist skepticism, I think that's very good advice in what I percieve to be an era of Christian Apostasy.

I just truly believe you've chosen the wrong exemplar.

I can't help but agree with Christopher Hitchens in his judgement that on the aggregate of Mother Theresa's life's work she did not warrant Sainthood.

He wrote;
"This returns us to the medieval corruption of the church, which sold indulgences to the rich while preaching hellfire and continence to the poor. Mother Theresa was not a friend of the poor. She was a friend of poverty. She said that suffering was a gift from God. She spent her life opposing the only known cure for poverty, which is the empowerment of women and the emancipation of them from a livestock version of compulsory reproduction. ( She vehemently opposed abortion, divorce, or even contraception.)
(.....a study notes that doctors visiting many of the 517 “homes for the dying” run by Mother Teresa observed unhygienic conditions and a shortage of actual care, food and painkillers. Lack of funds were no explanation, since Mother Teresa’s order of the Missionaries of Charity had raised hundreds of millions in aid money. When the nun herself was in need of medical treatment, “she received it in a modern American hospital,” they point out.)
Hitchens again; "The primitive hospice in Calcutta was as run down when she died as it always had been—she preferred California clinics when she got sick herself—and her order always refused to publish any audit. But we have her own claim that she opened 500 convents in more than a hundred countries, all bearing the name of her own order. Excuse me, but this is modesty and humility?"

She accepted large donations from despicable people like Charles Keating and the murderous Duvalier family. Where did that money, and all the other donations, go? To building those other 500+ convents apparently. Which pursued the same marginalization of women through forcing them to bear unaffordable families, I presume.

"In the aftermath of the Indo-Pakistani War of 1971, it was determined that more than 450,000 Hindu women in East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) had been systematically raped. Even in these circumstances she asserted her rejection of abortion by publicly renouncing abortion as an option" LINK:WIKIPEDIA

Above all though Jake, these are the words that just make me shudder at the thought of her being the best exemplar of a Christian that can be advanced;

[She said] at a 1981 press conference in which she was asked: "Do you teach the poor to endure their lot?" She replied: "I think it is very beautiful for the poor to accept their lot, to share it with the passion of Christ. I think the world is being much helped by the suffering of the poor people."

By the way if you haven't seen the movie "Philomena" It's a great movie and a real eye-opener on the tragedy some nunneries inflicted on the lives of young innocent girls who's only crime was being raped or succumming to youthful hormones.

This guy is a blithering idiot. He TOTALLY missrepresents and butchers the "cause=effect" relationship.

He claims "atheists are stuck and pre programed with a cause..cause relationship".. not the cause....effect relationship.. two very different things. He gets it wrong from the start and still doesn't correct himself..just goes off down this erroneous tangent that makes no sense what so ever. I have never heard any atheist proclaim the logic of a "cause..cause" relationship. That is the whole point of being an atheist. This dude is are any that find his argument has any logic or history.

Chuckyteehee.. you are a moron.

Thank you Huggy but I love you anyway.

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