Are Basic, Natural Law Rights More Than America Can Understand And Entertain?

Oct 2, 2018

If yes, then these definitions of right and this thread will fall off this page into oblivion.

1) We have the right to alter or abolish government destructive to unalienable rights.

2) If the framers intended for Americans to alter or abolish then they intended that the ultimate PURPOSE of free speech be to enable Americans to unify under law in order to alter or abolish government destructive to unalienable rights.

If no, then the creative, smart people, the true patriots, will keep this thread pinned and find many more places to share

If yes, then these definitions of right and this thread will fall off this page into oblivion.

1) We have the right to alter or abolish government destructive to unalienable rights.

2) If the framers intended for Americans to alter or abolish then they intended that the ultimate PURPOSE of free speech be to enable Americans to unify under law in order to alter or abolish government destructive to unalienable rights.

If no, then the creative, smart people, the true patriots, will keep this thread pinned and find many more places to share
Are rights given or earned? Do you have the right to remove a right? And, if you are creative and smart, do you have to show it?

If yes, then these definitions of right and this thread will fall off this page into oblivion.

1) We have the right to alter or abolish government destructive to unalienable rights.

2) If the framers intended for Americans to alter or abolish then they intended that the ultimate PURPOSE of free speech be to enable Americans to unify under law in order to alter or abolish government destructive to unalienable rights.

If no, then the creative, smart people, the true patriots, will keep this thread pinned and find many more places to share
List the forms of removal that can be used to remove a oppressive government before I can respond. Removal is the keyword.
abolish government destructive to unalienable rights.

Please, share with us those rights which you feel are destructive and inalienable.
I usually don't answer my own questions but, Rights are endowed, so given, and rights can be taken away by legal means, and you don't have to show creativity or smartness-you want to.

Our Rights are God given and He ain't about to take 'em away.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are (1) endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That (2) to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, (3) deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.

If yes, then these definitions of right and this thread will fall off this page into oblivion.

1) We have the right to alter or abolish government destructive to unalienable rights.

2) If the framers intended for Americans to alter or abolish then they intended that the ultimate PURPOSE of free speech be to enable Americans to unify under law in order to alter or abolish government destructive to unalienable rights.

If no, then the creative, smart people, the true patriots, will keep this thread pinned and find many more places to share
Natural laws: Lighting can kill you.
the lack of water will kill you. drinking to much water will kill you. You have the right to work to live, you have a natural right to live free without fear. You have a right to work to make a living. You have the right to find a job. You have the right not to be someones property or slave. All men and women are free to live the best life they can. I know no right to travel to or invade another Nation or to take over another Nation by force. Liberals think much different than most people.
abolish government destructive to unalienable rights.

Please, share with us those rights which you feel are destructive and inalienable.
I usually don't answer my own questions but, Rights are endowed, so given, and rights can be taken away by legal means, and you don't have to show creativity or smartness-you want to.

Our Rights are God given and He ain't about to take 'em away.

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are (1) endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. That (2) to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, (3) deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed.
Thank Hoss you saved my a long long post. I do that sometimes. You managed to say what I wanted to in a very knowledgeable way A Big Thanks from the Crazy farm. and a Happy New Year little late.
You can vote away you own rights, but can you really vote away your children's GOD GIVEN rights -- the right to life, their right to defend themselves?
Natural law - Wikipedia

"The U.S. Declaration of Independence states that it has become necessary for the people of the United States to assume 'the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them'.

"Some early American lawyers and judges perceived natural law as too tenuous, amorphous, and evanescent a legal basis for grounding concrete rights and governmental limitations.[112]

"Natural law did, however, serve as authority for legal claims and rights in some judicial decisions, legislative acts, and legal pronouncements.[113]

"Robert Lowry Clinton argues that the U.S. Constitution rests on a common law foundation and the common law, in turn, rests on a classical natural law foundation."

70 maps that explain America
You can vote away you own rights, but can you really vote away your children's GOD GIVEN rights -- the right to life, their right to defend themselves?

Actually, I think you can. Abortion has taken away the right to life for millions of children.
You can vote away you own rights, but can you really vote away your children's GOD GIVEN rights -- the right to life, their right to defend themselves?

Actually, I think you can. Abortion has taken away the right to life for millions of children.
Well, I know you CAN, but the right to life is GOD GIVEN. It is immoral to strip away the rights of others. There will be HELL to pay for those who do, and I mean that literally. The person's GOD GIVEN rights still exist but an evil government will not honor them.

All people in ALL nations have these GOD GIVEN rights. But their governments refuse to honor them.

If yes, then these definitions of right and this thread will fall off this page into oblivion.

1) We have the right to alter or abolish government destructive to unalienable rights.

2) If the framers intended for Americans to alter or abolish then they intended that the ultimate PURPOSE of free speech be to enable Americans to unify under law in order to alter or abolish government destructive to unalienable rights.

If no, then the creative, smart people, the true patriots, will keep this thread pinned and find many more places to share
Are rights given or earned? Do you have the right to remove a right? And, if you are creative and smart, do you have to show it?

They are given, basically as phylogenetic DNA, but they must be upheld, and doing so opposing the other more animalistic DNA that would be tyranny works best with many unified.

To uphold the rights, using creativity with intelligence works best, and it shows when the rights are held for future generations effectively. If one does not show those traits, accurately or effectively, others are unlikely to want to unify with action.
abolish government destructive to unalienable rights.

Please, share with us those rights which you feel are destructive and inalienable.

un-a-lien-able = cannot be taken by law.

Naturally pure air and water are such rights. Our government has colluded with corporations to commodify us in ways that have damaged such rights over time.

But the thread tests our capacity to define constitutional intent with priority so the unity possible creates a more effective majority for using the right to alter or abolish as it was created under the law of the constitution, Article V.

Our ability to communicate, to share info, define truths and unify is the purpose of free speech. It is abridged anc we cannot protect unalienable rights effectively.
abolish government destructive to unalienable rights.

Please, share with us those rights which you feel are destructive and inalienable.

un-a-lien-able = cannot be taken by law.

Naturally pure air and water are such rights. Our government has colluded with corporations to commodify us in ways that have damaged such rights over time.

But the thread tests our capacity to define constitutional intent with priority so the unity possible creates a more effective majority for using the right to alter or abolish as it was created under the law of the constitution, Article V.

Our ability to communicate, to share info, define truths and unify is the purpose of free speech. It is abridged anc we cannot protect unalienable rights effectively.

You're obviously not aware of the debate between Adams and Jefferson on this.

If yes, then these definitions of right and this thread will fall off this page into oblivion.

1) We have the right to alter or abolish government destructive to unalienable rights.

2) If the framers intended for Americans to alter or abolish then they intended that the ultimate PURPOSE of free speech be to enable Americans to unify under law in order to alter or abolish government destructive to unalienable rights.

If no, then the creative, smart people, the true patriots, will keep this thread pinned and find many more places to share
List the forms of removal that can be used to remove a oppressive government before I can respond. Removal is the keyword.

If politics was not so badfly corrupted, that would be a way. Another way not taught in schools has states Citizens forming majorities that use the 9th Amendment to control the state and compel it to work with 3/4 of the other states to amend free of congress and the court.

To empower the purpose of free speech by revision of the 1st Amendment assures all
Amendments will have constitutional intent, which if not written, states, nor congress, nor the court can define while Article V requires it.

Remove it? Perhaps not needed if it responds to amendment intended to alter it. If not, the states make it obsolete inevitable division at a time by Amendment.

Las enforcement and military support this approach.
You can vote away you own rights, but can you really vote away your children's GOD GIVEN rights -- the right to life, their right to defend themselves?
Most importantly, can you tolerate not having the right to unify with the masses around you to defend futures generations unalienable, retained rights?

You do not, or what you have is an EMPTY right, because you cannot communicate with enough of them to make a difference. This ahs been going on far too long, and now we are all endangered.

If yes, then these definitions of right and this thread will fall off this page into oblivion.

1) We have the right to alter or abolish government destructive to unalienable rights.

2) If the framers intended for Americans to alter or abolish then they intended that the ultimate PURPOSE of free speech be to enable Americans to unify under law in order to alter or abolish government destructive to unalienable rights.

If no, then the creative, smart people, the true patriots, will keep this thread pinned and find many more places to share
Rights and responsibilities (i.e. REAL liberty) are terrifying to a very large cross-section of the population....They'd rather be marginally secure and kept chattel of The State than truly free.

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