Are Children of Illegal Immigrants Citizens of the U.S.?

Are Children of Illegal Immigrants Citizens of the U.S.?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 25.0%
  • No

    Votes: 6 75.0%

  • Total voters
There are children being born all over America right now, and every one is a US citizen no matter what games little wannabe scholar MORON wants to play.
Little MORON wants to play, but those children are every bit as much citizens as me, or wannabe, or any other citizen.
There are children being born all over America right now, and every one is a US citizen no matter what games little wannabe scholar MORON wants to play.
They are merely assumed to be citizens, even though they are all US Nationals. The US Birth Certificate holds no status of the parent(s) or that of the child, it merely gives the time and location of the birth, the person who delivered or witnessed it, and to whom the parents are, it creates an identity for the child. I love idiots like you, you are so easily shown to be exactly what you are, afuknidiot.
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Little MORON wants to play, but those children are every bit as much citizens as me, or wannabe, or any other citizen.
Play? Unless you hold a US Passport stating you are a US Citizen you are merely assumed to be such. At best you might only be a US National.

Stick to your scat porn, you seem to wallow in the deep shit, and remember, socks go on your feet not your pud.
According to the laws and regulations defining citizenship granted from the United States government: There is NO CASE given which allows a child - born of parents not subject to the jurisdiction, or defined as being current legal citizens of the United States, obtaining citizenship "by birth" within the boundaries of the United States. Note in every case situation below the child resides with at least one parent who is a legal US citizen. Only other condition allowed is for native Americans, Eskimo, or other tribe who's family and birthplace is already within the jurisdictional boundaries of the United States.

A person born in the United States who is subject to the jurisdiction of the United States is a U.S. citizen at birth, to include a person born to a member of an Indian, Eskimo, Aleutian, or other aboriginal tribe.

In general, a person born outside of the United States may acquire citizenship at birth if:

The person has at least one parent who is a U.S. citizen; and

The U.S. citizen parent meets certain residence or physical presence requirements in the United States or an outlying possession prior to the person’s birth in accordance with the pertinent provision.

A person born abroad through Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) to a U.S. citizen gestational mother who is not also the genetic mother acquires U.S. citizenship at birth under INA 301 or INA 309 if:

B. Child Born in Wedlock
1. Child of Two U.S. Citizen Parents

2. Child of U.S. Citizen Parent and U.S. National

3. Child of U.S. Citizen Parent and Foreign National Parent

4. Child of a U.S. Citizen Mother and Foreign National Father

C. Child Born Out of Wedlock
Child of a U.S. Citizen Father

Child of a U.S. Citizen Mother

D. Application for Certificate of Citizenship

A person who is at least 18 years of age may submit the Application for Certificate of Citizenship on his or her own behalf. If the application is for a child who has not reached 18 years of age, the child's U.S. citizen parent or legal guardian must submit the application.

USCIS will issue a proof of U.S. citizenship in the form of a Certificate of Citizenship if the Application for Certificate of Citizenship is approved

United States Citizens at Birth (INA 301 and 309) - Chapter 3, Part H, Volume 12 | Policy Manual | USCIS
"The amendment, in clear words and in manifest intent, includes the children born within the territory of the United States of all other persons, of whatever race or color, domiciled within the United States,"

"no plausible distinction with respect to Fourteenth Amendment 'jurisdiction' can be drawn between resident aliens whose entry into the United States was lawful, and resident aliens whose entry was unlawful."
"The amendment, in clear words and in manifest intent, includes the children born within the territory of the United States of all other persons, of whatever race or color, domiciled within the United States,"

"no plausible distinction with respect to Fourteenth Amendment 'jurisdiction' can be drawn between resident aliens whose entry into the United States was lawful, and resident aliens whose entry was unlawful."
There's that great word again, "domciled". Do you really not understand the law of domicile? You start with a quote from WKA and end with a quote from a "footnote" from Plyler. SMH The Plyler footnote is nothing but dicta and has no bearing on the citizenship clause, you're really grasping at straws, or in your case taking your shit watching and trying to throw it hoping something sticks.
The Supreme Court clarified that the 14th Amendment does in fact say what any Jr. High School student can clearly see it says. One hundred years later the court reaffirmed that the law applies to everyone, even children born to illegal aliens. YOU don't seem to like the FACT that the law is what it is, so you are making an absolute fool of yourself playing at law and history like a child putting on daddy's suitcoat and shoes and stomping around like a pretend expert. The law is what it is, and it will continue to be what it is. Children are being born in America at this very moment and they are every bit as much - at least - US citizens are you or anyone else. Don't like it? Tough shit, moron. Contact your representatives and encourage a constitutional amendment, because it's not going to change otherwise.

Now you will go on, of course, making an ass of yourself. Enjoy your make-pretend playtime, buffoon.
I leave you to your rants and raves.

Frankly- the courts support the actual words of the 14th Amendment, and Wong Kim Ark and Plyler v. Doe.

You can deny it all you want- but every child born in the United States is granted citizenship in the United States- unless he or she was the child of a foreign diplomat.

And that is the reality.

I have provided the court cases, the language of the 14th Amendment- I have literally lead you to water- I cannot make you drink.

Enjoy your legal delusions.
The courts support WKA in regards to the Citizenship Clause, the courts support Plyler in regards to the states being required to give Equal Protection and Due Process to illegal Immigrants.

What no court supports is that Plyler overturns WKA to the point of granting citizenship to children born in the US to illegal immigrant parents. Footnotes are not binding nor are they precedent, let alone holding, what they are considered is mere dicta.

I haven't denied one thing yet, and every attempt you have shown to back up your opinion has been refuted and backed up by the people actually making the determinations.

Your Rios-Pineda quote is nothing more than mere dicta and holds no legal binding or weight, it was actually the Pineda attorney that claimed in his original documents that the child was born in the US and was therefor a US Citizen. The actual Supreme Court Opinion is very limited and is linked here
Make note at no point in the actual opinion does Justice White ever refer to the child or children born in the US as citizens, let alone the Rios-Pineda children themselves.

Sorry, but I don't drink tainted water.
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The Supreme Court clarified that the 14th Amendment does in fact say what any Jr. High School student can clearly see it says. One hundred years later the court reaffirmed that the law applies to everyone, even children born to illegal aliens. YOU don't seem to like the FACT that the law is what it is, so you are making an absolute fool of yourself playing at law and history like a child putting on daddy's suitcoat and shoes and stomping around like a pretend expert. The law is what it is, and it will continue to be what it is. Children are being born in America at this very moment and they are every bit as much - at least - US citizens are you or anyone else. Don't like it? Tough shit, moron. Contact your representatives and encourage a constitutional amendment, because it's not going to change otherwise.

Now you will go on, of course, making an ass of yourself. Enjoy your make-pretend playtime, buffoon.
For someone that likes to run your mouth I guarantee, face to face, I would make you cry like a little bitch. Your a big mouth on a keyboard that hasn't the first clue about what court opinion actually states. Go back to your Progressive ThinkProgress site.

It's not going to change? Is that why Obama changed policy from what Bush had? You see, the law is very unclear in the case of children born to illegals. There is NO court case that has determined that these children are in fact born citizens. WKA is limiting in that the parents must be legally resident or legally domiciled in the US for the child to be born a citizen. Plyler doesn't go any further than stating that the state must treat the illegal with Equal Protection and Due Process, while Rios-Pineda is a determination on whether the AG can re-open a case that has been closed. No amount of cherry picking quotes and then taking them out of context is going to back up your inept ignorance. You can keep trying, but your going to do nothing other continue to make yourself look dumber and dumber. I rather enjoy watching it and causing it, so please keep doing so.
..... I guarantee, face to face, I would make you cry like a little bitch. .......

:lmao: Oh really? You "guarantee"? Wow. Is that because you're such a tough guy, tough guy? Is that it? You Billy Badass? Very impressive. :lmao:

What a clown show.
A person who is born in the United States can get proof of his American citizenship by applying for a U.S. passport- and providing as part of the application, a certified copy of his birth certificate-- which notes that he or she was born in the United States

Proof of U.S. Citizenship and Identification When Applying for a Job

Proof of U.S. Citizenship and Identification When Applying for a Job

Your U.S. passport is your best proof of U.S. citizenship

Are you a citizen born in the United States?

Your birth certificate provides proof of citizenship. If you need a copy of your birth certificate, contact the Bureau of Vital Statistics in the State in which you were born. We do not issue any kind of citizenship document to a person who is a citizen by birth in the United States.

First Time Applicants
Primary Evidence of U.S. Citizenship (You must submit one of the following. Photocopies and notarized copies are not acceptable):
  • Previously issued, undamaged, and fully valid U.S. Passport (5 year for minors or 10 years for adults)
  • Certified U.S. birth certificate (must meet all of the following requirements):
    • Issued by the City, County, or State of birth
    • Lists bearer's full name, date of birth, and place of birth
    • Lists parent(s) full names
    • Has date filed with registrar's office (must be within one year of birth)
    • Has registrar's signature
    • Has embossed, impressed, or multicolored seal of registrar
    • Photocopies and notarized copies are unacceptable
the parents must be here as legally residing or legally domiciled ...

Nope. Bitch and moan all you want, fool, but another US CITIZEN was no doubt just born somewhere in the US regardless of his or her parents legal status. Did you contact your representatives yet to get working on that constitutional amendment? Good luck with that.
..... I guarantee, face to face, I would make you cry like a little bitch. .......

:lmao: Oh really? You "guarantee"? Wow. Is that because you're such a tough guy, tough guy? Is that it? You Billy Badass? Very impressive. :lmao:

What a clown show.

Maybe he has one of those sad faces that just make people

He is like one of those people who still insist that the income tax is unconstitutional....and then cite all sorts of crap as if that will change reality.
..... I guarantee, face to face, I would make you cry like a little bitch. .......

:lmao: Oh really? You "guarantee"? Wow. Is that because you're such a tough guy, tough guy? Is that it? You Billy Badass? Very impressive. :lmao:

What a clown show.

Maybe he has one of those sad faces that just make people

He is like one of those people who still insist that the income tax is unconstitutional....and then cite all sorts of crap as if that will change reality.

He really sounds just like that nut who keeps insisting the Moon is man-made and all the planets in the Solar System are hollow. Just a hopeless screwball.

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