Are conservative values dying? If so, why?

a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change;

When we were under the thumb of King George ... conservatives wanted to keep it that way.

When agricultural was thriving with the benefit of slave labor .... conservatives wanted to keep it that way

when white men were the only people running the show ... conservatives wanted to keep it that way

THAT is what "conservative" means. Status quo.

The other B.S. that people try to link with conservatism in order to make it more palatable ... like fiscal responsibility, work ethic, moral values ... it has ZERO to do with conservatism.
I gave you my hypothesis and personal thoughts. I see you have no rebuttal other than to troll.


You essentially said that we have become more liberal over time because we have been coddled too much. went on about your work ethic like it is a foreign concept to liberals.

Both bullshit indictments of liberals.

Work ethics go beyond your job. The same principles apply to school for some. For others they would rather hand out trophies for participation rather than a successful effort. Or pass children so it doesn't hurt them socially among peers despite it putting them behind the 8 ball for the rest of their lives. If that isn't coddling I don't know what is.

Your image of liberals is not accurate. Even your best attempt to be fair is riddled with truly are unable to help yourself. You just do not know what you are talking about.

We have been a left leaning nation since FDR set us on the right path. We value individualism but not at the expense of fairness. Rights come with responsibilities TO OUR FELLOW AMERICANS.

The "conservatives" who have been your mouthpiece for the past 30 years have just been wrong on most issues.........being wrong gets you fewer supporters.
Hardly... idiots such as yourself thinks that conservatism means everything just stagnates, nothing ever changes, etc.. it is like you think conservatives want things frozen in time..

By definition - that IS what conservative means. No change or very slow, very incremental change.

It does not mean without change.. BUT gradual change.. and against radicalism..

The way that rdd and other far leftist whackaloons try and portray it is not what conservatism is

Like him or not, Ronny put it pretty good... "The basis of conservatism is a desire for less government interference or less centralized authority or more individual freedom”
As a political movement......Conservatives have turned into a bunch of fucks

Their message is clear. Take care of the wealthy and everyone else look out for themselves. They were once a party of personal responsibility, but when things don't go their way they look to blame everyone else

They scapegoat the poor, unions, immigrants, gays, women....anyone to distract attention away from the superwealthy getting richer while the rest of the nation struggles

Oh shut up... You don't know what the Hell you're talking about & you're a liar as well.
Uncensored2008 said:

This is exactly the shit I'm referring to. What, exactly, do you mean by "ethics?" What in the fuck makes you think that Donald Trump has ethics, and Chuck Hagel does not? This is why you have no friends.

Both idiots... Nice choices ya put out there.

Rand Paul is no idiot... Ted Cruz is no idiot... Marco Rubio is no idiot... Michelle Bauchmann is no idiot & my list goes on and on.

Go ahead, laugh now... I predict, we con$ will get the last laugh.

He will just declare Rand, Cruz, and Marco idiots. They already declared michelle to be one.

I believe Michelle is bad news. The others I admire (for the moment as they are new and somewhat unknown)

But thats for another thread.
As a political movement......Conservatives have turned into a bunch of fucks

Their message is clear. Take care of the wealthy and everyone else look out for themselves. They were once a party of personal responsibility, but when things don't go their way they look to blame everyone else

They scapegoat the poor, unions, immigrants, gays, women....anyone to distract attention away from the superwealthy getting richer while the rest of the nation struggles

Oh shut up... You don't know what the Hell you're talking about & you're a liar as well.

Conservatives don't take criticism well either
Personal responsibility and doing things for yourself is not easy.. hence why many do not support conservatism in politics or economics.. they want it easier, and the way to do it is to use power in numbers to have government confiscate what you want.... you want your weird actions justified, go to the progressives who will say everything is ok (as long as you vote to keep them in office and support their huge programs that they will create to prop up your behaviors).. what the voting dummies who vote for such things do not realize, is that while the progressives preach freedom or equality or justice, they are growing government and government power to an extent that it inherently reduced freedom

Oh, bullshit. Most of the so-called "conservatives" I know around here don't work; they draw SS, medicare, disability, subsidies, military retirement, etc., etc. As far as I'm concerned, the "conservative movement" is nearly entirely rooted in a bunch of fat, pre-diabetic unemployed riff-raff.

On the other hand, these "progressives" you moan about are the younger ones that are out there investing in education and holding down jobs in the face of an American suck-ass economy that offers little protection for working people.

In other words, fuck off.
Both idiots... Nice choices ya put out there.

Rand Paul is no idiot... Ted Cruz is no idiot... Marco Rubio is no idiot... Michelle Bauchmann is no idiot & my list goes on and on.

Go ahead, laugh now... I predict, we con$ will get the last laugh.

He will just declare Rand, Cruz, and Marco idiots. They already declared michelle to be one.

I believe Michelle is bad news. The others I admire (for the moment as they are new and somewhat unknown)

But thats for another thread.

Why is that for another thread? Ask yourself how those three got to become your prominent spokespeople......and you are well on the way to answering the question in your OP.
"The basis of conservatism is a desire for less government interference or less centralized authority or more individual freedom”

I'm well aware of the political efforts to re-define conservatism. I also know what the word means.

I also know what an assault weapon is and I know how folks have tried to re-define that too.

You essentially said that we have become more liberal over time because we have been coddled too much. went on about your work ethic like it is a foreign concept to liberals.

Both bullshit indictments of liberals.

Work ethics go beyond your job. The same principles apply to school for some. For others they would rather hand out trophies for participation rather than a successful effort. Or pass children so it doesn't hurt them socially among peers despite it putting them behind the 8 ball for the rest of their lives. If that isn't coddling I don't know what is.

Your image of liberals is not accurate. Even your best attempt to be fair is riddled with truly are unable to help yourself. You just do not know what you are talking about.

We have been a left leaning nation since FDR set us on the right path. We value individualism but not at the expense of fairness. Rights come with responsibilities TO OUR FELLOW AMERICANS.

The "conservatives" who have been your mouthpiece for the past 30 years have just been wrong on most issues.........being wrong gets you fewer supporters.

I never attributed those thoughts to liberals. Most of the parents who allow the school to do that to their children are probably just as disconnected from politics as they are from the damage they are doing to their children.

And I have 0 responsibilities to other citizens beyond treating them as I would want to be treated.

Seems to me you are taking my op too personally. That was not the intention.
As a political movement......Conservatives have turned into a bunch of fucks

Their message is clear. Take care of the wealthy and everyone else look out for themselves. They were once a party of personal responsibility, but when things don't go their way they look to blame everyone else

They scapegoat the poor, unions, immigrants, gays, women....anyone to distract attention away from the superwealthy getting richer while the rest of the nation struggles

Oh shut up... You don't know what the Hell you're talking about & you're a liar as well.

Conservatives don't take criticism well either

No, I just hate liars!
You just happen to be one of those assclown liars.


The ONLY one I see pointing the boney finger of blame is you libtards & YOUR president. (He's not my president, he is my enemy)
Uncensored2008 said:

This is exactly the shit I'm referring to. What, exactly, do you mean by "ethics?" What in the fuck makes you think that Donald Trump has ethics, and Chuck Hagel does not? This is why you have no friends.

Both idiots... Nice choices ya put out there.

Rand Paul is no idiot... Ted Cruz is no idiot... Marco Rubio is no idiot... Michelle Bauchmann is no idiot & my list goes on and on.

Go ahead, laugh now... I predict, we con$ will get the last laugh.

He will just declare Rand, Cruz, and Marco idiots. They already declared michelle to be one.

Rand is a libertarian. Some may think that is the same as being an idiot but in reality, he is just a libertarian

Ted Cruz has made it clear he is an idiot. He will only get worse

Marco Rubio is inexperienced and has a drinking problem but he will get over it and do OK

Michele Bachmann is certifiably batshit crazy
a political philosophy based on tradition and social stability, stressing established institutions, and preferring gradual development to abrupt change;

When we were under the thumb of King George ... conservatives wanted to keep it that way.

When agricultural was thriving with the benefit of slave labor .... conservatives wanted to keep it that way

when white men were the only people running the show ... conservatives wanted to keep it that way

THAT is what "conservative" means. Status quo.

The other B.S. that people try to link with conservatism in order to make it more palatable ... like fiscal responsibility, work ethic, moral values ... it has ZERO to do with conservatism.

The race card really isn't necessary. This is 2013 not 1964
Oh shut up... You don't know what the Hell you're talking about & you're a liar as well.

Conservatives don't take criticism well either

No, I just hate liars!
You just happen to be one of those assclown liars.


The ONLY one I see pointing the boney finger of blame is you libtards & YOUR president. (He's not my president, he is my enemy)

Conservatives also throw tantrums when challenged
I just think these so called conservative values are a fairy tale. Life is not a fairy tale, bad shit happens to good people and good things happen to bad people. Such is life however, for me, Republicans have been to heavily involved with religion and its not biting them in the rear.

I can recall watching Newt back in the day and thinking, what a dick head. Maybe thats why the GOP is slowly falling into oblivion. They are just a bunch of dicks.
I'm still waiting to hear someone tell me what "conservative values" are, and how "conservatives" actually live up to those "values." Because it sounds like bullshit to me.
He will just declare Rand, Cruz, and Marco idiots. They already declared michelle to be one.

I believe Michelle is bad news. The others I admire (for the moment as they are new and somewhat unknown)

But thats for another thread.

Why is that for another thread? Ask yourself how those three got to become your prominent spokespeople......and you are well on the way to answering the question in your OP.

Because this thread is not about our politicians but rather the people who put them there.
Both idiots... Nice choices ya put out there.

Rand Paul is no idiot... Ted Cruz is no idiot... Marco Rubio is no idiot... Michelle Bauchmann is no idiot & my list goes on and on.

Go ahead, laugh now... I predict, we con$ will get the last laugh.

He will just declare Rand, Cruz, and Marco idiots. They already declared michelle to be one.

I believe Michelle is bad news. The others I admire (for the moment as they are new and somewhat unknown)

But thats for another thread.

People can disagree and think others are wrong without others being idiots.

The problem with the left is they accuse everyone who disagreees with them of being stupid.
He will just declare Rand, Cruz, and Marco idiots. They already declared michelle to be one.

I believe Michelle is bad news. The others I admire (for the moment as they are new and somewhat unknown)

But thats for another thread.

People can disagree and think others are wrong without others being idiots.

The problem with the left is they accuse everyone who disagreees with them of being stupid.

No. Not everyone. Not by a long shot.

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