Are conservative values dying? If so, why?

I touched on a few things in my conversation with LoneLaugher. I don't think our children are being taught the vital self reliance skills that they will need to be successful in life. ie trophies for all and social progression despite failing grades. Although those complaints probably impact both sides since so many are detached.

My daughter will rip a gash in someone else's daughter's leg if it means being safe at second base. And.....she is the poster-child liberal. She has been taught vital self reliance skills.....and she is already successful in life. Next.

She must be a lib if she is willing to harm another player just to be successful huh???

See how that works?

Now what does your anecdotal situation have to do with the generations of children that are socially promoted to their own demise?

You got yours so fuck everyone else? That kinda conflicts with your all for one mantra dontcha think?

I do not have an all for one mantra. The generations of children being socially promoted is bullshit. Our failure to collectively ensure that all of our young people get a first class early education is what has led to our falling behind in education. And we do not have generations of losers. That is another thing that you imagine.
My daughter will rip a gash in someone else's daughter's leg if it means being safe at second base. And.....she is the poster-child liberal. She has been taught vital self reliance skills.....and she is already successful in life. Next.

She must be a lib if she is willing to harm another player just to be successful huh???

See how that works?

Now what does your anecdotal situation have to do with the generations of children that are socially promoted to their own demise?

You got yours so fuck everyone else? That kinda conflicts with your all for one mantra dontcha think?

I do not have an all for one mantra. The generations of children being socially promoted is bullshit. Our failure to collectively ensure that all of our young people get a first class early education is what has led to our falling behind in education. And we do not have generations of losers. That is another thing that you imagine.

Look at the inner city stats and get back to me about my imagination later.
I believe it is. Our country seems to be veering to the left. Why?

I find it very hard to believe it's based on free shit. Not enough Americans are on the public dole to make up for the shift. The left has been successful with their message communication. Be it good or bad we are behind the curve.

I remember getting out of prison with 100 dollars (parole money) and thinking I couldn't wait to get a job and start my life. From being TOTALLY suppoeted by the tax payer to being TOTALLY independent and successful.No other feeling matches being self reliant and knowing I have options I can persue because of conservative values.

Almost makes me think that people have been coddled for so long they have no concept of their own potential.

Are conservative values dying? No. But the GOP no longer represent conservative values. They represent the interests of the uber wealthy and ideological extremists, many of whom are members of one lunatic fringe group or another.

Like OWS or global warming nuts? At least the rich offer something to our nation unlike the squatters on your side.
I believe it is. Our country seems to be veering to the left. Why?

I find it very hard to believe it's based on free shit. Not enough Americans are on the public dole to make up for the shift. The left has been successful with their message communication. Be it good or bad we are behind the curve.

I remember getting out of prison with 100 dollars (parole money) and thinking I couldn't wait to get a job and start my life. From being TOTALLY suppoeted by the tax payer to being TOTALLY independent and successful.No other feeling matches being self reliant and knowing I have options I can persue because of conservative values.

Almost makes me think that people have been coddled for so long they have no concept of their own potential.
I don't buy the whole country veering left deal a good many states have republican governors and republican controlled legislators the media likes to focus on Obamas personal popularity and the popularity of pop culture icons which gives a false impression of direction the country is going.
I believe it is. Our country seems to be veering to the left. Why?

I find it very hard to believe it's based on free shit. Not enough Americans are on the public dole to make up for the shift. The left has been successful with their message communication. Be it good or bad we are behind the curve.

I remember getting out of prison with 100 dollars (parole money) and thinking I couldn't wait to get a job and start my life. From being TOTALLY suppoeted by the tax payer to being TOTALLY independent and successful.No other feeling matches being self reliant and knowing I have options I can persue because of conservative values.

Almost makes me think that people have been coddled for so long they have no concept of their own potential.

Are conservative values dying? No. But the GOP no longer represent conservative values. They represent the interests of the uber wealthy and ideological extremists, many of whom are members of one lunatic fringe group or another.

Like OWS or global warming nuts? At least the rich offer something to our nation unlike the squatters on your side.
In the good old days when people got rich by producing something, that was true. But today, the way to get rich isn't making a better mousetrap, it's making a killing on Wall Street. For my money, the old way of getting rich was better for society than today's way of getting rich.
I believe it is. Our country seems to be veering to the left. Why?

I find it very hard to believe it's based on free shit. Not enough Americans are on the public dole to make up for the shift. The left has been successful with their message communication. Be it good or bad we are behind the curve.

I remember getting out of prison with 100 dollars (parole money) and thinking I couldn't wait to get a job and start my life. From being TOTALLY suppoeted by the tax payer to being TOTALLY independent and successful.No other feeling matches being self reliant and knowing I have options I can persue because of conservative values.

Almost makes me think that people have been coddled for so long they have no concept of their own potential.

Are conservative values dying? No. But the GOP no longer represent conservative values. They represent the interests of the uber wealthy and ideological extremists, many of whom are members of one lunatic fringe group or another.

Like OWS or global warming nuts? At least the rich offer something to our nation unlike the squatters on your side.

Let's take a stroll down logic lane. I know you're unfamiliar with this area, but try to follow without getting lost.

Do you think that wealthy people who have substantial financial interests in all aspects of a particular industry (in this case, the oil and coal industries) would willingly phase out the complete and total exploitation of this natural resource if they could somehow prevent it from happening?

In this case, this includes ownership, leasing rights, receiving royalty payments, equipment manufacturing and sales, refining, selling, shipping, product development, etc. This represents trillions of dollars over a relatively short period of time if you're talking about world wide investments and the projected income from the exploitation of these natural resources. Of COURSE they're going to resist ANY science that states that CO2 is damaging the natural environment through climate change and the warming of the planet (AND ocean).

I really do understand THEIR position. THEY are motivated by THEIR money and THEIR self-interest and THEIR power, and THEIR comfortable life, and they don't really give a damn about anyone else.

Frankly, what I do NOT understand is the average conservative who has no substantial financial interest in oil or coal jumping on the global-warming-is-a-hoax bandwagon.
You misread my post. I said that liberals do not think anyone who disagrees with them is stupid.

They may not think it, but they repeat it every few seconds, with the party press and Hollywood drumming the mantra incessantly.

But...the ones on your list...........excluding Quayle and Bush.......qualify as stupid.

Of course they do, they're enemies of the party.

Stupidest person in politics in American history - hands down, Ted Kennedy. I suspect that Kennedy was clinically mentally retarded, with an IQ less than 65. Yet nothing from the party press on him.
As a political movement......Conservatives have turned into a bunch of fucks

Their message is clear. Take care of the wealthy and everyone else look out for themselves. They were once a party of personal responsibility, but when things don't go their way they look to blame everyone else

They scapegoat the poor, unions, immigrants, gays, women....anyone to distract attention away from the superwealthy getting richer while the rest of the nation struggles

Oh shut up... You don't know what the Hell you're talking about & you're a liar as well.

Conservatives don't take criticism well either

And progressives will never admit to being wrong...

See how easy that was =D

Now it's your turn to say another stupid one liner.
You misread my post. I said that liberals do not think anyone who disagrees with them is stupid.

They may not think it, but they repeat it every few seconds, with the party press and Hollywood drumming the mantra incessantly.

Then you should be able to provide media evidence. I can certainly find plenty of RW talking heads calling us stupid for re-electing the President. You first.
Well, that's part of the problem. Just WHAT are you talking about when you refer to "conservative values?" Because most of us share "values." The political parties simply provide different ways of achieving them.

Is freedom a value? If so, why do conservatives support massive prison sentences for nearly any crime? That's completely anti-freedom.

Is liberty a value? If so, why do conservatives oppose individuality and liberal approaches to birth control and abortion? That makes no sense.

Is fiscal conservativism a value? If so, why do you guys always want to spend to great excess on "national defense?" That's crazy.

I just don't buy into this whole "conservative values" thing because I have no idea what you mean. You guys certainly don't practice it except when it suits you.

You might be better off to talk about REAL policies for a change, instead of hiding behind this "values" crapola.

For the THIRD time now. Im not talking about politics in general. Im talking about the shift in our population from right leaning (conservative) to left leaning (progressive)

You know, less about individual accountabiliry and more about collectivism.

Is it because fewer and fewer Americans put in a real hard days work now as opposed to generations past? Even in prison tough manual labor was part of my daily routine. So many people now just sit behind a computer screen or register or phone and after 30 or 40 years think someone else owes them something for all their "hard work"

Okay, so you're not actually talking about these so-called "conservative values" anymore. Your complaint is that, in your opinion, people in general don't work hard enough.

I call bullshit.

People work PLENTY hard these days. American workers have fewer vacation days than in the past, get less sleep, have far worse wages and benefits, almost NO job security, and pay more for fucking everything. American workers are severely stressed by this American economic system. Yes, there is less respect for it now; Americans don't trust the system anymore, and recognize that most of our "leadership" are narcissistic sociopaths.

We have a new generation of hapless American working citizens that have to go into debt THOUSANDS of dollars just to educate themselves to the point of being employable.

Americans are increasingly saying FUCK IT, and I don't blame them.

Your so-called "conservative values" have been devastating to American workers. If there were decent wages for a day's work, maybe we wouldn't have this so-called "entitlement society." You created this; don't whine about it to me.

Some people work plenty hard these days, but a large share of the people do not work hard, if they work at all.

Your rant about job security, vacations and wages is a strong indication that you don't know a damn thing about history or the work ethic. You are just mouthing the bullcrap that you think excuses your lack of initiative.

There are no conservative values that are even harmful, let alone devastating to American workers.

A basic conservative value is that you are worth what someone else is willing to pay to receive your knowledge, skills, and/or talents. You want to be worth more, get off your ass and make yourself more competitive.

Another basic conservative value is that what is yours is yours and what is mine is mine. I don't want what you have, I want to get my own through hard work, initiative, and prudent investment. You have the same opportunity, but no one can force you to get there. You want it given to you.

In my lifetime, I have dug ditches and bucked hay bales for a dollar an hour. I have picked fruit for even less. However, I retired when I was 55, with enough to live a comfortable life. I could have been rich by staying active for a few more years, but I didn't want it bad enough to go for it. I had other interests. I do not resent anyone who has more than I do, nor do I envy them their wealth. They live their lives, I live mine.

I could have spent all my Friday and Saturday nights passing my paycheck across the bar. Although, I did do far more of that than I care to remember. I hit the books to learn skills that payed better than a dollar an hour. No one in America is prohibited by any party, or any "values" from doing the exact same thing.

You don't have to go into debt to get a college degree. Join the military for four years. Learn skills, and take advantage of the GI bill.

The American dream is still there for anyone with the initiative and sufficient desire to attain it. Take advantage while you can because the liberal/socialists are doing their best to kill it.
And yet Conservatives themselves cite individuals as ideological heros. From Ayn Rand, through Ronald Reagan and down to Glenn Beck, Conservatives have looked to and embraced the message of get yours and forget the other guy.

As do leftists. From Franklin Roosevelt through John Kennedy and Bill Clinton, down to Jon Stewart and Rachel Maddow.

But having heroes or role models who embody certain attributes is not the same as defining one's values based on a current ruler or the party platform.

I admire Ayn Rand and agree with a great deal she wrote. Still, her war with the Brandens was the stuff of a cult, which is exactly what Murray Rothbard described it as. I agree with Rothbard, yet still admire Rand. How can that be? Simple, the values that Rand put forth often coincide with those I hold. Since it is the values instead of the person that I adhere to, I can separate that which admire from that which I don't.
You misread my post. I said that liberals do not think anyone who disagrees with them is stupid.

They may not think it, but they repeat it every few seconds, with the party press and Hollywood drumming the mantra incessantly.

But...the ones on your list...........excluding Quayle and Bush.......qualify as stupid.
Of course they do, they're enemies of the party.

Stupidest person in politics in American history - hands down, Ted Kennedy. I suspect that Kennedy was clinically mentally retarded, with an IQ less than 65. Yet nothing from the party press on him.

LOL! Do you TRY to say dumb stuff? Teddy Kennedy, regardless of his personal shortcomings, was arguably THE most successful legislator of any era. He managed to craft and or write numerous pieces of legislation that he worked through the legislative process with support from people on both sides of the political aisle. That is NO small accomplishment. In fact, why don't you do some research to find out how legislatively successful some of your conservative heroes and heroines are and have been. Off the top of my head, I think Michele Bachmann has zero successful legislative initiatives -- which became bills -- which ultimately became laws, to her credit.

Keep in mind that being a legislator is their job description. Few men or women who are elected are actually leaders in this regard. Most representatives are merely back benchers who show up for votes but don't make much of a difference other than possibly showing up on TV to raise their profile for little other reason than to perpetuate their fame and name recognition in order to help them get reelected. Legislators who don't legislate are like cops who don't have an arrest record.
LOL! Do you TRY to say dumb stuff? Teddy Kennedy, regardless of his personal shortcomings, was arguably THE most successful legislator of any era.

Ted Kennedy had an IQ of at best 65. That he was a puppet for a machine does nothing to alter the fact that he was a drunk and a retard.

He managed to craft and or write numerous pieces of legislation that he worked through the legislative process with support from people on both sides of the political aisle. That is NO small accomplishment. In fact, why don't you do some research to find out how legislatively successful some of your conservative heroes and heroines are and have been. Off the top of my head, I think Michele Bachmann has zero successful legislative initiatives -- which became bills -- which ultimately became laws, to her credit.

Keep in mind that being a legislator is their job description. Few men or women who are elected are actually leaders in this regard. Most representatives are merely back benchers who show up for votes but don't make much of a difference other than possibly showing up on TV to raise their profile for little other reason than to perpetuate their fame and name recognition in order to help them get reelected. Legislators who don't legislate are like cops who don't have an arrest record.

Kennedy was a puppet for the Massachusetts democratic machine. He was pliable, due to the fact that he was too stupid to voice an idea of his own.
You misread my post. I said that liberals do not think anyone who disagrees with them is stupid.

They may not think it, but they repeat it every few seconds, with the party press and Hollywood drumming the mantra incessantly.

But...the ones on your list...........excluding Quayle and Bush.......qualify as stupid.

Of course they do, they're enemies of the party.

Stupidest person in politics in American history - hands down, Ted Kennedy. I suspect that Kennedy was clinically mentally retarded, with an IQ less than 65. Yet nothing from the party press on him.
Ted Kennedy was one of the finest Senators in US history
America has always been left leaning liberal nation. I think our history would show that we go through a progressive period, stop, digest the progress and then enter another progressive period. I would suspect that we have entered a progressive period at this time, however, with no money to progress in the area of rebuilding infrastructure we are in a period of building progressive social programs. In any case, America will keep moving forward.

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