Are conservative values dying? If so, why?

Ted Kennedy was one of the finest Senators in US history


{WASHINGTON - Bush administration failures to shut down al-Qaida and rebuild Iraq have fueled the insurgency and made the United States more vulnerable to a nuclear attack by terrorists, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy says.

In a speech prepared for delivery at George Washington University on Monday, Kennedy said that by shifting attention from Osama bin Laden to Iraq, President Bush had increased the danger of a "nuclear 9/11." He said it was a good thing Bush was not in charge during the Cuban missile crisis in 1962, a nuclear confrontation with Russia when Kennedy's brother was president.

"The war in Iraq has made the mushroom cloud more likely, not less likely," Kennedy said. Using imagery from the Vietnam War, he said U.S. soldiers are bogged down in a quagmire with no end in sight. }

What a brilliant mind - the veritable TruthMatters of the United States Senate.
Ted Kennedy was one of the finest Senators in US history


{WASHINGTON - Bush administration failures to shut down al-Qaida and rebuild Iraq have fueled the insurgency and made the United States more vulnerable to a nuclear attack by terrorists, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy says.

In a speech prepared for delivery at George Washington University on Monday, Kennedy said that by shifting attention from Osama bin Laden to Iraq, President Bush had increased the danger of a "nuclear 9/11." He said it was a good thing Bush was not in charge during the Cuban missile crisis in 1962, a nuclear confrontation with Russia when Kennedy's brother was president.

"The war in Iraq has made the mushroom cloud more likely, not less likely," Kennedy said. Using imagery from the Vietnam War, he said U.S. soldiers are bogged down in a quagmire with no end in sight. }

What a brilliant mind - the veritable TruthMatters of the United States Senate.

Once again, Kennedy was spot on

By invading Iraq, Bush destabilized the region and removed a counterbalance to Iran. After the US attack, Iran pursued nuclear weapons to deter US aggression.

bush made us less safe...not more

And THANK GOD Bush was not in charge during the Cuban missile crisis
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Once again, Kennedy was spot on

Yeah he was, Saddam had no WMD's - but he was going to nuke us. You leftists are just so smart....

By invading Iraq, Bush destabilized the region and removed a counterbalance to Iran. After the US attack, Iran pursued nuclear weapons to deter US aggression.

Bush made us less safe...not more


Iran has been working on a nuclear program since the 70's.

Teddy was mentally retarded, and you know it.
Ted Kennedy was one of the finest Senators in US history


{WASHINGTON - Bush administration failures to shut down al-Qaida and rebuild Iraq have fueled the insurgency and made the United States more vulnerable to a nuclear attack by terrorists, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy says.

In a speech prepared for delivery at George Washington University on Monday, Kennedy said that by shifting attention from Osama bin Laden to Iraq, President Bush had increased the danger of a "nuclear 9/11." He said it was a good thing Bush was not in charge during the Cuban missile crisis in 1962, a nuclear confrontation with Russia when Kennedy's brother was president.

"The war in Iraq has made the mushroom cloud more likely, not less likely," Kennedy said. Using imagery from the Vietnam War, he said U.S. soldiers are bogged down in a quagmire with no end in sight. }

What a brilliant mind - the veritable TruthMatters of the United States Senate.

Once again, Kennedy was spot on

By invading Iraq, Bush destabilized the region and removed a counterbalance to Iran. After the US attack, Iran pursued nuclear weapons to deter US aggression.

bush made us less safe...not more

And THANK GOD Bush was not in charge during the Cuban missile crisis

And let's not forget that Pakistan has the bomb and the Taliban is IN Pakistan, busy trying to destabilize the Pakistani gov't.
Ted Kennedy was one of the finest Senators in US history


{WASHINGTON - Bush administration failures to shut down al-Qaida and rebuild Iraq have fueled the insurgency and made the United States more vulnerable to a nuclear attack by terrorists, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy says.

In a speech prepared for delivery at George Washington University on Monday, Kennedy said that by shifting attention from Osama bin Laden to Iraq, President Bush had increased the danger of a "nuclear 9/11." He said it was a good thing Bush was not in charge during the Cuban missile crisis in 1962, a nuclear confrontation with Russia when Kennedy's brother was president.

"The war in Iraq has made the mushroom cloud more likely, not less likely," Kennedy said. Using imagery from the Vietnam War, he said U.S. soldiers are bogged down in a quagmire with no end in sight. }

What a brilliant mind - the veritable TruthMatters of the United States Senate.

Once again, Kennedy was spot on

By invading Iraq, Bush destabilized the region and removed a counterbalance to Iran. After the US attack, Iran pursued nuclear weapons to deter US aggression.

bush made us less safe...not more

And THANK GOD Bush was not in charge during the Cuban missile crisis

It's so interesting to me that you are so aware of the bad things Bush did as President yet are so incompetent when debating where Obama has gone wrong as President. It's almost as if all you see is Democrat good, Republican evil, bad, kill, die die die die!

{WASHINGTON - Bush administration failures to shut down al-Qaida and rebuild Iraq have fueled the insurgency and made the United States more vulnerable to a nuclear attack by terrorists, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy says.

In a speech prepared for delivery at George Washington University on Monday, Kennedy said that by shifting attention from Osama bin Laden to Iraq, President Bush had increased the danger of a "nuclear 9/11." He said it was a good thing Bush was not in charge during the Cuban missile crisis in 1962, a nuclear confrontation with Russia when Kennedy's brother was president.

"The war in Iraq has made the mushroom cloud more likely, not less likely," Kennedy said. Using imagery from the Vietnam War, he said U.S. soldiers are bogged down in a quagmire with no end in sight. }

What a brilliant mind - the veritable TruthMatters of the United States Senate.

Once again, Kennedy was spot on

By invading Iraq, Bush destabilized the region and removed a counterbalance to Iran. After the US attack, Iran pursued nuclear weapons to deter US aggression.

bush made us less safe...not more

And THANK GOD Bush was not in charge during the Cuban missile crisis

And let's not forget that Pakistan has the bomb and the Taliban is IN Pakistan, busy trying to destabilize the Pakistani gov't.

Bush empire building destabilized the whole region

They will treat us as liberators my ass!

{WASHINGTON - Bush administration failures to shut down al-Qaida and rebuild Iraq have fueled the insurgency and made the United States more vulnerable to a nuclear attack by terrorists, Sen. Edward M. Kennedy says.

In a speech prepared for delivery at George Washington University on Monday, Kennedy said that by shifting attention from Osama bin Laden to Iraq, President Bush had increased the danger of a "nuclear 9/11." He said it was a good thing Bush was not in charge during the Cuban missile crisis in 1962, a nuclear confrontation with Russia when Kennedy's brother was president.

"The war in Iraq has made the mushroom cloud more likely, not less likely," Kennedy said. Using imagery from the Vietnam War, he said U.S. soldiers are bogged down in a quagmire with no end in sight. }

What a brilliant mind - the veritable TruthMatters of the United States Senate.

Once again, Kennedy was spot on

By invading Iraq, Bush destabilized the region and removed a counterbalance to Iran. After the US attack, Iran pursued nuclear weapons to deter US aggression.

bush made us less safe...not more

And THANK GOD Bush was not in charge during the Cuban missile crisis

It's so interesting to me that you are so aware of the bad things Bush did as President yet are so incompetent when debating where Obama has gone wrong as President. It's almost as if all you see is Democrat good, Republican evil, bad, kill, die die die die!

Please don't interrupt the grown ups when they are talking
Bush empire building destabilized the whole region

Right, it was completely stable before BOOOOSHHHH and DA JOOOOZZZZ faked 9/11 - huh sparky?

They will treat us as liberators my ass!

Yo fucktard;

"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."
-- Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), Sept. 27, 2002

Democrat Quotes on WMD
This is the "message" part I was talking about.

I don't think or feel that way. The tax cuts were across the board cuts yet they are SUCCESSFULLY labeled cuts for the rich.

And I'd like this discussion to be broad rather than degrade to an argument over one talking point.

Well, that's part of the problem. Just WHAT are you talking about when you refer to "conservative values?" Because most of us share "values." The political parties simply provide different ways of achieving them.

Is freedom a value? If so, why do conservatives support massive prison sentences for nearly any crime? That's completely anti-freedom.

Is liberty a value? If so, why do conservatives oppose individuality and liberal approaches to birth control and abortion? That makes no sense.

Is fiscal conservativism a value? If so, why do you guys always want to spend to great excess on "national defense?" That's crazy.

I just don't buy into this whole "conservative values" thing because I have no idea what you mean. You guys certainly don't practice it except when it suits you.

You might be better off to talk about REAL policies for a change, instead of hiding behind this "values" crapola.

For the THIRD time now. Im not talking about politics in general. Im talking about the shift in our population from right leaning (conservative) to left leaning (progressive)

You know, less about individual accountabiliry and more about collectivism.

Is it because fewer and fewer Americans put in a real hard days work now as opposed to generations past? Even in prison tough manual labor was part of my daily routine. So many people now just sit behind a computer screen or register or phone and after 30 or 40 years think someone else owes them something for all their "hard work"

so one of these values is an Equal obligation of all to work?
Once again, Kennedy was spot on

By invading Iraq, Bush destabilized the region and removed a counterbalance to Iran. After the US attack, Iran pursued nuclear weapons to deter US aggression.

bush made us less safe...not more

And THANK GOD Bush was not in charge during the Cuban missile crisis

It's so interesting to me that you are so aware of the bad things Bush did as President yet are so incompetent when debating where Obama has gone wrong as President. It's almost as if all you see is Democrat good, Republican evil, bad, kill, die die die die!

Please don't interrupt the grown ups when they are talking

Obama = one of biggest war Presidents in US history.... Yes, keep talking, lol.
Bush empire building destabilized the whole region

Right, it was completely stable before BOOOOSHHHH and DA JOOOOZZZZ faked 9/11 - huh sparky?

They will treat us as liberators my ass!

Yo fucktard;

"We have known for many years that Saddam Hussein is seeking and developing weapons of mass destruction."
-- Sen. Ted Kennedy (D, MA), Sept. 27, 2002

Democrat Quotes on WMD

Owned. But as I said before, RW as a Progressive can never admit to being wrong.
People and cultures go through stages of development,
from "fundamentalist" of doing the right thing out of respect for elders and authority,
to questioning and even rebelling in order to arrive at values and decisions
INDEPENDENTLY by free will and reason and informed choice.

So it's like teenagers learning to form their own identity and volition as young adults.
This is necessary to take on responsibility without "just being told what to do."
But it also can lead to rebellion and experimentation and learning from mistakes
as part of the process.

Where America has been is in this teenage phase, whining that you aren't getting what you want or what everyone else is, or that the parents are abusing authority to control you, etc.

So it's not that such rebellion against imposed mores is the point in itself, because clearly that is not sustainable if all you are doing is reacting against something else.

The real process going on is learning to arrive at the same decisions freely by choice, not by force of law or fear of punishment like a child. We do need intellectual and political freedom in order to make choices by reason and not blind faith in authority always being right!

The message of the left is no values and no integrity. Values are independent of any particular ruler or party. The Obamunist left views loyalty to Obama first, and the party second, to be paramount. If people had values or integrity, then violations of those values would conflict with their support and worship of Obama. Clearly that can't be allowed.

As an example, under Bush the left shreaked that holding an enemy combatant in gitmo was treason and Bush should hung for it. But with Obama, the SAME people defend murdering American citizens with drones, sans warrant, indictment, presentment to grand jury, or any hint of due process.

To anyone with integrity, the conflict between these positions would be impossible. But the left has no integrity at all. The only thing that matters is that Bush was hated by the party, so anything he did was to be attacked. Since Obama is god, everything he does is perfect, in the site of the left. It doesn't matter that the identical acts they attacked Bush on, they praise Obama for, because these people have no principles, no values, and no integrity.
For the THIRD time now. Im not talking about politics in general. Im talking about the shift in our population from right leaning (conservative) to left leaning (progressive)

You know, less about individual accountabiliry and more about collectivism.

Is it because fewer and fewer Americans put in a real hard days work now as opposed to generations past? Even in prison tough manual labor was part of my daily routine. So many people now just sit behind a computer screen or register or phone and after 30 or 40 years think someone else owes them something for all their "hard work"

so one of these values is an Equal obligation of all to work?

how about the quality of work:
whether jobs are set up to be sustainable, like sustainable logging as opposed to
clear cutting forests; or organizing labor under fair trade cooperatives managed and owned by the workers directly
instead of top down management which then requires labor unions to negotiate between the executive and the worker levels.

Or integrating public health services into medical education and internships where both the education and health care are covered with the same program.

whether jobs are closed-ended or they are set up in a graduated system
to move someone up through training to own or manage their own business
within that same field
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Personal responsibility and doing things for yourself is not easy.. hence why many do not support conservatism in politics or economics.. they want it easier, and the way to do it is to use power in numbers to have government confiscate what you want.... you want your weird actions justified, go to the progressives who will say everything is ok (as long as you vote to keep them in office and support their huge programs that they will create to prop up your behaviors).. what the voting dummies who vote for such things do not realize, is that while the progressives preach freedom or equality or justice, they are growing government and government power to an extent that it inherently reduced freedom

Oh, bullshit. Most of the so-called "conservatives" I know around here don't work; they draw SS, medicare, disability, subsidies, military retirement, etc., etc. As far as I'm concerned, the "conservative movement" is nearly entirely rooted in a bunch of fat, pre-diabetic unemployed riff-raff.

On the other hand, these "progressives" you moan about are the younger ones that are out there investing in education and holding down jobs in the face of an American suck-ass economy that offers little protection for working people.

In other words, fuck off.

And where exactly do you live? Because thats nothing like the conservatives I know here in Texas. The lazy fucks sucken up the welfare are in the inner city for the most part. And I promise you they aint conservatives.
The Conservative movement is dying because it has been hijacked by low voltage brains.

It used to be a Conservative was the smartest person in the room. Reading Bill Buckley each week was like breathing pure oxygen.

Today, reading an allegedly "conservative" media outlet is like sucking on a tailpipe. Cerebral suicide.

I'm sick of the parroting retards unquestioningly regurgitating the bullshit shoveled into their slack-jawed mouths. The only "values" in the "conservative" movement these days are, "Whatever makes the other guys look or sound bad, regardless of whether it is true."

Chairman Bill is spinning in his grave.

Critical thinking and truth used to be the priority. No longer. Smearing the other guy takes precedence.

Nothing is EVER put on the table. Just look at the topics started here by the right wingers. All attacks. Nothing constructive is ever offered. Just hack attacks.

So when you speak of "values", um...WHAT values? I see nothing but hypocritical lip service and lies. Here are today's "Conservative" values: "We're great, you suck!"

Now if you will excuse me, I need to go read some Breitbart and find out how many rounds of golf Obama has played to date.

You know, you have accused me of regurgitating this type of stuff over and over. Let me make this simple...


Au contraire, mon ami:

I often start honest discussions about subjects that almost immediately get hijacked by people JUST LIKE YOU. All I ever see you do is insult others about being this or that then claim to be above such nonsense. Just like you just did.

Correcting someone's bullshit is hijacking with the truth.

Nothing wrong with that. We need more of it around here, actually.

Those are individual attacks on, well, stupid people. You implied that all liberals think all conservatives are stupid. Your links don't support that.
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Personal responsibility and doing things for yourself is not easy.. hence why many do not support conservatism in politics or economics.. they want it easier, and the way to do it is to use power in numbers to have government confiscate what you want.... you want your weird actions justified, go to the progressives who will say everything is ok (as long as you vote to keep them in office and support their huge programs that they will create to prop up your behaviors).. what the voting dummies who vote for such things do not realize, is that while the progressives preach freedom or equality or justice, they are growing government and government power to an extent that it inherently reduced freedom

Oh, bullshit. Most of the so-called "conservatives" I know around here don't work; they draw SS, medicare, disability, subsidies, military retirement, etc., etc. As far as I'm concerned, the "conservative movement" is nearly entirely rooted in a bunch of fat, pre-diabetic unemployed riff-raff.

On the other hand, these "progressives" you moan about are the younger ones that are out there investing in education and holding down jobs in the face of an American suck-ass economy that offers little protection for working people.

In other words, fuck off.

And where exactly do you live? Because thats nothing like the conservatives I know here in Texas. The lazy fucks sucken up the welfare are in the inner city for the most part. And I promise you they aint conservatives.

The little fucker freemason would not know a job or a career if it bit him in the ass... And I am tired of supporting his entitlements

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