Are conservative values dying? If so, why?


You essentially said that we have become more liberal over time because we have been coddled too much. went on about your work ethic like it is a foreign concept to liberals.

Both bullshit indictments of liberals.

Work ethics go beyond your job. The same principles apply to school for some. For others they would rather hand out trophies for participation rather than a successful effort. Or pass children so it doesn't hurt them socially among peers despite it putting them behind the 8 ball for the rest of their lives. If that isn't coddling I don't know what is.

Your image of liberals is not accurate. Even your best attempt to be fair is riddled with truly are unable to help yourself. You just do not know what you are talking about.

We have been a left leaning nation since FDR set us on the right path. We value individualism but not at the expense of fairness. Rights come with responsibilities TO OUR FELLOW AMERICANS.

The "conservatives" who have been your mouthpiece for the past 30 years have just been wrong on most issues.........being wrong gets you fewer supporters.

Fairness is subjective.. you may think it is fair to take from A to give t B and C... the next person may think it is fair to have completely equal treatment.. the next person may think it is fair to divide all things equally for equal outcome.. you cannot base government on 'FAIR'

What you attribute to the left is far from accurate.. leftism is not about valuing individualism.. it is about forcing acceptance and eliminating what you deem as injustice thru a governmental system of confiscation and distribution.. that is not individualism, it is communal-ism..

There are responsibilities to be had for all citizens, brought about by government.. but those things are limited and few... such as national defense, a system of equal treatment, and a court system to ensure that individuals and government do not go beyond what they are legally supposed to do... government does not exist to be your mommy, your babysitter, your house provider, your meal ticket, or to be the force that points and says 'recognize and accept this persona and/or their choices and behaviors'
Both idiots... Nice choices ya put out there.

Rand Paul is no idiot... Ted Cruz is no idiot... Marco Rubio is no idiot... Michelle Bauchmann is no idiot & my list goes on and on.

Go ahead, laugh now... I predict, we con$ will get the last laugh.

He will just declare Rand, Cruz, and Marco idiots. They already declared michelle to be one.

Rand is a libertarian. Some may think that is the same as being an idiot but in reality, he is just a libertarian

Ted Cruz has made it clear he is an idiot. He will only get worse

Marco Rubio is inexperienced and has a drinking problem but he will get over it and do OK

Michele Bachmann is certifiably batshit crazy

Thank you for proving my point.

This is the extent of progressive intellectualism. "They are stupid" "They are crazy"

Never bother addressing anyone's points.
I'm still waiting to hear someone tell me what "conservative values" are, and how "conservatives" actually live up to those "values." Because it sounds like bullshit to me.

I touched on a few things in my conversation with LoneLaugher. I don't think our children are being taught the vital self reliance skills that they will need to be successful in life. ie trophies for all and social progression despite failing grades. Although those complaints probably impact both sides since so many are detached.
Work ethics go beyond your job. The same principles apply to school for some. For others they would rather hand out trophies for participation rather than a successful effort. Or pass children so it doesn't hurt them socially among peers despite it putting them behind the 8 ball for the rest of their lives. If that isn't coddling I don't know what is.

Your image of liberals is not accurate. Even your best attempt to be fair is riddled with truly are unable to help yourself. You just do not know what you are talking about.

We have been a left leaning nation since FDR set us on the right path. We value individualism but not at the expense of fairness. Rights come with responsibilities TO OUR FELLOW AMERICANS.

The "conservatives" who have been your mouthpiece for the past 30 years have just been wrong on most issues.........being wrong gets you fewer supporters.

Fairness is subjective.. you may think it is fair to take from A to give t B and C... the next person may think it is fair to have completely equal treatment.. the next person may think it is fair to divide all things equally for equal outcome.. you cannot base government on 'FAIR'

What you attribute to the left is far from accurate.. leftism is not about valuing individualism.. it is about forcing acceptance and eliminating what you deem as injustice thru a governmental system of confiscation and distribution.. that is not individualism, it is communal-ism..

There are responsibilities to be had for all citizens, brought about by government.. but those things are limited and few... such as national defense, a system of equal treatment, and a court system to ensure that individuals and government do not go beyond what they are legally supposed to do... government does not exist to be your mommy, your babysitter, your house provider, your meal ticket, or to be the force that points and says 'recognize and accept this persona and/or their choices and behaviors'

Fairness is subjective? Does that mean that it cannot be achieved? Hmmmmm?

You are suffering from the same problem as Gramps. What you think liberals are and what they, in fact, are...............ain't the same thing.
No. Not everyone. Not by a long shot.

It may not exclusively be the left that accuses the opposition of being stupid, but since the press is merely the propaganda wing of your shameful party, the leftist charge gets repeated every 10 seconds or so. Thus you create the impression that

ad nasium

actually are stupid.
He will just declare Rand, Cruz, and Marco idiots. They already declared michelle to be one.

Rand is a libertarian. Some may think that is the same as being an idiot but in reality, he is just a libertarian

Ted Cruz has made it clear he is an idiot. He will only get worse

Marco Rubio is inexperienced and has a drinking problem but he will get over it and do OK

Michele Bachmann is certifiably batshit crazy

Thank you for proving my point.

This is the extent of progressive intellectualism. "They are stupid" "They are crazy"

Never bother addressing anyone's points.

I got news for you.....Palin, Bachmann, Santorum, West.....all crazy
Now you can add Ted Cruz to the list

These are the politicians who destroy the Republican brand. The more you try to cover for them....the more they define your party
Why are Conservative values dying? Because the values communicated by Conservatives are values of exclusion, fear and hate. No Conservative seems to be communicating any values that can be embraced by a majority, at least no majority that exists in 2013 America anyway.

Conservatives thrive in the Republican Party. Yet the last two nominees for president from that party failed to connect with Conservatives. That means that Conservatives themselves are a minority in the minority party. If their so called values were worth following, why can't the entire Republican party at least support them?

The GOP nominee lost votes among what was once referred to as 'minorities'. The failure of Conservative values is that they are tailored to suit one demographic: angry white under educated and under paid folks. Those values do not really serve that demographic, yet those are the folks supporting them. Makes me wonder why?

There are no prominent Conservative pundits promoting any constructive solutions. Continuing the worn old theory of trickle down economics makes it easy, in the face of the results of that policy, to dismiss them.

So what are these Conservative values? Get the government out of your personal life, unless you are Gay, pregnant, Black or Latino. Let corporations run rampant over workers, the environment and the economy. Pollution is just the price of progress, as if that were a gospel truth. Mistrust at best, preferably hate suspicious religions like Islam. What you don't understand can hurt you, so there's just no sense learning anything different. Guns are just too much fun to regulate and the violence they bring is all due to video games.

So tell us, why should we embrace this ossified version of right and wrong?
I'm still waiting to hear someone tell me what "conservative values" are, and how "conservatives" actually live up to those "values." Because it sounds like bullshit to me.

I touched on a few things in my conversation with LoneLaugher. I don't think our children are being taught the vital self reliance skills that they will need to be successful in life. ie trophies for all and social progression despite failing grades. Although those complaints probably impact both sides since so many are detached.

My daughter will rip a gash in someone else's daughter's leg if it means being safe at second base. And.....she is the poster-child liberal. She has been taught vital self reliance skills.....and she is already successful in life. Next.
Your image of liberals is not accurate. Even your best attempt to be fair is riddled with truly are unable to help yourself. You just do not know what you are talking about.

We have been a left leaning nation since FDR set us on the right path. We value individualism but not at the expense of fairness. Rights come with responsibilities TO OUR FELLOW AMERICANS.

The "conservatives" who have been your mouthpiece for the past 30 years have just been wrong on most issues.........being wrong gets you fewer supporters.

Fairness is subjective.. you may think it is fair to take from A to give t B and C... the next person may think it is fair to have completely equal treatment.. the next person may think it is fair to divide all things equally for equal outcome.. you cannot base government on 'FAIR'

What you attribute to the left is far from accurate.. leftism is not about valuing individualism.. it is about forcing acceptance and eliminating what you deem as injustice thru a governmental system of confiscation and distribution.. that is not individualism, it is communal-ism..

There are responsibilities to be had for all citizens, brought about by government.. but those things are limited and few... such as national defense, a system of equal treatment, and a court system to ensure that individuals and government do not go beyond what they are legally supposed to do... government does not exist to be your mommy, your babysitter, your house provider, your meal ticket, or to be the force that points and says 'recognize and accept this persona and/or their choices and behaviors'

Fairness is subjective? Does that mean that it cannot be achieved? Hmmmmm?

You are suffering from the same problem as Gramps. What you think liberals are and what they, in fact, are...............ain't the same thing.

It can be achieved by an individual (though maybe not seen as such by all others, only by the individual)... not a large society... You can strive for equality in treatment.. but not fairness, because the basis of 'fairness' changes from person to person, situation to situation, group to group, entity to entity, etc
He will just declare Rand, Cruz, and Marco idiots. They already declared michelle to be one.

Rand is a libertarian. Some may think that is the same as being an idiot but in reality, he is just a libertarian

Ted Cruz has made it clear he is an idiot. He will only get worse

Marco Rubio is inexperienced and has a drinking problem but he will get over it and do OK

Michele Bachmann is certifiably batshit crazy

Thank you for proving my point.

This is the extent of progressive intellectualism. "They are stupid" "They are crazy"

Never bother addressing anyone's points.

Well, some are crazy and/or stupid such as Bachmann or Cruz. Others I may just disagree with such as Paul or Rubio.
Conservative values used to be defined by William F Buckley
Now they are defined by Rush Limbaugh

nuff said
No. Not everyone. Not by a long shot.

It may not exclusively be the left that accuses the opposition of being stupid, but since the press is merely the propaganda wing of your shameful party, the leftist charge gets repeated every 10 seconds or so. Thus you create the impression that

ad nasium

actually are stupid.

You misread my post. I said that liberals do not think anyone who disagrees with them is stupid.

But...the ones on your list...........excluding Quayle and Bush.......qualify as stupid.
I'm still waiting to hear someone tell me what "conservative values" are, and how "conservatives" actually live up to those "values." Because it sounds like bullshit to me.

I touched on a few things in my conversation with LoneLaugher. I don't think our children are being taught the vital self reliance skills that they will need to be successful in life. ie trophies for all and social progression despite failing grades. Although those complaints probably impact both sides since so many are detached.

"Trophies for all" is hardly a "progressive" or "leftist" issue, Grandpa. It is a "mommy" issue, and I would suggest it is just as common (if not more so) among affluent white Republican suburbs as it is anywhere else. The same is true of failing grades--these are "mommy" issues. I see no political ideology when it comes to helicopter parents. Hell, you would call me a liberal, but I complete reject those ideas. I'm a Bell curve guy when it comes to academic grading systems.

And in populated urban environments, social skills are just as important as "self reliance." Those two things probably go together, in fact. It's no mistake that people that live in sparsely populated (and low competition) areas tend to be conservative, and people that live in densely populated areas (and high competition) tend to be liberal.
I'm still waiting to hear someone tell me what "conservative values" are, and how "conservatives" actually live up to those "values." Because it sounds like bullshit to me.

I touched on a few things in my conversation with LoneLaugher. I don't think our children are being taught the vital self reliance skills that they will need to be successful in life. ie trophies for all and social progression despite failing grades. Although those complaints probably impact both sides since so many are detached.

My daughter will rip a gash in someone else's daughter's leg if it means being safe at second base. And.....she is the poster-child liberal. She has been taught vital self reliance skills.....and she is already successful in life. Next.

She must be a lib if she is willing to harm another player just to be successful huh???

See how that works?

Now what does your anecdotal situation have to do with the generations of children that are socially promoted to their own demise?

You got yours so fuck everyone else? That kinda conflicts with your all for one mantra dontcha think?
Conservative values used to be defined by William F Buckley
Now they are defined by Rush Limbaugh

nuff said

Conservative values have never been defined by an individual.

Values are independent of party rulers.

You have no way of understanding this.
And yet Conservatives themselves cite individuals as ideological heros. From Ayn Rand, through Ronald Reagan and down to Glenn Beck, Conservatives have looked to and embraced the message of get yours and forget the other guy.
I'm still waiting to hear someone tell me what "conservative values" are, and how "conservatives" actually live up to those "values." Because it sounds like bullshit to me.

I touched on a few things in my conversation with LoneLaugher. I don't think our children are being taught the vital self reliance skills that they will need to be successful in life. ie trophies for all and social progression despite failing grades. Although those complaints probably impact both sides since so many are detached.

"Trophies for all" is hardly a "progressive" or "leftist" issue, Grandpa. It is a "mommy" issue, and I would suggest it is just as common (if not more so) among affluent white Republican suburbs as it is anywhere else. The same is true of failing grades--these are "mommy" issues. I see no political ideology when it comes to helicopter parents. Hell, you would call me a liberal, but I complete reject those ideas. I'm a Bell curve guy when it comes to academic grading systems.

And in populated urban environments, social skills are just as important as "self reliance." Those two things probably go together, in fact. It's no mistake that people that live in sparsely populated (and low competition) areas tend to be conservative, and people that live in densely populated areas (and high competition) tend to be liberal.

Thats why I said it's not exclusive. They tried to do it with my oldest daughter. My ex wife was all for it. I fought it tooth and nail. And she is a DIE HARD christian righty. Needless to say this just added to our problems, hence I filed to get her the hell out of my life.
I believe it is. Our country seems to be veering to the left. Why?

I find it very hard to believe it's based on free shit. Not enough Americans are on the public dole to make up for the shift. The left has been successful with their message communication. Be it good or bad we are behind the curve.

I remember getting out of prison with 100 dollars (parole money) and thinking I couldn't wait to get a job and start my life. From being TOTALLY suppoeted by the tax payer to being TOTALLY independent and successful.No other feeling matches being self reliant and knowing I have options I can persue because of conservative values.

Almost makes me think that people have been coddled for so long they have no concept of their own potential.

Are conservative values dying? No. But the GOP no longer represent conservative values. They represent the interests of the uber wealthy and ideological extremists, many of whom are members of one lunatic fringe group or another.

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