Are conservative values dying? If so, why?

The Conservative movement is dying because it has been hijacked by low voltage brains.

It used to be a Conservative was the smartest person in the room. Reading Bill Buckley each week was like breathing pure oxygen.

Today, reading an allegedly "conservative" media outlet is like sucking on a tailpipe. Cerebral suicide.

I'm sick of the parroting retards unquestioningly regurgitating the bullshit shoveled into their slack-jawed mouths. The only "values" in the "conservative" movement these days are, "Whatever makes the other guys look or sound bad, regardless of whether it is true."

Chairman Bill is spinning in his grave.

Critical thinking and truth used to be the priority. No longer. Smearing the other guy takes precedence.

Nothing is EVER put on the table. Just look at the topics started here by the right wingers. All attacks. Nothing constructive is ever offered. Just hack attacks.

So when you speak of "values", um...WHAT values? I see nothing but hypocritical lip service and lies. Here are today's "Conservative" values: "We're great, you suck!"

Now if you will excuse me, I need to go read some Breitbart and find out how many rounds of golf Obama has played to date.

You know, you have accused me of regurgitating this type of stuff over and over. Let me make this simple...


I often start honest discussions about subjects that almost immediately get hijacked by people JUST LIKE YOU. All I ever see you do is insult others about being this or that then claim to be above such nonsense. Just like you just did.

Why you so defensive?

There is no shame in listening to conservatives on TV & radio...

It's what you do with that info. that's important.

You really should listen to this guy in morning or in evenings....he's entertaining and damn intelligent.
Michael Berry - Michael Berry
Uncensored2008 said:

The #1 difference between left and right isn't the support of socialism over capitalism, or the support of authoritarianism over liberty, it is the rejection of ethics by the left.
This is exactly the shit I'm referring to. What, exactly, do you mean by "ethics?" What in the fuck makes you think that Donald Trump has ethics, and Chuck Hagel does not? This is why you have no friends.
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The message of the left is no values and no integrity.


[ame=]World Reacts to Obama Victory - YouTube[/ame]
[ame=]Fox News In State of Shock When Obama Wins the Election - YouTube[/ame]


[ame=]Rush Limbaugh's Epic Post Election Meltdown - YouTube[/ame]

For the THIRD time now. Im not talking about politics in general. Im talking about the shift in our population from right leaning (conservative) to left leaning (progressive)

You know, less about individual accountabiliry and more about collectivism.

Is it because fewer and fewer Americans put in a real hard days work now as opposed to generations past? Even in prison tough manual labor was part of my daily routine. So many people now just sit behind a computer screen or register or phone and after 30 or 40 years think someone else owes them something for all their "hard work"

Okay, so you're not actually talking about these so-called "conservative values" anymore. Your complaint is that, in your opinion, people in general don't work hard enough.

I call bullshit.

People work PLENTY hard these days. American workers have fewer vacation days than in the past, get less sleep, have far worse wages and benefits, almost NO job security, and pay more for fucking everything. American workers are severely stressed by this American economic system. Yes, there is less respect for it now; Americans don't trust the system anymore, and recognize that most of our "leadership" are narcissistic sociopaths.

We have a new generation of hapless American working citizens that have to go into debt THOUSANDS of dollars just to educate themselves to the point of being employable.

Americans are increasingly saying FUCK IT, and I don't blame them.

Your so-called "conservative values" have been devastating to American workers. If there were decent wages for a day's work, maybe we wouldn't have this so-called "entitlement society." You created this; don't whine about it to me.


Work was an EXAMPLE of the changes that may or may not contribute to the swing. I dont begrudge your job dude. It was just a theory. Fuck, its not like my job swinging a hammer is special. Get it?

I give up with you.


Best thing to do... Ya can't change partisan's minds.
Think about it... Could anyone convince you that conservatism is a dumb thing?

Doubt it.
The Conservative movement is dying because it has been hijacked by low voltage brains.

It used to be a Conservative was the smartest person in the room. Reading Bill Buckley each week was like breathing pure oxygen.

Today, reading an allegedly "conservative" media outlet is like sucking on a tailpipe. Cerebral suicide.

I'm sick of the parroting retards unquestioningly regurgitating the bullshit shoveled into their slack-jawed mouths. The only "values" in the "conservative" movement these days are, "Whatever makes the other guys look or sound bad, regardless of whether it is true."

Chairman Bill is spinning in his grave.

Critical thinking and truth used to be the priority. No longer. Smearing the other guy takes precedence.

Nothing is EVER put on the table. Just look at the topics started here by the right wingers. All attacks. Nothing constructive is ever offered. Just hack attacks.

So when you speak of "values", um...WHAT values? I see nothing but hypocritical lip service and lies. Here are today's "Conservative" values: "We're great, you suck!"

Now if you will excuse me, I need to go read some Breitbart and find out how many rounds of golf Obama has played to date.

You know, you have accused me of regurgitating this type of stuff over and over. Let me make this simple...


I often start honest discussions about subjects that almost immediately get hijacked by people JUST LIKE YOU. All I ever see you do is insult others about being this or that then claim to be above such nonsense. Just like you just did.

Why you so defensive?

There is no shame in listening to conservatives on TV & radio...

It's what you do with that info. that's important.

You really should listen to this guy in morning or in evenings....he's entertaining and damn intelligent.
Michael Berry - Michael Berry

It's personal between myself and GT. I get sick of his high minded attitude he ALWAYS throws at me.

And I didn't say that stuff was necessarily bad. I just don't bother with it or let it consume my time.

Just like the left is all over guns right now and his comments to me are stop drinking the NRA piss. Other than that idiot Pierres news conference after sandy (which was pathetic) I have never read nor watched anything related to the NRA. I simply dont care what they have to say.
Uncensored2008 said:

The #1 difference between left and right isn't the support of socialism over capitalism, or the support of authoritarianism over liberty, it is the rejection of ethics by the left.
This is exactly the shit I'm referring to. What, exactly, do you mean by "ethics?" What in the fuck makes you think that Donald Trump has ethics, and Chuck Hagel does not? This is why you have no friends.

Both idiots... Nice choices ya put out there.

Rand Paul is no idiot... Ted Cruz is no idiot... Marco Rubio is no idiot... Michelle Bauchmann is no idiot & my list goes on and on.

Go ahead, laugh now... I predict, we con$ will get the last laugh.
You know, you have accused me of regurgitating this type of stuff over and over. Let me make this simple...


I often start honest discussions about subjects that almost immediately get hijacked by people JUST LIKE YOU. All I ever see you do is insult others about being this or that then claim to be above such nonsense. Just like you just did.

Why you so defensive?

There is no shame in listening to conservatives on TV & radio...

It's what you do with that info. that's important.

You really should listen to this guy in morning or in evenings....he's entertaining and damn intelligent.
Michael Berry - Michael Berry

It's personal between myself and GT. I get sick of his high minded attitude he ALWAYS throws at me.

And I didn't say that stuff was necessarily bad. I just don't bother with it or let it consume my time.

Just like the left is all over guns right now and his comments to me are stop drinking the NRA piss. Other than that idiot Pierres news conference after sandy (which was pathetic) I have never read nor watched anything related to the NRA. I simply dont care what they have to say.

When it gets personal, walk away... Because ya can't get thru to hack trolls.
Why you so defensive?

There is no shame in listening to conservatives on TV & radio...

It's what you do with that info. that's important.

You really should listen to this guy in morning or in evenings....he's entertaining and damn intelligent.
Michael Berry - Michael Berry

It's personal between myself and GT. I get sick of his high minded attitude he ALWAYS throws at me.

And I didn't say that stuff was necessarily bad. I just don't bother with it or let it consume my time.

Just like the left is all over guns right now and his comments to me are stop drinking the NRA piss. Other than that idiot Pierres news conference after sandy (which was pathetic) I have never read nor watched anything related to the NRA. I simply dont care what they have to say.

When it gets personal, walk away... Because ya can't get thru to hack trolls.

I don't believe he is a hack but he certainly trolls the fuck out of me.
I believe it is. Our country seems to be veering to the left. Why?

I find it very hard to believe it's based on free shit. Not enough Americans are on the public dole to make up for the shift. The left has been successful with their message communication. Be it good or bad we are behind the curve.

I remember getting out of prison with 100 dollars (parole money) and thinking I couldn't wait to get a job and start my life. From being TOTALLY suppoeted by the tax payer to being TOTALLY independent and successful.No other feeling matches being self reliant and knowing I have options I can persue because of conservative values.

Almost makes me think that people have been coddled for so long they have no concept of their own potential.

Because it's easier to be valuless. It's easier to not think. Heck, even conservatives have problems in both of those areas.

On the other hand, it's easier to be afraid. It's easy to outsource our responsibilities to someone else. It's easier to think that someone else will take care of our problems and than just get angry and violent if someone else doesnt do everything for us.

It's easy to parrot nonsense and lie about others rather than look at ourselves and make corrections.

Conservatism/Libertarianism, as I understand it, requires individuals to work. It requires us to love liberty more than security, because we realize if we don't we lose both. it requires us to look at history and the world around us and learn the lessons of the past. That requires thought. It requires solutions to our problems instead of pretending to deal with symptoms of our problems. It requires making hard decisions that may need sacrifice.

It requires staying true despite temptations such as greed, power, promiscuity, etc.

Most people can't handle it. Conservatism may change if that's so, we need to stay true to the values under whatever name they are given.
It's personal between myself and GT. I get sick of his high minded attitude he ALWAYS throws at me.

And I didn't say that stuff was necessarily bad. I just don't bother with it or let it consume my time.

Just like the left is all over guns right now and his comments to me are stop drinking the NRA piss. Other than that idiot Pierres news conference after sandy (which was pathetic) I have never read nor watched anything related to the NRA. I simply dont care what they have to say.

When it gets personal, walk away... Because ya can't get thru to hack trolls.

I don't believe he is a hack but he certainly trolls the fuck out of me.

Simply put him on "ignore" if he annoys you too much, Grandpa. That's what I did with the "EdwardBeaimonte" troll, and I'm much better off for it.
Conservatism exists as a barrier to progress, and in the long run progress almost always wins.

Fifty years ago, conservatives were fighting for the right of states to maintain segregation.

One hundred years ago, conservatives were fighting to keep women from getting the vote.

"Progress" should be impeded with it leads to society destruction and death.

I like us being a Republic. I will continually oppose any progress to totalitarianism. i dont need the government micromanaging my life. or making me an outlaw for exercising my freedom a way the government bureaucrats dont like.

BTW So called conservatives: Freed the slaves, fought segregation, and fought for womens rights for centuries before progressives decided to destroy the nation and pretend to fix problems.
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I believe it is. Our country seems to be veering to the left. Why?

I find it very hard to believe it's based on free shit. Not enough Americans are on the public dole to make up for the shift. The left has been successful with their message communication. Be it good or bad we are behind the curve.

I remember getting out of prison with 100 dollars (parole money) and thinking I couldn't wait to get a job and start my life. From being TOTALLY suppoeted by the tax payer to being TOTALLY independent and successful.No other feeling matches being self reliant and knowing I have options I can persue because of conservative values.

Almost makes me think that people have been coddled for so long they have no concept of their own potential.

You know why you guys are becoming irrelevant? Because all you worry about is cutting taxes for rich people. You seem to have no interest in correcting the steadily stagnating wage structure of American workers. This has been happening since Ronald Reagan's "supply side economics," and it is becoming apparent that it was really just a way to fuck over Americans and get rid of labor unions.

This is the "message" part I was talking about.

I don't think or feel that way. The tax cuts were across the board cuts yet they are SUCCESSFULLY labeled cuts for the rich.

And I'd like this discussion to be broad rather than degrade to an argument over one talking point.

This is precisely why I said that being a progressive is easier. He completely mischaracterizes the tax cuts. Creates a strawman. Completely ignores what conservatives actually stands for and pretends he is somehow educated on the matter. this is what we are fighting against. Willfull ignorance of robbers and their conspirators.
The main issue is liberal and conservative are transient definitions.

To me the debate is between authoritarianism and the rights of the iindividual.
How on earth would we know if conservatism works or not or whether Anericans even know what it is... We haven't practiced it in decades & the MSM would never tell the truth about it if were practiced.

Uneducated idiots listen to John Stewart & Bill Marher for their news and Wikipedia for their facts....

Idiots will be idiots.

We are being led by demagogues.

And we deserve the leadership we've gotten.

When was the last time true conservative principles were practice. I'd argue the 1920s, before Hoover got it and acted as the progressive he was, trying to fix everything with government.

I don't think it's a coincidence that conservative principles lead to one of the greatest economic booms of all time with unemployment near 2% and that when Progressives like Hoover and FDR get it, we get the longest depression of all time.

It's also not a coincidence that obama is using the same policies and tactics and we've had a superlong recessionary period with slow growth.

Crazy idea, how about we taxes and cut spending and let the American people work for themselves instead of the government? Radical concept i know.
I believe it is. Our country seems to be veering to the left. Why?

I find it very hard to believe it's based on free shit. Not enough Americans are on the public dole to make up for the shift. The left has been successful with their message communication. Be it good or bad we are behind the curve.

I remember getting out of prison with 100 dollars (parole money) and thinking I couldn't wait to get a job and start my life. From being TOTALLY suppoeted by the tax payer to being TOTALLY independent and successful.No other feeling matches being self reliant and knowing I have options I can persue because of conservative values.

Almost makes me think that people have been coddled for so long they have no concept of their own potential.

Because it's easier to be valuless. It's easier to not think. Heck, even conservatives have problems in both of those areas.

On the other hand, it's easier to be afraid. It's easy to outsource our responsibilities to someone else. It's easier to think that someone else will take care of our problems and than just get angry and violent if someone else doesnt do everything for us.

It's easy to parrot nonsense and lie about others rather than look at ourselves and make corrections.

Conservatism/Libertarianism, as I understand it, requires individuals to work. It requires us to love liberty more than security, because we realize if we don't we lose both. it requires us to look at history and the world around us and learn the lessons of the past. That requires thought. It requires solutions to our problems instead of pretending to deal with symptoms of our problems. It requires making hard decisions that may need sacrifice.

It requires staying true despite temptations such as greed, power, promiscuity, etc.

Most people can't handle it. Conservatism may change if that's so, we need to stay true to the values under whatever name they are given.

It comes down to a set of values. For the most part, those on the right are on the right because it closer matches the values they already hold.

The values are not a result of the leaders of a party or the platform, but are held independently.
The Conservative movement is dying because it has been hijacked by low voltage brains.

It used to be a Conservative was the smartest person in the room. Reading Bill Buckley each week was like breathing pure oxygen.

Today, reading an allegedly "conservative" media outlet is like sucking on a tailpipe. Cerebral suicide.

I'm sick of the parroting retards unquestioningly regurgitating the bullshit shoveled into their slack-jawed mouths. The only "values" in the "conservative" movement these days are, "Whatever makes the other guys look or sound bad, regardless of whether it is true."

Chairman Bill is spinning in his grave.

Critical thinking and truth used to be the priority. No longer. Smearing the other guy takes precedence.

Nothing is EVER put on the table. Just look at the topics started here by the right wingers. All attacks. Nothing constructive is ever offered. Just hack attacks.

So when you speak of "values", um...WHAT values? I see nothing but hypocritical lip service and lies. Here are today's "Conservative" values: "We're great, you suck!"

Now if you will excuse me, I need to go read some Breitbart and find out how many rounds of golf Obama has played to date.

Sadly, you aren't completely wrong there.

Perhaps it's time to rename the individual liberty movement. Progressives rename themselves all the time. Of course, renaming wont fix the problem. We have to fix the source. We need to start focus on getting conservatives thinking again. There are too many who are plain arrogant and lazy intellectually lately. Our culture is corrupted and conservatives aren't immune to the corruption. Unfortunately, too many of us are too inside the culture to realize the problems with it.
Conservatism exists as a barrier to progress, and in the long run progress almost always wins.

Fifty years ago, conservatives were fighting for the right of states to maintain segregation.

One hundred years ago, conservatives were fighting to keep women from getting the vote.

Hardly... idiots such as yourself thinks that conservatism means everything just stagnates, nothing ever changes, etc.. it is like you think conservatives want things frozen in time.. you could not be more wrong

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