Are conservatives REALLY this disconnected from reality?

Man, your drugs must be good.

Congratulations on having no comeback.


You had no comeback either, at least I did not resort to gibberish.

Yeah...I know what you mean about one GOPer not defining the rest....finding a republiCON who actually VOTED for Bush in 04 was AWFULLY hard to do in 2007 and 2008, wasn't it?

Why, I couldn't find ONE republiCON who admitted voting for that guy. So NONE of them must have. It's the ONLY LOGICAL CONCLUSION.

And Caligirl is a low grade moron.
A Republican State Representative in New Hampshire has found a way to create a new front in the war on workers, proposing a bill that would repeal the state’s law requiring that workers get a 30-minute lunch break after five hours of labor.

State Rep. J.R. Hoell (R), a supporter of libertarian-leaning Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) for president, told a New Hampshire General Court committee this week that he believes the law is unnecessary because it is in employers’ interest to treat workers well, according to The Concord Monitor.

His argument was seconded by state Rep. Kyle Jones (R), a 20-year-old Ron Paul backer who earned a seat in the New Hampshire General Court during the last election as part of a mother-son candidate slate. Jones said that his days working as a shift supervisor at Burger King taught him that employers will always treat employees well because human resources departments require it.
New Hampshire Republican proposes end to lunch break law | The Raw Story

Jeez...what these two need is a real dose of workplace reality.

I guess they can go ahead and repeal all those affirmative action laws too as HR departments frown on racism too!

Want proof that employers treat workers well?
Are they covering more of our retirement costs or less?
Are they covering MORE of our healthcare costs or less?
Have wages increased alongside the rise in productivity in the last 20 years or not?

Yeah, perhaps in the gumdrop house on Lollipop Lane you live in, but here in the real world, employers treat employees like shit because they can.

Look at what minimum wage jobs say to the workers...."If I could pay you less I would, but it would be AGAINST THE LAW" Does that sound like a benevolent master?

I think all politicians should be forced to survive on a middle class income for one year to qualify for public office.

This looks like the same convoluted logic Republicans used to support the deregulation of the financial industry when they said (and Alan Greenspan agreed) that the men who ran the investment banks would continue to follow fiduciary behavior because it was in their interest to do so.

If this state law is repealed, employers will be under NO legal obligation to provide a lunch break after 5 hours of work. Don't like it? Quitting will be your only option. Constant turnover is a good way to keep labor costs down, though.
Are conservatives REALLY this disconnected from reality?

When were they ever CONNECTED to reality? Ya gotta be indoctrinated from a wee baby to be this out of touch with reality.
A Republican State Representative in New Hampshire has found a way to create a new front in the war on workers, proposing a bill that would repeal the state’s law requiring that workers get a 30-minute lunch break after five hours of labor.

State Rep. J.R. Hoell (R), a supporter of libertarian-leaning Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) for president, told a New Hampshire General Court committee this week that he believes the law is unnecessary because it is in employers’ interest to treat workers well, according to The Concord Monitor.

His argument was seconded by state Rep. Kyle Jones (R), a 20-year-old Ron Paul backer who earned a seat in the New Hampshire General Court during the last election as part of a mother-son candidate slate. Jones said that his days working as a shift supervisor at Burger King taught him that employers will always treat employees well because human resources departments require it.
New Hampshire Republican proposes end to lunch break law | The Raw Story

Jeez...what these two need is a real dose of workplace reality.

I guess they can go ahead and repeal all those affirmative action laws too as HR departments frown on racism too!

Want proof that employers treat workers well?
Are they covering more of our retirement costs or less?
Are they covering MORE of our healthcare costs or less?
Have wages increased alongside the rise in productivity in the last 20 years or not?

Yeah, perhaps in the gumdrop house on Lollipop Lane you live in, but here in the real world, employers treat employees like shit because they can.

Look at what minimum wage jobs say to the workers...."If I could pay you less I would, but it would be AGAINST THE LAW" Does that sound like a benevolent master?

I think all politicians should be forced to survive on a middle class income for one year to qualify for public office.

This looks like the same convoluted logic Republicans used to support the deregulation of the financial industry when they said (and Alan Greenspan agreed) that the men who ran the investment banks would continue to follow fiduciary behavior because it was in their interest to do so.

If this state law is repealed, employers will be under NO legal obligation to provide a lunch break after 5 hours of work. Don't like it? Quitting will be your only option. Constant turnover is a good way to keep labor costs down, though.

I wonder what CONZ think will happen when NO ONE has a good job anymore, having sacrificed their benefits and wages in a race to the bottom.
WHO will buy the consumer goods that power the majority of our economy then?
The rich can only buy so many yachts to water ski behind.
A Republican State Representative in New Hampshire has found a way to create a new front in the war on workers, proposing a bill that would repeal the state’s law requiring that workers get a 30-minute lunch break after five hours of labor.

State Rep. J.R. Hoell (R), a supporter of libertarian-leaning Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) for president, told a New Hampshire General Court committee this week that he believes the law is unnecessary because it is in employers’ interest to treat workers well, according to The Concord Monitor.

His argument was seconded by state Rep. Kyle Jones (R), a 20-year-old Ron Paul backer who earned a seat in the New Hampshire General Court during the last election as part of a mother-son candidate slate. Jones said that his days working as a shift supervisor at Burger King taught him that employers will always treat employees well because human resources departments require it.
New Hampshire Republican proposes end to lunch break law | The Raw Story

Jeez...what these two need is a real dose of workplace reality.

I guess they can go ahead and repeal all those affirmative action laws too as HR departments frown on racism too!

Want proof that employers treat workers well?
Are they covering more of our retirement costs or less?
Are they covering MORE of our healthcare costs or less?
Have wages increased alongside the rise in productivity in the last 20 years or not?

Yeah, perhaps in the gumdrop house on Lollipop Lane you live in, but here in the real world, employers treat employees like shit because they can.

Look at what minimum wage jobs say to the workers...."If I could pay you less I would, but it would be AGAINST THE LAW" Does that sound like a benevolent master?

I think all politicians should be forced to survive on a middle class income for one year to qualify for public office.

This looks like the same convoluted logic Republicans used to support the deregulation of the financial industry when they said (and Alan Greenspan agreed) that the men who ran the investment banks would continue to follow fiduciary behavior because it was in their interest to do so.

If this state law is repealed, employers will be under NO legal obligation to provide a lunch break after 5 hours of work. Don't like it? Quitting will be your only option. Constant turnover is a good way to keep labor costs down, though.

I wonder what CONZ think will happen when NO ONE has a good job anymore, having sacrificed their benefits and wages in a race to the bottom.
WHO will buy the consumer goods that power the majority of our economy then?
The rich can only buy so many yachts to water ski behind.

The economically rising middle classes of the developing world are their target markets.
Affirmative action laws should be repealed

Well reparations would be a heck of a lot more expensive..but..if that's what you guys want..

Reparations would never happen.

I'm willing to bet more than three quarters of blacks can't trace their history past two generations.

Interesting comment. Have you watched "Who do you think you are"? Check it out (link below). You might be surprised to learn that many Americans of African descent can trace their lineage to a century before our Revolutionary War. How far back is your earliest native born relation?

Who Do You Think You Are - All Episode Guides - Newest - Episode Guide -
I remember when i was younger and i worked a 5-6 hour shift I hated it when my boss said I had to take a half hour break. Would much rather have gotten my shift over a half hour early.

But instead, gov't got to decide my shift for me. Hooray freedom!

I'm sure truck drivers would love to drive 24 hours without a break but when they run of your children then you want to blame and sue the government for not doing anything.

Why is the end argument of democrats is always "government knows what's better for the individual than the individual does"?

What makes you "sure" truck drivers would love to drive 24 hours straight? I've known some, all I've heard from them is the exact opposite of what you state.

because the family of five kids that lived next to us who's mom and dad was killed by a truck driver who went to sleep at the wheel and went over the overpass and landed on top of them,. It was determined that he had been driving for more than 24 hours.

All I'm saying is we have to be smart about regulations.
I'm sure truck drivers would love to drive 24 hours without a break but when they run of your children then you want to blame and sue the government for not doing anything.

Why is the end argument of democrats is always "government knows what's better for the individual than the individual does"?

What makes you "sure" truck drivers would love to drive 24 hours straight? I've known some, all I've heard from them is the exact opposite of what you state.

because the family of five kids that lived next to us who's mom and dad was killed by a truck driver who went to sleep at the wheel and went over the overpass and landed on top of them,. It was determined that he had been driving for more than 24 hours.

All I'm saying is we have to be smart about regulations.

I know a person who likes smoking meth, doesn't mean everyone does. It's just one example. I'm sure if there was a way to poll truck drivers, only a tiny minority would want to drive that many hours.

All I'm saying is when given a choice between giving a worker freedom or giving a government mandate, freedom is the way to go.
Why is the end argument of democrats is always "government knows what's better for the individual than the individual does"?

What makes you "sure" truck drivers would love to drive 24 hours straight? I've known some, all I've heard from them is the exact opposite of what you state.

because the family of five kids that lived next to us who's mom and dad was killed by a truck driver who went to sleep at the wheel and went over the overpass and landed on top of them,. It was determined that he had been driving for more than 24 hours.

All I'm saying is we have to be smart about regulations.

I know a person who likes smoking meth, doesn't mean everyone does. It's just one example. I'm sure if there was a way to poll truck drivers, only a tiny minority would want to drive that many hours.

All I'm saying is when given a choice between giving a worker freedom or giving a government mandate, freedom is the way to go.

We need government mandates to prevent businesses from overstepping their boundaries.
Without strong ones, business will WALK ALL OVER ANYONE in the way of higher profits.

People seem to think that rational self interests governs people. Hell no, GREED governs most people. And that means shitting on someone else to get ahead.
because the family of five kids that lived next to us who's mom and dad was killed by a truck driver who went to sleep at the wheel and went over the overpass and landed on top of them,. It was determined that he had been driving for more than 24 hours.

All I'm saying is we have to be smart about regulations.

I know a person who likes smoking meth, doesn't mean everyone does. It's just one example. I'm sure if there was a way to poll truck drivers, only a tiny minority would want to drive that many hours.

All I'm saying is when given a choice between giving a worker freedom or giving a government mandate, freedom is the way to go.

We need government mandates to prevent businesses from overstepping their boundaries.
Without strong ones, business will WALK ALL OVER ANYONE in the way of higher profits.

People seem to think that rational self interests governs people. Hell no, GREED governs most people. And that means shitting on someone else to get ahead.

We'll just have to agree to disagree.

If a worker wants the choice between taking a 15, 30, or 60 minute lunch i think they should have the option, you don't. There's not really an agreeable middle ground it seems.
Well reparations would be a heck of a lot more expensive..but..if that's what you guys want..

Reparations would never happen.

I'm willing to bet more than three quarters of blacks can't trace their history past two generations.

Interesting comment. Have you watched "Who do you think you are"? Check it out (link below). You might be surprised to learn that many Americans of African descent can trace their lineage to a century before our Revolutionary War. How far back is your earliest native born relation?

Who Do You Think You Are - All Episode Guides - Newest - Episode Guide -

My ancestors on my mothers side arrived in America in 1620. My fathers side arrived in 1750. And my fathers family arrived in Texas in 1821, my mother's family in 1823.
I've never in my life been denied a lunch break, nor have I ever known anyone who has been denied a lunch break. Now, to this day there are times when I get immersed in what I am doing and cannot go to lunch till later in the day.. it's just the way things go some times.

Sounds like more left wing crybaby bullshit over a non-issue.

Well, if it's never happened to you, then it OBVIOUSLY never happens to anyone!

I'm sure your anecdotal, unsupported opinion means something to you, but it's time for the adults to discuss things, so run along.

Discuss? You're just being a crybaby over a fucking lunch break.. what are you... 7?
because the family of five kids that lived next to us who's mom and dad was killed by a truck driver who went to sleep at the wheel and went over the overpass and landed on top of them,. It was determined that he had been driving for more than 24 hours.

All I'm saying is we have to be smart about regulations.

I know a person who likes smoking meth, doesn't mean everyone does. It's just one example. I'm sure if there was a way to poll truck drivers, only a tiny minority would want to drive that many hours.

All I'm saying is when given a choice between giving a worker freedom or giving a government mandate, freedom is the way to go.

We need government mandates to prevent businesses from overstepping their boundaries.
Without strong ones, business will WALK ALL OVER ANYONE in the way of higher profits.

People seem to think that rational self interests governs people. Hell no, GREED governs most people. And that means shitting on someone else to get ahead.

My Gawd.. grow the fuck up.
Congratulations on having no comeback.


You had no comeback either, at least I did not resort to gibberish.

Yeah...I know what you mean about one GOPer not defining the rest....finding a republiCON who actually VOTED for Bush in 04 was AWFULLY hard to do in 2007 and 2008, wasn't it?

Why, I couldn't find ONE republiCON who admitted voting for that guy. So NONE of them must have. It's the ONLY LOGICAL CONCLUSION.

And Caligirl is a low grade moron.


She is a rich high maintantance moron with an I Q of a bizzilion you creten!

I must be disconnected from reality, so many lefties telling me the economy is great....
Well, a stupid OP question often results in stupid responses. See how that works? No? Then you are a democrat.

Your definition of stupid or mine? I do see how that works, you are a Republican, or at least as stupid as one.

One Libertarian leaning GOP State Rep does not represent the GOP. I appreciate that is difficult for democrats to understand - as you are a borg-like species who 'group think'.

Cali don't you know all non-far left liberals are stupid conservatives? Geeze where have you been :lol:

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