Are conservatives REALLY this disconnected from reality?

The way the law is written now, part time workers are harmed. Where is your sympathy?
Are conservatives REALLY this disconnected from reality?

Why do you need a 30 minute break plus a 15 minute break after only 5 hours of work?

When I was a workaday slob I rarely if ever took a 30 minute lunch break. I got 2 15 minute breaks and that was plenty of time to eat a bologna sandwich and have a cup of coffee or a coke

I used to punch out 30 minutes before the rest of the guys who waned to sit on their asses for an extra half hour every day.

Seriously, why would anyone want to hang around work for an extra half hour a day if they didn't have to?
I remember when i was younger and i worked a 5-6 hour shift I hated it when my boss said I had to take a half hour break. Would much rather have gotten my shift over a half hour early.

But instead, gov't got to decide my shift for me. Hooray freedom!

Good one, and Walmart had to be brought to court and sued for denying workers a lunch time.
All the employeer has too do is re-word a contract and bingo, you loose all of the rights you have fought for. Maybe it is people like you that have never had to really fight for something.

My apologies, I remember in other threads democrats pretended to prefer a worker's right to choose rather than forcefully have gov't dictate it.

I should've known it was a lie then.
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Why do you need a 30 minute break plus a 15 minute break after only 5 hours of work?

When I was a workaday slob I rarely if ever took a 30 minute lunch break. I got 2 15 minute breaks and that was plenty of time to eat a bologna sandwich and have a cup of coffee or a coke

I used to punch out 30 minutes before the rest of the guys who waned to sit on their asses for an extra half hour every day.

Seriously, why would anyone want to hang around work for an extra half hour a day if they didn't have to?

That's what I'm wondering, I'm at work now, we get an hour lunch and i always take a half hour and leave a half hour early.

Even then, if anything i'll take less than a half hour. I'm sure these gov't lovers would prefer I be forced to take an hour break against my will.
I've never in my life been denied a lunch break, nor have I ever known anyone who has been denied a lunch break. Now, to this day there are times when I get immersed in what I am doing and cannot go to lunch till later in the day.. it's just the way things go some times.

Sounds like more left wing crybaby bullshit over a non-issue.
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I worked in a union shop once and they were assholes.

I was forced to punch out for a half hour lunch even if I would have rather worked through so I could leave a half hour early.

It was the most depressing place to work. A buzzer would sound 3 times a day for 2 15 minute breaks and 1 30 minute break and everyone would shuffle off to the break room to sit there and wait for the next buzzer to sound to tell them to go back to work.
I've never in my life been denied a lunch break, nor have I ever known anyone who has been denied a lunch break. Now, to this day there are times when I get immersed in what I am doing and cannot go to lunch till later in the day.. it's just the way things go some times.

Sounds like more left wing crybaby bullshit over a non-issue.

Well, if it's never happened to you, then it OBVIOUSLY never happens to anyone!

I'm sure your anecdotal, unsupported opinion means something to you, but it's time for the adults to discuss things, so run along.
I've never in my life been denied a lunch break, nor have I ever known anyone who has been denied a lunch break. Now, to this day there are times when I get immersed in what I am doing and cannot go to lunch till later in the day.. it's just the way things go some times.

Sounds like more left wing crybaby bullshit over a non-issue.

Well, if it's never happened to you, then it OBVIOUSLY never happens to anyone!

I'm sure your anecdotal, unsupported opinion means something to you, but it's time for the adults to discuss things, so run along.

What's your problem with ppl giving their real life scenarios about the issue YOU presented with this thread?

I've never heard of anyone being denied a lunch break. The other poster has never been denied one, i've never been denied one, has anyone on this board?

The only thing i've had happen to me, and Skull as well, is we've had our right to choose our breaks stripped of us thanks to gov't. A policy you support, against the will of workers.
And as if to make my's some talking heads on FOX....talking about the NIGHTMARE of paying maids a poverty wage.

Fox Guests Discuss 'Nightmare' Of Paying Hotel Maids More - YouTube!

What they don't tell you is this...

A New Yorker would have to make $123,322 a year to have the same standard of living as someone making $50,000 in Houston.
In Manhattan, a $60,000 salary is equivalent to someone making $26,092 in Atlanta.
"Income levels that would enable a very comfortable lifestyle in other locales barely suffice to provide the basics in New York City," the report concludes.
N.Y.C. so costly you need to earn six figures to make middle class - New York Daily News

So yes, it appears that conservatives ARE this disconnected from reality.
And as if to make my's some talking heads on FOX....talking about the NIGHTMARE of paying maids a poverty wage.

Fox Guests Discuss 'Nightmare' Of Paying Hotel Maids More - YouTube!

What they don't tell you is this...

A New Yorker would have to make $123,322 a year to have the same standard of living as someone making $50,000 in Houston.
In Manhattan, a $60,000 salary is equivalent to someone making $26,092 in Atlanta.
"Income levels that would enable a very comfortable lifestyle in other locales barely suffice to provide the basics in New York City," the report concludes.
N.Y.C. so costly you need to earn six figures to make middle class - New York Daily News

So yes, it appears that conservatives ARE this disconnected from reality.

Great post, I think minimum wage in New York should be $60,000.

Because certainly in america if a place is too expensive to live, it's impossible to move what with the shaky wagon wheels on buggies, strong wind gusts and plate tectonics.
I've never in my life been denied a lunch break, nor have I ever known anyone who has been denied a lunch break. Now, to this day there are times when I get immersed in what I am doing and cannot go to lunch till later in the day.. it's just the way things go some times.

Sounds like more left wing crybaby bullshit over a non-issue.

Well, if it's never happened to you, then it OBVIOUSLY never happens to anyone!

I'm sure your anecdotal, unsupported opinion means something to you, but it's time for the adults to discuss things, so run along.

What's your problem with ppl giving their real life scenarios about the issue YOU presented with this thread?

I've never heard of anyone being denied a lunch break. The other poster has never been denied one, i've never been denied one, has anyone on this board?

The only thing i've had happen to me, and Skull as well, is we've had our right to choose our breaks stripped of us thanks to gov't. A policy you support, against the will of workers.

TWO people who say they've never been denied a lunch break...that's WAAAAY more convincing.

Meanwhile, read all about how the nations LARGEST EMPLOYER screwed over it's employees by denying them lunch breaks and got fined over 172 MILLION DOLLARS for it.
Wal-Mart to Appeal $172M Lunch-Break Award | Fox News

AND they're trying to get it dismissed. Does that sound like employers NEVER do this?

Next time you come to my playground, you better leave your ignorant weak sauce at home.
And as if to make my's some talking heads on FOX....talking about the NIGHTMARE of paying maids a poverty wage.

Fox Guests Discuss 'Nightmare' Of Paying Hotel Maids More - YouTube!

What they don't tell you is this...

A New Yorker would have to make $123,322 a year to have the same standard of living as someone making $50,000 in Houston.
In Manhattan, a $60,000 salary is equivalent to someone making $26,092 in Atlanta.
"Income levels that would enable a very comfortable lifestyle in other locales barely suffice to provide the basics in New York City," the report concludes.
N.Y.C. so costly you need to earn six figures to make middle class - New York Daily News

So yes, it appears that conservatives ARE this disconnected from reality.

Great post, I think minimum wage in New York should be $60,000.

Because certainly in america if a place is too expensive to live, it's impossible to move what with the shaky wagon wheels on buggies, strong wind gusts and plate tectonics.

I guess you missed the part where this was NYC and not "america" and how my sourced evidence compared living expenses there and another part of the country for comparison.

It's a common mistake a lot of stupid people make.
I remember when i was younger and i worked a 5-6 hour shift I hated it when my boss said I had to take a half hour break. Would much rather have gotten my shift over a half hour early.

But instead, gov't got to decide my shift for me. Hooray freedom!

So everyone should live as you want to?
A pretty self centered attitude to me.
And as if to make my's some talking heads on FOX....talking about the NIGHTMARE of paying maids a poverty wage.

Fox Guests Discuss 'Nightmare' Of Paying Hotel Maids More - YouTube!

What they don't tell you is this...

A New Yorker would have to make $123,322 a year to have the same standard of living as someone making $50,000 in Houston.
In Manhattan, a $60,000 salary is equivalent to someone making $26,092 in Atlanta.
"Income levels that would enable a very comfortable lifestyle in other locales barely suffice to provide the basics in New York City," the report concludes.
N.Y.C. so costly you need to earn six figures to make middle class - New York Daily News

So yes, it appears that conservatives ARE this disconnected from reality.

Great post, I think minimum wage in New York should be $60,000.

Because certainly in america if a place is too expensive to live, it's impossible to move what with the shaky wagon wheels on buggies, strong wind gusts and plate tectonics.

I guess you missed the part where this was NYC and not "america" and how my sourced evidence compared living expenses there and another part of the country for comparison.

It's a common mistake a lot of stupid people make.

No i want every worker in new york to at least be able to live to a standard of $26,000 a year. So gov't shoudl force every business in the area to pay at least $60,000.

That'd be great for businesses, workers, and everyone else living on Gumdrop Lane in Liberal Utopia where every afternoon Obama takes a dump and out come Otis Spunkmeyer cookies for all the children to enjoy.
I remember when i was younger and i worked a 5-6 hour shift I hated it when my boss said I had to take a half hour break. Would much rather have gotten my shift over a half hour early.

But instead, gov't got to decide my shift for me. Hooray freedom!

So everyone should live as you want to?
A pretty self centered attitude to me.

Link to where I said everyone should live as I want them to?
Oh, nowhere. You simply made that up.

Well I can make up stuff too. But I don't need to.
I've proved that companies already screw their employees over when it comes to this stuff.
What have you brought to the table?

I remember when i was younger and i worked a 5-6 hour shift I hated it when my boss said I had to take a half hour break. Would much rather have gotten my shift over a half hour early.

But instead, gov't got to decide my shift for me. Hooray freedom!

So everyone should live as you want to?
A pretty self centered attitude to me.

I guess you haven't been reading my posts.

I've been advocating for choice for workers, multiple times in this very thread actually.

If they want to take an hour, a half hour, or 15 minutes, I want them to have the choice. The OP and his fellow Obamabots prefer government strip workers of that right, because again government knows what's better for the individual than the individual does.
Great post, I think minimum wage in New York should be $60,000.

Because certainly in america if a place is too expensive to live, it's impossible to move what with the shaky wagon wheels on buggies, strong wind gusts and plate tectonics.

I guess you missed the part where this was NYC and not "america" and how my sourced evidence compared living expenses there and another part of the country for comparison.

It's a common mistake a lot of stupid people make.

No i want every worker in new york to at least be able to live to a standard of $26,000 a year. So gov't shoudl force every business in the area to pay at least $60,000.

That'd be great for businesses, workers, and everyone else living on Gumdrop Lane in Liberal Utopia where every afternoon Obama takes a dump and out come Otis Spunkmeyer cookies for all the children to enjoy.

Oh so when working people do better, no one else does?
How interesting.
I look forward to your supplying hard numbers to back up your assertions.


OOPS! It appears my sourced graph shows your assertion is full of fecal matter, doesn't it?
Are conservatives REALLY this disconnected from reality?
Here's another.......​

"President Barack Obama's decision to require most employers to cover birth control and insurers to offer it at no cost has created a firestorm of controversy.

But the central mandate—that most employers have to cover preventative care for women—has been law for over a decade."


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