Are conservatives REALLY this disconnected from reality?

should doc. and nurses who work 12 hour shifts stop and take that lunch break even though the patients haven't been seen to?

What a stupid question, but what should we expect?

Well, a stupid OP question often results in stupid responses. See how that works? No? Then you are a democrat.

Your definition of stupid or mine? I do see how that works, you are a Republican, or at least as stupid as one.
What a stupid question, but what should we expect?

Well, a stupid OP question often results in stupid responses. See how that works? No? Then you are a democrat.

Your definition of stupid or mine? I do see how that works, you are a Republican, or at least as stupid as one.

One Libertarian leaning GOP State Rep does not represent the GOP. I appreciate that is difficult for democrats to understand - as you are a borg-like species who 'group think'.
Well, a stupid OP question often results in stupid responses. See how that works? No? Then you are a democrat.

Your definition of stupid or mine? I do see how that works, you are a Republican, or at least as stupid as one.

One Libertarian leaning GOP State Rep does not represent the GOP. I appreciate that is difficult for democrats to understand - as you are a borg-like species who 'group think'.

Man, your drugs must be good.
I remember when i was younger and i worked a 5-6 hour shift I hated it when my boss said I had to take a half hour break. Would much rather have gotten my shift over a half hour early.

But instead, gov't got to decide my shift for me. Hooray freedom!

Wow...anecdotal evidence.
How devestating to my argument.

I guess it IS better that you get to go home early, than 1000 people being able to eat a meal while on their 10 hour shifts.

should doc. and nurses who work 12 hour shifts stop and take that lunch break even though the patients haven't been seen to?

Actually, nurses do in states where patient ratios are implemented. Regardless of patient needs, they will break and another care giver must step in. This is becoming the new standard. This practice has increased labor costs significantly because nurses are not allowed to cover a patient for another nurse. A replacement nurse must step in so that number of care givers to patients never dips below the mandated standard.

Lets remember the reason these break/lunch laws are in place is because employers were not allowing employees time. The rules were not implemented without cause.
I remember when i was younger and i worked a 5-6 hour shift I hated it when my boss said I had to take a half hour break. Would much rather have gotten my shift over a half hour early.

But instead, gov't got to decide my shift for me. Hooray freedom!

Wow...anecdotal evidence.
How devestating to my argument.

I guess it IS better that you get to go home early, than 1000 people being able to eat a meal while on their 10 hour shifts.

What if they don't want to? What if they only want to take 15 minutes?

Who should decide that, the worker, or government bureacrats and politicians?

If one person wanted to take only 15-minutes it would place a burden on other employees. You must see Jr. many employees hope to advance to higher positions within a company, and there are those who would take only 15-minutes to gain advantage. It's kinda like sleeping with the boss, yep, the promotion is earned but not everyone is so inclined.
Yeah... cutting a break short and doing extra equates to sleeping with the boss :rolleyes:

You can't make this shit up
A Republican State Representative in New Hampshire has found a way to create a new front in the war on workers, proposing a bill that would repeal the state’s law requiring that workers get a 30-minute lunch break after five hours of labor.

State Rep. J.R. Hoell (R), a supporter of libertarian-leaning Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) for president, told a New Hampshire General Court committee this week that he believes the law is unnecessary because it is in employers’ interest to treat workers well, according to The Concord Monitor.

His argument was seconded by state Rep. Kyle Jones (R), a 20-year-old Ron Paul backer who earned a seat in the New Hampshire General Court during the last election as part of a mother-son candidate slate. Jones said that his days working as a shift supervisor at Burger King taught him that employers will always treat employees well because human resources departments require it.
New Hampshire Republican proposes end to lunch break law | The Raw Story

Jeez...what these two need is a real dose of workplace reality.

I guess they can go ahead and repeal all those affirmative action laws too as HR departments frown on racism too!

Want proof that employers treat workers well?
Are they covering more of our retirement costs or less?
Are they covering MORE of our healthcare costs or less?
Have wages increased alongside the rise in productivity in the last 20 years or not?

Yeah, perhaps in the gumdrop house on Lollipop Lane you live in, but here in the real world, employers treat employees like shit because they can.

Look at what minimum wage jobs say to the workers...."If I could pay you less I would, but it would be AGAINST THE LAW" Does that sound like a benevolent master?

I think all politicians should be forced to survive on a middle class income for one year to qualify for public office.

Why does there have to be a law for everything?

Why can't the govt. leave it up to the employer and employee to agree to the conditions of his/her employment?

The minimum wage is another over reach by govt.!
A Republican State Representative in New Hampshire has found a way to create a new front in the war on workers, proposing a bill that would repeal the state’s law requiring that workers get a 30-minute lunch break after five hours of labor.

State Rep. J.R. Hoell (R), a supporter of libertarian-leaning Rep. Ron Paul (R-TX) for president, told a New Hampshire General Court committee this week that he believes the law is unnecessary because it is in employers’ interest to treat workers well, according to The Concord Monitor.

His argument was seconded by state Rep. Kyle Jones (R), a 20-year-old Ron Paul backer who earned a seat in the New Hampshire General Court during the last election as part of a mother-son candidate slate. Jones said that his days working as a shift supervisor at Burger King taught him that employers will always treat employees well because human resources departments require it.
New Hampshire Republican proposes end to lunch break law | The Raw Story

Jeez...what these two need is a real dose of workplace reality.

I guess they can go ahead and repeal all those affirmative action laws too as HR departments frown on racism too!

Want proof that employers treat workers well?
Are they covering more of our retirement costs or less?
Are they covering MORE of our healthcare costs or less?
Have wages increased alongside the rise in productivity in the last 20 years or not?

Yeah, perhaps in the gumdrop house on Lollipop Lane you live in, but here in the real world, employers treat employees like shit because they can.

Look at what minimum wage jobs say to the workers...."If I could pay you less I would, but it would be AGAINST THE LAW" Does that sound like a benevolent master?

I think all politicians should be forced to survive on a middle class income for one year to qualify for public office.

As a libertarian I don't think the govt has the authority or need to be involved in this stuff.

That being said I think this guy is just wasting time with this, there are bigger problems in NH than an "unneccessary" law about lunch breaks.
Wow...anecdotal evidence.
How devestating to my argument.

I guess it IS better that you get to go home early, than 1000 people being able to eat a meal while on their 10 hour shifts.

What if they don't want to? What if they only want to take 15 minutes?

Who should decide that, the worker, or government bureacrats and politicians?

If one person wanted to take only 15-minutes it would place a burden on other employees. You must see Jr. many employees hope to advance to higher positions within a company, and there are those who would take only 15-minutes to gain advantage. It's kinda like sleeping with the boss, yep, the promotion is earned but not everyone is so inclined.

So your view is gov't should decide the length of a worker's break, not the worker?

I thought you guys pretended to be all about worker's rights?
Affirmative action laws should be repealed

Well reparations would be a heck of a lot more expensive..but..if that's what you guys want..

Reparations would never happen.

I'm willing to bet more than three quarters of blacks can't trace their history past two generations.

And people like Obama, whose father was from Kenya and whose mother was white, he'd be SOL when it comes to reparations.
I remember when i was younger and i worked a 5-6 hour shift I hated it when my boss said I had to take a half hour break. Would much rather have gotten my shift over a half hour early.

But instead, gov't got to decide my shift for me. Hooray freedom!

I'm sure truck drivers would love to drive 24 hours without a break but when they run of your children then you want to blame and sue the government for not doing anything.

We currently have over 12 million people out of work. The idea that a boss will give lunch breaks out of the kindness of his heart, when there are 12 million people who will take your job after you are fired for eating a bologna sandwich on the sly, is pretty stupid.

And when there are 12 million people who will take your job for less pay than you are getting, well, it doesn't take much to figure out what would happen to wages, either.
I remember when i was younger and i worked a 5-6 hour shift I hated it when my boss said I had to take a half hour break. Would much rather have gotten my shift over a half hour early.

But instead, gov't got to decide my shift for me. Hooray freedom!

I'm sure truck drivers would love to drive 24 hours without a break but when they run of your children then you want to blame and sue the government for not doing anything.

Why is the end argument of democrats is always "government knows what's better for the individual than the individual does"?

What makes you "sure" truck drivers would love to drive 24 hours straight? I've known some, all I've heard from them is the exact opposite of what you state.
I remember when i was younger and i worked a 5-6 hour shift I hated it when my boss said I had to take a half hour break. Would much rather have gotten my shift over a half hour early.

But instead, gov't got to decide my shift for me. Hooray freedom!

Good one, and Walmart had to be brought to court and sued for denying workers a lunch time.
All the employeer has too do is re-word a contract and bingo, you loose all of the rights you have fought for. Maybe it is people like you that have never had to really fight for something.
should doc. and nurses who work 12 hour shifts stop and take that lunch break even though the patients haven't been seen to?

What a stupid question, but what should we expect?

Well, a stupid OP question often results in stupid responses. See how that works? No? Then you are a democrat.

Should docs and nurses who work 12 hour shifts stop and take food?

Yes. They should. What good is a doctor if he's not at his best due to hunger or lack of sleep?
It WAS a profoundly stupid question.
When my wife had a brain aneurysm rupture, she had to wait 6 hours while the ONLY doctor capable of the operation got some sleep.

Now, what about the OP was stupid, exactly, or can't you be expected to answer that because you know everything but apparently can't be bothered to explain it to the rest of us?

I can make unsupported declarative statements too you know, you woman of few morals or scruples.
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I remember when i was younger and i worked a 5-6 hour shift I hated it when my boss said I had to take a half hour break. Would much rather have gotten my shift over a half hour early.

But instead, gov't got to decide my shift for me. Hooray freedom!

Good one, and Walmart had to be brought to court and sued for denying workers a lunch time.
All the employeer has too do is re-word a contract and bingo, you loose all of the rights you have fought for. Maybe it is people like you that have never had to really fight for something.

Insurance/workers' comp policies determine break needs as well. Back pain, carpal tunnel, eye fatigue...studies show continued repeated motion without a break causes the employee harm. So, I would guess the insurance industry would not look favorable upon the elimination of mandatory break periods.

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