Are conservatives smarter than liberals?


IMO Intellectual dishonesty is far greater on the Right than the Left.


Have you read this thread?

If so, can you point to any tangible evidence within that base of date, which would, on some level, sustain your 'feelings'?

yes, really.

I participate on many threads where facts are totally ignored, and opinions based on conjecture and/or spin are the order of the day from the right ... this thread? .. read the board.

update ...

I've changed my opinion. Republicans are too stupid to be dishonest.

Update: your opinion is still less valuable than used toilet paper.
Keus -

95 percent of what tou have posted on this thread is gibberish.

It is apparant that you did not understand the premise of the thread, and have thus decided to stay from the topic in facour of meaningless monologies and nonsense.

You have avoided the topic at all cost, and refuse to post anything of substance. Any claims tou have made have been inecplicable and irrelevent.

I suspect you are best ignored.

Keyes is capable of debate.....for a while. But as you shut down his fallacies, reject him as an authoritative arbiter, and demonstrate the profound lack of logic or reasoning in his argument........he retreats to spamming. Or personal insults. Or silly summary declarations of victory.

None of which are the hallmark of a particularly good argument.


Golly Skylar, you say the sweetest things... .

Now SPECIFICALLY what are these 'fallacies' which you feel that you've 'shut-down'?

(This will conclude Skylar's rant, as she is clueless as to what a fallacy IS, let alone what one would look like; the defining traits intrinsic to such and beyond the vaguest of wiki-highlights, she has no means to even discuss the issue let alone demonstrate the existence, or lack thereof, of such.)

Enjoy... .
Read a few pages of this thread...

If this thread was example then Liberals look a lot more tolerant of ideas than the conservatives on this board. Saying there is a conservative agenda that is reasonable and has basis in fairness... I believe American politics has deformed those in to team sports Red team v Blue Team....

Fascinating that you have set up your own personal parameters as the necessary standard for the argument, and then blithely expected others to accept them. Exactly when did we say that WE view "fairness" as the Holy Grail we're striving for? This ain't kindergarten, Chuckles, and only children and those who think like them blither on about utterly subjective words like that. Sensible and workable, yes. "Fair"? Right after I worry about whether or not the conservative agenda encompasses Unicorn Rights and appeals to the Care Bear voter demographic.

Red team has been caught lying more times than Blue team but that is like saying which NFL player is taking less drugs.

In what parallel dimension is this true? The one where "caught lying" is defined as "the media actually mentioned it, and Cowboy Ted could be persuaded to acknowledge that it happened"? Not impressed.

Personally I think there is a need for more electable parties so the crazies in all parties can be dumped out of them.

"Electable parties". I'm guessing that means "people so bland and vapid that even partisan media hacks can't demonize them sufficiently".

"Youtube is the be-all and end-all of truth!" You're definitely convincing me that leftists are intelligent, informed, and insightful. No, really.

This could increase third, fourth and fifth party... Thus expanding the representation into more groups so the members can find better choice in those groups... Think of it like market freedom... People can vote for their favourite without jeopardizing their vote, So you can vote Libertarian without wasting your vote for a more likely conservative candidate.
Also unlike the need for primaries Parties can run multiple candidates in multi-seat elections.

Blithering about parties is another way of saying, "I'm too shallow to look at real and difficult problems and consider solutions, so I kneejerk back to my hatred of the cliques in high school who ignored my lame ass." You couldn't undo the human tendency to group up then, and you can't now. And the insistence on denying human nature is one of the main reasons leftists aren't viewed as very bright.

These systems are used by a vast majority of countries with only a few countries left who don't use this type of system.
This would fundamentally change US politics for the good, more representative, less incumbents, more responsive government...

Please name for us some countries who have vast numbers of splinter parties and factions, leaders who are elected by small pluralities because of this, and are models and efficiency and freedom that we should emulate. Aaaaaand . . . GO!


Just WOW! You too... have the gift.
Seeing as how few rw'ers here use citations when debating (see BullKurtzUSMC for example) and they basically just repeat back what they hear on SeanRush, yes, they're incomparable low-info, education-hating, 'tards

Many conservatives don't actually know why they believe what they believe. They have a feeling, they express that feeling, and there's very little concern on whether or not that feeling has anything to do with reality.

If it feels true, that's enough. The term 'truthiness' as coined to describe this exact phenomenon.

There's also an strong anti-intellectual vibe among many conservatives. A distrust of science, a disdain of many forms of education, a dismissal of polls. Hell, during the 2012 presidential election, some conservatives actually called into question the loyalty of republicans that could speak a foreign language. I think this is drawn from a desire to insulate one's self from perspectives that would contradict what a given conservative believes.

Obviously this doesn't encompass all conservatives. And the 'echo chamber' is hardly a uniquely conservative phenomenon. But I argue its been swallowed and internalized more deeply by conservatives than by most other political persuasions.

'Dittoheads' being such an unintentionally accurate description of many of conservative mindsets.

I suppose I will never tire of the Sweeter Ironies... .

Tell me Skylar, SPECIFICALLY, what would be the BEST example you can 'feel' of which would BEST demonstrate this 'Conservative Feeling in lieu of a soundly reasoned construct?

(Skylar will now pretend that this challenge was not advanced, OR she will respond to it, through any number of feckless tactics to distract from it... what she will NOT DO is to offer SPECIFICS, in terms of providing: 'the BEST example you can 'feel' of which would BEST demonstrate this 'Conservative Feeling in lieu of a soundly reasoned construct.'
Keys -

I concede that it is unlikely that we will ever see a coherent or on-topic statement from you. About anything.

I suspect many of your posts were written some years ago, stored for posterity, and are now being posted in random order, adorned with entirely random quotes from other posters.

Your concession is again... duly noted and summarily accepted.
Where? I don't see it.....

She conceded through deflecting from the standing point. That you don't see it, is irrelevant.
What the hell was your point?

Ask Where_r_my_PubliusInfinitum his theory on the female brain.
theres a reason that 96% of the conservatives on this forum shun sourcing the way Superman shuns kryptonite :up: they're low-info, reactionary, corp tools :)
'Dittoheads' being such an unintentionally accurate description of many of conservative mindsets.

I don't think it was unintentional at all (ditto heads). Rush, being a master advertising salesman, knew his market very well. And he knew he had a bunch of people listening to him on the radio going; yea Rush, you tell'em. Then he repeats whatever the message is till it (the message) is pounded in their heads, hence "dittoheads" were born. Or made.

Some think Rush is almost a prophet. But the rest of us know Rush is doing a shtick for profit. Ditto that.
'Dittoheads' being such an unintentionally accurate description of many of conservative mindsets.

I don't think it was unintentional at all (ditto heads). Rush, being a master advertising salesman, knew his market very well. And he knew he had a bunch of people listening to him on the radio going; yea Rush, you tell'em. Then he repeats whatever the message is till it (the message) is pounded in their heads, hence "dittoheads" were born. Or made.

Some think Rush is almost a prophet. But the rest of us know Rush is doing a shtick for profit. Ditto that.

The irony impaired far left drones and their comments..

Then a far left drone who worships Obama and the far left can not understand irony..
theres a reason that 96% of the conservatives on this forum shun sourcing the way Superman shuns kryptonite :up: they're low-info, reactionary, corp tools :)

I have thought it might be interesting and entertaining for a few of the more liberal, detail oriented posters on here to take the POV of the right wing and at least try and make a coherent argument out of some of their beliefs. If for no other reason than to show some of these right wingers it can be done with sound thought and reason.

Then I woke up. Screaming. Because I had been chosen to make their argument. What a nightmare.
Wait for it it comes........irony impaired again..............drones?
QUOTE="Kosh, post: 10211156, member: 42632"]Another the irony impaired far left drone troll chimes in..[/QUOTE]

That's what Ima talking about Red.
Every day on this board we seem to have threads about 'how stupid are libs?', 'dimbocrats', 'typical liberal stupidity' know the drill.

The strange thing is, I don't see a lot of posts claiming the opposite. Some comments, sure, but I think most people will agree that there are far, far more posts labelling liberalism as being in some way stupid, a mental illness etc than there are posts about conservatism claiming the same superiority.

I don't get this at all - I see no link between political views and intelligence. I've met some brilliant socialists, a couple of brilliant fascists, and everything in between. I have met enough painfully stupid liberals and painfully stupid conservatives that I don't think either side are in too great a position to start claiming a monopoly on smarts.

Isn't claiming 'liberalism is a mental illness' the kind of Catch 22 comment that only an intellectual dwarf could assume?

Or is there a reason that some conservatives believe they are intellectually superior?
Are you crying? there's no crying in baseball......oops message board.........hahhhahahahahahahhahaaha
QUOTE="Kosh, post: 10211156, member: 42632"]Another the irony impaired far left drone troll chimes in..

That's what Ima talking about Red.[/QUOTE]

amazing, you don't even get it when you are being laughed at-------------------------:cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
theres a reason that 96% of the conservatives on this forum shun sourcing the way Superman shuns kryptonite :up: they're low-info, reactionary, corp tools :)

Yeah... there is. And that reason is that the claims being made are indisputable, based upon the valid reasoning around which the argument is structured.

And this is without regard to your erroneous feelings that the absence of a source reference in any way changes that.
Let the record reflect that, as predicted, Skylar is again unable to sustain anything she claims.

BUT! In fairness... what she claims is unsustainable, so, well... you know.
QUOTE="Kosh, post: 10211156, member: 42632"]Another the irony impaired far left drone troll chimes in..

That's what Ima talking about Red.[/QUOTE]

Yes the irony impaired far left drones can not understand anything beyond their programming!

They post same stuff day in and day out and can not understand when they are being mocked!

Don't post your irony impaired posts and the far left will not see those comments, pretty simple!

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