Are Democrats for the Middle Class? Rly?

The Bush tax cuts cost this country trillions. Clearly, it wasn't the middle class who ended up with the money. It went somewhere, right? While not all of it was given directly to billionaires, when you look at the income gap, clearly, they ended up with it in the end. While the journey may not have been direct, the journey was made, no doubt about it.

Instead of giving away all that money for no apparent gain, I think they should have been more like Eisenhower and spent it on something that would help the country. Not help move jobs to China.

BS. it was exactly middle class who benefited the most. because it the middle class which is ALWAYS hit the most when the left raises taxes.

the very rich have different taxes.

And when we try to change those taxes to something that is fair, people like you will cry, whine, and snivel about how unfair we are to those poor billionaires.

don't lie. all the left aim is - to raise the taxes on the middle class.

Otherwise obama and co won't try to impose increasing the income taxes in every bracket and the max starting at 200K - which is not even an upper middle class anymore.

this is very understandable from mathematical point of view - it is the broadest taxpayers group possible. the very rich won't provide the needed money - it is the middle class which was, is and always will be the main aim of the government.
since the left is a government worshiper - the left is THE MAIN driver of those taxes on middle class.
And the fact remains that the amount of the wealth that goes directly to the very wealthy in this nation continues to increase even as the wages of the working poor and middle class continue to decrease. And our 'Conservatives' are very happy with this. Even as they contemplate the growing pile of beer cans in front of their double wide in the red welfare states.

Shows your opinion of us dumb asses down south. Kinda of a Forrest Gump moment for you.

Would you like a chocolate? Stupid is as Stupid does................

Class Warfare at it's best. Corporate Taxes and many higher income earners pass tax rates on to the consumer of their respective product. So you attack them, they pass the cost on to the poor and middle class, thump your chest and say that'll show them, while...................................................

The ones you supposedly are trying to protect get shafted by it.

In the history of the world, strong economic powers have always had a large middle class, and it is this class that ultimately pays the bills and drives the economies.
And when we try to change those taxes to something that is fair, people like you will cry, whine, and snivel about how unfair we are to those poor billionaires.


since when is 200K per year equal to billion?
obama is lost, example- I just saw a snippet of him saying-" if you worked hard you knew your work was going to be rewarded, with fair wages, good benefits, the chance to buy a home....."

really? hes leaving an awful lot out of that, but then again, hes from the 'equal opportunity must mean equal results' school so, there is is...
Does a successful democracy require a successful middle class?
Should all Americans, not just the Democrats, be concerned about maintaining a strong middle class?
Yep, union membership is now declining. As are the wages for the average American worker. And, when the American Worker finally realizes where his interests are at, we will see a couple more Blair Mountain and Ludlow incidents as the very wealthy once again resort to the thugs to keep the American worker in a subserviant position.

Unions are for unions, they hate the working man, they get rich off the blue collar worker.
And the fact remains that the amount of the wealth that goes directly to the very wealthy in this nation continues to increase even as the wages of the working poor and middle class continue to decrease. And our 'Conservatives' are very happy with this. Even as they contemplate the growing pile of beer cans in front of their double wide in the red welfare states.

NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke said the central bank's latest effort to pump money into the economy is partly responsible for the rise in the stock market, but not for the reason critics think.

The Stock Market Loves President Obama - MarketBeat - WSJ

Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube

This is not false outrage. Our nation is becoming an oligarchy, and toadies like you fellows are cheering for it. Increase the taxes on the working poor and the middle class, decrease them on the wealthy.

Time for a 25% to 35% tax on unearned wealth, a 50% inheritance tax on liquid assets above one million dollars, and the 6.2% that I pay into SS to apply on all income.

That will enable the return of the middle class. That, and the return of unions.
How does taking money away from one group improve the situation of another group?

Isn't that like trying to fill up a swimming pool by taking water from one end and pouring it into the other?
So Democrats are FOR the rich now? Is that the new talking point? What happened to Democrats hating "the evil rich"?

Or are you suggesting democrats are against the rich AND the middle class?

Please define todays faux-outrage.

lol. Democrats have always been for the rich. Why do you think the rich support them so much?

See, the rich already have their money. That's why they support Democrat policies which keep people from working hard and obtaining money of their own which they can then turn around and use to threaten the power of those who already have money.

The progressive income tax doesn't hurt the rich. It hurts the people who can become rich through their hard work and sacrifice i.e. the poor and middle class and that uppitty new rich.

How is it you are so blind to what's so freaking obvious. Do you think George Soros funds the Democrats because he gives a damn about the middle class? Seriously???

It's almost as if you wake up each day and create an entirely new opinion on things. One day, the "Democrats hate "the evil rich" and are creating class warfare by suggesting tax increases on the top brackets" and now today you are claiming that the democrats have "always been for the rich".

I know you are not one to use your brain for rational thought and critical assessment but this gaping hole in consistency is stunning even for a non-thinker such as yourself.
He's absolutely right. What's confusing you is the vast difference between what Democrats say and what they do.
you are really one twisted old fart....since you twist everything about what Romney, Santorum, and others have said about teachers, immigrants, and jobs....but that's to be expected from a libtard and i don't have the time right now to correct it...

and oh by the way....didn't your boy already 'do infrastructure'.....? :lol:


Stimulating Hypocrisy: 114 Republican Lawmakers Block Recovery While Taking Credit For Its Success

Republicans Voting Against Stimulus Then Asked Obama for Money - Bloomberg

Republican Stimulus Hypocrisy: They Knew it Would Work - USNEWS

At this point, I don't know who took more stimulus money. Democrats or Republicans?

Besides, Republicans gave away trillions to billionaires and spent trillions in Iraq. I think the money would have been better spent here. Don't YOU?

Are you really throwing that old canard? The stimulus didnt work. DOesnt matter who took the money.
I beg to differ -- the stimulus was a resounding success.

Of course, its purpose was not to stimulate the economy, but pay back Dem Party donors and cronies.

Resounding success.
And when we try to change those taxes to something that is fair, people like you will cry, whine, and snivel about how unfair we are to those poor billionaires.
Let's do a little math.
  • Millionaires accounted for just 0.17 percent (236,883) of the more than 140 million tax returns filed in 2009, and reported income totaling $727 billion.
  • The federal government will spend about $3.6 trillion this year (a rate of $300 billion per month), running an annual deficit of about $1.3 trillion. So, even if the IRS decided to confiscate every cent earned by millionaires in a given year, it would amount to less than half of the new debt we are taking on each year, and would barely be enough to fund the government for two months.
  • According to Forbes, the 400 wealthiest individuals in the U.S. are worth a combined $1.37 trillion. Confiscating all their wealth (not just annual earnings) would buy us another 4.5 months.
  • The top 1 percent of income earners (just a quarter of which are millionaires) earn just 20 percent of the country’s personal income, yet pay 38 percent of federal income taxes. For the top 10 percent of earners, those figures rise to 46 percent and 70 percent, respectively.
Steal everything they have, and Democrats will still go through it in a matter of weeks.

The problem with socialism is eventually you run out of other people's money.
Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube

This is not false outrage. Our nation is becoming an oligarchy, and toadies like you fellows are cheering for it. Increase the taxes on the working poor and the middle class, decrease them on the wealthy.

Time for a 25% to 35% tax on unearned wealth, a 50% inheritance tax on liquid assets above one million dollars, and the 6.2% that I pay into SS to apply on all income.

That will enable the return of the middle class. That, and the return of unions.

The bolded. Isn't that pretty much what obiecare does? Increased the taxes and penalties for the middle class and pushed them to the lower class with higher insurance premiums and part time jobs. The biggest tax on the American people in history is obiecare. Yet you the ever loyal toady are cheering for it. Do you feel stupid yet?
you don't get it......Obama and his quisling minions are the ones creating the faux-outrage....

Americans have never been boxed into "classes".......instead they have been free to move up and down the economic scale according to their efforts....

BO and the lefties are the ones creating the roadblocks to American success....heck today a child cannot even put up a lemonade stand without the lefties getting their panties in a twist...

So Obama is putting up roadblocks for the middle class AND the rich?

Is that correct?

democrats and obama are putting the roadblocks for the middle class as they always had. dems were and are the party of the very rich and those on government dependency sheeple.
Like you :D

What makes you think I'm very rich? The fact that I'm obviously smarter than you?
The Bush tax cuts cost this country trillions. Clearly, it wasn't the middle class who ended up with the money. It went somewhere, right? While not all of it was given directly to billionaires, when you look at the income gap, clearly, they ended up with it in the end. While the journey may not have been direct, the journey was made, no doubt about it.

Instead of giving away all that money for no apparent gain, I think they should have been more like Eisenhower and spent it on something that would help the country. Not help move jobs to China.

BS. it was exactly middle class who benefited the most. because it the middle class which is ALWAYS hit the most when the left raises taxes.

the very rich have different taxes.

I really like your examples. The statistics you posted to back up your assertions. Uh, would you mind posting them again. They must have gotten lost.

All I can go on is trillions in tax cuts and a shitty economy.
So Democrats are FOR the rich now? Is that the new talking point? What happened to Democrats hating "the evil rich"?

Or are you suggesting democrats are against the rich AND the middle class?

Please define todays faux-outrage.

Riddle me this..............................

The Dems and Obama attack the evil power companies. Impose and sick the EPA on them. Costs them Billions in Upgrades to satisfy the new regulations. Imposes more taxes on them. Shout the usual mantra that the Evil Corps are against the little people.

You know the usual stuff from Liberal Pravda.

So it happens. The Power companies demand an increase in rates to pay for this. The Fed agrees to it and EVERYONE'S POWER BILL RATE GOES UP TO COVER THE COST...........................................

Does that help the poor and the middle class who just had to spend more for having electricity because of the mandates?

So riddle me this. Is it better to have power you can count on or blackouts from a failing infrastructure.

Somehow, Republicans think that because their power is somewhat consistent at this very minute, it always has been and it always will be. The money has been paid. What more is there to do?
And the fact remains that the amount of the wealth that goes directly to the very wealthy in this nation continues to increase even as the wages of the working poor and middle class continue to decrease. And our 'Conservatives' are very happy with this. Even as they contemplate the growing pile of beer cans in front of their double wide in the red welfare states.

They have decided the poor in the Red Welfare states are only minorities. All the whites are doing fine.
Does a successful democracy require a successful middle class?
Should all Americans, not just the Democrats, be concerned about maintaining a strong middle class?

That's the question Republicans refuse to answer. American helping American is "socialism" and no one helped the wealthy.

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Stimulating Hypocrisy: 114 Republican Lawmakers Block Recovery While Taking Credit For Its Success

Republicans Voting Against Stimulus Then Asked Obama for Money - Bloomberg

Republican Stimulus Hypocrisy: They Knew it Would Work - USNEWS

At this point, I don't know who took more stimulus money. Democrats or Republicans?

Besides, Republicans gave away trillions to billionaires and spent trillions in Iraq. I think the money would have been better spent here. Don't YOU?

Are you really throwing that old canard? The stimulus didnt work. DOesnt matter who took the money.
I beg to differ -- the stimulus was a resounding success.

Of course, its purpose was not to stimulate the economy, but pay back Dem Party donors and cronies.

Resounding success.

Really? Then why not "No-bid" contracts? Remember the no-bid contracts in Iraq? Remember USMB saying how important they were to get things done quickly?

Remember the no-bid contracts after Katrina and all the carcinogenic trailers Republicans wanted those left with nothing to live in. Well, maybe not live in for long. They were carcinogenic.

Strange the way Republicans take the worst things they've done and blame them on Democrats. They don't take responsibility for anything. Iraq, the economy, the depleted military, the tens of thousands maimed for life in Iraq. Nothing is their fault.
So Democrats are FOR the rich now? Is that the new talking point? What happened to Democrats hating "the evil rich"?

Or are you suggesting democrats are against the rich AND the middle class?

Please define todays faux-outrage.

Riddle me this..............................

The Dems and Obama attack the evil power companies. Impose and sick the EPA on them. Costs them Billions in Upgrades to satisfy the new regulations. Imposes more taxes on them. Shout the usual mantra that the Evil Corps are against the little people.

You know the usual stuff from Liberal Pravda.

So it happens. The Power companies demand an increase in rates to pay for this. The Fed agrees to it and EVERYONE'S POWER BILL RATE GOES UP TO COVER THE COST...........................................

Does that help the poor and the middle class who just had to spend more for having electricity because of the mandates?

So riddle me this. Is it better to have power you can count on or blackouts from a failing infrastructure.

Somehow, Republicans think that because their power is somewhat consistent at this very minute, it always has been and it always will be. The money has been paid. What more is there to do?

So are you now you going to blame the candian cons for a solar flare that took out the electic grid on the eastern seaboard in 89?
Solar flares predicted to raise havoc in 2013: Scientists have new warning tool - Hartford Top News |

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