Are Democrats for the Middle Class? Rly?

GM, GE, both are examples of how democrats are for the rich. Also, after Reagan got rid of many tax loopholes and drove the effective tax rate of the rich up, Democrats have added in many new loopholes for their buddies.
Does a successful democracy require a successful middle class?
Should all Americans, not just the Democrats, be concerned about maintaining a strong middle class?

That's the question Republicans refuse to answer. American helping American is "socialism" and no one helped the wealthy.

i'll answer....

A successful democracy requires a middle class because democracy requires a 'horizontal' society vs a 'vertical' society....

A strong middle class participates in 'horizontal' groups like the PTA, business organizations, church groups, charity organizations, the Lions Club, the Tea Party, etc..

Civil society with a middle class is a myriad of these small groups that function independently...and they form the basis of independence and democracy....i.e. rule from the bottom-up...

A socialist society on the other hand requires a 'vertical' form of government...the top elite dictating to rest of society....socialists know that the poor are very susceptible to being 'managed' if they become dependent upon the government....

Therefore Obama and his Marxist buddies know that they must DESTROY the independent middle class and create lots of dependent poor people in order to implement a 'vertical' society.....i.e....rule from the top-down....

That is why Obama supports.... Big Government....Big Corporations.....Big Unions.....they are all part of the top-down 'vertical' structure...
Are you really throwing that old canard? The stimulus didnt work. DOesnt matter who took the money.
I beg to differ -- the stimulus was a resounding success.

Of course, its purpose was not to stimulate the economy, but pay back Dem Party donors and cronies.

Resounding success.

Really? Then why not "No-bid" contracts? Remember the no-bid contracts in Iraq? Remember USMB saying how important they were to get things done quickly?

Remember the no-bid contracts after Katrina and all the carcinogenic trailers Republicans wanted those left with nothing to live in. Well, maybe not live in for long. They were carcinogenic.

Strange the way Republicans take the worst things they've done and blame them on Democrats. They don't take responsibility for anything. Iraq, the economy, the depleted military, the tens of thousands maimed for life in Iraq. Nothing is their fault.
:lol: Guess who gave Haliburton its first no-bid contract?

Clinton. Was he a Republican? :lol:

Say, here's an interesting bit about a no-bid contract after Katrina:

La. Lawmaker's Kin Won Katrina Contracts
NEW ORLEANS -- The uncle and father of a Louisiana lawmaker won three no-bid contracts worth $108 million to provide temporary housing for Hurricane Katrina evacuees, stirring complaints of a sweetheart deal from rival businesses and prompting a state investigation.

A state agency is investigating because the lawmaker's family did not have a Louisiana license to sell new trailer homes until well after the company provided the first ones to the Federal Emergency Management Agency.

Rep. Gary Smith, D-Norco, Monday, Nov.14, 2005, attends a committee meeting at the state Capitol in Baton Rouge, La. Smith's uncle and father have won three no-bid FEMA contracts to sell travel trailers. They won the contracts worth $108 million to provide temporary housing for Hurricane Katrina evacuees even though their motorcycle shop didn't have a license to sell new trailers until after the first deal was signed.

(AP Photo/Arthur D. Lauck)

Rep. Gary Smith, D-Norco, Monday, Nov.14, 2005, attends a committee meeting at the state Capitol in Baton Rouge, La.

Smith's uncle and father have won three no-bid FEMA contracts to sell travel trailers. They won the contracts worth $108 million to provide temporary housing for Hurricane Katrina evacuees even though their motorcycle shop didn't have a license to sell new trailers until after the first deal was signed.

FEMA wants 125,000 campers and mobile homes for those who lost their homes in the storm that struck Aug. 29. The New Orleans-area motorcycle shop owned by Rep. Gary Smith's family received FEMA contracts to provide 6,400 trailers.

Smith's uncle, Glen Smith, said he was able to secure the contracts because he has worked with the federal government for nearly four decades during disasters, removing debris, dredging rivers, and providing mobile housing following Hurricane Andrew in 1992.

"We know what it takes to get them satisfied," Glen Smith said. "They didn't just walk up and give us a jackpot. It's not like that."

Trailer dealers were upset that Smith's motorcycle business did not have a license from the state Recreational and Used Motor Vehicle Commission to sell new trailers until mid-October.

Glen Smith said he already had a license to sell used trailers and was not aware he needed another one.​
Oh, look -- a Democrat giving a lucrative contract to a family member.

It's a shame Democrats won't take responsibility, isn't it?
So Obama is putting up roadblocks for the middle class AND the rich?

Is that correct?

democrats and obama are putting the roadblocks for the middle class as they always had. dems were and are the party of the very rich and those on government dependency sheeple.
Like you :D

What makes you think I'm very rich? The fact that I'm obviously smarter than you?

Not smart enough to be able to read, unfortunately.
democrats and obama are putting the roadblocks for the middle class as they always had. dems were and are the party of the very rich and those on government dependency sheeple.
Like you :D

What makes you think I'm very rich? The fact that I'm obviously smarter than you?

Not smart enough to be able to read, unfortunately.

"That's what happens when blacks run things".

I had no problem reading that.
What makes you think I'm very rich? The fact that I'm obviously smarter than you?

Not smart enough to be able to read, unfortunately.

"That's what happens when blacks run things".

I had no problem reading that.

Yeah obviously you did. Because you continue to misinterpret and misunderstand t, just as you did the post I referred to. I'd suggest remedial reading but the inability to read and draw reasonable inferences marks you as having sub par intelligence.

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