Are Democrats for the Middle Class? Rly?

Screaming Eagle is screaming.

you're the one spewing nonsense....since the recession we are still short 2 million manufacturing jobs...

all you have to do is ask the manufacturers themselves what they need to succeed....this is what they will tell you they want...

--tax reform
--reduce trade barriers
--reduce burdensome regulations

all of the above sounds like the Republican platform to me.....:rolleyes:

Manufacturers Focus on Reforming Tax Code and Reducing Barriers to Trade -

This message is hidden because rdean is on your ignore list.

See how that works? Just ask yourself, has Rtard ever said anything important?

not necessary...seems the light of common sense usually makes libtards like Rtard disappear like cockroaches...or else turn into babbling idiots or screeching haters which i find amusing.....:cool:
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So Democrats are FOR the rich now? Is that the new talking point? What happened to Democrats hating "the evil rich"?

Or are you suggesting democrats are against the rich AND the middle class?

Please define todays faux-outrage.

I realize from past threads you aren't very bright. The thread is about Democratic policies that have savaged the middle class, leading to loss of income mroe severe than the recession that the left always blames Bush for.
How can the Democrats have any credibility about being for the middle class when their policies have been disasterous for the middle class?
Similarly, how can they have any credibility about being for blacks when their policies have been disasterous for blacks?
Please explain why anyone should believe Obama and the Democrats on this issue.

Oh, this thread is about "Democratic policies that have savaged the middle class"?

If that's what this thread is about, how come you failed to list out a single democratic policy that has "savaged the middle class"? Not one. Failed thread right from the very beginning.

Oh and it's 'ravaged', not 'savaged' you idiot.
So Democrats are FOR the rich now? Is that the new talking point? What happened to Democrats hating "the evil rich"?

Or are you suggesting democrats are against the rich AND the middle class?

Please define todays faux-outrage.

I realize from past threads you aren't very bright. The thread is about Democratic policies that have savaged the middle class, leading to loss of income mroe severe than the recession that the left always blames Bush for.
How can the Democrats have any credibility about being for the middle class when their policies have been disasterous for the middle class?
Similarly, how can they have any credibility about being for blacks when their policies have been disasterous for blacks?
Please explain why anyone should believe Obama and the Democrats on this issue.

Oh, this thread is about "Democratic policies that have savaged the middle class"?

If that's what this thread is about, how come you failed to list out a single democratic policy that has "savaged the middle class"? Not one. Failed thread right from the very beginning.

Oh and it's 'ravaged', not 'savaged' you idiot.

Fact: Democrats have controlled Congress for 7 years.
Fact: Obama has been the president for 5 years.
Fact: Incomes have declined faster in this 5 year period than they did during the previous recession.

What do you suppose caused that? The weather?

Again, I know you never made it past 3rd grade but I did, through grad school in fact. Don't ever call me on a point of English grammar or usage.
savage - definition of savage by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.
why is it libtards always focus on using the right wurd....? i guess it makes them feel superior to us 'dumb rednecks'....:lol:

more proof of the Democrat 'savaging' of the middle class...

Democrats repeatedly claim their goal is to promote middle-class prosperity. Yet, their policy of increased spending financed by higher taxes and rising debt are a direct threat to the middle-class standard of living and economic security. That is the conclusion of new research I have just completed based on an analysis of state taxes, spending and debt policies and their economic consequences based on data provided by the Tax Foundation, Sales Tax Institute, U.S. Census Bureau, and the U.S. government.

The economic results show the Democratic Party’s policy mix of higher spending, higher debt and higher taxes have hurt, rather than helped middle-class incomes and economic security. When compared to Republican and swing states, respectively during the 11 years ending 2011, Democratic states suffered:

•A loss of 1.6 million jobs (including government jobs) compared to a gain of 1.3 million jobs in Republican states, and a loss of only 139,000 jobs in swing states,

•A loss of 1.9 million private sector jobs compared to a gain of 671,000 private sector jobs in Republican states, and a far smaller loss of 515,00 jobs in the swing states;

•Greater declines in real median family income in both absolute and percentage terms than in Republican states, though they fell less than in swing states. In Democratic states, real median family income fell on average $4,460 to $55,325 (2011 dollars) in 2011 – a 7.5% decline since 2000. Over those same 11 years, average real median family income in Republican states fell by less — $2,603 to $46,730 – a 5.3% decline. Swing states suffered a more severe average decline of nearly 10%, due in large part to greater than 20% declines in Nevada and Ohio.

The Democratic Party's Secret Attack On The Middle Class - Forbes
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Wealth Inequality in America - YouTube

This is not false outrage. Our nation is becoming an oligarchy, and toadies like you fellows are cheering for it. Increase the taxes on the working poor and the middle class, decrease them on the wealthy.

Time for a 25% to 35% tax on unearned wealth, a 50% inheritance tax on liquid assets above one million dollars, and the 6.2% that I pay into SS to apply on all income.

That will enable the return of the middle class. That, and the return of unions.

Wow.. jealous of what someone else has??

"unearned' wealth.. LMAO... only you jealous hacks would come up with such a term...

The mentality is rampant with you and your fucking ilk that it all should go with the government for who better than they to decide where things go....
we conservatives are NOT cheering for an supporting Obama YOU are actually the ones supporting an oligarchy of sorts....because of BO's taxation and numbing regulations that inhibit middle class business growth...they can't afford the pricey lawyers that the big corporations can afford....

the rich will always find a way to get around the rules and regulations and taxes.....just look at how BO rewards his pet projects and rich companies......simply put BO is a corporatist with his own agenda...any socialist fascist wants to control the reins of industry....and he is taking over them step-by-step.....the obvious one is the health industry....but he is also after the banking industry.....the food industry....the transportation industry.....etc.....everything BO is doing is hampering the little business guy....

Screaming Eagle is screaming.

you're the one spewing nonsense....since the recession we are still short 2 million manufacturing jobs...

all you have to do is ask the manufacturers themselves what they need to succeed....this is what they will tell you they want...

--tax reform
--reduce trade barriers
--reduce burdensome regulations

all of the above sounds like the Republican platform to me.....:rolleyes:

Manufacturers Focus on Reforming Tax Code and Reducing Barriers to Trade -

Only two million?????

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008

From your article:

NAM’s other legislative goals run the gamut, ranging from expanding wireless networks and modernizing the electrical grid to promoting so-called STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education

All things Republicans are against. Remember Romney, cut teachers and bring in immigrants with degrees. Guess he had no plans to hire any Republicans.

Santorum said education is for snobs.

And Republicans certainly don't want to waste money in infrastructure. It's why they are paving the roads with "gravel".
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Screaming Eagle is screaming.

you're the one spewing nonsense....since the recession we are still short 2 million manufacturing jobs...

all you have to do is ask the manufacturers themselves what they need to succeed....this is what they will tell you they want...

--tax reform
--reduce trade barriers
--reduce burdensome regulations

all of the above sounds like the Republican platform to me.....:rolleyes:

Manufacturers Focus on Reforming Tax Code and Reducing Barriers to Trade -

Only two million?????

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008

From your article:

NAM’s other legislative goals run the gamut, ranging from expanding wireless networks and modernizing the electrical grid to promoting so-called STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education

All things Republicans are against. Remember Romney, cut teachers and bring in immigrants with degrees. Guess he had no plans to hire any Republicans.

Santorum said education is for snobs.

And Republicans certainly don't want to waste money in infrastructure. It's why they are paving the roads with "gravel".

you are really one twisted old fart....since you twist everything about what Romney, Santorum, and others have said about teachers, immigrants, and jobs....but that's to be expected from a libtard and i don't have the time right now to correct it...

and oh by the way....didn't your boy already 'do infrastructure'.....? :lol:
you're the one spewing nonsense....since the recession we are still short 2 million manufacturing jobs...

all you have to do is ask the manufacturers themselves what they need to succeed....this is what they will tell you they want...

--tax reform
--reduce trade barriers
--reduce burdensome regulations

all of the above sounds like the Republican platform to me.....:rolleyes:

Manufacturers Focus on Reforming Tax Code and Reducing Barriers to Trade -

Only two million?????

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008

From your article:

NAM’s other legislative goals run the gamut, ranging from expanding wireless networks and modernizing the electrical grid to promoting so-called STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education

All things Republicans are against. Remember Romney, cut teachers and bring in immigrants with degrees. Guess he had no plans to hire any Republicans.

Santorum said education is for snobs.

And Republicans certainly don't want to waste money in infrastructure. It's why they are paving the roads with "gravel".

you are really one twisted old fart....since you twist everything about what Romney, Santorum, and others have said about teachers, immigrants, and jobs....but that's to be expected from a libtard and i don't have the time right now to correct it...

and oh by the way....didn't your boy already 'do infrastructure'.....? :lol:


Stimulating Hypocrisy: 114 Republican Lawmakers Block Recovery While Taking Credit For Its Success

Republicans Voting Against Stimulus Then Asked Obama for Money - Bloomberg

Republican Stimulus Hypocrisy: They Knew it Would Work - USNEWS

At this point, I don't know who took more stimulus money. Democrats or Republicans?

Besides, Republicans gave away trillions to billionaires and spent trillions in Iraq. I think the money would have been better spent here. Don't YOU?
Only two million?????

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008

From your article:

NAM’s other legislative goals run the gamut, ranging from expanding wireless networks and modernizing the electrical grid to promoting so-called STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education

All things Republicans are against. Remember Romney, cut teachers and bring in immigrants with degrees. Guess he had no plans to hire any Republicans.

Santorum said education is for snobs.

And Republicans certainly don't want to waste money in infrastructure. It's why they are paving the roads with "gravel".

you are really one twisted old fart....since you twist everything about what Romney, Santorum, and others have said about teachers, immigrants, and jobs....but that's to be expected from a libtard and i don't have the time right now to correct it...

and oh by the way....didn't your boy already 'do infrastructure'.....? :lol:


Stimulating Hypocrisy: 114 Republican Lawmakers Block Recovery While Taking Credit For Its Success

Republicans Voting Against Stimulus Then Asked Obama for Money - Bloomberg

Republican Stimulus Hypocrisy: They Knew it Would Work - USNEWS

At this point, I don't know who took more stimulus money. Democrats or Republicans?

Besides, Republicans gave away trillions to billionaires and spent trillions in Iraq. I think the money would have been better spent here. Don't YOU?

Are you really throwing that old canard? The stimulus didnt work. DOesnt matter who took the money.
Only two million?????

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008

From your article:

NAM’s other legislative goals run the gamut, ranging from expanding wireless networks and modernizing the electrical grid to promoting so-called STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education

All things Republicans are against. Remember Romney, cut teachers and bring in immigrants with degrees. Guess he had no plans to hire any Republicans.

Santorum said education is for snobs.

And Republicans certainly don't want to waste money in infrastructure. It's why they are paving the roads with "gravel".

you are really one twisted old fart....since you twist everything about what Romney, Santorum, and others have said about teachers, immigrants, and jobs....but that's to be expected from a libtard and i don't have the time right now to correct it...

and oh by the way....didn't your boy already 'do infrastructure'.....? :lol:


Stimulating Hypocrisy: 114 Republican Lawmakers Block Recovery While Taking Credit For Its Success

Republicans Voting Against Stimulus Then Asked Obama for Money - Bloomberg

Republican Stimulus Hypocrisy: They Knew it Would Work - USNEWS

At this point, I don't know who took more stimulus money. Democrats or Republicans?

Besides, Republicans gave away trillions to billionaires and spent trillions in Iraq. I think the money would have been better spent here. Don't YOU?

seriously Rdean trillions to billionares? why do you hyper bowl everything? dont you know sarcasim when you see it?
you are really one twisted old fart....since you twist everything about what Romney, Santorum, and others have said about teachers, immigrants, and jobs....but that's to be expected from a libtard and i don't have the time right now to correct it...

and oh by the way....didn't your boy already 'do infrastructure'.....? :lol:


Stimulating Hypocrisy: 114 Republican Lawmakers Block Recovery While Taking Credit For Its Success

Republicans Voting Against Stimulus Then Asked Obama for Money - Bloomberg

Republican Stimulus Hypocrisy: They Knew it Would Work - USNEWS

At this point, I don't know who took more stimulus money. Democrats or Republicans?

Besides, Republicans gave away trillions to billionaires and spent trillions in Iraq. I think the money would have been better spent here. Don't YOU?

seriously Rdean trillions to billionares? why do you hyper bowl everything? dont you know sarcasim when you see it?

The Bush tax cuts cost this country trillions. Clearly, it wasn't the middle class who ended up with the money. It went somewhere, right? While not all of it was given directly to billionaires, when you look at the income gap, clearly, they ended up with it in the end. While the journey may not have been direct, the journey was made, no doubt about it.

Instead of giving away all that money for no apparent gain, I think they should have been more like Eisenhower and spent it on something that would help the country. Not help move jobs to China.
you're the one spewing nonsense....since the recession we are still short 2 million manufacturing jobs...

all you have to do is ask the manufacturers themselves what they need to succeed....this is what they will tell you they want...

--tax reform
--reduce trade barriers
--reduce burdensome regulations

all of the above sounds like the Republican platform to me.....:rolleyes:

Manufacturers Focus on Reforming Tax Code and Reducing Barriers to Trade -

Only two million?????

2.4 million jobs lost due to China from 2001-2008

From your article:

NAM’s other legislative goals run the gamut, ranging from expanding wireless networks and modernizing the electrical grid to promoting so-called STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) education

All things Republicans are against. Remember Romney, cut teachers and bring in immigrants with degrees. Guess he had no plans to hire any Republicans.

Santorum said education is for snobs.

And Republicans certainly don't want to waste money in infrastructure. It's why they are paving the roads with "gravel".

you are really one twisted old fart....since you twist everything about what Romney, Santorum, and others have said about teachers, immigrants, and jobs....but that's to be expected from a libtard and i don't have the time right now to correct it...

and oh by the way....didn't your boy already 'do infrastructure'.....? :lol:

Twist what?

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So Democrats are FOR the rich now? Is that the new talking point? What happened to Democrats hating "the evil rich"?

Or are you suggesting democrats are against the rich AND the middle class?

Please define todays faux-outrage.

you don't get it......Obama and his quisling minions are the ones creating the faux-outrage....

Americans have never been boxed into "classes".......instead they have been free to move up and down the economic scale according to their efforts....

BO and the lefties are the ones creating the roadblocks to American success....heck today a child cannot even put up a lemonade stand without the lefties getting their panties in a twist...

So Obama is putting up roadblocks for the middle class AND the rich?

Is that correct?

democrats and obama are putting the roadblocks for the middle class as they always had. dems were and are the party of the very rich and those on government dependency sheeple.
Like you :D
we conservatives are NOT cheering for an supporting Obama YOU are actually the ones supporting an oligarchy of sorts....because of BO's taxation and numbing regulations that inhibit middle class business growth...they can't afford the pricey lawyers that the big corporations can afford....

the rich will always find a way to get around the rules and regulations and taxes.....just look at how BO rewards his pet projects and rich companies......simply put BO is a corporatist with his own agenda...any socialist fascist wants to control the reins of industry....and he is taking over them step-by-step.....the obvious one is the health industry....but he is also after the banking industry.....the food industry....the transportation industry.....etc.....everything BO is doing is hampering the little business guy....

Screaming Eagle is screaming.

you're the one spewing nonsense....since the recession we are still short 2 million manufacturing jobs...

all you have to do is ask the manufacturers themselves what they need to succeed....this is what they will tell you they want...

--tax reform
--reduce trade barriers
--reduce burdensome regulations

all of the above sounds like the Republican platform to me.....:rolleyes:

Manufacturers Focus on Reforming Tax Code and Reducing Barriers to Trade -

Ah yes, tax reform.

Make sure that it is the working poor and middle class, what is left of it, that are paying all the taxes, and end taxes on the very wealthy.

Reduce trade barriers

Fix it so that we can outsource even more jobs, and not have to deal with the uppity American Worker.

Reduce burdensome regulations

We really need air and water in our rivers like China has. And all those safety measures that protect workers are such a bother. Who cares if a few more people that are unlovable get killed on the job. Plenty of people out there looking for work.

The real GOP platform.
The Bush tax cuts cost this country trillions. Clearly, it wasn't the middle class who ended up with the money. It went somewhere, right? While not all of it was given directly to billionaires, when you look at the income gap, clearly, they ended up with it in the end. While the journey may not have been direct, the journey was made, no doubt about it.

Instead of giving away all that money for no apparent gain, I think they should have been more like Eisenhower and spent it on something that would help the country. Not help move jobs to China.

BS. it was exactly middle class who benefited the most. because it the middle class which is ALWAYS hit the most when the left raises taxes.

the very rich have different taxes.
So Democrats are FOR the rich now? Is that the new talking point? What happened to Democrats hating "the evil rich"?

Or are you suggesting democrats are against the rich AND the middle class?

Please define todays faux-outrage.

Riddle me this..............................

The Dems and Obama attack the evil power companies. Impose and sick the EPA on them. Costs them Billions in Upgrades to satisfy the new regulations. Imposes more taxes on them. Shout the usual mantra that the Evil Corps are against the little people.

You know the usual stuff from Liberal Pravda.

So it happens. The Power companies demand an increase in rates to pay for this. The Fed agrees to it and EVERYONE'S POWER BILL RATE GOES UP TO COVER THE COST...........................................

Does that help the poor and the middle class who just had to spend more for having electricity because of the mandates?
And the fact remains that the amount of the wealth that goes directly to the very wealthy in this nation continues to increase even as the wages of the working poor and middle class continue to decrease. And our 'Conservatives' are very happy with this. Even as they contemplate the growing pile of beer cans in front of their double wide in the red welfare states.
The Bush tax cuts cost this country trillions. Clearly, it wasn't the middle class who ended up with the money. It went somewhere, right? While not all of it was given directly to billionaires, when you look at the income gap, clearly, they ended up with it in the end. While the journey may not have been direct, the journey was made, no doubt about it.

Instead of giving away all that money for no apparent gain, I think they should have been more like Eisenhower and spent it on something that would help the country. Not help move jobs to China.

BS. it was exactly middle class who benefited the most. because it the middle class which is ALWAYS hit the most when the left raises taxes.

the very rich have different taxes.

And when we try to change those taxes to something that is fair, people like you will cry, whine, and snivel about how unfair we are to those poor billionaires.
And the fact remains that the amount of the wealth that goes directly to the very wealthy in this nation continues to increase even as the wages of the working poor and middle class continue to decrease. And our 'Conservatives' are very happy with this. Even as they contemplate the growing pile of beer cans in front of their double wide in the red welfare states.

it is your left which is causing this

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